FAMILY GENEALOGIES IN SURNAME ORDER Call BEND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY RESEARCH LIBRARY Holdings as of: 22 Aug 2017 Publ. Number Surname Title Author Publisher Date FN A Abell Medieval English Ancestors of Robert Abell Boyer, Carl 3rd Boyer, Carl 3rd 2001 FN A Acton Descendants of Benjamin Acton Acton, James N. Salem Co. N.J. Historical Soc. Vol. 5, No. 1 1977 FN A Aldworth Aldworth-Elbridge and Others Salisbury, Edward Private 1885 FN A Allerton Isaac Allerton of the Mayflower & his Descendants for Four Generations Wakefield, Robert S. General Society of mayflower Descentants 1990 Alt Alt (See Buzzard--FN B) FN A Appleton Appleton Family Xerox Copy FN A Armistead Armistead Family Garber, Virginia Whittet and Shepperson Arrell Arrell (See Arrol--FN A) FN A Arrol Arrol, Arroll and Arrell Families Arroll, John Arrol House Pub Bales Bales (See Beales--FN B) Ballard Ballard (See South--FN S) FN B Barlow Barlow Family Genealogy- Delaware Co NY George Barlow Higginson Book Co, Reprint 1891 FN B Barnes Barnes Bulletin 2.0 Vol. 1-3 Dye, John and Judy The K.A.R.D. Files 1986, 1992 Barron Barron (See Klempton--FN K) FN B Bassett Bassett Family: Lynn, Mass to Salem Co. N.J. 1624 -1964 Chandler, Catherine Soleman Salem Co. Historical Society, Vol. 3, No. 1 1964 FN B Batchelder Batchelder Review Vol 3 and 4 Penna-Oakes, Shirley Pioneer Publications 1989 FN B Beales Beales-Bales Family Hayes, Dorman C. Dorman Hayes 1980 FN B Bean Joshua Bean of Exeter NH Drummond, Josiah H. Smith and Sale Press 1903 FN B Beauchamps Richard Beauchamps, Earl of Warwick Oakeshott, R. Ewart Lutterworth Press 1966 FN B Benton Samuel Slade Benton. His Ancestors and Descendants Benton, josiah Henry, Jr. the Merrymount Press 1901 FN B Billington John Billington of the Mayflower and his Descendants for Five Generations Hodge, Harriet Woodbury General Society of mayflower Descendants 1988 FN B Blaisdell Blaisdell Papers 11 Issues 1910-1989 plus Blaisdell Family Manuscript Blaisdell, James, Ed Blaisdell Family Ass. 1988 FN B Blevins Jonathan Blevins, Sr. of VA & Desc. Blevins, Laccie & Ray OverMountain Press 1982 FN B Bliss Bliss Family; 3 Volumes Bliss, Aaron Tyler Pendell Pub 1881 FN B Blue Newsletter of the "National Blue Family Association" (The Chalice) 25 CDs Blue, Bill National Blue Family Association 2005-11 FN B Bobo Bobo/Beaubais Family Missing 9-00 FN B Bogarudus Bogarudus "Dear Cousin" 1605-1663 Bogardus, Wm Brower Penobscot Press 1996 Some Earlier Americans, Boles and Bowers Relatives, CA 1700 - 1970 (First FN B Boles Harold W. and David B. Boles Adams Press, Chicago IL 1970 Edition) Borden Family (known descendants of Richard & Joan Borden of FN B Borden Hattie Borden Weld Joel Munsells, Sons, NEHGS Reprint 1899 Portsmouth, RI Dryden, Ruth T.( Rev.by Block, Sharon, FN B Bounds Boundless Bounds Family Private 2000 Bounds, Eleanor & Collins, Jinny Bowers Bowers (See Boles--FN B) Branstine Branstine (See Coleman--FN C) FN B Brecks John Brecks & his son Thomas, Sherborn, MA Bent, Allen H. Clapp & Sons 1902 Dutchess County Historical Society Yearbook Vlm FN B Brett Catharyna Brett - Portrait of a Colonial Businesswoman Cassidy, Henry 1992 77 FN B Brewster Brewster Genealogy: Vol I & II, 1566-1907 Jones, Emma C. Brewster The Grafton Press 1908 FN B Britt Genealogy of Trout, Britt and Related Families Britt, Daniel S., McDowell Publications 1985 FN B Brown Peter Brown of the Mayflower and his Descendants for Four Generations Wakefield, Robert S., FASG General Society of mayflower Descendants 1988 FN B Buchanan Buchanan & Gillespie of Southwest VA Trimble, David B David B Trimble 1992 Page 1 of 8 FAMILY GENEALOGIES IN SURNAME ORDER Call BEND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY RESEARCH LIBRARY Holdings as of: 22 Aug 2017 Publ. Number Surname Title Author Publisher Date FN B Buckwalter John Edwin Buckwalter Buckwalter 1979 Bunce Bunce (See Teape--FN T) FN B Burbach Burbach-Poorbaugh-Purbaugh Family In America 1771-1974 Calder, Treva E. Poorbaugh-Purbaugh Assoc. 1976 FN B Burgess House of the Burgesses M.R. Burgess Borgo Press 1983 FN B Burr Burr Family in Fairfield, CT Photocopy FN B Buzzard Buzzard and Alt Families Monte P. Buzzard Monte P. Buzzard 1991 FN C Calvert Calvert Kin, Vol 1 and 2 Lott, Dewel C. Dewel C. Lott 1973 FN C Calvin John & Mary Clapper Kagarice Calvin -- MISSING 8-23-13 Bigsby & Yoder 1980 Campbell Contacts in America- Vo1. 2: 3 issues 1980, 1 issue 1981, 1981 FN C Campbell Campbell, Chris Chris Campbell 1980, 1991 Index Issue FN C Campbell Campbell Contacts: 5 Issues plus Research Directory: Campbell Contacts Campbell Contacts FN C Campbell Journal of the Clan Campbell Society 5 Iss. Campbell, James Lyle, Ed. The Clan Campell, Soc USA 1982 FN C Carter Descendants of Benjamin Carter of Missouri (1807) Carter, Jeff, Carter, Jeff 1989 FN C Casse Descendants of John Casse ( - 1675) of Hampton, New Hampshire Vol. II Berry, Donald J., Anundsen Pub. Co. 1992 FN C Chadbourne Chadbourne Family Ass. of Waterborough ME Sanborn, George F. Chadbourne Family Association 1991-93 Chalifoux Chalifoux (See Roussil--FN R) FN C Chamberlain Chamberlain Ass. News 8 Issues 1981-88 Luedemann, Judith, Ed. The Chamberlain Ass. Of America 1981-88 FN C Chamberlain Chamberlain Chain 7 Issues 1985-89 Weidner, Carolyn, Ed. Weidner Words 1989 FN C Chess Chess Family History Chess, F.S and F.J. FS and FJ Chess FN C Clark Clark Clarion 8 Issues 1987-88 Ganier, Merle, Ed. Merle Ganier 1988 Clarke Clarke (See Jones--FN J) FN C Clifford Clifford Ass. Newsletter 1983-88 10 Issues Clifford, R.N. Esq. R. N. Clifford, Esq. 1988 FN C Coleman Coleman, Branstine & Reusch Make, Betty Coleman Genealogical Forum of Oregon 1989 Wakefield, Robert S., Van Wood, Ralph Jr. FN C Cooke Francis Cooke of the Mayflower and his Descendants for Four Generations General Society of Mayflower Descendants 1987 and Others FN C Cooke Francis Cooke of the Mayflower. The First Five Generations Wood, Ralph V., Jr., Picton Press 1996 FN C Cooke Thomas Cooke of Rhode Island, Vol. 1 Fiske, Jane Fletcher Jane Fletcher Fiske 1987 FN C Cooke Thomas Cooke of Rhode Island, Vol. 2 Fiske, Jane Fletcher Jane Fletcher Fiske 1987 FN C Cooks Cooks Crier - Newsletter Dec 90-1995 Patin, Carl A., Ed. Quantic, Inc 1995 FN C Cory American Corys. Their Settlement and Dispersion in the U.S. and Canada Cory, Vernon and Michael R. Heritage Books, Inc. 1991 FN C Cresson Pierre Cresson, Huguenot of Staten Island Van Name, Elmer G. Elmer Van Name 1968 FN C Crook Crook: An American Family 1698-1955 Leavitt, Charles Henry same 1956 FN C Cutler Cutler Memorial and Genealogical History Cutler, Nahum S. E.A. Hall and Co. Reprint 1889 FN D Daniel Early History of the Daniel & Daniels Familes in Europe and America Teetor, Henry Dudley NEHGS 1920 FN D Day Some Days of Virginia Day, Jesse H. and Bessie R. Bessie R. Day 1987 FN D Durbin Durbin-Logsdon Genealogy Vol 1 & 2 Carson, Betty J. D. Heritage Books 1993 FN D Dyer Bricks and Mortar: The Life of Donna Dolores Dyer McKie Donna Dyer McKie Donna Dyer McKie 2003 Dykmoke Dykmoke (See Marmion--FN M) FN E Edmondson Edmondson Family Ass. Bulletin 7 Issues Edmonson, Orvan D. Orvan D. Edmonson 1994-98 Elbridge Elbridge (See Aldworth--FN A) Ellsworth Ellsworth (See Richardson--FN R) FN E Everett Everett Monthly Newsletter Hester, Belle Belle Hester 1990-1992 FN F Fellows Fellows Family Records Carpenter, F. H. Int. Research Pub 1976 FN F Fillmores So Soon Forgotten: Three Thousand Fillmores, Part I of 2 Charles L. Fillmore Higginson Book Co., Salem, MA 1984 Page 2 of 8 FAMILY GENEALOGIES IN SURNAME ORDER Call BEND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY RESEARCH LIBRARY Holdings as of: 22 Aug 2017 Publ. Number Surname Title Author Publisher Date FN F Fillmores So Soon Forgotten: Three Thousand Fillmores, Part II Charles L. Fillmore Higginson Book Co., Salem, MA 1984 FN F Fitzgerald Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys Goodwin, Doris Kearns, Simon and Schuster 1987 FN F Frowick Frowick (See Isaacs) FN F Fruchtenicht Fruchtenicht-Rechter Family McMurtry, Mary Catherine Maverick Pub 1997 Edward Fuller of the May Flower and his Descendants for Four FN F Fuller MacGunnigle, Bruce Campbell General Society of Mayflower Descendants 1987 Generations FN G Gallaher Empire of Cousins or The Gallaher Trail Golding, Joyce & George Maverick Publications 1995 Gardiner Gardiner (See Gardner--FN G) FN G Gardner Gardner, Gardiner, Gardener, Garner, Goodwin Gardner, Margaret Fenton Margaret Gardiner Fenton 1992 FN G Garrett Family History with Name Origin and Lineage Lines: Garrett Heraldry, Altadena CA FN G Garrett Garrett Genealogical Exchange 1986-89 15 iss The Garrett Group The Garrett Group 1989 FN G Gay John Gay of Dedham, Massachusetts Gay, Frederick Lewis Google Books , 2010 (copied from internet) 1879 FN G George Lloyd George:The Man & His Story Dilnot, Frank Harper & Brothers 1917 Gillespie Gillespie (See Buchanan--FN B) FN G Goodwin Goodwin News 1985-1992 Goodwin, H. Terry Goodwin Family Org. 1985-1992 FN G Gould Ancestryand Posterity of Zaccheus Gould of Topsfield Gould, Benjamin A. Tuttle Antiquarian Photocopy 1872 FN G Grier Grier of San Francisco 1878-1988 Grier,Wm. Jr. Grier and Co. 1989 Guilford Guilford (See Isaacs--FN I) Hackett Hackett (See Norris--FN N) FN H Hallock Hallock Family Record (Part of the Miner/Minor Family) Hallock, Lucius Henry Library of Congress 2014 FN H Hallock Mustang Colonel's Journey Hallock, Brad Outskirts Press 2014 FN H Hamilton Connector-of the Hamilton(Surname) National Genealogical Society, Inc Lawrence M. Hamilton Hamilton National Gen. Society 2000-04 FN H Hanks Lineage of Lincoln: Hanks Families Barton, William E.
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