VOL. XXXI, No. 21 [PEICE TWELVE GENTS] FEBEUAEY 21, 1929 Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity House Destroyed in Spectacular Fire Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt of New York Guest at Farm and Home Week Basketball Team Wins League Game, Defeating Dartmouth 36 to 29 Wrestlers Win from Pennsylvania — Hockey is Lost to Clarkson Tech Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August. Subscription $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y Postmaster: Beturn postage guaranteed. Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Is Your Class listed for THE STAK Reunion in June? If so, it's none too soon to be thinking of costumes, for costumes can make or break a reunion. They're a mighty important part of the fun—and when given AFFORDS an opportunity to spend the evening thought early, original at the theater. ideas can be worked out Leaves New York (Penn.Sta.) 11.50 P.M. most satisfactorily. " Newark (Eliz. & Meeker Aves.) 12.22 A.M. " Philadelphia (Reading Ter.) 12.00 A.M. It's a part of our business, and we're glad to offer our Arrives Ithaca 7.38 A.M. services. Information, Dining Car Serving Breakfast ideas, estimates and sam- Sleepers open for occupancy in New York and Philadelphia ples will be furnished 10.00 P.M. promptly on request. I/ehigh^Valley Railroad ROTHSCHILD BROS. Cltie Route of The Black Diamond ITHACA, NEW YORK Quality Service J. Dall, Jr., Inc. Ithaca Building Construction Trust Company E. H. WANZER Ithaca The Grocer N.Y. Resources Over Five Million Dollars Aurora and State Streets PROVIDENCE HARTFORD President Charles E. Treman Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell ESTABROOK & Co. J. Dall, Jr., '16 Telephone Treasurer Sherman Peer President 2369 Cashier A. B. Wellar Sound Investments New York Boston R. A. Heggie & Bro. Co. 24 Broad 15 State For Your Bojr ROGER H. WILLIAMS »95 A Worthwhile Summer Vacation New York Resident Partner CAMP OTTER SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD in the Highlands of Ontario Fraternity for Boys Nine to Seventeen 20th Year Jewelers KOHM & BRUNNE There are only a few vacancies. Tailors for Cornellίans R. C. HUBBARD Everywhere 205 Ithaca Rd. Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca New York 222 E. State St., Ithaca CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. xxxi, No. xi ITHACA, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 2.1, 19x9 PRICE iz CENTS Fraternity House Burns the height of the fire, at least four Want New Building thousand persons watched it from vantage Alpha Delta Phi Lodge is Completely points. Sparks shot high into the air, Annual Report of the Home Economics Destroyed in Spectacular Fire and the flames, fed by draughts from College Stresses Lack of Adequate February 11 underneath, whirled through the roof. Housing Facilities The house was built in 1905. It was The most spectacular and disastrous one of the largest houses on the Hill and The housing situation at the College of fraternity house fire in twenty-three years one of the most beautiful, in design and in Home Economics "has become almost un- leveled the Alpha Delta Phi Lodge at 777 location. Plans for the future have not bearable" and an additional laboratory and Stewart early Monday evening, February yet been made. class room building is ''urgently needed," ii, causing a loss estimated as high as The origin of the fire has not been according to the annual report of the $125,000 and making nineteen men home- determined. The complete destruction of College just published. Discussing the less. These undergraduates, now housed the house made an investigation futile. housing situation, Dean Albert R. Mann by Chi Phi, also lost most of their personal '04 gives a clear idea of the pressing need belongings, but they succeeded in saving HONOR PROFESSOR RICE for more space as follows: a good part of the house furnishings on the A portrait of Professor James E. Rice "Qualified applicants for admission are first floor. '90, professor of poultry husbandry in the being turned away, through enforced The fire started in the attic of the house College of Agriculture since 1907, was limitation of enrollment; every phase of near the northeast corner, spreading over presented to the University February 12 in instruction is cramped; the members of the entire roof and eating down into the a ceremony in the poultry building. The the staff labor under many disbilities be- second and first floors despite the efforts of portrait, done by Professor Olaf M. cause of overcrowding; students have no Ithaca firemen, who were handicapped by Brauner, was presented by Dr. Gustave F. place whatever for study between classes low pressure and the crush of parked cars Heuser '15 and was accepted on behalf of except in the open hallways, where lack around nearby fire hydrants. the University by Dean William A. of tables and chairs and the constant The alarm was sent in by fraternity Hammond. Dean Albert R. Mann '04 passing of persons makes study almost im- members about 7.30 o'clock in the evening presided. A scroll of all the donors was possible, with great loss of student time; after they had attempted to fight the also presented by Dean Mann. The por- research facilities which are well-nigh in- ^laze with the house hose system. The trait has been hung in the poultry build- dispensable cannot be given space; fire had gained considerable headway ing. hundreds of farm women, who come from through the attic before it was discovered, The movement to raise a fund to pro- all parts of the State for the home eco- shortly after dinner. The flames broke vide the portrait originated a year ago nomics program during Farm and Home through the shingle roof shortly after the during Farm and Home Week. The Week, have been unable to get into the arrival of the fire companies. presentation of the portrait was a feature lecture halls during the past two years, Two hours later the fire had destroyed of this year's Farm and Home Week. even though every room was utilized to the entire interior of the house, sweeping Professor Rice became assistant pro- capacity and some lectures and demon- rapidly through the large rooms and burn- fessor of poultry husbandry in 1903. He strations were repeated. These conditions ing the interior wood construction. The had served a year shortly after graduation now of long standing, can be corrected outside brick veneer walls later fell, when as assistant in the Department. only by the erection of an additional the wood was burned away and the metal supports twisted by the heat of the flames. When members of the fraternity dis- covered the blaze, they began the task of removing effects from the house, but the rapid spread of the flames prevented salvage work in the study rooms on the second floor. Aided by members of No. 4 of the Ithaca Fire Department, the fraternity men and other students carried out furni- ture and other fraternity belongings. The desire of the crowd to be of assis- tance in the battle against the flames really hampered the firemen. Parked cars inter- ferred with efforts to lay hose lines. Furni- ture piled in the driveway prevented the entrance of fire trucks to the east side of the house. Three firemen were injured during the fire, and fire companies were kept on duty until 2.30 the next morning. The house, situated on a knoll, with steep slopes on three sides, became a Courtesy Cornell Annuals flaming beacon, visible for miles around. The crowd gathered rapidly, and during 250 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS building of suitable character. It is a March 2 New York University at most pressing need." ATHLETICS Ithaca The development of the home economics March 9 Princeton at Princeton program in recent years and the im- March 16 Intercollegiates semi-finals portance of the College to New York Winter Schedules at West Point State is stressed by Dean Mann in the re- March 28- Intercollegiates at New port. He characterizes the college as a BASKETBALL York "tool of the utmost importance in building Cornell 28, Niagara 24 up forces which increase the physical well- Cornell 33, Alfred 19 AnotheA*1 r League Victory being of the population and which make for Cornell 27, Rochester 29 The babasketbalί l team made its Intercol- a reduction in the number of persons Cornell 28, Niagara 29 legiate LeaguLei e record two victories and two thrown back on the State for support by Cornell 13, Michigan 45 defeatdefeatsFs Februare y 16 at Hanover by beating reason of physical, mental, or moral Cornell 24, Michigan State 38 DartmouthDartmout , 36 to 29, in a whirlwind finish. failure." He urges additional appoint- Cornell 18, Syracuse 31 In a non-lnon-league e encounter February 12, the ments to the Faculty, both for resident Cornell 29, Syracuse 39 ReRedd and VWhite had difficulty in beating St. work and for the extension service. Cornell 21, Princeton 25 Bonaventnaventurei , 23 to 21. The enrollment in the College during Cornell 29, Yale 15 Led by Hall and Captain Layton, for- the past year was 484, including 128 Cornell 40, Hobart 15 wards, ththee high scorers of the game, the students in the course of hotel administra- Cornell 23, Pennsylvania 25 quintet tooto k the lead in the opening period tion and management. Cornell 23, St. Bonaventure 21 aatHanovt Hanoveer and at the half Dartmouth was (Ίnrnfill 3^ "Πp.rtmmit.h 20 on tne sn nd of a 20-11 score. The February 20 Columbia at Ithaca Green ralrallie] d early in the second half to SPORX STUFF February 23 Pennsylvania at Phila- close up thtt e gap and to tie the score at 23- delphia all with oonlr y a few minutes left to play.
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