CAMPANOLOGY INDEX Compiled by: Cyril A Wratten February 1992 CAMPANOLOGY No 1, 16 September 1896 - No 26, 10 March 1897 Index Abbishaw, Joseph C: peals 74, 111, 268, 279, 303 Abbishaw, William: peals 74, 111, 268, 279, 303 Abbot, Revd W H: peal 38 Adams, Edward H: peals 26, 50, 74, 111(c), 134, 242; wedding 34 Adams, Frederick Paul: suicide 84 Adams, Horace: peals 26, 111 Adkin, W: peal 267 Alburgh, Norfolk: ringing at 162 Aldbourne, Wiltshire: church and bells 223 Aldeburgh, Suffolk: ringing at 5, 160, 221-2, 301 Aldenham, Hertfordshire: peal 87 Alderton, F: first peal 136 Aldham, Arthur Robert: peal 15(c) Aldridge, James: peal 111 Aldworth, E: peal 267 Alexander, Isaac S: peals 134, 146, 158 Allen, Ernest: peals 159, 219, 303 Allen, Henry W: peals 39 (first peal), 111, 123, 243 Allen, John: first peal 302 Allen, John T: peal 183 (first inside); wedding 306 Allen, Joseph J: peals 87 (first peal), 99, 232, 267 Allfrey, P: peal 267 Allfrey, W: peal 267(c) Allis, William John: peals 27, 111, 195, 266 (first of Cinques) Alton, Hampshire: ringing at 137 Ambrose, Amor: peal 2 Ambrose, Ernest J: article by 199; peals 2, 303 Ambrose, W: first peal 136 Ampleforth, Yorkshire: rehanging 154 Ancient Society of College Youths: see College Youths, Ancient Society of Anderson, Charles: peals 86 (first peal), 134 (first of Major), 278 Andrews, Alfred: peal 267 Andrews, George: peal 291 Andrews, James: presentation to 101 Andrews, Samuel E: peals 14, 38, 62, 75, 86, 134, 170, 206, 230, 267 Andrews, Thomas: peals 75, 255 Anscombe, David: peals 3, 51, 135 Anthony, Thomas: peals 50, 63 Appleby, George: peal 63 Appleton, Berkshire: peals 38, 74 Appleton Society: peals 74, 195 Arch, Alexander: obituary 273 Archer, George: peal 194 Ardleigh, Essex: ringing at 4, 161 Ardley, Hertfordshire: ringing at 287 Argent, William: peals 122, 290 Argyle, Harry: letter from 287; peals 98, 110, 302 Arley Castle, Worcestershire: peal 27 Armitage, C: first peal 268 Armley, Yorkshire: handbell peal 194; handbell ringing 198; peal 160; ringing at 16 Arnold, Alfred: peal 135 “Arthur” peal, at Lewisham: 87, 92 Arundel, Sussex: tenor inscription 153 Ashbee, W: first peal 280 Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire: peal 15 Ashdown, David: peal 159 Ashcroft, John E: peal 14 Ashover, Derbyshire: ringers 277 Ashtead, Surrey: peals 3, 51, 135, 171, 267; ringing at 185 Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, St Peter: peals 219, 279 St Peter’s Society: peal 279 Ashton-under-Lyne Society: meeting 87; peals 219, 255 Ashworth, Richard: peal 279 Ashworth, W: peals 195, 254 (first of treble bob) Aspatria, Cumberland: dedication of bells 92 Astbury, George: compositions by 294 Astley, Messrs John & Sons, bell-rope makers 147; advertisements 16 Sep 96/iii, 14 Oct 96/ii et passim Aston, Warwickshire: peal 302 Atkin, Joseph: peal 302 Atkins, George: peal 99 Attfield, George: peal 243 Attree, George P: peals 50, 62, 170(4) Attwater, George: first peal 207 Attwater, L: peal 242 Attwell, Thomas: peal 39 Aughton, Lancashire, Christ Church: peals 219, 231; ringing at 5, 149, 282 Austin, John: peals 38, 146(c), 194(c), 254(c), 266(c), 279 Austin, T: peal 99 Aylesford, Kent: peals 86, 159 Aylsham, Norfolk: peal 26; ringing at 185 Ayres, William: peal 111 Bacon, Frederick M: peals 74, 122 Bacup, Lancashire, Christ Church: peal 3; ringing at 52, 88, 148, 197, 257, 304-5 Bacup, Lancashire, St Saviour: peals 195, 254 Bailey, Joseph: peal 159 Bailey, W: peals 110, 302 Baker, Charles: peals 135 (first peal), 170, 182 Baker, George: peals 170 (2, inc 50th peal), 279 Baker, James: peal 230 Baker, W: peal 280(c) Baker, Revd W W C: peal 290 Balcombe, Sussex: peal 171/179; ringing at 6, 89, 149, 270 Baldry, William H: peal 98 Bales, William: peals 2, 110, 170 (first of Maximus), 230, 254 Ball, William: peals 135, 219 Ballard, John E: peals 62, 159, 195, 242 Bance, Charles: peals 62, 135, 195, 255 Bancroft, Thomas: first peal 87 Bangor, North Wales: handbell ringing 125; peals 26(2), 87; quarter-peal 125 Barber, F: poem by 299 Barber, John: peals 3(c), 232, 256 Barber, Thomas: peals 3, 232 Barber, William H: peals 3, 14, 50 (first as conductor on tower bells), 74, 86(c), 98, 218(2), 232 (first as conductor on six bells), 243, 256, 268(c), 302 Barker, William (bellfounder, Norwich) 297 Barking, Essex: peals 98, 123, 242, 256; quarter-peal 15; ringing at 4 St Margaret’s Society 240; peal 256 Barkus, Arthur W: peals 2(c), 63(c), 87(c), 231(c) Barlow, Titus: first peal 206 Barnes, Alfred: peals 135, 219 Barnes, John H: peal 3(c) Barnes, Thomas: peals 62, 279, 280(2), 281 Barnett, Edwin: peals 39(c), 255(c), 290(c) Barnett, Henry A: peals 51, 63(c), 147, 171 Barnett, T: peal 195 Barrell, Arthur S: peal 122 Barrett, Francis: peals 38, 74, 195 Barrett, Harry: peals 195, 230, 243 Barrett, James: peal 3 Barrett, Robert A: peals 146, 160, 254, 266 Barrett, Thomas: peal 74 Barrow, Albert: peal 219 Barrow Gurney, Somerset: peal 147; peal-board 270; ringing at 40, 270 Bartlett, Charles: peal 194 (First of Caters) Bartlett, George: peal 74(c) Barton, Harry: peals 38, 50, 110, 231, 266 Barwell, James, bellfoundry: advertisement 16 Sep 96/ii et passim Basden, John: birthday peal 290; peals 146, 183, 207(c), 219(c), 267, 290(c) Basingstoke, Hampshire, St Michael 259; peals 62, 159, 242; quarter-peals 41, 78 Bassett, Alfred E: peals 3, 51 Bastable, Henry: peals 14, 63, 206, 218(2), 302(c) (200th peal) Bate, William: peal 86 Bath and Wells Diocesan Association: meetings 109, 274-5; peals 27, 38, 63, 99(2), 135(2), 147(2), 159(2), 183(2), 207; ringing 4, 27, 40, 76, 112, 124, 136, 172, 184, 196, 208, 232, 244, 270, 304, 309 Batson, W J: peal 160 Battersea, Surrey: peal 38/48; quarter-peals 149, 282 Battle, Sussex: peal 87; ringers’ dinner 273 Battle, Walter: peals 3, 135 Bawn, Albert E: peal 278 Baxter, Jacob: silver wedding quarter-peal 73 Baxter, James: peals 146, 254 Baxter, Richard (bellfounder, Norwich): 297 Bayles, R: peal 268 Bayley, Frederick S: peals 14, 134, 195, 256(c), 266(c), 278, 279, 290, 302 Bayley, Revd George J: peals 256, 266 Bayley, John W: First peal 123 Beach, Jim: peal 303 Beadle, Thomas: peals 146 (first of Major), 219 Bebington, Cheshire: peal 303 Beckwith, Ernest W: peals 2, 230(c) Beddington, Surrey: peal 62 Bedford, St Mary: peals 3, 75; ringing at 4, 40, 160 Bedford, St Paul 250, 283-5; augmentation 12, 42, 57; replacement of five bells 250; peals 110 (first on the ten), 134, 206, 290; ringing at 90, 160-1, 220, 292 St Paul’s Company: peal 110 Bedford, St Peter: plans to augment to eight 253; peals 123, 160; ringers 253; ringing at 4, 40, 124, 160, 208, 220, 246, 253, 294 Bedfordshire Association: meetings 58, 240; peals 2, 3, 14, 75(2), 110, 123, 134, 160, 206, 255, 290; ringing 4, 15, 40, 90, 124, 148, 160-1, 208, 220, 244, 246, 281, 288, 292 Bedwell, Arthur: peal 87 Bedwell, Charles: peal 86 Bedwell, William [Essex]: peals 86 (first peal), 134 (first of Major), 278 Bedwell, William [Kent]: peals 51, 86(c), 98(c), 171(c), 182(c), 195, 230(c), 243(c), 255, 290 Beenham, Berkshire: ringing at 125, 148 Belben, Tom: peal 135 Belgrave, Leicestershire: peal 255 Bells, and evil spirits 133; proposal for tabulated list of bells and their condition 265 Bemrose, George W: peals 98, 158, 255, 267 Beney, Edward H: letter from 34 Bengeworth, Worcestershire: ringing at 42 Bennett, Arthur: peal 195 Bennett, Edgar: peal 62(c) Bennett, Frank: composition by 108; peals 14, 50, 62, 110, 111, 170(4, inc 100th peal), 194, 230, 242, 255, 279; 100 peals 179 Bennett, G E: composition by 96 Bennett, John O: peals 98, 218, 302 Bennett, L: peals 38 (first peal), 195 Bennett, Richard: peals 38, 74 Bennett, William: peal 51 Benson, Dr, Archbishop of Canterbury: death 54, 61; subsequent ringing 51, 62-6, 74-8, 80-2, 86, 88-90 Benstead, John: peal 74 Bentham, Edward: peal 63 Berry, William: peals 51, 256, 266 (first of Caters), 303 Berwick, Sussex: sale of three bells in 1811 141 Best, Stephen: peal 219 Best, Tom F: peal 219 Betchworth, Surrey: quarter-peal 41; ringing at 41 Bethnal Green, Middlesex: half-peal 196; peal 256; ringing at 244 Bettison, Thomas: peals 63(c), 281(c) Betts, James: peal 135 Beverley Minster, Yorkshire: restoration of bells 12 Biddenham, Bedfordshire: restoration of bells 12, 126; ringers 288; ringing at 126, 148, 208, 244, 281, 288 Biggin, William: peals 195, 302(c) Biggs, Frank K: peal 194 Bildeston, Suffolk: handbell ringing 214, 232, 269; ringers’ supper 214; ringing at 269, 304 Billinghurst, William T: peal 219 Billows, W: peals 110(c), 302(c) Bilston, Staffordshire: ringing at 304 Binns, Robert: peal 218 Bird, Revd H G: peal 27 Birks, F: peals 14, 279, 304 Birling, Kent: ringing at 42 Birmingham: handbell ringing 52 Birmingham, Bishop Ryder’s: peal 122 Birmingham, St Chad: rehanging 154; peal 218 (first of Double Norwich in Birmingham) Birmingham, St Martin: 30; peals 206, 218, 302 Birmingham, St Philip: peals 62/66, 254 Birmingham Amalgamated Society: peals 62, 122, 254, 266, 302; secretary 262 Birmingham Friendly Society: ringing 52 Birstal, Yorkshire: ringing at 256 Bishop, Ernest: peal 218 Bishop, George: marriage presentation 58 Bishop, John: peals 27, 63, 147 (first as conductor) Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire: peals 170, 256; quarter-peals 117, 149, 185 Bissley, Frank: peal 111 Bitton, Gloucestershire: ringing at 4 Blackbourn, Thomas: peals 2, 38, 50, 51, 242(c) Blackburn, Lancashire: peal 279 Blacketh, Fred: first peal 268 Blacklands, Sussex: see St Leonards, Sussex Blake, James H: peal 242 Blay, G E: peal 267 Blaydon-on-Tyne, Durham: ringing at 232 Bletchingley, Surrey: peal 195; quarter-peal
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