Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1981 Daily Egyptian 1981 9-9-1981 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 09, 1981 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1981 Volume 66, Issue 13 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 09, 1981." (Sep 1981). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1981 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1981 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~.'., it (ius 4'" ,r;~J 1Jod(> ~ 'Daily 'Egyptian j ~-~ (.u, ~a.\~ 10 rpally hplp slOOpn" W('dn('sday. S('pl('mb('r 9. 1981 . \'01 fi6.:\0 n ("')Olllh(,ln ~PI thp ('ost of Ih'ing undpr Illinois lJnhrr.(.,ity I'fmtrnl thp~ ought In organilf' " i)ppr and pizza ('fH)p. USOtobegin book co-op in December fh :\tikp\nlhon\ [·"urs{'~. "nd would tx> I('~< siaff \"ri~r . hkf'ly Ir, ~I'II thplr hooks back . .-\I~(). man\' textbook .-\ book ('oopt'r<ltl\'{'. SpOil l'rlJtlons hil\f' "ha'ng('d bEotw~'n sort>d by the l'ndt-rgraduatgp the spnng and fall semt'sters Studl"nt OrganiZ<!tJon. Will hfogln and the tot<ll participation In the collE'Cting books the last Wt't'K of ['o-up "ould bt, much I('~s fall semt'St('r and h('gln s('lhng H.t.~t'rs said hooks to students thl" fm;: week The hook (·o·op . "" 111 of tht' 1982 spring seme:<ter d(>fmltd~ l<tke place m the "Tht' purpose of the l'SO book Sludt'nt ('('nt('r." Cook said co-op IS .. that studt-nls ha\'(' a Student~ Will be ahlE' to p1C'k real . opportunity to stop up unsold books or ('heck~ for groaning ahout hook prices and hooks that an' sold at tht' ('SIl help each other ('ut the cost of Offlc(,~ on th(' third noor of thf' high('r t'ducation." sald Todd Student c.'nt£'r Rogers s.ud Rogers. ('SO prl"sident thef(, ""u;d he . "pprnXlm<ltrl\ Students using the hook ['o-op a thrt'l'" t't'k period bdorr will s('t th(,lr own prices (or eht'cks can be pl('kt>d up" th(,lr books folio" ing ('so ~'all:>t' the ,'nP<'ks musl i!n • . ", Staff photo hy John T. :\I ..rkl .. establish('d guidelines and through l'ni\,prsity Dlshur· Tpodd ( rallt'y: right. Sl'nlor In radio-T\. and Jt'rry soliciting funeL. for reward money for information min\l~ a Ifl percent commisslOn "t'mf'nts robsl. semor in psychology. stand besldt' leadi.. to th . "When a student SE'lls a hook "Hopt'fully. we be able to rolleclion cans which are.bt'ing distributed ror 'he dert'r!r back to the l'nivE'rsltv expedite thE' dlsbursemt'nts Schu':n~~2~::~!:'!.:;!!.o:':: ::a:..n~::' Bookstore. it pays about half the proc('S.<;. but the actual amount :~nd:::~':::!: :::;!!/~~U:rt.,..~~:tT::::; ;:~~!. 17 along a path known as the "Hot.. i :\tinh price the student paid. If a of time that It will take has not student paid $20 for a book at ~n set." Rogers said. the bookstore. he could set the The Student Senate has. price at the CIH>P for $16. Minus allocated $1.617 to the Bnnk ("0- the 10 percent commission. the op Bureau. The \lSO wI\\ be Begin arrives for talks on student would comE' ou! aheact contracti nlg a recognized $4.40." Rogers said. student organizalion to provide The commission wjJJ be used manpower for the operation. for "operating expenses and The student organizatian will publicity. es~jally for the firs! get "a percentage 01 the profits Reagan's Saudi arms package ~~';;, J::;d.' Cook. USO chief ~fc'!s~~O:~::' for U. ser- The l'niversitv Bookstore will PatheaJ said "the worst parI WASHINGTON lAP) Congress. Wednesday. pro\'ide the co-Op with a list of ofthe co-op will be that students Israeli Prime Minister "This could be a milestone in books to be used next spring and who assign their books to it will Menachem Begin and his top strengthening our relation· But an Israeli official. who the co-op will have access to the have to wait for their mone\'." Cabinet ministers arrived ship." a senior official told insisted on anonymity. said bookstore's wholesale blu(' She said the co-op is well Tuesdav for talks with reporters Tuesday. He said that Begin does not plan to mount a book, :'<iaomi Path('al. President Reagan that could while Reagan will not offer a full-scale public attack on the l'ni\'ersity Bookstore manager. ~~~a~:ze~:l~~d ~nL'~~~t'fl~~t seal the fate of the ad· defense alliance-which Begin sale while he is in the l;nited said. The most current book 'Students who USf' the co-op ministration's embattled $8.3- has long wanted-other States. "It will be a low·kev prices will also be given to the will have a chance to par· billion arms package for Saudi measures are being considered. approach." he said. co-op. licipate in a service that the Arabia. These include storing equip­ Originally th(' book co·op was student gO\'ernmt>nt provides Reag,.n. who will be meeting ment in Israel for American other top issu('s on the to begin collecting books the for them," Rogers said. Begin for the first time. ap­ forces to use in an emergency. agenda include the resumption last we('k of the sum mer Another service in the works parently is prepared to offer the "We both agree on the Soviet in two weeks of Israeli­ semester and begin selling is a development of a tenant Israeli leader closer militarY Egyptian negotiations on books the first week of fall union "that hOJX'fully will be links with the United StateS. ~Wat~ed~~~il~~~!n:!!::!!II~ Palestinian autonomv and the st'mesler. Rogers said. bettef than the one we had four possibly iocluding access to be identified by name or job. outlook for the curreni ceasefire Th(' reason for the dela\' IS years ago." Rog('rs said. intelligence information Begin. who is on his 12th visit in Lebanon. The Israeli because less students attended Ht' said most of the tenant galilered by American to the Vnited States. has government has voiced concern Sll··r during the summ('r unions at other schools the FSO reconnaissance satellites. criticized the Saudi arms sale about the rearming of semester than in the spring and has looked at "are just advisory Administration officials hope as "endang.. ring very seriously Palestinian guerrillas in the fall semesters. Rogers said and the\' can't take anv action. Begin will muffle his opposition the security of Israel." He is south by Libya and other Arab most students with summ('r We'rE' studying the possibility of to the Saudi arms sale. which expected to reiterate this supporters of the Palestine classes "were in continuing <! relationship with the Sit· faces a close vote next month in position when he sees R('agan Liberation Organization. education and special summer Stud('nt Attorney" Court to hear Cooke defense claim Students face hearing ANDREWS AIR FORCE conspired "to walk away from" Cooke himself said little ~ore BASE, Md. lAP l - A pale and a promise to drop the ('ase than "Yes Sir." in the tight·lipped 2nd Lt Christopher against his client in ('xchange preliminary proceedings, which on cocaine charlfes M. Cooke won a key opening test for his account to investigators dwelt principally on whether he Two SIl;·(' students who Steiner. in his espionage trial Tuesday of his contacts with Soviet of· fully understood his rights. were arrested in Carbondale According to a l".S District as an Air Force tribunal agreed ficials. Pedrotty is one of three on Sept. 3 by Drug En· Court clerk, Olson allegedly to hear a defense claim that the On that issue. Lt. Col. David people who were involved in a forcement Administration lold an informant that he military owes him immunih' for Orser. th(' presiding military key telephonf,! conversation on officer!. on charg('s of would pro\'lde hirr with two ha\'ing -spelled out his dealings judge. award('d Cooke the right :\lay 9. during Cooke's in· unlawful d('liverv of cocaine. or more pounds of cocaine with the Soviets. to call as a witn('ss his first terrogation. The defense con­ are scheduled to appear in through Steiner. The in· Cooke. former deputy com­ military attorney, Capt. tends the Air Force made an l'S District Court in Benton formant then aiJegedly l.lander of a Titan II missle Francis Pedrot!y. who was offer of immunity which should on Thursday for a bought the cocaine from launch crew at McConnell AFB. assigned to represent him four now protect Cooke from preliminary hearing. Steiner for $13.200. The Kan. has been charged with 11 days after his arrest :\Olay 5. prosecution. Brian Steiner, 407 W. Peran transaction was observed by counts of failing to report Soviet Normally. a person may not SI.. a senior in administrative DEA agents who then filed a contacts and three of conveying act as counsel and witness at a The other parties were Lt. science. and Barry K Olson. warrant for Steiner's and defense information. If con· militarv trial. But Orser agreed Col. Jerome Hoffmann. the Air II 16 N. Bridge, a junior in Olson's arrest. victed on all charges.
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