VOL. XX., No. 3 [PRICE TEN CENTS] OCTOBER 11, 1917 Buy a Liberty Bond for the Alumni Fund! ITHAGA, NEW YORK CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS The Farmers' Loan and Herbert G. Ogden Jas. H. Oliphant & Co. E. E., '97 Trust Company ALFRED L. NORRIS, FLOYD W. MUNDY '98 Attorney and Counsellor at Law J. NORRIS OLIPHANT Όl 16, 18, 20, 22 William St., New York Patents and Patent Causes J. J. BRYANT, jr.,'98 FRANK_L. VAN WIE Branch, 475 Fifth Ave. 120 Broadway New York Members New York Stock Exchange ί 16Pal 1 Mal1 East> s w l and Chicago Stock Exchange { 26 Old Broad Street, E. C. 2 PARIS ................. 41 Boulevard Haussman Going to Ithaca? New York Office, 61 Broadway Chicago Office, 711 The Rookery LETTERS OF CREDIT Use the "Short Line" FOREIGN* EXCHANGES between CABLE TRANSFERS Auburn (Monroe St.) and Ithaca Sheldon Court A fireproof, modern, private dor- Better Quicker Cheaper mitory for men students of Cornell Direct connections at Auburn University. (Monroe St. Station) with New Catalogue sent on request. Do You Use York Central Trains. A. R. CONGDON, MGR. ITHACA, N. Y. Press Clippings? It will more than pay you to Cascadilla School secure our extensive service cover- The Leading ing all subjects, trade and personal and get the benefit of the best and Preparatory School for Cornell most systematic reading of all Located at the edge of the University papers and periodicals, here and campus. Exceptional advantages for abroad, at minimum cost. college entrance work. Congenial living. Our service is taken by progres- Athletic training. Certificate privilege. sive business men, publishers, au- For information and catalogue address: thors, collectors, etc., and is the The Sign of W. D. Funkhouser, Principal, card index for securing what you Good Print Shop need, as every article of interest Ithaca, N. Y. is at your command. Trustees Write for terms or send your Franklin C. Cornell Ernest Blaker order for 100 clippings at $5, or Charles D. Bostwick 1,000 clippings at $35. Special rates quoted in large orders. The Manhattan SCHOOL OF THE SOLDIER Press Clipping Bureau ORDER ARMS TO RIGHT SHOULDER ARMS 320-322 Fifth Avenue New York City Arihur Cassot, Proprietor Established in 1888 ITHACA TRUST COMPANY ASSETS OVER THREE MILLION DOLLARS COMMAND:-! RigM Shoulder 2 ARMS EXPLANATION ~ Bant «l ORDER ARMS OV 1), at Ae com. Without cljonging the mup o( (he ridit hand, olacί mud ARMS, with the ri«fct hand πύe and ftrow dw p^lΠb^rφt^hάϋdβ. bCSS upΊώΓίί Pres., MYNDERSE VANCLEEF Vice-Pres., E. L. WILLIAMS ; UKptt<di>lo»D7acroHd»bod7U i!.2)gr>ip. cbied .1 u " Vice-Pres. and Treas., C. E. TREMAN Sec. and Γreas., W. H. STORMS ; fingen. <TWO> ( E) Drop the left band by the ύde IFι». 41. THE LACKAWANNA RAILROAD These charts (actual size 11 by 14 inches), ίackawanna operates steel electric lighted sleeping cars between New 25 in set, teach thoroughly the manual of arms and how to shoot and care for the Railroad York and Ithaca daily, leaving New York 8:30 P. M., army rifle. Their use will make you a arriving Ithaca 7 A. M., and leaving 10:00 P. M., arriving well-drilled soldier, aid you in getting a New York 7 A. M. commission, and assist you in training your men. Edited by Lieut. Col. G. S. Simonds, U.S.A. Endorsed by Gen. RAILROAD AND PULLMAN TICKETS Wood. can be purchased in advance at 1465, 1183, 237 and 84 Broadway, New York; Price Three Dollars, Postpaid 505 Fulton Street, Brooklyn; and Broad and Market Streets, Newark. Ithaca City Ticket Office - - 213 East State Street National Army School 314 East 23rd St., New York City CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XX., No. 3 ITHACA, N. Y., OCTOBER 11, 1917 PRICE 10 CENTS *f ^.ITTLE outward appearance of THE field officers of the R.O.T.C. this SEVERAL PAGES of the October num- J| J change marks the course of fall are: Colonel, James L. Berston '18, ber of The Cornell Countryman are de- "~ ^ University life this fall. The Yonkers; lieutenant-colonel, R. B. voted to an editorial statement, ably effects of the war are not so disturbing Stuart '18; majors, Francis C. Wilbur '18, reinforced by citation of particular as they were last spring, when students Albany; William G. Milligan '18, New cases, of the bad effect upon food pro- were leaving Ithaca by the hundreds, all York, and Hubert H. Moon '18, Burke, duction of the drafting of farmers into athletic games had been abandoned, and Va. The regimental adjutant is Cap- the National Army. The article in- instructors were finding it hard to keep tain Julian A. Sohon '18, of New York, cludes a statement by Dean Mann of the minds of students concentrated on and the supply officer is Captain Henry the College of Agriculture of Jhe inter- the work of the class room. The Uni- W. Greenberg '18, of Flushing. The ruption of important work in that col- versity has passed through that phase of battalion adjutants are First Lieutenants lege by the calling of several of its the war and has adjusted itself to the William P. Woodcock '20, Spencer, teachers into the army. How the agri- absence of many teachers and the loss Iowa; William S. Stempfle '19, Elmira, cultural war emergency work of the of many students. A walk about the and Louis Drago '19, Richmond Hill. State has been hampered by the drafting Campus and through the corridors of The captains of the companies are W. of agents of the farm bureaus is told by buildings now reveals little that is differ- H. Colvin '20, Evanston, 111.; C. E. Professor M. C. Burritt, and Professor ent from the ordinary. Perhaps the Krey '19, Washington, D. C.; T. B. George A. Works describes the effect of students appear to be younger, but that Huestis '19, Greencastle, Ind.; C. M. the draft upon the teaching of agri- may be only because one thinks that the Christian '19, Horseheads; R. G. Starke culture in the high schools. The case departure of so many upperclassmen '19, New York; R. J. LeBoeuf, jr., '19, of the individual farmer who must risk ought to make a difference in the aver- Albany; Peter Vischer '19, Brooklyn; the loss of his crops and perhaps even age age. One finds professors going W. B. Greenwood '19, Forestville, Md.; of his farm because he is called to military about their usual tasks and learns of E. L. Duffies '19, Washington, D. C.; service is presented by F. W. Wardle '14, students taking up the undergraduate W. D. Ellis '20, Atlanta, Ga.; Sherman who describes his own plight in an open activities that others dropped last spring. Trowbridge '19, Flushing; W. C. El- letter to President Wilson. The point Sophomores still hail freshmen who dridge '19, Takoma Park, D. C., and of the article is that if the farmers are walk on the grass of the Quadrangle K. M. Reid '19, Warren, Ohio. to do what the country expects of them and warn them to keep on the paths. MEN who were officers of the Cornell in augmenting the food supply they And the Co-op is just about as crowded R.O.T.C. last year and who are now in must have "help"—workers—rather as it ever was. the military service of the United States than advice. ONE CHANGE put into effect this fall are the colonel, W. L. Saunders '17, PROFESSOR J. C. BRADLEY of Cornell is suggestive of the war, although it was three majors, J. B. Slimm '17, L. I. and Professor Edwin C. Van Dyke of first proposed long before the war began. Shelley '17, and H. A. Holt '17; and the University of California have ex- That is the new arrangement of the drill H. C. Reed '17, D. C. McCoy '17, C. B. changed work for the current year, the hours. On five afternoons a week now, Benson '17, J. R. Schwartz '18, G. A. Cornell Countryman announces. Al- and from two o'clock to five, some part Benton, jr., '19, K. B. Champ '19, R. B. though both are general entomologists, of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps Hough, jr., '19, A. N. Volkhardt '19, Professor Van Dyke is an authority on is going through military evolutions on W. E. Lauer '19, and L. R. SchaufHer '20. the coleoptera, while Professor Bradley the Campus. On the parade ground Some of these men are on the staff of is a specialist on the hymenoptera. military instructors of the U. S. Army north of the old armory companies of THE TREASURER of the University freshmen, still in citizens' clothes and School of Military Aeronautics at Cornell. has received from Mr. William A. Dole wearing gray caps, are learning to count A PORTRAIT of Irving Porter Church of Boston, as executor of the will of Mrs. fours, change step, and march in line. '73, emeritus professor of applied me- Grace Weld (Soper) Dole, of the class In the Quadrangle on the same after- chanics and hydraulics in the College of of 1882, a check for $15 in fulfilment of a noon may be seen a sophomore company Civil Engineering, the gift of former provision of the will. This bequest was: in khaki deployed across the lawn and students, will be formally presented to "To Sage College, Cornell University, charging by squads all the way from the University at noon on Friday, No- my alma mater, fifteen dollars for its Sibley to Boardman. The schedules of vember 9.
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