Public Document Pack Legal and Regulatory Services / Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol a Rheoleiddiol Direct line / Deialu uniongyrchol: 01656 643147 Ask for / Gofynnwch am: Andrew Rees Our ref / Ein cyf: Your ref / Eich cyf: Date / Dyddiad: Wednesday, 18 June 2014 Dear Councillor, CABINET A meeting of the Cabinet will be held in Civic Offices, Angel Street, Bridgend on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 at 2.30 pm . AGENDA 1. Minutes of the Previous Meetings 5 - 30 To receive for approval, the minutes of the meeting of Cabinet of 29 April and 27 May 2014. 2. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence (including non-attendance due to other Council business). 3. Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of personal and prejudicial interest (if any) from Members/Officers in accordance with the provisions of the Members’ Code of Conduct adopted by Council from 1st September 2008. 4. Wales Audit Office - Annual Improvement Report on Bridgend County Borough 31 - 60 Council May 2014 To introduce the report of the Wales Audit Office to Cabinet. 5. Reviewed Performance Management Framework 61 - 98 To present the Council’s reviewed Performance Management Framework for Cabinet to consider, approve and adopt. 6. Financial Performance 2013-14 99 - 118 st To provide Cabinet with information on the Council’s financial performance as at 31 March 2014. 7. Medium Term Financial Strategy 119 - 124 To update Cabinet on the implications for the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) Tel/Ffôn: 01656 643643 Fax/Facs: 01656 668126 Email/Ebost: talkt [email protected] SMS Messaging/Negeseuon SMS: 07581 157014 Twitter@bridgendCBC Website/Gwefan: www.bridgend.gov.uk Text relay: Put 18001 before any of our phone numbers for the text relay service Cyfnewid testun: Rhowch 18001 o flaen unrhyw un o’n rhifau ffon ar gyfer y gwasanaeth trosglwyddo testun following revision of funding assumptions for 2015-16 to 2017-18. 8. Capital Programme 2013-14 to 2023-24 125 - 134 To obtain approval from Cabinet to present a report to Council for a revised capital programme for 2013-14 to 2023-24. 9. Social Housing Allocations Policy 135 - 142 To seek Cabinet approval to end the ‘Transitional Arrangements’ attached to the Social Housing Allocation Policy and create a ‘Residual Group’. 10. Civil Parking Enforcement 143 - 146 To advise members of the current position post implementation of Civil Parking Enforcement in April 2013 and seek views on its further application within Bridgend CBC. 11. Review of Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) and Closure of the 147 - 160 Site at Penllwyngwent, Ogmore Vale To set out for consideration by Cabinet the future provision for domestic household waste recycling centres (HWRC) across the County Borough, including the proposed closure of the site at Penllwyngwent, Ogmore Vale. 12. Provision for Pupils with Additional Learning Needs (ALN): Outcome of 161 - 182 Consultations on Proposal to Establish a Learning Resource Centre Provision at Maesteg Comprehensive School To inform Cabinet of the outcome of the consultation on the proposals to establish learning resource centre at Maesteg Comprehensive School and to present to Cabinet the findings of the consultation in a detailed Consultation Report . 13. South Wales Improvement Collaboration (SWIC) Fostering Project 183 - 188 To outline the steps taken towards achieving a more collaborative approach with other Local Authorities within SWIC in the delivery of in-house fostering services and to seek Cabinet approval to continue to adopt a “Best Practice Model In The Recruitment Of Foster Carers” and to cease the Council’s continuing involvement with the SWIC’s fostering project work steams which outline proposals to establish a regional marketing centre and a move towards a harmonised payment structure for foster carers across the SWIC region. 14. Cessation of Resolutions Fostering Service 189 - 192 To update Cabinet on the recent dissolution of the Resolutions Fostering Service. 15. Provision for Pupils with Additional Learning Needs (ALN): Outcome of the 193 - 200 statutory notice regarding proposed changes to Ysgol Bryn Castell (YBC) Special School, Llangewydd Junior School and Maes yr Haul Primary School To inform Cabinet of the outcome of the statutory notice period to transfer responsibility for the satellite base of Ysgol Bryn Castell Special School, for pupils with communication difficulties, from Maes yr Haul Primary School to the governing body of Llangewydd Junior School. 16. Bridgend Locality Health and Social Care Integration: Next Steps 201 - 208 To update Cabinet on the progress of integrating health and social care services for older and physically disabled people within the County Borough, and to seek approval to continue with the strategic direction set out in the report. 17. Amendment to the Scheme of Delegation of Functions 209 - 214 To seek Cabinet approval for the transfer of Cabinet functions with the Council’s Scheme of Delegation of Functions from the Corporate Director - Resources to the Chief Executive and to approve further amendments to the Scheme of Delegation of Functions. 18. Public Protection Service Plans 215 - 342 To seek Cabinet approval for the Food Law Enforcement Service Plan 2014-2015; Trading Standards Service Delivery Plan 2014-2015; Housing and Pollution Control Service Delivery Plan 2014-2015 and to seek Cabinet approval of a report to Council for the Health and Safety Service Plan 2014-2015. 19. Information Reports and Minutes for Noting 343 - 348 To inform Cabinet of the minutes of Joint Committees and information reports which have been published since its last scheduled meeting. 20. Urgent Item Any Other Business which by reason of special circumstances the Chairperson is of the opinion should be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency. 21. Exclusion of the Public The reports and min utes relating to the followings items are not for publication as they contain exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 14 and 16 of Part 4 and Paragraph 21 of Part 5 Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information)(Variation)(Wales) Order 2007. If following the application of the public interest test Cabinet resolves pursuant to the Act to consider these items in private, the public will be excluded from the meeting during such consideration. 22. Exempt Minutes of the Previous Meetings 349 - 352 To receive for approval, the exempt minutes of the meeting of Cabinet of 29 April and 27 May 2014. 23. Exempt Report of the Corporate Director Children 353 - 358 24. Exempt Report of the Assistant Chief Executive Legal & Regulatory Services 359 - 362 and Monitoring Officer Yours faithfully P A Jolley Assistant Chief Executive Legal and Regulatory Services Distribution: Councillors: Councillors Councillors LC Morgan H J David P J White D Sage M E J Nott OBE M Gregory Pages Agenda Item 1 CABINET - 29 APRIL 2014 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF CABINET HELD IN COMMITTEE ROOMS 1/2/3, CIVIC OFFICES, ANGEL STREET, BRIDGEND, ON TUESDAY, 29 APRIL 2014 AT 2.30PM Present: Councillor M E J Nott - Leader and Chairperson Councillors: D Sage - Deputy Leader H J David - Cabinet Member - Children and Young People M Gregory - Cabinet Member - Resources P J White - Cabinet Member - Communities Officers: D Mepham - Chief Executive S Cooper - Corporate Director - Wellbeing D McMillan - Corporate Director - Children M Shephard - Corporate Director - Communities P A Jolley - Assistant Chief Executive Legal & Regulatory Services and Monitoring Officer S Roberts - Group Manager - School Improvement A Rees - Senior Democratic Services Officer - Committees 413 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from the following Member/Officer for the reasons so stated:- Councillor L C Morgan - Cabinet Member Wellbeing - Unwell. N Young - Corporate Director Resources and Section 151 Officer - not stated. 414 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. 415 WAIVER UNDER CPR 3.2.3 FROM THE REQUIREMENT TO TENDER FOR MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT OF YOUTH OFFENDING SYSTEM FOR THE WESTERN BAY AUTHORITIES The Chief Executive reported that Cabinet gave approval on the 1 April 2014 to establish a Western Bay Youth Justice Management Board to replace the interim combined Western Bay Regional Youth Offending Team Management Board (NEWBO) and the three separate management boards that currently operate in each local authority area, with effect from 1 May 2014. He stated that each Western Bay Authority currently used the same computer system, “Childview” supplied by CACI, which hold the intellectual property rights in the system. The system currently installed was considered fit for purpose and there was no need to retender this requirement. The Chief Executive reported that the three CACI Childview systems operated by the City and County of Swansea Council, Neath and Port Talbot County Borough Council and Bridgend County Borough Council were all relatively new having been implemented from legacy systems on October 2012, May 2013 and December 2013 respectively. The individual authorities had received training to be able to operate the Childview systems and had adapted internal processes to make full use of the systems functionality. The individual youth offending teams were now very experienced in the use of the system, 343 Page 5 CABINET - 29 APRIL 2014 having gone through the change of adapting to the new case management system and there was no doubt that the CACI Childview system was fit for purpose and gave the necessary level of functionality in order to provide the service. Changes would be necessary to existing contracts with CACI in order to combine the three systems and in order to implement a single working computer system for the Western Bay Youth Offending Service, the three existing CACI Childview systems must be amalgamated. In addition the three separate contracts for the software licence and maintenance aspect would need to be consolidated. As Bridgend Council’s contract was the most recent version, this contract should be expanded to cover all the Western Bay Authorities and the individual contracts currently in place between CACI and Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and the City and County of Swansea Council would need to be terminated.
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