Serving the community for 116 years 0009 SUMM1T PUBi-iC - ST SUHHXi Summit Founded in 1889 IT •VOLUME 116, No. 6 April 9,. 2005. Prices 500 Newsbriefs -» Morris Avenue STOP act to prevent underage drinking corridor project slated to begin earns support of city's Common Council By LIZ KEILL By LIZ KEILL on Mountain Avenue in March. School, overcame alcohol depen- S19 million in funding, which the entire room." According to statistics collected by the family, the govern- SUMMIT — The Moms Av- Mayor Jordan Glait saii "l think dency that developed while he was McKelveys say is a step in the right ment spends S18 billion on the war iiue corridor, which will have SUMMIT — As teenage drinking we need to realize we have a prob- in high school, the McKelveys said. direction. They noted, "Our nation on drugs, while annual costs of un- new signals at eight locations incidents have surfaced in town the lem and we need to speak about it After two years of rehabilitation, he has spent enormous sums os com- derage drinking come to $58 billion. from River Road to Broad Street, last few months, Common Council and give it a heightened sense of im- was killed in a crash is which the bating drug abuse, but alcohol is not Aicohoi producers spend more thaa is expected to begin in August, gave its support at the Tuesday, portance."' Mayor Glatt said that other driver was drunk. His parents included on the list of drugs. Yst re- S3 billion per year on advertising Common Councilwoman Cindy April 5. meeting to a bill currently groups are banding together to coop- have created a &nd in Brian's mem- search shows that alcohol is the drug and promotion, they noted. Martin said at the Tuesday, April before the state legislature. erate in discussions and to seek solu- ory to help local students recover of choice for most of our nation's The bill calls for: 5, council meeting. The bill is sponsored by New Jer- tions. from aicohoi dependency. adolescents." sey Senators Jon Corzine and Frank Police Chief Robert Lucid said In "It's hard to ipore newer re- • Creating an mterageney coordi- The Union County project has Lautenberg, with an identical bill in- a telephone interview, "1 had a search," Mrs. McKelvey told the nating committee chaired by the been 15 years or more in discus- 'Our interest—Is personal' troduced in the House of Represen- lengthy conversation with the McK- council. "The brain is not'fully de- Secretary of the Department of sion, she said, and added. "The tatives, referred to as "STOP," Sup- ieveys. and they have shown veloped until the early 20s and un- Health and Human Services. best news for Summit is that this The request for the city officials port the Sober Truth on Preventing tremendous commitment and derage drinking threatens the is a solution to Glenade and Mor- to support the STOP act came from. • Authorizing a national media Underage Drinking act. courage." healthy development of children in ris avenues, one of bur worst in- Blackburn Place residents Pamela campaign directed at parents. our country." Studies show that al- tersections." A three-prong ap- The request comes on the heels of and Edward McKelvey. The McK- CouEcilwoman Cindy Martin, • Providing grants to communi- cohol affects adolescents differently proach will move traffic through serious drinking incidents by local elveys appeared at the April 5 coun- who introduced the topic at Tues- ties, states and institutions of higher than adults and that the average the intersection and should dimin- high school students, one at the time cil meeting, and told Mayor Glatt day's meeting, said, "The McK- education. American child tries alcohol before ish vehicles cutting through resi- of the semi-formal in January and and the council, "Our interest in this eiveys have experienced every par- • Providing funds for research on the age of 13. She added, "We have dential streets and make the area another that involved grave injury to issue is persona].'" Their son, Brian. ent's worst nightmare." the impact of drinking on adolescent enough data and studies to fill this iafer for pedestrians, authorities a student as the result of a car crash a 1989 graduate of Summit High The Senate bill would provide brain development. said. Plans also call for the replace- ment of traffic signals at eight in- tersections from River Road to Local 'stars' Orchard Street and new signal in- stallations at three locations (Morris/Mountain. Morris/Glen- side and Glenside/Baitusrol). to share stories It is anticipated that the count}' will receive bids in May and SUMMIT — Be inspired by what hardies they needed to jump to award a contract in June. Con- "Stars in the City" at 7 p.m. on achieve them, where the awards struction will begin soon after that Thursday. April 14. at Summit High have taken them and who they have inspired since. The audience will and will take about a year to com- School." have the opportunity to ask ques- plete. For weeks. Summit has been tions, see the awards up close and in "The project is way overdue," abuzz: "Just who are these Summit residents who have received signif- some instances have their photo tak- Ms. Martin said. icant awards?" At press time, 12 en with the award, bid on special panelists had been identified who silent auction items and grab a bite Brook cleaning have received a variety of awards, to eat. In addition, the audience and all will be at the event: Oscar - will enjoy a musical interlude by slated for May 14 Chris Pelzer; Grammy- Sherri accomplished Summit musicians, Strauss Williamson: Telly - Mar- fresh from an appearance at at Tatlock Field gareta Paslaru: Puiple Heart - Bill Carnegie Hall. Rapp; MTV* Music Video "Moon- SUMMIT — A community All proceeds will help fond the man* - Marc Reiten New Jersey cleanup effort at Martin's Brook, city's new computer center for Sum- Hall of Sports Fame - Ron Johnson; between Butler Parkway and Tat- mit's youth at the Johnson Center. New Jersey Literary Hall of Fame - lock Field, has been proposed by For details contact Youth Ser- Arthur Vanderbilt II; Scientific the Washington Area Association. vices director Tyhesha Cromwell at awards and patents — Benjamin Volunteers are invited to join the 522-0490. Tickets are $20 in ad- Greene: Eagle Scout-Noah Bishop: group between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. FUN AND GAMES — Enjoying the well-attended lineoln-Hiibbard School fair recent- vance, $25 at the door, $10 for se- Junior Olympic National Medalist - on Saturday, May 14, in the vicin- ly were attendee, including, from left, first grader Catherine Cordrey, first grader Jor- niors and students. The new com- Olivia Tarantino: Significant Award ity of Tatlock Field. The rain date dan Mao, Sandra Mao and Joli Mao, waiting for a chance to play one of the many puter center will be available for all for Original Musical Compositions is Saturday, June 4. games stationed in the gym. For a full page of photos taken at the event, which had as of Summit's middle school and high - Julian Cartwright: and Art Fellow- Common Copncil adopted a its theme "Universe of Caring Kids," see the Eye on You in today's edition of the Sum- school students to use after school ship/Commission - Valeri Larko. resolution at the Tuesday, April 5, mit Herald. and on weekends. meeting to allow the work to be Panelists will being their stat- Common Conncilwoman Diane done on city-owned property. uettes and awards and will regale the Klaif said at a recent council meet- The fifth grade class at Wash- audience with behind-the-scenes de- ing, "There'll be a surprise mystery ington School has taken on the Council adopts resolutions tails of how they achieved the guest, and you'll leam how people cleanup as an educational project, awards, who or what inspired them. followed their dreams." and the association anticipates 20 to 30 volunteers from its member- for 2005 operating budget ship. In addition, representatives City Hall security said neighbors and Scouting groups will participate. Future re- By LIZ KEILL Revenues include the sale of city- choice but to run Summit like the finements could include a walk- owned River Road property and a big business that it is." ing path and the restoration of the SUMMIT — Common Council new hotel occupancy tax of three Included in the budget was the will be revamped stream bed "down the road," asso- adopted a resolution at the Tuesday, percent. She added that the budget parking utility, which Councilman ciation spokesman Eric Ollom April 5, meeting for a $37.8 million provides for maintaining the quality Michael Helmer introduced. The ByLIZKEELL problems with the system," he said. said. operating budget for 2005. That rep- and level of city services, maintain- S1.8 million is $150,000 less than He said failures are experienced The city's Department of Pub- resents a 5.4 percent increase over ing green space, developing a master originally proposed, he said, and he SUMMIT — Police Chief Robert at entry points because of the origi- lic Works will remove collected 2004 and a projected four-cent tax plan for the transfer station area, de- commended the efforts of parking Lucid has recommended to Com- nal wiring. debris the following Monday. increase per $100 of assessed resi- veloping a job classification study utilities director Rita McNany. mon Council that $8,750 be awarded Today, he said, new systems are Mr. Ollom assured the council dential property value, the same as and recreation measures that "will Also adopted was a resolution for to Aggleton &.
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