Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER 1958 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 490 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. TUESDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER 1958. not ship zinc concentrates because of low prices. The decision of the United States Government will therefore have no Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. A. R. Fletcher, immediate direct effect on Mount Isa Cunningham) took the chair at 11 a.m. production. There is no doubt, however, that lead and zinc from other producing countries will now be diverted from the QUESTIONS. United States to the European markets, UNEMPLOYED OFFENDERS FROM OTHER STATES. with almost certainly further depression of prices, which could retard further planned Mr. V. E. JONES (Callide), for development at Mount Isa. Producers of I\Ir. ROBERTS (Whitsunday), asked the kad and zinc in other Australian States Minister for Justice- who have previously exported to the '' With a view to confirming my conten­ United States will, however, be immediately tion that so called 'Tourists' from other and more seriously affected. The Leader States, particularly New South Wales, are of the Opposition may rest assured that contributing greatly to the unemployment my Government is keeping in close touch figures in Queensland, will he advise this with the Commonwealth Government on House the number of 'Tourists,' with this matter and maintaining a strict watch their official address elsewhere than in this on the position. We will take all possible State, who have appeared before Magis­ steps to preserve the prosperity of this trates in Queensland since the commence­ most important Queensland industry.'' ment of this year~" Hon. A. w. lUUNRO (Toowong) MANUFACTURE OF SYNTHETIC OR FILLED MILK. replied- lUr. THACKERAY (Keppel) asked the '' The information called for by the Minister for Agriculture and Stock- Honourable Member is not ascertainable " (1) Has his attention been drawn to from the records under the control of the the introduction of synthetic milk, more Department of Justice.'' commonly known in Great Britain as filled milk, on the Australian markets~" AMERICAN RESTRICTION ON IMPORTS OF '' (2) As filled milk can be sold for half LEAD AND ZINC. the cost of fresh milk and, if allowed to be manufactured in Queensland, would virtu­ lUr. LLOYD (Kedron), for I\Ir. DUGGAN ally cripple the dairying industry, would (North Toowoomba-Leader of the Opposi­ he inform the House what artion the Gov­ tion), asked the Premier- ernment is prepared to take in this urgent '' In view of the extremely adverse effect matter~'' on the Australian economy of the United Hon. 0. 0. IIIADSEN (Warwick) States decision to restrict lead and zinc replied- imports, and the resultant serious threat to employment and development in Australia " (1) I have no knowledge of filled milk and ultimately in the Mount Isa field, will having been marketed in Queensland. I he give Parliament his strong assurance do, however, know it has recently been that his Government is in close and active offered for sale in Britain.'' liaison with the Commonwealth Government "(2) The subject of filled milk is listed on this matter and that he will bring the for discussion at the forthcoming meeting greatest pressure to bear on the Common­ of the Australian Agricultural Council on wealth to act quickly in making representa­ October 9 and 10 and it appears that tions to Washington, so that in the event consideration will be given to uniformity of any relaxation of the United States of action by the States. The Honourable import quotas, Australia, and specifically Member may be assured that every pos­ Queensland, will not lose out in a diplo­ sible action will be taken by the Govern­ matic battle with the equally interested and ment to protect the dairying industry formidable block of Latin-American repub­ against competition from filled milk.'' lics and other mineral-exporting countries g" ARJ\ISTRONG HousiNG CmnnssiON SETTLE­ Hon. G. F. R.. NICKLIN (Lands­ MENT, TOWNSVILLE. borough) replied- I\Ir. CO BURN (Burdekin), for '' The silver-lead bullion produced by ltir. AIKENS (Mundingburra), asked the Mount Isa Mines Limited has in the past Treasurer and Minister for Housing- been sent to Great Britain for refining '' Did he in reply to a question by me and the refined lead has been sold on say on 10 September, 1957, that other sites the European market. The zinc concen­ at the Armstrong Housing Commission trates from Mount Isa have been settlement at Townsville would be e:x;amined smelted elsewhere than in the United so as to provide filling of low-lying allot­ States. For some time, Mount Isa did ments for civilian tenants, as was provided Questions. [30 SEPTEMBER,] Questions. 491 for four houses in the settlement occupied CATTLE TRUCKING YARDS, MT. ISA. by service personnel, and that a drum and hose system of sullage disposal would be Mr. A. J. SMITH (Carpentaria) asked the Minister for Transport- installed to the four houses occupied by service personnel and to other rental houses " (1) With the proposed removal of the on the Estate~ If so, will he inquire if his cattle trucking yards at Mount Isa from its assurance has been honoured or whether present site to one further north, will he these amenities have been provided only to advise (a) What proportion of cost of the four houses occupied by service person­ such removal is being borne by Mount I sa Mines; (b) What proportion of cost is nel~" being paid by the oil companies whose Hon. T. A. HILEY (Coorparoo) depots will be removed along the new rail­ replied- way extension; and (c) What proportion of cost is being met by the Railway Depart­ '' Following my assurance given on Sep­ ment~'' tember 10, 1957, an examination was made of 153 sites on the Armstrong Estate, '' (2) Will he urgently ask the Com­ Townsville, the number of drum and hose missioner, who is at present in Mount Isa, units necessary for each house was deter­ to investigate the _possibility of placing mined, the amount of filling required for further funds for the purpose of extend­ each site estimated, and quotes for the ing the new trucking yards site further supply and spreading of filling were north so that it >vill not be in the midst obtained. I have now approved the accep-. of the new housing area at Mount Isa ~ '' tance of a quotation for the filling. Speci­ Hon. A. W. 1\IUNRO (Toowong- fications for the supply and installation Minister for Justice), for Hon. G. W. W. of drum and hose system of sullage dis­ CHALK (Lockyer), replied- posal were forwarded to Townsville on 29th instant for calling of tenders closing " ( 1) (a) Mount I sa Mines will bear 21st proximo. Drum and hose system has the total removal costs to the proposed been provided to the four houses occupied Northern site. (b) The Oil Companies will pay to Mount Isa MinPs Limited the cost by service personnel. ' ' of their sidings from the Main Line into the oil installations. (c) Nil." CASH EQUIVALENT OF LONG-SERVICE LEAVE '' (2) I discussed with the Commissioner FOR FEMALE OFFICERS. prior to his leaving on his present inspec­ tion of the North-Western area, the possi­ Mr. CO BURN (Burdekin), for bility of alternative sites for the cattle Mr. AIKENS (Mundingburra), asked the yards-as had been discussed with me by Premier- my colleague the Minister for Agriculture '' (1) Is it a fact that in his Annual and Stock (Hon. 0. 0. Madsen, M.L.A.) Report recently presented to Parliament the and various grazing interests-and arrange­ Public Service Commissioner stated, inter ments were made for a conference with alia, that by regulation, from May 1, 1958 Mount Isa Mines Ltd. I understand female officers of his Department wer~ the conference took place d urillg last week granted cash equivalent of long-service and immediately the Commissioner returns to Brisbane I shall further discuss the leave on marriage after 7 years service W" matter with him. " '' (2) Will he inform the House if this commendable concession will also be granted ADDITIONAL CLASSROOMS, MT. ISA HIGH to all female Government employees~'' ScHOOL. '' (3) Will the relevant Acts be amended to provide this concession to all female lUr. A. J. S~IITH (Carpentaria) asked employees in industry~'' the Minister for Education- '' With the anticipated increase in school Hon. G. F. R. NICKLIN (Landsborough) attendance at the Mount Isa State High replied- and Intermediate School what provision " (1) Yes." has been made for the additional class­ ' ' ( 2) This concession applies to all rooms in order to have them ready for the female employees in Crown employment commencement of school in the new year, with the exception of those of the Com­ 1959 ~" missioner for Railways who are covered by Hon. J. C. A. PIZZEY (Isis) rwlied- the Railway By-laws." " The Department of Public Works has "(3) Crown employees have always advised that plans for arlditional accom· enjoyed more liberal long-service leave modation for the State High and Inter­ conditions than those prescribed by the mediate School at Mount Isa are in the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration course of preparation and every effort is Acts and any variation of this anange­ being made to ensure that the additional ment is one for consideration in any general classroom requirement will be in readiness review of the long-service leave prescrip­ for occupation as early as possible next tions in those Acts.'' year." 41}2 QueBtionB. [ASSEMBLY.] Screening of Films. STATEMENT BY MR. GRULKE ON SCHOLARSHIP The requisite depth at that time was cal· EXAMINATION. culated at 12 feet 6 inches.'' "(2) The question is entirely academic Mr. HOUSTON (Bulimba) asked the Minister for Education- as in the intervening years .
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