C0HGKE88. IBY HODBKI TELBGBAPH MARRIAGES. r» hi. FK1ISPKCTU8 OP TIIK PROHIBITIONIST. ALBERT G. BROWNE, HENRY JANNEY, CHARF.ES Ia the Houfa of Representatives l9th infant, by Rev. S A H and of the FRODNHAM'S yesterday, TELEGRAPHIC CORRESPONDENCE " MERCHANT, Agent und Fashionable Boot alter our Mr. mXW It any State deems the retail and internal traffic COMMISSIONBovt-u llemi) DEALER, Maker, IMPROVED CHRONOMETER WATCHES report dosed, Walbridge contin¬ FOR DAILY NATIONAL KRA. of and Manufacturing Compauy. (Jang* SB08Pennsylvania Avenue, bitwiMH Browns Hotel in ardent spirit* injurious to its citizens, and calcu¬ Rigging Manilla Cordage ; American, Russia, aud plain and oases, of ef ued his remarks in condemnation of the Ad¬ sssssr-'..¦ or and Seventh street, Washington. Jan 2.3m bunting every variety stylo lated to produce idlouos*. vieo, I see jSanillu Hemp, lor sale. and »i*e. in thedebauchery, Jan. 6.d3iu ]"N ministration for interfering in the State elec¬ Markets. nothing the Constitution of United Status to No. 162 Commercial at., Boston. Ladies' Watehea, of new and elegant stylus, just tions. Sfttisvcs prevent it from regulating or restraining the traffic, REMOVAL! received from the manufactory of Charloa Frudsham, Baltimore, Jan. 21, 12 M.Flour.How¬ £sv:'f or from prohibiting it altogether, if it thinks proper." RELIGIOUS BO<7k DEPOSITORY. JANNEY'6 Boot and Shoo Store arid H4 Strand, London. Mr. Perkins, of New York, then addressed ard Street held at $7.81 V to $7.87)£ : City nuoe GeorKe'» Ckirf Justice Tun*)/. A UALLANTYNE, Sevonth street, two HENRYManufactory, for the last ton years located on Also, Watches from tho most celebrated Loodrn the Committee in reference to Mills at $7 81W to GRAYdoors above Odd Fellow*' Hall, have tho Hill street, uoar the (Jeneral Pout Office, was removed and Swiff makers. For sale the New York $7.87%. Wheat.white, oounty, Maryland. or before the 1st of 1864, the Execu¬ in thin only by difficulties, and declared unless the two at $1.88 to $1.90; red,*at$1*82 to ONtive Committee of theJanuary,New York State Depository city of the publications of the to Pennsylvania Avenue, lietween Browns Hotel and 8. WILLARD, that, $1.83.3,000 Tempor- American Bible 7th street, where the has no Jan. 2.d No. !. bushel* sold. death. rance will issue the first number of a Society, proprietor spared pains Congress street, Boston. partiej should unite, Senator Seward would Corn.white held at 73 to 75 , 4v. , Society Month¬ Methodist Book or in an under the titlo of " Concern; expense titling up establishment couiiacnsu- obtain control of the Stato. cento; yellow at 80 oeoto. Oato held at 42 ly Temperance Journal, Tub Pro Robert Cartor A Brothers; rate with the great increase in the business of tho Mr. Wade then the oento bushel. HlBITloHIST." house. EZRA C. obtained the floor, when per Rye, at 95 cento to $1.04. Irs Si / be on a Presbyterian Board;' SEAMAN, ** S* k..It will printed double medium Auiorioan Tract The subscriber tenders his most and Counsellor at Law, Detroit. Committee rose. No change in other articles. sheet, of four columns to Socioty; cordial and grnte- Mich¬ Tho in the 39th ^ jAu making eight quarto pages, Evangelical ful acknowledgments to his friends and for ATTORNEYigan, will practice in tho State and Cured States laid before the House a mes¬ ruRPIN) yir <?hl. a Knywlcdgo Society; patrons Speaker page; and, excluding advertisements, each number American their attend to and <.«-<>(¦< .-iml Later will contain an amount of matter Sunday School Union; long-continued favors, aud will be pleased to Courts, scouring collecting sage from the President of the United States, from Rio. reading equul at New nnd meet them in his new to titles to lunds in of thr loast to that furnished our England Massachusetts Sabbath School So¬ house. investigating any part 8's-o in with a resolution Jan. 21.The William H. ? by larger-sixed daily jour¬ cieties and all the Publishers. I have a very well assorted stock of Boots and of Jan. fl.d transmitting, compliance Baltimork, ship in or to that of an duodecimo principal Religious Michigan. of of a nin* bin dinpoMtion kindoea., nior.1 worth! nals, ordinary volume of It is therefore that their Shoos, of own the HouHti the 3d instant, report from Da Coursey, Wright, commander, arrived in 150 pages. apparent stock of Stand¬ French, New York, Eastern, and my the of State, Baltimore thin to Aould .,,d..r"L »r. Its Object..To advocate the Caus» ard Theological Works and general Religious Litera¬ make, embracing every style and variety, to which I ALDENS CREAM Secretary communicating copies morning, bringing Rio dates of Temper¬ ture must be unequalled. invite the attention of members of and citi- COFFEE, of all the correspondence that has passed be¬ the 10 th of four later ance generally, and espeoially the Legislative Prohibi¬ Congress, from pure Java cofloe, fiora which n Docember, being days tion of tho Traffic in They always keep an extonsivo assortment of all teus generally. HENRY JANNEY, i tween tho Government of the United States and than received. Intoxicating Beverages, to pro- the used in tho Ponn av., north FIEPAREDcup of Clarified Coffee, sweetened and orcuiued. previouHly the minds of tho masses for such Hymns different churches, family and side, between Browns' Hotol that of to tho seizure and im- The had severe OILMAN'S HAIR Dig. pare Prohibition, by pocket Bibles and in and Jan. 2 and 7th third door the latter. can h» made in on* mdnntr, by di solving it in hot Spain, relating ship storms. its and and to Prayer Books, plain superb st., from water. sale of Thaddeus and was experienced showing expediency Necessity, secure, bindings | For t»y Captain Beecber, Business dull in Rio. Merchants were The best article evwuMc!, as hundred- can testify by all tho intlucnce it may exert, the 8 BEJv ELL A ia officers and crew, of the schooner North of legitimately Attractive and choice Juvonilcs, embracing nearly From. Ihi United Statu Ari> ui. BAILEY, Erisonment waiting rcoeipt letters from the English m this city and surrounding country* R«a<I' firr,IL" vigorous enforcement of Prohibitory Laws when ob¬ all of the most useful and Uooks for the To who (Successors to J. U. Kihhey Jk Co.,) Carolina, of and from New Haven, steamer arrived there. tained. entertaining thOM persons may visit Washington, and ¦Ian. 4.dftt No. 6, Centre Market. Connecticut, just MAN'S LIQUID HAIR"A1K nvn i»»tantan*o.,ly chanK- Its with young, published. are in want of a boot that cannot bo oxcclled, either opposite the authorities at Porto in Coffee was dull at 10 oento u . FiEi.n..Dealing goneral principles, with School by Spanish Rico, per pound; flour .i the»k. hair to a brilliant Black or alike to Books, of all tho kinds used in tho city and in quality or workmanship, we would call their atten¬ the'month of 1850. Referred to the at 23 milreas. Other jet glossy BroJn arguments applicable evory community where country schools, at New York tion to the card of to be LINE. Maroh, things quiet. n°i ".i° . "¦ ». the exists and with facta illustrative of those prices. Henry Janney, found under REGULAR Committee on and ordered to were »*.» tragic Blank Books, Staple and tho head of" A handsoino and neat- YORK, Alexandria. Washi gt n, and Go rpe- Foreign Affairs, Politioal affairs quiet, and the newB in arguments and principles, tho paper will be National Fancy Stationery. Washington." I town be STzirr-4- Pockot Knives, Portmonnaies, Portiolios, boot is not at all times a source of N[HW Packet*. printed. the world in its in its in its wo Writing ly-inade pleasure political unimportant. spirit, scope, purposo, and, trust, Desks, Ac. Jan. to the but often one of extreme Schooner Fairfax.0. Pcnlio'd, uiu er. The House resumed the consideration of the it will be National in its circulation and influunoe. 2.d wearer, torture; this I>o. is caused by tho manner in which the boot Empire ltufuK Knn; n, master. resolution for new members of the Junior Baltimore. "¦ *" . Such is our aim and expectation. Wo desire to see bungling IK). Statesman.J. I». master. supplying Assembly, tho of Prohibition established ANOTHER NEVV"B00K7 Is fitted to the foot. Mr. Janney has devoted much Cathell, in ¦ Senate and House of with suoh Principle State-after " of his time in the Do. Washington.J. Kendrick, muster. Representatives Baltimore, Jan. 21..The Junior Assembly 7"Xj «'". W Stato, till it becomes the of tho Na¬ By the Author of the Wide WorldV studying construction of tho human Do. books of a character as have been here¬ roeognlsod policy Wide, loot, in order to ascertain how a boot should be cut SMiat'>r.W. Kiri'j', master. public of Baltimore laBt was The .r^S.^pH^r"K tion. It is our ambition to hoar a in this : Do. night magnificent. part great his Christmas Beau¬ and fitted, that will be to Hamilton.A. Dnylon, micter. tofore when it was referred to the were work, and to this end Thk Prohibitionist is estab¬ Stookings easy al| parts of Do. supplied: beauty and fashion of the oity present, CARLKRINKENtifully illustrated. Prico, 75 cents gilt, $1.25. tho foot. In this he hasperfectlysurtiioeded, so that it matters Arlington.11. Lewis, master. Committee on the lished, not as the organ of n socioty meroly, but of a The Bow in the Cloud ; or, Covenant Do. master. Library. displaying much eleganoe and gorgoousnesu tp Qiikat Reformatory Movkmbnt.
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