North Ukiah Weekend FORUM All-Stars prevail entertainment Our readers write .............Page 6 ..............Page 3 ..................................Page 4 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Tomorrow: Low clouds, sunshine 7 58551 69301 0 THURSDAY July 6, 2006 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 16 pages, Volume 148 Number 88 email: [email protected] Noxious FOURTH OF JULY thistle Arrests tough Police chaplains on DUI to beat A counselor, a friend, a sounding board increase Starthistle prevalent One fatal highway throughout state, accident locally with our county The Daily Journal at the top of the list The number of arrests for driving under the influence By JAMES ARENS went up and the number of The Daily Journal traffic accident fatalities Mendocino County is tied remained static this year dur- for second place in a race it ing the Fourth of July holiday doesn’t want to win. weekend. “The yellow starthistle is Between 6 p.m. Friday and pretty big here in Mendocino 12 a.m. Wednesday, the Cali- County,” said John M. fornia Highway Patrol Harper, University of observed a Maximum En- California Cooperative forcement Period. This means Extension Livestock/Natural that at all times, 80 percent of Resources adviser. “It’s defi- uniformed personnel were on nitely a problem weed.” the road looking for those The yellow starthistle is a violating the law. noxious, yellow-blossoming In Mendocino County, 11 exotic weed with 1-inch-long people were arrested on sus- spines that’s commonly found picion of driving under the influence during the enforce- See STARTHISTLE, Page 16 ment period. There were also five traffic accidents during that period, one of which MARIJUANA TRIAL resulted in a fatality. The remaining accidents resulted Isaac Eckel/The Daily Journal in mostly minor to moderate Ukiah Police Department Chaplain Frank Russell, left, and California Highway Patrol Chaplain Ralph injuries. Search Huddleston act as counselors and confidants to the officers in their agencies. By BEN BROWN Chaplains also give advice on See HOLIDAY, Page 16 evidence The Daily Journal A law enforcement officer is a ‘walking problems with marriage and family, Huddleston said. This can be a COUNTY OF MENDOCINO cting as counselors, trash can’ that moves through the particular problem for police won’t be confidants and friends, police community, collecting the worst parts officers, who are on call all the time. chaplains are often a release “Those are often the places that A valve for law enforcement of human interaction. ‘They see all the suffer,” Huddleston said. Gaming quelled officers, the people society charges with He said one of the hardest parts of handling its worst elements. bad things that happen. Every once in a police chaplain’s job is dealing The Daily Journal “It’s something all police a while, the trash can has to be with police officers’ problems while money Judge Jonathan Lehan has departments should have,” said Ukiah remaining a positive force in the denied a motion by Russell Police Department Chaplain Frank emptied.’ officers’ lives. and Sara Rexrode to suppress Russell. “The hardest part is seeing the Russell, a former Glenn County received evidence gathered in a search pain and turmoil without becoming a for evidence of animal cruelty police officer, and Ralph Huddleston, FRANK RUSSELL part of it,” Huddleston said. The Daily Journal that revealed evidence of ille- the associate pastor at the New Life UPD chaplain Both Russell and Huddleston said Mendocino County was gal marijuana cultivation and Community Church, are the police one of the most difficult parts of recently awarded sale. chaplains for the UPD and the local being a chaplain has been getting $250,432.96 from the state’s The Rexrodes argued that office of the California Highway Patrol respectively. police officers to open up to them and come to them with Indian Gaming Special material evidence was delib- The job of a police chaplain is to be a counselor and problems. Distribution Fund. The erately misstated or omitted friend to those in the community who often have to deal “What is most important is having fellowship with the money came from contribu- in an affidavit that led to the with residents at their worst. Russell likes to use the guys,” Russell said. tions to the fund made by the issuing of the search warrant. metaphor of a “walking trash can” that moves through In addition to being a counselor, chaplains also make Hopland Band of Pomo Lehan ruled the affidavit the community, collecting the worst parts of human death notifications, perform critical incident stress Indians. It will be used to help did not deliberately misstate interaction. management, preside over funerals and even maintain law enforcement or omit facts and contained “They see all the bad things that happen,” Russell occasionally perform weddings. patrol services to the Sho-Ka- evidence sufficient to justify a said. “Every once in a while, the trash can has to be Russell came to the chaplaincy after working for 20 Wah Casino in Hopland by search for evidence of animal emptied.” years as a deputy in the Glenn County Sheriff’s funding one and a half sher- cruelty. A chaplain often provides officers with someone they Department. iff’s patrol deputy positions, Fish and Game Warden can talk to who is not their direct supervisor, Russell and will also benefit Crime Lynette Shimek testified that said. See CHAPLAINS, Page 16 Victims Mitigation and Healthy Kids Mendocino. See SEARCH, Page 16 Mendocino County’s Indian Gaming Local Community Benefit Committee -- its formation is required by the state in order Small business says solar is the way to go for the Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund to allocate By LAURA MCCUTCHEON that,” Brodoski said. money raised from gaming The Daily Journal Nathan Booth, of Radiant Solar license fees -- met in early There’s something new at Home, Technology in Ukiah, agreed. May to discuss requests for Audio, Video and DFM Car Stereo “With city of Ukiah rebates and funding and to forward a list ... it’s not for sale, but it will make available federal tax credits, small of approved projects to the business owner Brian Brodoski businesses can expect a system to State Controller’s Office. money in the long run. pay for itself in about five years. ... The committee is com- The 1,600-square-foot solar For a homeowner or business, you prised of Hopland Band of array lining the rooftop of are locking in your utility rates for Pomo Indians representatives Brodoski’s company cost around the life of the system,” he said. Wanda Balderama and Alice $135,000, but it will offset his elec- This particular system is syn- Becerra, Mendocino County tricity bill by about 20 percent, he chronized with the city’s utility representatives Supervisor said, even after he has it paid off. grid, which allows the electronic David Colfax and Supervisor “Usually the savings equals any meter to essentially spin backwards Michael Delbar and local rep- payments you would make on this resentatives Anne Molgaard for five years and then it’s free after See SOLAR, Page 16 and Hale P. Knight Jr. In a press release, the county thanked the Hopland Isaac Eckel/The Daily Journal Band of Pomo Indians for its Nathan Booth, of Radiant Solar Technology, explains part of contributions to the fund and the electrical system from the new solar panels to Home, “for its professionalism and Audio, Video and DFM Car Stereo owner Brian Brodoski (right) cooperation throughout the and manager Bill Hale. grant application process.” 2 – THURSDAY, JULY 6, 2006 DAILY DIGEST Editor: Jody Martinez, 468-3517 The Ukiah Daily Journal [email protected] Meganumber: 16. FUNERAL NOTICES DEATH NOTICES Jackpot: $110 million. [\ Hildebrand of Kelseyville, As a career Rancher he birds and 2 dogs Charlie • Estle G. Hagne, 90, of POLICE REPORTS JOHN ROSS HILDEBRAND JR Jimmy Vickers of lived in Healdsburg, and Booner. His Covelo, died on Monday, July The following were John Ross Hildenbrand Lakeport and numerous Big Valley, Redwood Valley, family being his first pas- 3, 2006. Arrangements are Jr., Born September cousins, nieces, and settling in sion. Friends are in- compiled from reports under the direction of Anker- prepared by the Ukiah 16, 1936, died suddenly nephews and relatives. Potter Valley in 1969. John vited to attend a funeral Lucier Mortuary. July 1, 2006 of heart A 1954 graduate of taught agriculture mass 10:00am Friday Police Department. To failure at the age of 69, Kelseyville High, attended at P.V. High School and July 7 at St Mary anonymously report while volunteering Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 2 then began a 20 year Immaculate on Main St in crime information, call with Soroptimist youth years. 1957 career in the lumber indus- Lakeport. A vigil service CORRECTIONS 463-6205. swim meet in Ukiah. named one of California’s try as a millwright will be held 7:00pm ARREST -- Guillermo Survived by loving wife of eleven representa- and boilerman with Thursday July 6, 2006 at The Ukiah Daily Journal Baroza, 40, of Boonville, was 48 years Patricia tives as a part of the Louisiana Pacific. Chapel of the Lakes reserves this space to correct arrested on suspicion of Hildebrand, children International Farm Youth In 1993 he retired and Mortuary 1625 High St. errors or make clarifications assault with a deadly weapon Sheryn Wattenburger Exchange, traveling on the took up family ranching Lakeport, Viewing to news articles. Significant or with force likely to produce (Cook), Joanne Drake Queen Mary to in earnest, raising regis- Thursday 3-8pm. errors in obituary notices or great bodily injury in the 700 (Bill), John Hildebrand live in England, Scotland tered horned Here- Interment Kelseyville birth announcements will block of Sidnie Court at 2:41 (Danya), Mary Merritt and Wales to study fords and prize winning 4- Ceme- result in reprinting the entire p.m.
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