Executed Updated Active Address Establishment License Type Neighborhood Association 7/1/2015 Y 1411 NW Flanders St 10 Barrel

Executed Updated Active Address Establishment License Type Neighborhood Association 7/1/2015 Y 1411 NW Flanders St 10 Barrel

License Neighborhood Executed Updated Active Address Establishment Type Association 7/1/2015 Y 1411 NW Flanders St 10 Barrel Brewing Co BPH Pearl District 8/26/2009 N 1135 SW Morrison St 12th Avenue Bar & Grill F-COM Portland Downtown 11/16/2004 Y 1930 SE Hawthorne Blvd 7-Eleven O Hosford Abernethy 1/1/2006 Y 30 SW Arthur St 7-Eleven O South Portland 11/7/2006 Y 4516 SE Hawthorne Blvd 7-Eleven O Richmond 2/4/2013 Y 900 SW 4th Ave 7-Eleven O Portland Downtown 4/14/2014 Y 2505 SE Cesar Chavez Blvd 7-Eleven #39612A O Richmond 10/27/2010 Y 6432 SE 82nd Ave Ace King Bar & Grill F-COM Lents 11/1/2009 N 1431 SE 40th Ave Acme Coffee Company L Sunnyside 1/25/2005 N 1305 SE 8th Ave Acme Food and Drink F-COM Buckman 7/11/2012 Y 8325 SE McLoughlin Blvd Acropolis F-COM Sellwood-Moreland 2/22/2005 Y 5949 NE 30th Ave Ainsworth Market O Concordia 10/9/2001 Y 1500 NE Alberta St Alberta Cooperative Grocery O Vernon 6/5/2001 Y 1036 NE Alberta St Alberta Street Public House F-COM King 11/7/2006 Y 4620 SE Hawthorne Blvd Angelo's L Richmond 11/7/2006 Y 4741 SE Hawthorne Blvd Apizza Scholls L Sunnyside 12/6/2004 N 1408 SE 12th Ave Aqui LLC F-COM Buckman 12/12/2009 N 3862 SE Hawthorne Blvd Arista F-COM/O Richmond 2/1/2013 Y 1501 NE Broadway St Aztec Willie's/ Joey Rosa Tacqueria F-COM Irvington 8/26/2005 Y 529 NW 23rd Ave Balvo/23 Hoyt F-COM Northwest District 11/7/2006 Y 4801 SE Hawthorne Blvd Bar of the Gods F-COM Sunnyside 7/18/2008 N 3203 SE Division St Baraka O Richmond 8/29/2003 Y 9 NW 2nd Ave Barracuda F-COM Old Town Chinatown 2/19/2004 Y 2114 NW Glisan St Bartini F-COM Northwest District 7/26/2001 Y 1028 SE 12th Ave Basement Public House L Buckman 6/26/2015 Y 1230 NW Hoyt St #B Bellino F-COM Pearl District 4/1/2002 3/3/2003 Y 2216 NE MLK Blvd Billy Ray's L Eliot 1/9/2001 Y 2715 NE Alberta St Binks F-COM Concordia 6/10/2004 N 1981 W Burnside St Bitter End F-COM Northwest District 5/14/2002 N 825 N Killingsworth St Blind Onion Pizza and Pub L Humboldt 10/25/2010 Y 8734 N Lombard St Blue Bird Tavern L St Johns 9/25/2001 Y 228 NW Davis St Boiler Room F-COM Old Town Chinatown License Neighborhood Executed Updated Active Address Establishment Type Association 2/21/2003 N 633 SE Powell Blvd Boom Boom Room F-COM Hosford Abernethy 6/7/2004 Y 722 E Burnside St Bossanova Ballroom F-COM Buckman 11/1/2005 N 207 SE 12th Ave Buckman Grill F-COM Buckman 6/30/2015 Y 1212 NW Glisan St Byways Café F-COM Pearl District 8/1/2004 N 503 W Burnside St Cabaret Lounge F-COM Old Town Chinatown 3/26/2003 N 1639 NW Glisan St Callaloo F-COM Northwest District 10/27/2003 Y 219 NW Davis St CC Slaughters F-COM Old Town Chinatown 2/3/2004 Y 213 NW 3rd Ave Chinatown Convenience Store O Old Town Chinatown 1/4/2004 Y 1001 SE Water Ave Clarklewis Restaurant L Buckman 1/27/2009 N 403 SW Stark St Club Rouge F-COM Portland Downtown 11/7/2006 N 4612 SE Hawthorne Blvd Dingo's Taco Bar F-COM Richmond 8/3/2005 Y 32 NW 3rd Ave Dixie Tavern F-COM Old Town Chinatown 8/11/1998 Y 1935 N Killingsworth St DJ Food Mart O Overlook 3/19/2004 Y 830 E Burnside St Doug Fir F-COM Buckman 7/1/2009 N 325 N Killingsworth St Ducketts Humboldt 8/12/2002 N 714 N Killingsworth St Dza Thao Restaurant L Humboldt 11/9/2000 Y 322 NW Everett St East Chinatown Lounge F-COM Old Town Chinatown 5/6/2010 Y 8015 SE 72nd Ave El Patron Taqueria L Brentwood-Darlington 1/15/2003 N 1000 NW 17th Ave Emanon Café F-COM Northwest District 12/1/2006 Y 5225 N Lombard St Encanto Restaurant F-COM Portsmouth 4/23/2004 N 407 NW 17th Ave Epicure L/O Northwest District 4/5/2002 Y 1520 NE Alberta St Everyday Wine L/O Vernon 6/21/2011 Y 1517 NE Brazee St Fifteenth Avenue Hophouse F-COM Irvington 10/29/2001 12/6/2002 N 11051 SW Barbur Blvd Flambe UNK Far Southwest 11/7/2006 Y 4904 SE Hawthorne Blvd Fraternal Order of Eagles F-COM-P Richmond 11/20/2003 N 1037 NW 23rd Ave Fruition L/O Northwest District 1/24/2005 Y 609 SE Taylor St Gil's Speakeasy F-COM Buckman 7/25/2008 Y 3737 SE Gladstone St Gladstone Street Pub UNK Creston-Kenilworth 7/4/2004 Y 2280 NW Thurman St Green Room F-COM Northwest District 4/24/2003 Y 3969 NE MLK Blvd Hannah Bea's Poundcake and More L King 10/14/2005 8/13/2012 Y 1507 SE 39th Ave Hawthorne Theatre F-COM Richmond 7/20/2004 Y 2211 SE Hawthorne Blvd Hotlips Pizza L/O Buckman License Neighborhood Executed Updated Active Address Establishment Type Association 12/30/2010 N 2025 SE 7th Ave House Spirits DIST Hosford Abernethy 1/7/2007 N 2229 SE Hawthorne Blvd Imbibe F-COM Buckman 11/17/2012 Y 1715 NE 33rd Ave Jackson Food Store #562 O Grant Park 1/11/2006 Y 7000 N Interstate Ave Jesusito Market O Arbor Lodge 10/19/2005 N 1937 SE 11th Ave Jolly Inn L Hosford Abernethy 7/29/2015 Y 1435 NW Flanders St #A Khao San F-COM Pearl District 4/1/2006 N 3450 SE Belmont St Kinta Restaurant F-COM Sunnyside 12/27/2012 Y 1533 NW 24th Ave #102-104 Kiva Tea Bar & Spa L/O Northwest District 9/22/2002 Y 628 NW 23rd Ave Kornblatt's Deli F-COM Northwest District 10/13/2011 3/12/2013 Y 4847 SE Division St Landmark Saloon F-COM Richmond 3/18/2004 Y 1011 NW 16th Ave LeHappy F-COM Northwest District 7/13/2010 Y 8002 N Lombard St Leisure Public House F-COM St Johns 12/14/2009 Y 2710 NW Pinnacle Dr Littlejohn Wine Merchants O Northwest Heights 4/5/2002 Y 440 NE 28th Ave Lucky Inn F-COM Kerns 7/19/2005 Y 1925 NW Quimby St Lucky Labrador BP Northwest District 6/25/2012 Y 4639 SE Woodstock Blvd Lutz's Tavern F-COM Woodstock 11/29/2014 Y 5206 SW Custer St Maplewood Coffee and Tea L/O Maplewood 1/1/2003 N 1824 NE Alberta St Medicine Hat F-COM Vernon 7/10/2015 Y 333 NW 13th Ave Mediterranean Exploration Company F-COM Pearl District 1/1/2012 N 2103 N Killingsworth St Mextiza F-COM Overlook 2/16/1995 N 4336 SE Woodstock Blvd Mickey Finn's Brew Pub F-COM Woodstock 10/20/2004 N 1239 SW Jefferson St Montego Bay Jamaican Cuisine UNK Portland Downtown 10/29/2003 Y 7410 NE MLK Blvd Moon Star Bar & Grill F-COM Woodlawn 11/22/2004 10/13/2009 N 3390 NE Sandy Blvd Mynt Gentlemen's Club F-COM Laurelhurst 10/28/2010 Y 522 NW 19th Ave Natural Mart O Goose Hollow 10/29/2004 Y 1954 SE Division St New Seasons Market Seven Corners L/O Hosford Abernethy 1/1/2004 Y 2100 SE Clinton St Night Light Lounge F-COM Hosford Abernethy 11/24/2004 N 1800 E Burnside St Nocturnal L Buckman 4/1/2011 Y 1333 N Hayden Island Dr OJ's Deli L/O Hayden Island 12/14/2011 Y 2105 N Killingsworth St Old Gold F-COM Overlook 10/6/2005 Y 2525 NE Alberta St Original Halibut's F-COM Concordia 9/10/2002 N 1506 NW 23rd Ave Pastini F-COM Northwest District License Neighborhood Executed Updated Active Address Establishment Type Association 9/1/2006 9/1/2006 Y 5101 N Interstate Ave Pause Kitchen and Bar F-COM Arbor Lodge 5/24/1996 Y 513 SW 4th Ave Peterson's O Portland Downtown 2/17/2010 N SW 18th St and SW Morrison PGE Park F-COM Goose Hollow 10/29/2008 Y 6815A NE Killingsworth St Pink Marlin F-COM Cully 9/6/2006 Y 4715 SE Woodstock Blvd Pizza Roma F-COM Woodstock 1/6/2010 Y 3318 NE Sandy Blvd Plaid Pantry O Laurelhurst 4/6/2010 Y 10355 NE Halsey St #A Plaid Pantry O Parkrose Heights 5/2/2006 Y 3226 SE Division St Pok Pok F-COM Richmond 2/12/2004 Y 6500 SW Virginia St Porcelli's Grocery & Deli L/O South Portland 11/1/2006 N 32 NW 5th Ave Portland Art Center L Old Town Chinatown 7/22/2010 Y 6229 SE Milwaukie Ave Portland U-Brew and Pub BP Sellwood-Moreland 6/4/2012 Y 4237 N Mississippi Ave Prost! F-COM Boise 11/12/2003 N 1334 SE Hawthorne Blvd Rico's L Hosford Abernethy 11/1/2009 N 3011 N Lombard St Rivergate Brewery F-COM Kenton 2/22/2010 Y 3502 SW Corbett Ave Ross Island Grocery & Café F-COM/O South Portland 11/7/2006 N 4811 SE Hawthorne Blvd Sabala's F-COM Sunnyside 5/15/2003 N 3350 SE Morrison St Salvador Molly's East F-COM Sunnyside 5/18/2016 Y 31 NW 9th Ave Sanctuary F-COM Pearl District 1/10/2005 Y 539 NW 21st Ave Sansai Japanese Restaurant L Northwest District 7/2/2015 Y 411 NW Park Ave #100 Sante F-COM/O Pearl District 11/7/2006 Y 5008 SE Hawthorne Blvd Sapphire Hotel F-COM/O Mt Tabor 11/7/2006 Y 4901 SE Hawthorne Blvd Sewickly Addition F-COM Mt Tabor 5/2/2003 Y 501 NW 21st Ave Silver Dollar Pizza F-COM Northwest District 5/18/2012 Y 5435 SW Taylors Ferry Rd Skippy's O Ashcreek 8/1/2004 N 5128 N Albina Ave Small World Café L Humboldt 10/1/2003 Y 3415 NE Broadway St Solo Act L Grant Park 11/7/2006 Y 4800 SE Hawthorne Blvd Space Room F-COM Richmond 8/30/2010 10/1/2010 Y 500 NE MLK Blvd Spirit of 77 F-COM Lloyd 5/18/2016 Y 904 NW Couch St Splash Bar F-COM Pearl District 1/11/2005 Y 2321 NW Thurman Square Deal Wine WMBW Northwest District 1/21/2009 Y 14 NE 22nd Ave Standard F-COM Kerns 2/22/2011 Y 16 NW 6th Ave Star Theater F-COM Old Town Chinatown License Neighborhood Executed Updated Active Address Establishment Type Association 3/15/2005 3/29/2005 Y 2601 SE Clinton St SubRosa L Hosford Abernethy 2/13/1995 Y 4440 SW Barbur Blvd Swan Mart O South Portland 3/5/2002 Y 3135 NE Broadway St Sweet Basil Thai Cuisine L/O Grant Park 5/21/2013 2/1/2013 Y 1615 SE 12th Ave Teote F-COM Hosford Abernethy 4/25/2002 N 2945 N Willamette Blvd Texaco Star Mart O Overlook 4/25/2002 N 7433 N Interstate Ave Texaco Star Mart O Arbor Lodge 11/7/2006 N 4604 SE Hawthorne Blvd Thai Thai L Richmond 7/18/2013 8/21/2013 Y 2315 NE Alberta St The Knockback F-COM Concordia 11/5/2013 Y 1355 NW Everett St Ste 120 Tilt F-COM Pearl District 4/22/2002 Y 1438 NE Alberta St Tin Shed L King 9/14/2011 11/27/2011 N 5416 N Vancouver Ave TNT Convenience O Humboldt 4/10/2002 Y 7510 N Interstate Ave Toad's Express Mart & Deli O Kenton 1/10/2011 Y 3100 NE Sandy Blvd Tonic Lounge F-COM Kerns 12/14/2004 Y 3323 NE Killingsworth St Tuan's 76

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