'll' H !■■(■ \ \ \ i \ ' w .>,,v . Sb| PAGE FC^BtY manrlifistfr lEiiPtting WEDNESDAY, MARCri 18, 1970 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock The Ben Bara chapter of Gate of Heaven Mothers Cir­ Brotherhood in Action will Mrs. WUUam Spatlg of 6SA About Town B’hal BYtth and Charter Oak cle will meet tonight at 8 p.m. meet .tonight at 8 at the KofC Charter Oak St. g e n t ly was j Lodge of Manchester wlH hold at the home of Mrs. Stanley Home. elected to her seventh.term as Averase Dally Net Prew Run The Weather teitor Warctoi Hu«>ld Leg> a Joto*t meeting March 24 at Richmond, 101 Helaine Rd. Mrs. president of the Ftiendriilp I g«tt will 'pretlde tor the FeHow- 8:30 p.m. at'Temple Beth Sho- William Hebert will be the co­ For The Woek Boded Partly cloudy tonight with Our Lady of Unity Mothers Circle of the SalvaUon' Army. craft degree when FYlendahlp tom. Tile program will be a hostess. Other officers elected are Mrs, FRONT END DYNAMICS Jonuary 14, 1973 patchy fog developing. Low 80 Circle will meet tonight at 8. at lAdgw of Maaona me^ta at 7:90 wine tasting party. Refresh­ Frank Dtmcan, vice president; to 86, ’Tomorrow Hair with high tom om w night at the Maaonlc ments will be served. Delta Chapter, Royal Arch the home of ifrs. Thomas Park­ 46 to 60. aaturday’a ouUook — er, 18 Gerard St. Mrs. James Munsie, treasurer I Temple. Officer dreaa la tuxedo. Masons, wUl meet tonight at 7:80 tor her ninth te>ni; Mrs. 'Thom­ WIi n I Balancins 15,890 rain likely. Refreahmenta will be aerved The Stein Club and the Steln- p.m. at the Masonic Temple. as Blevins, secreikry tor her Maneheter— A City of Village Charm after the meeting. ettee wUl sponsor a seafood After the business meeting, The executive board of • the seventh term; Mrs. Doris How- | For ----- ? night tor members and friends there will be a social hour with Waddell School PTA will meet ard, chaplain; Mrs. Alton Mun­ Shack Absorbers (CIoMlfled Aldveitlaing on Page >1) PRICE TEN CENTS ICamflieater Oommunity Col­ Friday from 6 to 9 p.m. at refreshments. tonight at 7:80 in the school sie, education, and tellowetilp; : V<Mi. LXXXK, NO. 143 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1970 lege ataff memiMni Mario V. the 'VFW Poet Home. Tickets library. Mrs. Maynard Clough, special Brake Service ' Flondella, director of the divi- may be purchased at the door. The North Manchester AL- work; Mrs. Thomas McCann, LftMe TTieatre of Manchester EXPERT aion of mathematica, adence, Anon family group will meet to­ for her seventh term as head night at 8 p.m. In the parish will meet tonight at 8 at its and health aervicea careera, Cub Scout Pack 98 will have of the work committee; and | 4 Wheel Alignment house of the Second Congrega­ studios, 22 Oak St. Mrs. Us and Dr. Heit>ert Bandea, direc­ its Plnewood Derby tonight at Mrs. William Hall, sunshine. tor of planning, are attending tional Church. The Thursday Humphries, Manchester artist, Teacher Strike Buckley School. Oars will be group will meet at 8 p.m. In will give a demonstration in Nixon Bids to Help the three-day international od- checked in from 6:10 to 6:40 The annual Irish tea and I 244 BROAD STREET—MANCHESTER, CONN. lege and unlveralty conference the Pathfinders Club at 102 Nor­ acrylics. Closes Schools p.m. Oars not checked in before man St. Both groups meet week­ luncheon of the Women’s Home (BEHIND THE DAIRY QUEEN) — PHONE 649-4045 Mail Strike Spreads and expoaltlon in Atlantic City, 6:40 will not be eligible to race. GRISWOLD, Conn. (AlP)— ly Emd are open to friends and St. Elizabeth Mothers Circle League of the Salvation Army, NJ. The Pack charter wlH also be Public School daases tor relatives of a person with a will meet tonight at 8:10 p.m. originally scheduled for tomor-1 Poor Attend College o ________ 1,800 pupils hero wots can­ presented during the evening. severe drinking problem. at the home of Mrs. Michael row, has been canceled due to celed IndeflnlWy Wednesday Miancheater Bamudca, World Massaro of 67 White 9t. Oo- iUneas of the members. WASHING’TON (APj — Pro- son whose family earns more after most of the school Wlar I Veterans, and its Auxil­ The Commission on MQsslons, The Rev. Dr. J. Manley hostess will be Mrs. Eklgar poelng a major reform of feder­ than $16,000 a year is nine times iary will meet tor a poUuck teachers went on ckrike. the CorranlsBlon on Member­ Shaw, pastor of South United Berube. The Senior Choir of Center al aid to college students, Prielsl- more likely to attend college Sunday at 2 p.m. at the VFW ship and Evangelism and the Methodtst Church, will speak .at Oongregational Church will have dent Nixon asked Congress to­ than a young person whose fam­ Of the 73 toachers in the Throughout Three States Home. There will a meeting p e Commission on Education of a Lenten Quiet Hour Service St. Mary’s Episcopal Church a social tonight at 9 p.m. in IlOUSI /■ //S day to put even the poorest stu­ ily earns less than $3,000." school system, 38 are mem­ after the dinner. Members are South United Methodist Church tonfight at 7:80 at Emanuel will not have confirm atlon Robbins Room of the church. dents on an equal financial foot­ He said it is now time to bers of the striking Griswold reminded to bring' articles for will meet tonight at 7:80 p.m. Lutheran Church. The Eman­ classes for children and adults ing With those coming from achieve a long-held national Education Association. NEW YORK (AP) — a cnqt auoUion end a dish of food at the church. uel Choir will sing. on Palm Sunday or Easter. fOmlUM earning $10,000 a year. goal that "no qualified student After a unanimous strike The nation’s first letter tor the potluck. Oatvniry Church will hold mid­ vote at a meeting of 66 SHOE In a special message, the who wants to go to college carrier strike continued to week warship and prayer ser- most arresting feature in a ser- should be barred by lack of memibers Tuesday night, the spread to wider areas of up­ vtoe tonight at 7 :80 p.m. iee of Nixon-advocated changes money." teachers struck over alleged would greatly increase dollars Another Nixon recommenda­ failure <Vf the Board of Edu­ per state New York, New available for grants and loans to tion would create a national stu­ cation to agree to contract Jersey and Connecticut as ■I fS' Trinity Covenant Church Choir the city’s mailmen defied a wUl meet tcnighit at 8:16 p.m. at I lALE Gef A Loi O f students from low-tocome fami­ dent loan association which terms worked out In arbi­ the church. lies. He SBld: could purchase student loan pa­ tration. ’The contract, woUW back-to-work court order. "Every low-income student per from banks and other finan­ begin neset fail. Meanwhile, the 8,000-member Fashion With entering an accredited college cial institutions, thus making Key Issues In the dispute Brooklyn Postal Union, repre­ Commimlty Baptist Church . ' ' - r " A would be eligible for a comblnia- available additional funds for Included failtna of the sctiool senting clerks, drivers, mall board of trustees will meet to- tton of federal grants and subsl- private loans. board to agree to grievance handers, and maintenance men -ai night at 7:80 p.m. in the Youth Your Savings! diaed loans sufficient to give Because the association would board actions. ’Ihe only voted today to Join the letter Building. him the same ability to pay as a be privately financed, Nixon procedures governing future carriers In the strike. ON SALE THROUGH SAT;, student from a family earning said, "this would serve to make money at Issue is the provl' As postmen in many cities Community Baptist Church MARCH 21. ONLY $10,000.’’ more money available tor the slon for eevMonoe pay. across the nation prepared to board of deacons, will meet to­ ’liie administration program student loan program, and it ’The contract worked out vote on whether to strike, work night at 7:90 p.m. in the Youth would make federally g;uanan- would do so at no additional cost through mediation and arbi­ halted In post offices throughout j Building. teed hians available to every to the government.” tration. under the auspices northern New Jersey thta morn­ DO YOU qualified student, regardless of He estimated the association of the state Board of FMuoa- ing. ’The Women’s Society of the income level of his family. would buy up to $2 billion In stu­ tlon, Is a two-year document Paterson, Hackensack, Jersey HAVE Community Baptist Church will .90 But, the President said, direct dent loan paper In the 1972 fls^ eiccept tor a one-yecu: expira­ City and Bayonne were the ma­ ’’federal subsidlos would be di­ cal year Uat begins July 1, 1971. THE hold a sewing day tor Mans­ Req. tion of the salary features of jor New Jersey clUee affected. field State Training School to- rected to students who need Under the Nixon plan, the the conittract. All mail deUverles were can­ UNIFORM morrow from 9 a.m. to 2:80 $15.00 Ulem most.” government also would lay out A spokesman for the Grls- celed at Stamford, Conn., when Nhcon said the effect of con- "BLAHS?" p.m.
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