The Calcutta Metropolitan Water and Sanitation Authority Act, 1966 Act 13 of 1966 Keyword(s): Authority, Board, Calcutta Metropolitan District, Chairman, Director, Garbage, General Manager, Public Authority DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and legal advice before acting on any information contained in this document. PRS or any persons connected with it do not accept any liability arising from the use of this document. PRS or any persons connected with it shall not be in any way responsible for any loss, damage, or distress to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document. 0 West Bengal Act XIII of 1966' THE CWCUTTA METROPOLITAN WATER AND SANITATION AUTHORITY ACT, 1966. West Ben. Act XI of 1972. AMENDED . West Bcn. Act XlII of 1973. West Ben. Act XXI of 1974. (26rh Muy, 1966.1 An ACI to provide for the estoblisl~xtrenlof as Autlzority for rlre ttraintenance, developmerlt atid regrrlnrior~of wafer-stdpply,sswcruge atld hirruge services ar~dfor the collecrior~arid disposal of garbage ill rlre Calclrtta Metropoli~oxlDistrict wilh a view lo the pror~~otionof prrblic I~caltharid for ~rraftersconnecred therewi~h. WHEREASit isexpedient to provide forthe eslablishmentofanAuthority for themaintenance, development and regulationof water-supply, sewerage and dninage services and for hccollection and djsposal of garbage in the CaIcurtn Metropolitan District wilh a view lo the promorion of public hedlh and for matters connected therewilh; It is hereby cn~ctedin the Sixteenlh Year of the Republic of India, by the Legislamre of West Bengal, as follows:- CHAPTER I Preliminary. 1. (1) This Act may be called the CalcuUa Metropolitan Water and Shon tirle. cxtcnt and Sanitation Aulhorily Acl. 1966. comrncncc- (2) It exlends lo he CaIcu~taMcrropolitan District excluding any lncnr. cantonmen1 or pan of a canlonment within the said Districl. (3) It shall come into force ar once. .., , , 2. (1) In lhis Act unless (here is anything repugnant in the subject or Dcfinirions. COnlex1,- (a) "Authority" means the Calcutta Metropolitan Warer and . Saniiation Authority eslabIished under section 3; @) "Board" means the Board oEDjreclors mentioned in secljon 4; (c) "CalcutmMc~opolitanDis~ric~"or"Dis~rict"meansIhearea described in Schedule I which the Slate Govemrncnt may, in consultation with Ihe Authority, amend from lime to dmc by notification; (d) "Chairman" means the Chairman of the Board appointed under sub-seclion (5) of secrion 5; 'For S~atcmcntor Objwk nnd Reasons, set ~hcCalcurra Ga:cnc. Errraordinary, PMI IVAof lhe25!hSeprcrnbcr, 1965.pagcs3755-3757: ror pr~cccdingsollhc Wcsr Bcngal Lagislarive Assembly, see the proceedings of Bc rncclings of that Assembly hcld on 5h. 61h,7th. loth, and 13th January. 1966, 77le Calcrr~taMelrol~o/irun Waicr atrd Sarrituriotl Ar~tlzoriy A cr, 1 966. [West Bcn. Act (Clraprer 11.-Esrablislrttrie~~ft~lrrl Consiilutior~ of tire Ar1111ority.- Sectio~rs3. 4.) I.r - : (e) "Direcror" mcans n Direclor of the Board appoinred or elected under seclion 5; (f) "garhuge" includes offensive matter, rubbish and carcasses of dead animals; (g) "General Manager" means rhc General Manager of the Authority appointed under seclion 18; (h) "local authorily" means a municipal corporarion or municipality or olher aud~orirylegalIy entitled to [he conlrol or management of local funds bu~does not include the Commissioners for Ihc Port of Calcut~a; (i) "member"means a memberoftheGenen1 Council mentioned in section 4; G) "notification" mcans a nolificalion published in the Oficial Gazerre; (k) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act; (1) "public authority" incIudes any staturory aulhorily or coi-pontion, not being a Iocal aulhority, exercising public functions; (m) "regula~ions"means regularions made under this Act. (2) The expressions "building", "drain", "house-drain", "house-gully", "occupier'', "offensive mauer", "owner", "private street", "public street', "rubbish", and "sewage" used in this Act shall, unless there is anything repugnanr in the subject or conlekt, have [he same meaning as in the wcslBcn. Calcurta Municipal Acl, 195 1. hci XXXIII or 1951. Establishment and Cansiitution of lhc Authority. l31ablisl1- 3. (1) With effect from such date as the Stale Government may, by mcnl r~ithe notification, appoint in this behalf, there shall bc eslablished for the Calculra Mctropoli~anDistrict an Authority by the name of the Calcutta Metropoliran Water and Sanilnlion Authority. (2) Thc Authority shal I be a body corponle having pcrpctual succession and a common seal, and shall by the said name sue and bc sucd. Conslirurion 4. (1) The Authorily shall consist of- or Ulc Aulhoriry. (i) a Board of Direclors, and The Calctrrtd Mefroyolirarr Waler atid Sa~~irationArrlhoriry Act, 1966. (Cliaprer 11.-Establishrrret~~and Cons~itrrtio~~of rhe A~rrl~oriry.- Secriotr 5.) (ii) ;I General Counci I. (2) All aclion taken by thc Authority shall be expressed lo be taken in the name of Ihe Authority, and orders and o~hcrinsrrurnenls made and exccu led in Ihe name of Ihc Aulhorily shall be au~henlicatedby affixing the scnl of the Authority and signarure of thc Chairman or any other Dircctor authorised in [his bchnlf by the Board. 5. (1) The Board of Directors rnen~ionedin seclion 4 shall consist Board or of S~KDirectors, namely:- Dircctnrs. (a) threc whoIe-timeDirectorsappoinledby theStateGovernment by norification, of whom one shall be an engincec wilh experience in public heallh engineering and anothcr shall be a person wi~hexpcricnce in financial adminismtion, and (b) Ihrce Directors elected, in such manner asmay be prescribed, by heGeneral Council, of whom one shall be from amongst Ihe members representing the Calcutta Carporalion, another from amongst [he members rcpresenling other municipal corpontions andmunicip~liticsandhe thirdone from mongst the members represenling 1heZilla Parishod.r, and the names of the person so decled shall be published by the Chairman by notificolion: Provided that no member who is a Government servant shall take part or vote in the eleclion of a Direclor by !he General Council: Provided furlher lhar where all [he members representing heCalcuua Corporalion or the or her municipal corporations and municipalities or the Zilla Parisfrods, sufFer any disqunlification under sub-sccrion (4) or areunrvilling lo act as Direclors, the Gencnl Council shall elec~a Director from amongst the elected members of [he Calculcn Corporation, elected members and commissioners or olher municip~l corporations and municip;llitics or members of the Zilla Parishads, specified in Schedulc 11. (2) '(a) The Directors appointed under clause (a) of sub-seclion (1) shall hold office during the pleasure of the Governor: Provided that a Direclor appointed before hecommencement of the West Ben. Calculta Metropolitan Water and Sanitation Authority (Amendment) Ord. XVI aT 1932. Ordinance, 1972, far any specified period shall hold office unlil the period for which he was so appointed expircs. 'Claux (a) wxs subsli~ulcdfor original clilusc by s. 2 ofthc CalcuiiaMe~rn~lirnnWn~cr and Sani~auonAurhorily (Amcndmcnr) Aci, 1973 (Wesr Bcn. ACI XU1 of 1973). The Calcurra Merropolitan Worcr atrd Sanitarioll Arrlliority Act, 1966. [Wesl Ben. Act ' ..., .. (b) The tcms of office of Direclors elecred under clause (b) of sub- scc~ion(I) shall be two years: Pravided [hat a Director eIeclcd LS a representative of a municipal corporalion, rnunicipali~y.or Zilla Parislrari shall cease fo hold office when he ccaqes to be such a represenralive. (3) The qualificnrions, remuneration and other conditions of servicc of Directors appoinled under clause (a) ofsub-section (1) and the fees for attendance a1 meetings of Directors elected under clause (b) of the said sub-section shall be such as may be prescribed. (4) A person shall be disqualified for being appoinled or clecled. or for conlinuing as, a Director if he hu,direcrly or indirccrly, any interest in a subsisting conuact made with, or in any work being done Tor, the Authority except as ashareholder (olher lhan a direcror) in an incorporalcd company: provided [hat where he is a shnre-holder, he shall disclose 10 [he Slalc Govemmcnt [he nnturc and extent of shares held by him in such company. (5) The Sratc Government shall appoint oneof [heDircclorsappointed under clause (a) of sub-seclion (I) as the Chairman whose duties and funclions shall be such as may be prescribed. (6) (a) The Directors appointed under cInuse (a) of sub-section (1) shall, pending elecrion of Directors by the General Council under clause (b) of the said sub-seclion, be compctenl to funciion as heBoard and be deemed lo be a duly consti~uledBoard under this scction. (b) IF the Genera1 CounciI does nol, by such limeas may he prescrikd in this behalf, clect a Direc~orrepresenling any body or group of bodies, specified in clause (b) of sub-section (I), the Slate Government shall, by nolificarion, appoin~a date for such elecrion and if the General Council fails to elect the Direnor by the appointed dale, [he State Government shall, by no~ification,appoint a Director from amongst the members representing such body or groupof bodies, and in such case the provisions ofthe sccond proviso lo clause 0)of sub-section (1) shall apply subject to the change therein hat in place of [he words "the General Council shall elecl", [he words "the Srnre Governmenr shall appoinr" shall be read.
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