■V* - v v : ■. '' 7 - ' : % < y ■'7»- J I ■J- / _ . L . U X -M- R4GE rOURTCBir . MAJ{GHEST£R EVENING HERALP, MANCHESTER, CONNi, WEDNESPAY, APRIL 8, 1953 7 ATcnge Daily Net Press Ron ' 'f For the We*k Ended The Weather theitr .child .deyej9pii,, jn t.9 an. u n ­ d.he tim e w hen p aren ts inijMlg9 ln.4.ia being, tracked, b, hhUdbood. a gun .*ccoM.'the flo u n te r- 4«ia.. • ■ A pril 4, less - r^ happy adult because he is over- bit of soul-searching and de­ ,’FUneSit of & Wenther TTiirtalT aources. Even Mr:. Shakeapeore's Ytmthful :Robher anded the^mqney from the- cash ■a’, - t------------x;-----— — ale ^ n dent. • Too— litttec-and—^-he- tective- y o rk -tn —-detern>fnfr- just thankleah child, who though sharp register. .grows up'to feel forever unloved, what, they’ve ..done to make Tom­ as a serpertt’a tooth can’t X be 'f f 10,923 Ducks at Ducketts She said when she told him to Cloudy tonight; min. 4A, Friday t A Headache unwanted and -insure of. himself. my cruel and Jane-greedy. blamed for the way he feels. Ob­ get it himself, the robber .dipped Member of thp A ndlf' ~ ~ A child’s home situation, they Sometimes psychologist - talk viously, a thankless child suffers into the open cash draw-er Bureau of Cb’cnlatkm*''" partly cloudy, scattered ahowfr*. tell ur now, , determines whether .sounds ’like a lot of precious non­ only from, sling.'' and arrows . Pine Bluff, Ark. — f/P) — Police About that time. Butcher' Ed Manchester—^A 'City of Village Charnt I j Nowadays Willie will em^erge from childhood; sense. Milch of the time, under launched by his parents. , • still are aearching for the robber; Boyd started throiKing,cans at the driven by ambition,, 'ruthlessly the profe.v'ional patter.'dt-mnkea i — Wit*i- all th a t’s hM ng-discovered who fled * Pine Bluff grocery! robber, who — weaving and bobb- pretty good sense, particularly it is pleasant to think that modern VOL. LXXIL n o . 161 (Claaalflad AdvertMng M Page 18) f ' By CirNTHlA IXM%TIV' whipped forward by'.a . tireless by b,„„.b IK .’L r'”'" MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 9. 1953 (TWENTY PAGES) demon. In fact, it sometimes iieems when it can be backed up with men and women are brave and PRICE FIVE CJiNTS 4, XP ^ f^ ***’*'^ Writer that a successful adult, by our statistics on delinquency and generous — and daring—enough to The store cashier, Mrs. Jeff, The name of the grocery — said the young man shoved i'Duckett * Co. ; it :Mcmi u though., every day traditional standards cf affluence maladjustment among children ! keep the birth rate high. It's also Lyon, varehthood la hecoming a greater, sind.position,' is really an unhappy, from b"oken homes, strife-filled pleasant to find .-o m any children nerve-wra^ng reaponaibil- homes and with carele.s.s parents. I who are fond of their parents—not y. Nowadaya, there are very few harassed grownup. And it’s all hi.s Fireworks Pace Bares Delay Ike Denies parents’ fault’ he clawed his way| Modern parents are particularly, ! too fond, because that’s bad—and an»^^:d6doM>ad—about ah indt- fcp to be president of the company. ' aware of causc.i and effects never 1 who have recovered enough from ddual that' cahnot be attributed so much as -suspected by their j psychic Injury to be happy though a tompetent psychiatrist to The.v tell us too much disci-, Bill Argued pline makes for one kind df trdu-j own mothers and fathers. Take, adult. to ree to oiUdhood experience, ble: too little, another. While the | for instanee, th? production usual­ But w hat give.* you pause Is a In Outou -- - , If little Alice is' too fond of unaware general public deplores ly made on the arrival of a sec­ situation where every child can HEAD INTO SPRING ^ocolate creams and turns into I an epidemic of narcotic addiction 1 ond child In a modern household. blame everything on'his parents, it Korea W» 'Alice, chgnces are ahe’a an In Hartford among teen-agers, the experts are | It's as ca'rofiilly mounted as an who also take all credits. Nobody — (/P) • Lovett anatched ammunition pro- adult trying to eat herself out of opera, designed to e.a.se the first­ Washington, April 9 tracing the cau.se hack to unhappy ; ran feel proud of himself these WITH A SMART NEW __ F o r m a r S a r r e t a r v o f th e ‘>'icUoh a w a y from the A rm y last ima tcarring childhood exper- home situations. Special psychiat- [■ born- through the difficult period days. • ^ . State Capital, Hartford,’ rorm w , secretary OI November and turned control of Washington, April- 9—(A*) tnce, according to psychiatrists. riSi work w ith badly adjustefL: of learning in share the spotlight April 9-—{/P^T he House to­ Army Frank Pace, Jr., told ^ ^ riviuan expediter. —The White House-said to­ little Willie is thin,’ nervous difficult children usually involves' and affection wilhmit going HAIR-DO AND Senate investigators today Pace said Lovett asaigned a through a period of feeling pushed HINT TO MOTORISTS day approved the controver­ day the Eisenhower admin­ ahy, maybe he just wa.sn't more attention to parents than \ A- there was no real production civilian a.xai.xtant to 'work w ith Lm that way, but feels rejected a.side and ignored, for the new Most motortsta use friction tape sial bill banning fireworka in the rhildren them.selVes. him but that control did not paaa istration “has never reached d Insecure, they say. baby. when repairing a leaky radiator PERMANENT WAVE of ammunition for the Korean Nowadays there aren't any hose, hut heat and water soon dls- Connecticut by a standing any conclusion that a perma­ £ Phrento must.be towers of war until two j;ears «fter-thej- .5 naughty... prohlem children. ..When . - .AU-. thts, and m.ucb . more .turns -Botve-the adhesive'1f-tape-alone is .;.Tole. of., 138. to lOtL. The. vote nent. 4ivjaion-,of .Koi’«a ? is-de- Strength, read the latest book.s Tommy ties a can to the cat's tail parenthood into a full-time de­ used. A better plan is to wrap a came after . a debate lasting war began: All that time, Scrvlcea aubcommitlec veaterdav Vishiusky Appeals lo West id cerate 24 hours a day with sirable or feasible.” and Jane inaiat.a on .aiatehing her manding Joh whose success can long strip of rubber cut from an Calk Go Throii^ Pastor almost t,wo hours. Pace said, amrhunition for that he "lost patience" with th'e Press Secretary James C. Hag- O ff#s Pvast More of varied informafion playmate’s tricycle, tli" remedy no only he judged many years later. old Inner tube, around the hose Korea was being withdrawn Arm.v’a handling of an ammuni- erty also said the administration d techniques. They must walk a ioneer is the iinroninl'cateH. old- At the moment everything adult and applv a layer of tape to hold You„can save time bjr jceeping a list of local aod out-of> from> stocks left over from , ‘ip" "hortage and gave control of has never concluded that such a line: too much attention, and fashioned spanking or lecture. lb's from unha pipy marriagas to ulcers State Capitol, Hartford, it securely in place. towo numbers you may want to call again. Out-of-town Wa'f IT ' ’ problem to a rivlIiAn AflRi,8tBnt. divtaion would be "conaistent wllh Old Peace April 9—v<A*)—The House be­ wona \\ar ii. pare rhAllenpert this Rtatcmcnt the declaiona of the United Na­ calls go through twice as fast when you give the operator gan debate today on the fire- At thia testimon.v Sen Byrd Secretary did not tions." _____ Mav Start the number. ‘works bill from whicli (D.. Va.) com m ented th a t tho.xe am m unition Hagerty at his daily news con­ ^V.-'>XcjG5u;^ .xtorka represented the only am­ problem out of the hands of the ference said further that no con­ P l^ to UN s A ■ % stemmed reports of at­ munition available in event of a A ndy." ( sideration has been given by the In 10 Days tempted influence peddling. third world war. Lovett told the Senators there administration to establishment of THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND — Houte. Chairman Ervlng Pru.vn Pace, appearing before a Sen­ was an ammunition shortage and a trusteeship for Formosa. United Nations, N. Y., df the Judiciary committe opened ate Armed Services subcommittee assigned the blame to "the Army t.7tea N. Y. Times April 9— (A*) —Communist By ROBERT B. TUCKBTAN TELEPHONE COMPANY the debate at 12:05 p.m. with the looking into ammunition shortages as a whole.” He gave them a story Hagerty brought up the subject Poland opened UN debate to­ Munsan, Friday, April 10-^- aaaertion that "alleged riimnra of in Korea, aaid report.^ of ahopt- of long, red tape dela.vs, by referring to a Washington dis­ day «m the general problem (A>)—The Communists Thuii^ bribery and influencing had no ef­ agea sent in by Gen. James A. Van I^noiinees System patch in today’s New York Times. Owtfd By fmr Paofifa fect” on the com m ittee’a deci.vion of East-West tensions, but day quickly agrreed to all pie^ Fleet as Rghth Army Commafider Yesterday.
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