Warmer P.rtly cloudy .nd wlrm.r WtdneadlY. Hith. in the tttn. In the IIIrthNat te 3h III the aouthWllt. Plrtly cloudy te clovdy oil owan Wednesd.y nl,ht and ThundlY. Serving the University of Iowa and the People of Io wa City .........hetl In 1868 .owa City, .owa 52240-Weclnesclay, January 20, 1.71 10 c•• t •• copy Oil Slicks Foul Boyd Sees UI California Coast 'Belt Tightening' SAN FRANcrsco ~ - Oil from I gigantic cleanup campaigr. which be­ The nation faces a "new depression university's health science colleges - npped-open tanker fouled ocean beaches gan before dawn Monday and continued In higher education:" University of medicine, denistry, nursing, and pharm­ IIOJ1h and south of San Francisco on around the clock. Iowa Pres. Willard Boyd said Tuesday acy. In recent years the university has Tuesday as low fog hampered clean- Thirty-four pumper trucks worked in a speech to the Iowa City and Coral­ averaged about 720 graduates per year • up of the huge slicks inside San Fran­ along the shores of San Francisco Bay ville service clubs. from these programs. "OUr plans call cisCo Bay. and more than 500 men dumped 4,000 Boyd said that universltle! In Iowa Cor increasing thIs to an average of '!1Ie Coast Guard estimated that bales of hay to absorb the Ude-borne and around the nation are beset by Be­ 1,200." lOO,OOO to 1.9 millions gallons of bunker blobs of sticky oil. vere financial difficulties. He warned fuel oil gushed from the Oregon Stand­ The company amassed a score of lank that the University of Iowa will be In ard after a collision early Monday with trucks and seven skimmer barges. "serious difficulty" II the state legisla­ b &ister ship, the Ariwna Standard. A huge skimmer was called up from tUre fails to appropriate the funds re­ UI Announces quested for the next two years (1971-73) Standard Oil Co. of California, owner Santa Barbara, scene or a major oil well blowout in 1969. by the State Board of Regents. If both vessels, would give no estimate Even if the proposed budget Is ap­ of the amount lost, but a spokesman said Estimates of the Santa Barbara Chan­ Waste Disposal nel leakage varied from 750,000 to 2.2 proved "belt tightening" will be neces­ it was believed to be much less than sary, Boyd said. The university's prob­ lilt 1.9 million-gallon figure. million gallons. It blackened beaches and affected marine life for months. lems are compounded by uncertain fed­ Feasibility Study Tl!e company, facing the possibility of Three floating booms, each more than eral funding, he added. larlt penalties for pollution, pressed a one mile long, were used to contain the Boyd said that the Regents are ask­ University of Iowa President Willard bay spread, but the Coast Guard said ing considerably less money of the state Boyd announced Tuesday that the uni· spotty slicks extended more than a doz­ legislature than the state universities versity has undertaken a study of th. requested in their budget proposals to en miles inside the bay. feasibility of installing a steam-generat­ Urge Restrictions The Arizona Standard, which had no the Regents . Boyd termed the original budget requests made by the universi­ ing boiler fueled by solid wastes o( the leakage, was emptied of its crude oit type now hauled to the city landfill. load and was to be shilled to a shipyard ties "realistic". On Mercury Use for repair of its damaged bow. The cost of higher education will con­ In a speech to rowa City and Coralville Sands of San Francisco's Ocean Beach tinue to rise, Boyd predicted. "Even the service clubs, Boyd said such an installa­ and resorts to the north became thick mo t conservative internal fiscal poli­ tion might eliminate a variety of pollution 8y U.S. Industry with oil that flowed out through the cies which we will pursue will not great­ problems associated with landfill opera­ Golden Gate on ebb tides. ly reduce costs. Productivity in higher tions in Iowa City and surrounding com­ I WASHINGTON ~ - A government Company workers and youthful vol­ education cannot be measured in the munlties, eliminate air pollution from un­ lCientific study group concluded Tues­ unteers scooped oil and pitched hay ame way as that or the economy as a controlled burning, and at the same time day widespread poisoning from mer- during the night along the San Fran­ whole. Educational improvements are provide for the UniverSity's power re­ 0Il'Y in food Is unlikely. But It said the cisco beach. expensive." quirements . ~vernment must move with utmost The Coast Guard forbade the use of Boyd said that Increasing (ees to Initial Investigations by university urgency to remove deposits of the metal detergents after conservationists pro­ maintain the university's financial sta­ physical plant staff have revealed that frnm polluted waterways. tested. bility would be unfair to lower and mid­ larger population centers and industrial 't'IIe scientists also u r g e d further Detergents used in the Torrey Canyon dle income students. "Well over half" of plants ean produce steam more cbeaply curbs on industrial discharges of mer­ tanker disaster in 1967 severely damag­ the university's students work during Suls fleeing a manivt oil 'lick cauMCI than by buying conventional fuel , he CII!1and a virtual ban on pesticides con­ ed the ecology of the British and French the school year to help pay for their ed­ said. by the collision Monday of two tankers ucation , he noted. taining the metallic compound. coasts. Henry BarbatU, associate physical The State Department o( Fish and found refuge on a buoy oH the Btlve­ Boyd also opposed withholding funds "It seems unlikely that we will find Oil Slicked dert, Calif., shore. Standard 011 Com­ plant director, said that such a facility overt mercury poisoning from the con­ Game set up three centers to care for from universities as a punishment for pany cr.ws were workIng to cl.an up disturbances on university campuses. could be used by surrounding commu­ sumption o{ fish or other food products, stricken waterfowl. Conservationist vol­ nities to dispose of refuse, and that the unteers rushed to help. the big 'pill. - AP Wirephoto "Young people are the future of this IS normally marketed, in this country," cost o( solid waste disposal in commu­ lbey said in a report to the Secretary of country and an investment in their edu­ cation is our best guarantee that our nities served by these installations else­ Health, Education and Welfare and to where has been reduced about 30 per !he Environmental Protection Agency. -Justice Douglas: No 'Badge of Infamy/- society will be regenerative and not de­ generative. " cent. "This Is not to say that there may not BOyd predicted a lower rate o( growth The plant would pose no special air Ie • few Individuals, who because of (or most university colleges during the pollution problems, since stack emis­ ~gh consumption of contaminated fish High' Court Strikes Wis~onsin Law next decade. The . univer ity student sion control devices would be used . And lnay have signs of mercury poisoning population wih only number about 1,600 because refuse has a lower sulfur con­ · . including delayed neurologic nerve WASHlNGTON I'" - The woman lice Hugo L. Black also dissented. tion, honor or inlegrity are at stake be­ mOJ1e students in 1980 than it does to­ tent than either oil or coal, the opera­ Ir inteUectual damage," the report said. whose name was posted in bars in her Speaking for the majority, Justice cause of what the government is doing da) , he said. tion would emit less sulfur <n:;xide , Bar­ "Also, possibly Infants or children may state or Wisconsin as an excessive drink­ William O. Douglas said when a state to him, notice and opportunity to be He did predict major growth in the batti said. have impaired development. " er won a 6-3 ruling from the Supreme attaches "a badge of infamy" to a citi­ heard are essentiaL" The study group headed by Dr. Nor­ Courl Tuesday that she had been un­ zen's name the state must first give the The Hartford police chief had given Ion Nelson o( New York University constitutionally stigmatized. person a chance to defend himself at a no reason in ordering the town 's ]7 tav­ j made its report after a visit to Sweden In her victory, Ms . Norma Grace Can­ hearing. erns and 20 liquor stores not to sell or and Finland, where mercury is also a stantineau brought down the state law "She may have been the victim of an give Ms. Constanlineau a drink. The The Beatles Are Broke " I lUious environmental problem. All but used by the Hartford, Wis. , police chief. official 's caprice," the Justice said of the woman fought back in a suit bringing one of the nine other scientists on the And the ruling put 15 slates with similar Wi sconsin woman. "Only when the whole the first test of the Wisconsin law. LONDON IA'I - The Beatles, who roar­ four years until then and only Monday laws on Dotice they cannot post anyone 's panel are government officials. proceedings leading to the pinning of an In 1969 a federal court in Milwaukee ed out of a Liverpool basement eight got draft accounts "which suggest there The report follows the finding of sig­ name in a tavern without a hearing. unsavory label on a person are aired can ruled the law was invalid because it years ago to earn a (ortune by singing probably is not enough in the kitty to nificant mercury contamination In the Chief Justice Warren E.
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