It ; ■ .... ' i_ _ ~ os-ao3:3 Idaho S tate Htoto rlcatcat S-oe.S-oe» ' . ’__________---------------------------------■ -■ ' . , ■ b i a H.-JuHrTjulia a DDa^lo Dr. 7 ; . - » ■ _ Bolaa,• IdshoIdaho'. ; V, '£3^106*0 6 I> y.o O o O e O H ^ ,'V '. Wea'tlier'---' Home D o w n r i g h t C o o l l e d i - ^ — -feBZIjK -r—t0 t 0 * Final1 MaMagic Valley *s HomeHonu Newspaper^per ■ . .................. ■ V O L . G5, N O ; 2Sr) TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. tHUR§P'AYrHURgp'AYr JANUARY -?3.-19G9'..1 9 G 9 -., ■,, , . T E N C E N T S r _ . * _ _ - ^ ^ n a i d oe ^ s i J C ui t S w a l iSteoi I Soiitlitlu Killi l l 2 a ^=BucherfWai = j ¥ w ^ s -;cr.s t e i T os ss s - C a S y j, Court MartWarlial ] '0 H-—'I ^ .......—— ,.J::o RQN.M50, Calir. rUPI)IPl) —itlumped-Idum pe _overboard before he HJ o m ejsJ s in = ®f ixe a e ; ^ - I./- Cmdr. IJoyd M. Buclier, nlmosf“surrnri ^ W > Cm di nl m os f “su r r n nd e r e (1“ ^ ■“ . I. certainly will ho court mDrtialed;irtialed; The orphan, graduate of Boys ^ I ..., . for the luss of the intelligencelligence Town,Town. Neb., conceded the Unit- 1 ' ship USS J’uehlo. led StrStates lost the ship without } ■M After three clays of testimony5timony firing a shot and that he person- ‘ '• —-'Qixiut-events alxiu loading 10 surrcn--aiiy.(hrewsurrcn--a||y-ii his two pistols over- - m s A r e HIII u n te d ^ . dcr of his ship, Bucher -was board, i V ic tim s ■I'l- :r -was board. ' I w a rn e d by th e U.S.- N a v y W ed-, -jn,„ hard-nosed admirals', j v r . -;. -3^V I nesday nosd: that he was "suspected.”; dmirals . HAZLEHURST. Miss. (UIPl)— P I)- s»msaihe family, were klll.^_whenwhen It^wa:It^was .dispatching -three disas-—------ j - : on the Board of Inquiry listened De. E | . of a violation of the Naval Code;“J'„',"° listcnca E>eadly-tornadoes out throughrough theiitheir house in White Oak in\ eastcast ter spspecialists to Mississippi 10 1 ri^ “ , iwith apparent increasing dis- ihe sissip- Mississippi was destroyed. aid in rescue operations. • ^ - < r - j ^ 9 - -tn .the manner In which hhe e coiT-.t,^g,(,coit- p fm n l_ in c irulg e(in dis- h a ^ the heart of southern'Misslssip- Mis: ^Ijonsr prs gently rolling hill countrytry at TlThe hospital in Hazlehurst^hurst The area in Hazlehurst hit by trans- thft..-tornnrtn wn«t_« Ne^ro 1 Tlie counscrK>r"a Naval.1 courl'-^,fErniirt'‘? ^ “P?’'‘^ receive . iCOrennS sunrise^,sui t^ ay , - Cbssmg—hcJinesicJines treatreated-llSrptfsons-and^trans- the— 9 orof inquiry, which could recom-| J- and cars about like playthingsthings ferrferred ' others to neighboringwring comnjcommunity located (n,'a„valioy ------- >'mend mcnc a court martial trial,-ial in-in ' , P' William Newsome,c. coun- aniand killing at least 28 persons]rsons] hosjhospitals. T!^e hospital1 in near ja'large sifwrnill. *1' • : formed the •11-year-old- skipperskinner •‘‘el for-the court, told Bucher Countless( others were.mmiss- iss- McrMendenhall, the Simpson county;ounty MrsMrs. Edna; Knight 'said she ■H Chatthat he need answer no3 morem ore'’“^e Wednesday! afternoonon that ing.inj Rescuers dug franticallytically seatseat, also reported it was was* 1asleep Jn her home with - ■H questquestions about thn raptureiture ofi".ofi'< his duty to informirm the throughtHr settlements destroyedIroyed semsending casualties to nearlylearby her hhusband, their tvJ6 -dauch- ^'u.. ivnT ^-cponfp,! 4ft. ters. and tW0""S6ns when - ^*1 •" p l ------ llie .sbijj-by N'mtli Kuicaii kuu‘ .^7^ ' ’ IS pe c te d in th c te rr o r o f r th c ^ n Y r n In -ho»i ,-...' ^ % M t > : ^ 3 ' boat's or what happened subse- o*of voviolations, that might lead to searchset of more victims. “I stood in the door ofjf my heard ari awful sound. I thought > m H quenlly: a trialtrial. They provide: The Mississippi 'highwayy pa-pa. restrestaurant and watched1 it,” 'Lordi'Lord, there’s the mill whistle — — Buoh'^r-r-Oplifid-iliat_hg-wantetlt^—-w a n te d ^-.l!='lXe.- co in m o p d o tf ic e>r_shail r _ s h a il IrolIre said there were 10 knownknown saicsaid C. Lell Feiifer'ot Hazie- and tthe boys are going to be to tell lhe. full story. He 'vJas'nbtYJaSjnbt ptperntlPhis^ommaria-lonbe il-tonbe ^adi>io,i4iazlehursc:in'-Coplah^ loplah hurhur3t.-."it_wasjiot-.gocKl-.dayilght lylight lalate-Joc-^work.—* te J . -- ----------- ------------- . - — ’* ■ . " - ’2 ^ 3 t3 — expected—to- relate Thursdaynursday searcJsearched by any personss .repre-repre- county'wherecoi 30 to 35 homeshomes and it sounded'like four.freightfreight ^ e saldTHTfiouse'tHeh-Kegait~^^ wwhat h at happened in Communistimunist sentinsenting a foreign state nori6r per- werewc damaged and' abouttut 20 traitrains coming through town, shaki:shaking and she realized it was c a o tiv ity . niicniit aiany of the personnelrJ underuncJer demolished;—anotherde 14 were The air was filled with .debrisdebris a tortornado. STS spit on the Russian flag, duringng a demtdemonstration on Thursday In ‘iilHfl PKO-CZi:ci! STUDENTS spit or L 2 ’The Navy threw the ball(li back^back^his his cocommand to be removed.byoved.by reportedre] dead .in neighboringboring andand- the wind wa^ reallyr e a lly "} throwed myself over- the ' .' -. solidarity wiUi_Hits Czeclis, mourninj;mine Jhe*ho 1death of Jan Palach. who , .. Ili.iiir. .c\pruN'.iii!7 liicir. .solidarity I'-i, In Bucher after the commandermanderisuch such ipersons, so long as hc has SimpsonSit county: and four more blo)blowing.” • .. girlsgiris and then 1 tried to shove ; :cslas Square in Prague last Thurs- • • c'.’-'-J ;iiii:!riv folluwin”,vin” hhis is st.‘lf-iiiins ii)lallo n in W e n c c sla s S qui lold a lengthy story of lack ot the pcpower lo resist.” peI»rsons. all members of)f the TThe Red Cross in Atlantaa said See TWISTERS. Pg. Col. 4 ; ! • c!ay. (Ul'i U’Il'JiIu iIu) ■ ' ' —- dfstrucjliun-yapabililits^espeiitlfSlf ^lesDeii 'Buflipr renlied that o n c e — ■ _________ aiiLJilciLS-Iornf(> t American aircraftaircraft armetarmed K^ean-soldiers bboarded o a rd e d "T, Z T T * I I ---------------------- (hut never -came and a “hope-!‘h o pe- thellio i-l- 'u tb io -h ii .no Iuijk'^* hrrd' € nglilr^ — - -. V : I " less” situation which he thought the pipower (0 resist. Store^SaleffSoushfr^ 'Deranged’''ed’ Mail Fires-res^ P is to ls• ' coulds lead only m the' slaughterQUghier E. IMiles Harvey, Bucher’stier’s ci-ci­ ofo f hisIv 8.1-mun crew. vilian attorney, said he was con- J TTX *• • . T ~ V • TB1 • BucherBu hftd te.-itified thathat vir- fideat Bucher wouW be exoner- rl ^ _ _^ually ^all t^be^^^^^^ on the mnrtiated it he is brought toIB court Senate‘ PondersPc ^Wii•Wine BtU’ "9*THO*— fl th nvg< martini. Ho fiairt (hc-flccusation _ ^' and secret" papers burned•ned ororlwas [was rnot at all Unexpected.id. - «* By PAUL M. QUINNIN amand Democratr l»like“ bn“jh~the the Into'Into'tKe" position of ' furnishing- ...... - - concurrent' resolution foror the ^Is kind of__^lnsurancs to_an ______ ’MOSCOW (U i^ l) — A yoimiMyoiiiiiM /AccnrdinK ti> the sourccs,CCS, n whrwho Joined them in thcir'twoicir two , ' . ' BOISE (UPI) -T he -conlro-contro- legislative Insurance. Hee said state'cmployes."slat« ' 5 MKin flroLl on iIk' triiinii!li;>lhal mni()-|c:r.)'.\’(! o -ic r. c li.t* c r i rv j? th c sspacc p a c c spspace a firsts last week—n first ^ 1 versial "wino bill" waa intro-fntro hoj,® figured the cost wtniJdruJd be —Sen.'John—s« Evans, 15-Malad, _______ m ix a d o —u L j I m j i i (;i.i,;iir^..Hi;.>i>iUJ :<HarkL'rher -l- t'lickin'g<r,)c *|. l i e ^ an-e*</mat«I-W.SO-pof-portfonportfon said- ------ iiijiiri'i! r.-^aicl Ul In.- a moniallv iiiihal- ojkI u n h a l- o jid the; (Injl...‘ipuccw alK , 5i5Lodge-To^ib e tw e e n 1 .. h' »«>nylng to expect ^jie^to^tand' i ‘ iL clKiiiiJC'iii' iuiii a. f)'>iit'cm;in,t'ciiKin, Yinci'.iini' :;i)-yisir.<j|(i—und looKOK Illsliis BTTHCt.’iilllji.'*.'' , ----------------- - £ £ l 2 i l ___ S«nr-AVA4t«r_Vftrbrou8hr~A- 4h*M _ . Ui^ iiUic:i.il iv-v.-;, ;i;:i::K:yV 1 *1:^:3 j)bpknul;.. .Soviet s c.c u r 11 y men 71,0j four cosmonaut hcrbe's es- ----------- Brer c n n n u .------------------------ -------------, - Grandview, said, "to passs s ththiB la juJuret r e d d r b e c o m e 111." ' ,' , ’ 'ill ih r‘HTi:idrti-rttc-nifmTmvn>-7— -------------------- ca]5Pd-inip luii-nT; ilic-Kniirccs-snld: -f“ ] -AA --------I n tf o d u c o d 4 » c :th B r to r n l .GtBfa Vj,,burden^n-t6-the-fltate-<loe8nUtIoesnU —Ba—Barl<«F~«ald-thBMh»-)iofpliaU-;— H ' < o '.u io iiiiu i,, iiii^liiil.ir; Ull'['■ 'Dll!- so u rc e s s a ir l'lliri 'iJlJltCtKTJlJttetK U ni n i ilic - d r iv c r o f -4 ^i&t^~j{rootUiHotHm - V J iKa:?RST For Peace eernment r and Taxation Commit-ommlt- spem to make sense to me.le. I'm iMIzatic l^o^^w^ld^only^appjy^tp^ ill- ( ‘.c siKH'u h i'in i" , w .is hull,lunl, llil fninifn his j-uiis sinick llio^ o]H-noju-n sinsim e w .is lili In tlio hhe e aad d by [ -------------- < e e r-tlie -4 > itl- lfr- c im iia r- to bn(> ^concerned-abouHhfr^tate-gettlngi-SW • ^a;tl, .
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