MACo LEGISLATIVE UPDATE VOLUME 26, NO. 11 MARCH 21, 2021 MACO & THE MONTANA LEGISLATURE The Montana Association of The Montana Association of Counties’ website has a section dedicated to helping Counties (MACo) publishes this weekly bulletin containing members keep track of the happenings during the Montana’s Legislative Session: click summary descriptions of bills of here to go to our policy pages. In this area of the website, you’ll find MACo’s resolutions, interest to local government links to pertinent bills, the current and past issues of our weekly Legislative Update, officials. Each issue’s hearing schedule lists only the bills that hearing calendars, committee listings, and more. have been introduced during the week. 2021 PROJECTED SESSION CALENDAR Previous issues of the MACo AMENDED BY LEADERSHIP MARCH 12, 2021 Legislative Update can be found on Note: Legislative leadership holds the authority to further revise the schedule, including the our website’s policy section or click days the Legislature meets and proposed breaks. here for direct access to the In accordance with 5-2-103, MCA, each regular session of the Legislature convenes on the first archive. Monday in January of each odd-numbered year or, if January 1st is a Monday, on the first CONTACTING LEGISLATORS Wednesday. Introduction deadlines: Generally, bills and resolutions must be introduced within 2 legislative LEGISLATIVE INFO DESK (406) 444-4800 days after delivery. JR 40-50, H40-10. “General bills” is used to denote all bills, except appropriation or revenue bills, and all joint resolutions. SENATORS Notes: Deadline dates are determined according to legislative days. Certain bills and Emails & Phone Numbers resolutions relating to administrative rules may be transmitted at any time during the session. P.O. Box 200500 Helena, MT 59620-0500 JR 40-200(3). th - Committee Members Jan. 4: 67 Legislative Session Convenes (Day 1) - Leadership Jan. 19: Last day to request General Bills & Resolutions (Day 12) Jan. 26: Last day to request Revenue Bills (Day 17) REPRESENTATIVES Emails & Phone Numbers Feb. 17: Last day for Committees to request General Bills & Resolutions (Day 36) P.O. Box 200400 Feb. 20: Last day to introduce General Bills, ex. Committee Bills (Day 39) Helena, MT 59620-0400 March 3: Transmittal of General Bills to other Chamber & Last day to request - Committee Members Appropriation Bills (Day 45 – Halfway Point) - Leadership March 4-5: Transmittal Break March 22: Last day for committees to request Revenue Bills, Bills Proposing Referenda, or CONTACTING MACO bills to implement HB 2 (Day 56) Phone: (406) 449-4360 March 26: Transmittal of Revenue-Estimating Joint Resolution; and last day to request Fax: (406) 442-5238 Study Resolutions (Day 60) Email: [email protected] March 29: Last day to introduce Appropriation Bills, Revenue Bills & Bills Proposing Mail: 2715 Skyway Drive Referenda (Day 61) Helena, MT 59602-1213 April 2-5: Easter Break Web: www.mtcounties.org April 8: Transmittal of Appropriation Bills, Revenue Bills & Bills Proposing Referenda (Day POLICY ON OUR WEBSITE 67) April 16: Transmittal of amendments to General Bills (Day 73) The Policy section on our April 26: Last day to introduce Study resolutions (Day 79) website is continually updated with the status of MACo bills as April 27: Transmittal of amendments to Appropriation Bills, Revenue Bills, and Revenue well as the weekly schedule. Be Estimating Resolution, as well as Bills Proposing Referenda (Day 80) sure to bookmark it during the April 29: Transmittal of amendments to Revenue Estimating Joint Resolution (Day 82) session! May 4: Transmittal of Interim Study Resolutions (Day 85) May 11: Sine Die (Day 90 = End of Session) April 30: 90th Legislative Day – Sine Die. 67th Legislative Session MACo Legislative Update ⬧ Page 1 M O N T A N A A SSOCIATION O F C O U N T I E S | L EGISLATIVE U P D A T E | 2021 | 67TH S ESSION SCHEDULED HEARINGS The Senate Local Government Committee (Senate LGC) meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 3:00 p.m. in room 405. The House Local Government Committee (House LGC) meets Tuesdays and Thursdays at 3:00 p.m. in room 472. MACo bills are highlighted green, priority bills are highlighted blue (bills in which we have active involvement), and bills we are monitoring are highlighted yellow (bills that we are watching closely or on our radar—no active involvement). MONDAY, MARCH 22ND TIME COMMITTEE ROOM BILL NO. SHORT TITLE SPONSOR HOUSE BILL 2, GENERAL APPROPRIATIONS ACT (STATE BUDGET BILL), IS ON THE HOUSE FLOOR ALL DAY. VIEW HOUSE BILL 2 RESOURCES & NARRATIVE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS (All relevant amendments are located under the "House Floor Session" tab.) Revise laws relating to government Jedediah Hinkle (R) HD 8:00 AM (S) Judiciary 303 HB 257 mandates and businesses 67 Revise child abuse and neglect laws 8:00 AM (S) Judiciary 303 HB 499 Jeremy Trebas (R) HD 26 regarding reasonable efforts Generally revise criminal procedure 8:00 AM (S) Judiciary 303 HB 501 Jeremy Trebas (R) HD 26 and criminal laws Revise civil liability laws on personal 8:00 AM (S) Judiciary 303 HB 555 Matt Regier (R) HD 4 property exempt from execution (S) Education and Provide alternative means of earning Kenneth Walsh (R) HD 3:00 PM 422 HB 556 Cultural Resources high school diploma 71 (S) Education and Confirm Governor's appointees to the Daniel R Salomon (R) SD 3:00 PM 422 SR 84 Cultural Resources Montana Historical Society 47 (S) Public Health, Revise insurance requirements for Mary Ann Dunwell (D) 3:00 PM 317 HB 299 Welfare and Safety diabetes self-management education HD 84 (S) Public Health, Repeal obligation of adult children to 3:00 PM 317 HB 307 Jane Gillette (R) HD 64 Welfare and Safety support indigent parents (S) Public Health, Provide guidelines for assessing 3:00 PM 317 HB 328 Connie Keogh (D) HD 91 Welfare and Safety language development in deaf children Require CPS to share limited (S) Public Health, 3:00 PM 317 HB 364 information with certain reporters Jeremy Trebas (R) HD 26 Welfare and Safety upon request Constitutional amendment to raise 3:00 PM (S) State Administration 335 HB 322 Jimmy Patelis (R) HD 52 legislator residency requirement Clarify credit for military leave during Ross H Fitzgerald (R) HD 3:00 PM (S) State Administration 335 HB 362 employment 17 (S) State 3:00 PM 335 HB 406 Revise absentee and mail ballot laws Mark Noland (R) HD 10 Administration Establishing public records retention Wendy McKamey (R) HD 3:00 PM (S) State Administration 335 HB 618 timelines for legislators 19 67th Legislative Session MACo Legislative Update ⬧ Page 2 M O N T A N A A SSOCIATION O F C O U N T I E S | L EGISLATIVE U P D A T E | 2021 | 67TH S ESSION TUESDAY, MARCH 23RD TIME COMMITTEE ROOM BILL NO. SHORT TITLE SPONSOR HB 2 POSSIBLY CONTINUING THIS MORNING. Revise death penalty laws related to 8:00 AM (S) Judiciary 303 HB 244 Dennis R Lenz (R) HD 53 lethal injection Adopt Uniform Premarital and Marital 8:00 AM (S) Judiciary 303 HB 368 Sharon Greef (R) HD 88 Agreements Act Generally revise the use of exploding 8:00 AM (S) Judiciary 303 HB 382 Willis Curdy (D) HD 98 targets Establish compensation program for 8:00 AM (S) Judiciary 303 HB 92 Kathy Kelker (D) HD 47 wrongfully convicted individuals (S) Business, Labor, and Establish a statewide uniformity for 9:00 AM 422 HB 407 Mark Noland (R) HD 10 Economic Affairs auxiliary container regulations (S) Business, Labor, and Revise franchise laws relating to 9:00 AM 422 HB 558 Mark Noland (R) HD 10 Economic Affairs transfer of a franchise (S) Business, Labor, and Revise laws relating to lawyers ability 9:00 AM 422 HB 564 Mark Noland (R) HD 10 Economic Affairs to handle real estate transactions (S) Business, Labor, and Revise gambling laws related to Steve Fitzpatrick (R) SD 9:00 AM 422 SB 378 Economic Affairs multiple competitor sports pools 10 Revise the Family Education Savings 9:00 AM (S) Finance and Claims 317 HB 129 David Bedey (R) HD 86 Act Revise light requirements for snow 9:00 AM (S) Finance and Claims 317 HB 55 Denley M Loge (R) HD 14 removal equipment 9:00 AM (S) Finance and Claims 317 HB 66 Reauthorize securities restitution fund Terry Moore (R) HD 54 Revise residential property tax credit 9:00 AM (S) Taxation 405 HB 191 Mike Hopkins (R) HD 92 for elderly Corporate tax modernization through 9:00 AM (S) Taxation 405 SB 376 Greg Hertz (R) SD 6 double-sales factor apportionment Revise laws relating to insurance parity 3:00 PM (H) Human Services 152 SB 216 Jason D Small (R) SD 21 compliance reporting Generally revise immunization laws Theresa Manzella (R) SD 3:00 PM (H) Human Services 152 SB 332 related to foster care 44 (S) Energy and Revise laws to include renewable 3:00 PM 317 HB 170 Tom Welch (R) HD 72 Telecommunications hydrogen (S) Energy and Repeal the renewable portfolio Jerry Schillinger (R) HD 3:00 PM 317 HB 576 Telecommunications standard 37 Allowing hound hunting and chase 3:00 PM (S) Fish and Game 303 HB 468 Paul Fielder (R) HD 13 seasons for black bears Confirm Governor's appointee to the Steve Hinebauch (R) SD 3:00 PM (S) Fish and Game 422 SR 88 Fish and Wildlife Commission 18 (S) Highways and Generally revise commercial tow truck Kathy Whitman (R) HD 3:00 PM 405 HB 476 Transportation classification standards 96 (S) Highways and Revise motor vehicle laws related to Steven Galloway (R) HD 3:00 PM 405 HB 586 Transportation missing titles 24 (S) Highways and Kathy Whitman (R) HD 3:00 PM 405 HB 598 Generally revise disability parking laws Transportation 96 (S) Highways and Steven Galloway (R) HD 3:00 PM 405 HB 608 Revise commercial driver licenses Transportation 24 67th Legislative Session MACo Legislative Update ⬧ Page 3 M O N T A N A A SSOCIATION O F C O U N T I E S | L EGISLATIVE U P D A T E | 2021 | 67TH S ESSION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24TH TIME COMMITTEE ROOM BILL NO.
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