VII.9. RESEARCH ON CEPHALOPOD RESOURCES Lefkaditou E.1, IN HELLAS Verriopoulos G.2 & Valavanis V.3 1Institute INTRODUCTION vulgaris and Octopus vulgaris. Biological studies of of Biological Research Several cephalopod species are considered com- the latter two species have been carried out, how- HCMR, mercially important in Hellas (Chapter II.4) and, as ever, in the framework of two PhD studies based 167 77 Agios Kosmas, coastal finfish stocks undergo depletion in heav- on respectively, a) Octopus vulgaris on monthly visu- Hellinikon, Hellas ily exploited fishing grounds, the interest in the al census at several coastal sites (0-30 m depth) of 2 Department of Zoology- exploitation of cephalopod resources is steadily the southern Aegean and Ionian Seas (KatSANE- Marine Biology, increasing. vakis, 2004), and b) Loligo vulgaris on monthly Faculty of Biology, Fisheries research conducted during the last sampling of commercial catches by beach-seiners University of Athens, seventeen years includes the study of the biol- and trawlers in the Thracian Sea (LEFKADITOU, Panepistimioupolis 15784 2006). Moreover, monthly progress of matura- Athens, Hellas ogy, ecology, fisheries and rearing conditions of tion and length-weight relationships were studied 3Institute of Marine Biological Cephalopods, aiming at the conservation of wild Resources, HCMR, Cephalopod populations and the development of for Illex coindetii, Loligo vulgaris and Sepia officinalis P.O..Box 2214, aquaculture. in different areas of the Hellenic seas, based on 71003, Heraklleion, Hellas Available information on Cephalopods’ resources, monthly sampling of commercial catches carried resulting from the analyses of fisheries’ statistical out in the framework of the European research [email protected] data and the investigation based on experimen- projects CEPHVAR (Environmental, Genetic and tal surveys, visual census, cephalopod fisheries’ Biological Variation of Cephalopods in European monitoring and laboratory rearing is compiled in Waters. 1997-2000) and CEPHASSES (ARVANI- this document. Among our aims is (a) to summa- TIDIS et al., 2001, 2002; MORENO et al., 2002). rize research conclusions related to management Two main benthic settlement (recruitment) peaks measures, and (b) to identify in this context gaps in were found for Octopus vulgaris, indicating respec- knowledge and priorities for future research. tive spawning peaks (Table 1), which were more pronounced and shorter in duration when sea- STUDIES ON SPECIES’ LIFE sonal temperature increased (Katsanevakis & HISTORY VERRIOPOULOS, 2006a). A similar effect of tem- Demographic analysis and estimation of the ba- perature has been observed during the spawning sic biological parameters of selected Cephalopod period of Loligo vulgaris which was found to last species has been included in national and inter- from late winter to early autumn in the Thracian national research projects concerning the assess- Sea, reaching a peak in spring (Lefkaditou, ment of commercially important stocks in various 2006). areas of the Hellenic Seas and based on trawl sur- Density of both species in the coastal zone was veys, since 1990. also found to be associated with temperature. Analyses of seasonal size and maturity stages’ Adult octopuses (>200 g) tended to dwell deeper composition, performed for Illex coindetii, Eledone during the period of intense thermocline than dur- cirrhosa, Eledone moschata, Sepia elegans, Sepia or- ing the no-thermocline period (Katsanevakis bignyana Sepietta oweniana and Alloteuthis media & VERRIOPOULOS, 2004), whereas, Loligo vulgaris, sampled with trawl nets in the Aegean Sea, have as supposed by beach-seine CPUE variations, mi- shown prolonged spawning and recruitment pe- grated extensively to inshore fishing grounds after riods for all species, with one or more seasonal a considerable decrease of temperature in late peaks (Table 1). Considerable variation has been November (Lefkaditou et al., 1998). observed in species’ abundance between seasons Octopus life-span and growth rate (Table 1) were or different years, related to their short life-span, estimated by a time-variant, stage-classified, ma- rapid population turnover, reproductive behaviour trix population model based on monthly density and recruitment seasonality (PapacONStaNTI- measurements of 4 size stages (1:<50g, 2: 50-200g, NOU et al., 1993, 1994, 1998). 3: 200-500g, 4: >500g) (Figure 1) which were re- The data collected during trawl surveys were insuf- corded during scuba diving (Katsanevakis & ficient for life cycle studies of neritic commercially VERRIOPOULOS, 2006b). important species such as Sepia officinalis, Loligo 440 Table I. Life cycle features and parameters of commercially important and most abundant cephalopod species in Hellenic Seas (compiled from LEFKADITOU Research & PAPACONSTANTINOU, 1995; ANONYMOUS, 2000; ARVANITIDIS et al., 2001; 2002; MORENO et al., 2002; ANONYMOUS, 2005; KATSANEVAKIS & VERRIOPOULOS, 2006; LEFKADITOU, 2006) ML Spawning period Recruitment period Length-weight Life span DGR range Relative Fecundity Food items Species max ML (cm) (cm) 50 (peak season) (peak season) relationship (months) (g/day) (No oocytes/ g BW) (rank order) Alloteuthis ♀ 10.4 All year BW=0.0012ML2.06 All year media ♂ 8.1 (autumn-winter) BW=0.0022ML1.89 Eledone ♀ 15.5 early summer-mid All year BW=0.0026ML2.51 cirrhosa ♂ 12.0 autumn (autumn-winter) BW=0.0034ML2.43 Eledone ♀ 18.4 March –September All year BW=0.0004ML2.87 moschata ♂ 18.2 (early summer) (autumn) Fish ♀ 24.0 14.6-18.1 All year All year BW=7x10-5ML2.83 13.5 0.06-1.17 Illex coindetii 506 (±101) Cephalopod ♂ 18.0 11.3-13.8 (summer) (autumn-winter) BW=1x10-5ML3.25 14.5 0.06-1.09 Crustacean ♀ 29.5 13.9-18.9 November-June All year BW=0.0001ML2.81 12 0,13-10,39 Fish Loligo vulgaris 44(±11) ♂ 46.5 13.5-15.5 (mid spring) (summer) BW=0.0002ML2.59 13.5 0,12-8,93 Cephalopod (late winter-spring All year Octopus ♀ 21.5 & late summer- (late spring-summer BW=0.0034ML2.60 12-15 1.74-3.89* vulgaris ♂ 20.0 early autumn) & late autumn) ♀ 7.6 summer-winter BW=0.0007ML2.51 Sepia elegans All year (spring) ♂ 5.7 (autumn) BW=0.0009ML2.44 Sepia ♀ 26.4 All year BW=0.0064ML2.18 officinalis ♂ 32.0 (summer) BW=0.0025ML2.37 Sepia ♀ 9.1 BW=0.0017ML2.36 All year All year (autumn) orbignyana ♂ 8.4 BW=0.0019ML2.3 Crustacean Sepietta ♀ 3.6 1.8 - 2.4 BW=0.0069ML2.12 All year (spring) All year (autumn) 16 (±4) Fish oweniana ♂ 3.4 1.4 - 1.8 BW=0.0107ML1.97 Cephalopod * estimation for octopods 50-500g based on analysis of monthly population density of 4 size classes, which was measured through visual census. 441 State of Hellenic Fisheries Figure 1: Model predictions, starting from an initial density vector n1 equal to the observed vector at that time, vs. observed densities. Lines represent model a estimations and markers represent observed data. Source: KATSANEVAKIS & VERRIOPOULOS, 2006. resulting from increment counts in cuttlefish sta- toliths and octopus beaks has not been validated yet. In Hellas the reading of statoliths started in 1992 in the framework of a PhD thesis (LEFKA- DITOU, 2006) including, among other issues, the ageing of Illex coindetii and Loligo vulgaris. The de- velopment of the ageing methodology using squid statoliths was greatly facilitated by the use of an Image Analysis System obtained by HCMR in 1996, as well as, by its further updates concerning the routines of the IMAGE-PRO-PLUS programme (Figure 2), the frame grabber and the rest of the hardware used. In respect to the diet composition of cephalopod species, the existing information originating from examination of material collected in various areas Figure 2: Manual tagging of growth increments of the Aegean Sea, indicates that Fish, Crustacean on a digital image from Illex coindetii statoliths and and Cephalopods compose the preferential prey recording of tag coordinates through the routines categories, their dominance order depending on of IMAGE-PRO-PLUS programme. the species and the fishing ground, while other groups such as Polychaeta Annelida, Tunicata and Cnidaria Hydrozoa participate with very low per- centages (KOUKOURAS et al., 2001; LEFKADI- TOU, 2006). Estimates of Illex coindetii life-span by modal analy- ses of seasonal length frequency through indirect MONITORING OF methods calculating the Von Bertalanfy growth CEPHALOPOD FISHERIES IN THE equation parameters, were considered overes- THRACIAN SEA timates when compared to direct age estimates According to analyses of National Staticis data on from statoliths (PapacONStaNTINOU et al., cephalopod catches by fishing region and fishing 1993, 1994). The daily nature of growth incre- gear for the period 1998-2002, small-scale fishery ments exposed on ground squid statoliths has (beach seine and other gears) contributes half or been verified by chemical marking for several squid more of the cephalopod catches in most fishing species since the mid 1980s, whereas direct ageing areas (Figure 3), whereas the major part of the 442 Research Figure 3: Percentage contribution of different fishing gear categories in cephalopod catches by fishing area, during the period 1998-2002. cephalopod catches is exploited in the Thermaikos than in landings (6%), due to its higher price in Gulf (Region 13) and Thracian Sea (Region 14), the market. Eledonids had the lowest prices where Sepia officinalis and Octopus vulgaris domi- among Cephalopods and contributed the lowest nate the continuously increasing catches (LEFKA- proportion (E. moschata: 6%, E. cirrhosa: 2%) in DITOU et al., 2002). cephalopod
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