gf. 2^. : THE WILTSHIRE Irrjjtpnlngiral ml lataral listortj MAGAZINE, pu&It^^etr unQec tl)t iitcccttan of t^e Zatittf rOBUBD Iir THAT 0OU»TT, A.D. 1863. VOL. XXIII. DEVIZES H. F. Bpll, 4, Saint Johw Sraaai. 1887. The Editob of the Wiltshire Magazine desires that it should be distinctly understood that neither he nor the Committee of the Wiltshire Archceological and Natural History Society hold themselves in any way answerable for any statements or opinions expressed in the Magazine; for all of which the Authors of the several papers and oommunications are alone responsible. CONTENTS OF YOL. XXIII. No. LXVII. Notes on the Church of S. Mary the Virgin, Bishops Cannings : By Mr. C. E. PONTING 1 John of Padua: By the Rev. Canon J. E. Jackson, F.S. A 14 The Names of the Nobility, Gentry, and others in the County of Wilts who contributed to the Defence of the Country at the time of the Spanish Armada Invasion, in 1588 : Contributed by Mr. Waltee Monet, F.S.A 31 The Orders of Shrewton : Communicated by the Eev. Canon Bennett... 33 The Church Heraldry of North AViltshire (Continued) ; By Asthub SCHOMBEEG 40 On the Study of Entomology : By the Eev. T- A. Mabshall 51 Guide to the British and Eoman Antiquities of the North Wiltshire Downs in a Hundred Square Miles round Abury, by the Eev. A. C. Smith, M.A. : Eeviewed by the Eev. E. C. Clutteebuck, Eector of Kuight's Enham, Andover 59 Confirmation of the Guild of the Holy Ghost, at Basingstoke, by Charles the First: By W. W. Eave>hill, Eecorder of Andover 62 Description of the Opening of a British Dwelling-Pit at Beckhampton : By Henry Cunnington 65 Ancient Stone-Work on Langley Burrell Common 68 Collections for a History of Seagry : By the Eev. H. K. Anketell (Vicar) 71 Subscriptions for the Sloper Collection 95 Donations to Museum 96 No. LXVIIL Account of the Thirty-Third General Meeting, at Swindon 97 History of the Sarsens : By Professor T. Eupert Jones, F.E.S., F.G.S., &c 122 Swindon and its Neighbourhood—No. 2 : By the Eev. Canon J. E. Jackson, F.S. A 155 Barbury Castle : an Address by the President, Nbvil Stoet Maskeltnb, Esq., M.P., F.E.S 160 " " On Eingsbury and other Camps in North Wiltshire : By the Eev. W. H. E. Mc. Knight 195 The Church Heraldry of North Wiltshire (Continued) : By Aethub SCHOMBEBO 200 Contributionn to the Library and Museum , 212 . IV CONTENTS OF VOL. XXIII. No. LXIX. Relics of Ancient Population on Oldbury Hill, Wilts : By Mr. CcrNNiNG- TON, F.G.S 213 On a Sepulchral Vessel found near Marlborougli : By Mr. CtTNNiNGTON, F.G.S 222 The Churches of Purton and Wanborough : By C. E. Ponting, Esq., (Diocesan Surveyor and Architect) 229 Recent Explorations at Silbury Hill : By Aleeed C. Pass 245 Notes on the Manor of Aldbourne : by the late F. A. Caeeington, Esq. 254 Selwood Forest : By the Rev. Canon J. E. Jackson, F.S A 268 Notes on some Ancient British Skulls in the Wiltshire Museum, Devizes : By J. G. Gaeson, M.D., F.Z.S., Vice-Pres. Anthrop. Inst., London, Hon. Corresponding Mem. Soc. Anthrop., Paris 295 The Church Heraldry of North Wiltshire (Continued) : By Aethub Schombebg 299 The Wiltshire Compounders : (Communicated by Mr. James Waylen) 314 Donations to the Museum, 1887 347 JIUustrattcins. Church of S. Mary, Bishops Cannings, View from the South-West, 1. Church of S. Mary, Bishops Caaulngs, Wiltshire, Plate I., 2. Church of S. Mary, Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, Plate II., 3. Plans (Figs. I. and II.) of Stone- Work oiu Langley Burrell Common, 68 Fig. 1. Diagrammatic Section of the Country from Bagshot to Heytesbury, about sixty miles, 132. Fig. 2. Impressions of the Root of a Palm (P) in a'weathered Sarsen in a wall at Abury : Sketched by Col. C. C. King, F.G.S., in 1885, 144. Fig. 3. A piece of Sarsen with sub-parall el and sub-cylindrical rootlets of Esq., C.E., F.G.S., in Wiltshire; in the Palm (?) ; collected by T. Codrington, British Museum (Natural History) ; reduced one-half, 145. Fig 4. A block of Sarsen, with the impression of a tap-root and rootlets of a palm ? In the Museum of Practical Geology, London ; found on Lockeridge Down, near Marlborough, by W. Cunnington, Esq., F.G.S.; one-half of the natural size, 146. Map of Braden Forest, temp. Henry III., 163. Plan of Barbury Castle, 181. Plan of BinknoU Castle, 190. Plan of Oldbury Camp, 214. Bronze Penannular Brooch, found within ths camp on Oldbury Hill, in 1858 (full size), 216. Ring-Dial, 219. Funereal Vessel, found near Marlborough, Wilts, 1807, 222. S. Mary, Purton, Wilts, View from the South-West, Plate I., 229. S. Mary, Purton, Wilts, Details of various parts, Plate II., 233. The Church of S. Andrew, Wanborough, Wilts, Plate III., 238. The Church of S. Andrew, Wanborough, Wilts, Plate IV., 239. Silbury Hill, Wilts, Plan, 2i6. Silbury HUl, Wilts -Section, 250. Selwood Forest. Its extent temp. Edw. III., 282. No. LXVII. JULY, 1886. Vol. XXIII. THE WILTSHIEE IrrjjtDnlngiral ml JMural listnrij MAGAZINE, ^uVlii^tts unttcr t^c Bixtttian OF IHB SOCIETY FORMED IN THAT COUNTY, A.D. 1853. DEVIZES: Phinted a»d Sold fob thb Society by H. F. Bvll, Sautt Joeir Street. Price 5«. Qd.—Members Gratis. NOTICE TO MEMBERS. Members who have not paid their Subscriptions to the Society /or the current year, are requested to remit the same forthwith to the Financial Secretary^ Mr. William Nott, 15, High Street, Devizes, to whom also all communications as to the supply of Magazines should be addressed, and of wJiom most of the back Numbers may be had. The Numbers of this Magazine will not be delivered, as issued, to Members who are in arrear of their Annual Subscriptions, and who on being applied to for payment of such arrears, have taken no notice of the application. All other communications to be addressed to the Honorary Secre- taries : the Rev. A. C, Smith, Yatesbury Rectory, Calnej and H. E. Medlicott, Esq., Sandfield, Potterne, Devizes. T~o Rev. A. C. Smh'h will be much obliged to observers of birds in all parts of the county, to forward to him notices of rare occurrences, early arrivals of migrants, or any remarkable facts connected with bii'ds, which may come under their notice. WILTSHIRE Irrljtfalagiral nnii latnral Mkk\\ MAGAZINE. No. LXVII. JULY, 1886. Vol. XXIII. The Editor desires to state that though from unavoidable circumstances the present Number is of more meagre dimen- sions than usual, he intends that, by increasing the bulk of the two subsequent Numbers, the size of Volume xxiii. shall be of average size with previous Volumes, July, 1886. This slip to be cancelled by the Binder. CONFIBMATION OF THE GuiLD OF THE HOLT GhOST, AT BASING- STOKE, BY Chaeles the First : By W. W. Eavenhill, Eecorder of Andover 62 Description of the Opening of a British Dwelling-Pit at Beckhampton : Bj' Heiuy Cunnington 65 Ancient Stone-Wokk on Langley Bueeell Common 68 Collections foe a History of Seagey : By the Rev H. K. Auketell (Vicar) 71 Subscriptions for the Slopee Collection 95 Donations to Museum 96 ILLUSTRATIONS. Church of S. Mary, Bishops Cannings, View from the South-West 1 Church of S Mary, Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, Plate I. 2 Plate II. 3 Plans (Figs. I. and II.) of Stone-Work on Langley Burrell Common 68 DEVIZES : H. F. Bull, 4, Saint John Street. and H. E. Medlicott, Esq., Sandiield, Potterne, Devizes. '/"'3 Rev. A. C. Smith will be much obliged to observers of birds in all parts of the county, to forward to him notices of rare occurrences, early arrivals of migrants, or any remarkable facts connected with birds, which may come under their notice. WILTSHIRE 5lrrI)(E0lagiral ml IMiml listnrij MAGAZINE. No. LXVII. JULY, 1886. Vol. XXIII. Notes on the Chuech of S. Maet the Virgin, Bishops Cannings: By Mr. C. E. Ponting 1 John of Padua: By the Eev. Canon J. E. Jackson, F.S.A 14 The Names of the Nobility, Gentet, and othees in the County of Wilts who conteieuted to the Defence of the COUNTEY at the TIME OF THE SPANISH AbMADA InTASION, IN 1588 : Contribu'ed by Mr. Walter Money, F.S.A 31 The Oedees of Sheewton : Communicated by the Eev. Canon Bennett 33 The Chuech Hebaldey of Noeth Wiltshiee (Continued) -. By Arthur Schomberg, Esq , 40 On the Study of Entomology: By the Eev. T.A.Marshall 51 Guide to the Beitish and Eoman Antiquities of the Noeth Wiltshiee Downs in a Hundeed Squabe Miles bound Abuey, BY THE Eev. a. C. Smith, M.A. : Eeviewed by the Eev. E. C. Clutterbuck, Eector of Knight's Enham, Andover 59 CONFIEMATION OF THE GuiLD OF THE HoLY GhOST, AT BASING- STOKE, BY Chaeles the Fiest : By W. W. Eavenhill, Eecorder of Andover 62 Desceiption OF the Opening of a Beitish Dwelling-Pit at Beckhampton : Bj- Henry Cunnington 65 Ancient Stone-Wobk on Langley Buebell Common 68 Collections foe a Histoey of Seagey : By the Rev H. K. Auket«ll (Vicar) 7I SUBSCEIPTIONS foe THE SlOPEE COLLECTION 95 Donations to Museum 96 ILLUSTEATIONS. Chnrch of S. Mary, Bishops Cannings, View from the South-West 1 Church of S Mary, Bishops Cannings, Wiltshire, Plate I. 2 Plate II. 3 Plans (Figs. I. and II.) of Stone-Work on Langley Burrell Common 68 DEVIZES : H. F. Bull, 4, Saint John Stbeet. — THE WILTSHIRE MAGAZINE. "MULTOEtTM MANIBUS GEANDE LEVATUE ONUS." Ovid. |iote$ on tlje C^ttrrij of <St.
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