REPORT ON THE ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR ACTION WATER FOR LIFE 2005-2015 IMPRINT Editors: Reza Ardakanian, Jens Liebe, Lis Mullin Bernhardt Compilation Assistance: Sabrina Zwick Graphic Design and Layout: Katja Cloud Cover Photo: flickr.com Creative Commons / CIAT Photograhy: UN-Photo, flickr.com Creative Commons All rights reserved. Publication does not imply endorsement. This book was printed and bound in Germany on recycled paper. Prepared by the UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC), Bonn, Germany, on request from UN-Water, with input from its Members, Partners and Programmes. March 2015 © UNW-DPC, 2015 REPORT ON THE ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR ACTION WATER FOR LIFE 2005-2015 © fotolia.com / Netfalls DECADE REPORT 3 FOREWORD BY MICHEL JARRAUD UN-WATER CHAIR (SINCE 2012) In my capacity as Chair of UN-Water, it is Assembly, which explicitly recognized that my pleasure to present to you UN-Water’s access to safe drinking water and sanita- Report on the Achievements during the tion is essential to the full enjoyment of life International Decade for Action, "Water and all human rights. for Life", 2005-2015. The Decade was pro- As we close the Decade and celebrate its claimed by the UN General Assembly in achievements, this report will demonstrate 2003 with the primary goal to promote ef- that much has already been achieved forts to fulfil international commitments throughout the past ten years. Much still made on water and water-related issues by remains to be done, however, in order to 2015. UN-Water, the United Nations inter- secure access to safe drinking water and agency mechanism on all freshwater-relat- sanitation for all. Let us build on the accom- ed issues including sanitation, was tasked plishments of the past decade and allow it with coordinating activities for implement- to provide a strong basis for future action. ing the Decade. Prepared on the occasion Applying the lessons learned, we can and of the end of the Decade, the following must use the years to come as a chance report provides an overview of the mile- for joint action. Within our mandate, stones and major activities implemented UN-Water will continue to provide a mech- during this period, discusses remaining anism for coordination within the UN sys- gaps and the need for further action. tem to support Member States foster ac- In recognition of the great water chal- cess to drinking water and sanitation for all lenges the world faces today and the ur- as well as manage the whole water cycle. gent need to address them, the Decade At this point, I would like to take the oppor- was explicitly conceived to be a “Decade tunity to express my gratitude to the do- for Action”. Looking back at the achieve- nors which funded UN-Water’s two Decade ments made during the past ten years, I Programmes, as well as their hosts: the can proudly say that this has truly been the German Government, which funded the case. During the Decade, a number of sig- UN-Water Decade Programme on Capac- nificant milestones were reached. One of ity Development in Bonn, Germany, hosted the most prominent was the declaration, by the United Nations University; and the in 2010, that the MDG target of halving, Spanish Government, which funded the by 2015, the proportion of the population UN-Water Decade Programme on Advoca- without sustainable access to safe drinking cy and Communication in Zaragoza, Spain, water had been declared met - five years hosted by the United Nations Department ahead of schedule. This is an achievement of Economic and Social Affairs. I am also which can give reason for optimism and grateful to all others which made the work pride. The sanitation sector has also made of UN-Water possible during the Decade significant progress but still lags behind its and contributed to its success, including target, especially in Southern Asia and sub- the donors that contributed to UN-Water’s Saharan Africa. Another major milestone Inter-Agency Trust Fund and the dedicated of the Decade was the declaration of the work of UN-Water’s Members and Part- human right to safe drinking water and ners, without whom the work of UN-Water sanitation by the United Nations General would not be possible. © fotolia.com / Netfalls © fotolia.com © flickr.comfotolia.com Creative/ Netfalls Commons / CIFOR DECADE REPORT 5 PREFACE Coming to the end of an eventful Interna- United Nations University and supported tional Decade for Action, "Water for Life", by the German Government. The report 2005-2015, it is now time to look back presents the major achievements made and summarize the achievements made during the “Water for Life” Decade and is throughout the Decade. For this purpose, structured according to the goals set out the UN-Water Decade Programme on for the Decade: Achieving internationally Capacity Development was requested by agreed water-related goals; a greater fo- UN-Water to develop this report, focus- cus on water-related issues at all levels; ing on major unique added value initia- the implementation of water-related tives carried out during the Decade by all programmes and projects; striving to en- entities of UN-Water. sure the participation and involvement It is now my pleasure to present this De- of women in water-related development cade Report, which provides the reader efforts; and the furtherance of coopera- with some background on the "Water for tion at all levels. While this report already Life" Decade and some information on presents a wealth of activities carried UN-Water, the United Nations inter-agency out and achievements made through- mechanism on all freshwater-related is- out the Decade, it is worth mentioning sues, including sanitation, which was that UN-Water Members, Partners and tasked with coordinating the activities of Programmes engaged in many more ac- the United Nations for implementing the tivities - too many to mention all of them Decade. It also highlights the two UN- individually, but all of them contributing Water Decade Programmes, which were to making the International Decade for established to support UN-Water with Action, "Water for Life", a success. implementing the Decade: the UN-Water I wish you an enjoyable read and would Decade Programme on Advocacy and like to express my gratitude to all Communication (UNW-DPAC), located in UN-Water Members, Partners and Pro- Zaragoza, Spain, hosted by UNDESA and grammes who contributed to this re- supported by the Spanish Government, port, as well as to all donors and Member and the UN-Water Decade Programme States who contributed and participated on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC), in activities throughout the Decade. located in Bonn, Germany, hosted by the REZA ARDAKANIAN FOUNDING DIRECTOR/OFFICER-IN-CHARGE UN-WATER DECADE PROGRAMME ON CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT (UNW-DPC) © flickr.com Creative Commons / CIFOR Creative / Netfalls © flickr.com fotolia.com 6 INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR ACTION, "WATER FOR LIFE", 2005-2015 CONTENT 9 — ACRONYMS ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE GOALS OF THE DECADE 19 INTRODUCTION 11 19 — OVERALL DECADE GOAL: ACHIEVING INTERNATIONALLY BACKGROUND 13 AGREED WATER-RELATED GOALS 13 — GOALS FOR THE DECADE FOR Action, “WATER FOR 19 — DRINKING WATER AND SANITATION TARGET IN THE Life”, 2005-2015 MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS 20 — SHIFTING EMPHASIS TO A RIGHTS-BASED APPROACH 14 — GOVERNANCE AND BASIS OF THE DECADE 20 — DEVELOPING INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AND WATER EFFICIENCY PLANS 15 — ABOUT THE COORDINATOR OF THE DECADE: UN-WATER 15 — UN-WATER THEMATIC PRIORITY AREAS AND TASK GOAL 1: A GREATER FOCUS ON FORCES 23 WATER-RELATED ISSUES 16 — UN-WATER PROGRAMMES 16 — THE WORLD WATER ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME 24 — UN-WATER CAMPAIGNS (WWAP) 24 — THE INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR ACTION, ”WATER 16 — THE UN-WATER DECADE PROGRAMME ON CAPACITY FOR LIFe”, 2005-2015 CAMPAIGN DEVELOPMENT (UNW-DPC) 25 —WORLD WATER DAY 17 — THE UN-WATER DECADE PROGRAMME ON ADVOCACY 26 —THE DRIVE TO 2015: SANITATION FOR ALL AND COMMUNICATION (UNW-DPAC) 27 —WORLD TOILET DAY 17 — THE WHO/UNICEF JOINT MONITORING PROGRAMME FOR WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION (JMP) 28 — UN-WATER INFORMATION MATERIALS AND PUBLICATIONS 28 — UN-WATER’S TECHNICAL ADVICE ON A DEDICATED WATER GOAL 29 —THE WORLD WATER DEVELOPMENT REPORT (WWDR) 30 —THE UN-WATER GLOBAL ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF SANITATION AND DRINKING-WATER (GLAAS) 31 —PROGRESS ON SANITATION AND DRINKING WATER (JMP REPORT) 31 —UN-WATER ANALYTICAL AND POLICY BRIEFS DECADE REPORT 7 GOAL 2: IMPLEMENTATION OF GOAL 4: THE FURTHERANCE OF WATER-RELATED PROGRAMMES WATER COOPERATION 39 AND PROJECTS 33 41 CONCLUSION 33 — UN-WATER DECADE PROGRAMMES 33 — THE UN-WATER DECADE PROGRAMME ON CAPACITY 41 — INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR Action, “WATER FOR DEVELOPMENT (UNW-DPC) Life”, 2005-2015 34 — THE UN-WATER DECADE PROGRAMME ON ADVOCACY AND COMMUNICATION (UNW-DPAC) 42 — RecAP: MAJOR MILESTONES Within the “WATER FOR Life” DECADE 2005-2015 34 — UN-WATER MULTI-AGENCY/ FEATURED PROJECTS 34 — THE UN-WATER FEDERATED WATER MONITORING SYSTEM AND KEY WATER INDICATOR PORTAL 34 — THE UN-WATER COUNTRY BRIEFS PROJECT 35 — THE SAFE USE OF WASTEWATER IN AGRICULTURE 44 — REFERENCES PROJECT 46 — LIST OF UN-WATER MEMBERS AND PARTNERS 35 — CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT TO SUPPORT NATIONAL DROUGHT MANAGEMENT POLICIES ANNEX 48 — ANNEX 1 - OVERVIEW OF THE TOPICS COVERED IN THE WORLD WATER DEVELOPMENT REPORT (WWDR) DURING THE GOAL 3: STRIVING TO ENSURE DECADE, 2005-2015 49 — ANNEX 2 - OVERVIEW OF THE FOCUS OF THE GLOBAL THE PARTICIPATION OF ANALYSIS AND ASSESSMENT OF SANITATION AND DRINKING- WOMEN
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