E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 154 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2008 No. 9 Senate (Legislative day of Thursday, January 3, 2008) The Senate met at 10 a.m., on the ex- mentioned certificate will be waived, WELCOMING SENATOR ROGER piration of the recess, and was called to and it will be printed in full in the WICKER order by the Vice President (Mr. CHE- RECORD. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, NEY). There being no objection, the mate- with a new year we welcome the new- rial was ordered to be printed in the est Senator, ROGER WICKER of Mis- PRAYER RECORD, as follows: sissippi, to the 110th Congress. With The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, the resignation of our friend, Trent fered the following prayer: OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR. Lott, the former Republican whip, Gov- Let us pray. CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT ernor Haley Barbour has appointed Eternal King, God of fresh starts and To the President of the Senate of the United Senator WICKER to fill the remainder of new beginnings, thank You for the gra- States: his term. He could not have made a This is to certify that, pursuant to the finer choice. cious love and provision which You power vested in me by the Constitution of Senator WICKER may be new to this have lavished on us. As we begin the the United States and the laws of the State work of this second session of the 110th of Mississippi, I, Haley Barbour, the Gov- Chamber, but he is no stranger to serv- Congress, we commit anew our lives to ernor of said State, do hereby appoint Roger ing the people of Mississippi and the You. Let this commitment empower us F. Wicker a Senator from said State to rep- Nation. The son of a Mississippi State to keep our priorities in order so we resent said State in the Senate of the United senator and circuit judge, public serv- may honor You with our work. States until the vacancy therein caused by ice has long been his life’s calling. the resignation of Chester Trent Lott, is It all began with his service as a Guide our Senators. Help them to be filled by election as provided by law. accountable to the people who gave House page in 1967 to Representative WITNESS: His Excellency our Governor Jamie Whitten, the man he would one them their mandate and to the world Haley Barbour, and our seal hereto affixed at day succeed in the House of Represent- which looks to this body for respon- Jackson, Mississippi this 31st day of Decem- atives. Senator WICKER is one of the sible leadership. But most of all, ber, in the year of our Lord 2007. few people in history to have served as strengthen them to be accountable to By the Governor: HALEY BARBOUR, a House page for the Congressman he You, the author and finisher of their Governor. eventually replaced. destinies. f His first stint of public service left We pray in Your sovereign Name. him wanting more. He served his coun- Amen. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF try in the Air Force and retired from f OFFICE the Air Force Reserves in 2004 with the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The VICE PRESIDENT. If the Sen- rank of lieutenant colonel. ator-designate will present himself at He returned to the Hill in 1980 as a The VICE PRESIDENT led the the desk, the Chair will administer the staffer to then-Representative Trent Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: oath of office as required by the Con- Lott, a man he would come to know I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the stitution and prescribed by law. very well. In fact, Senator WICKER has United States of America, and to the Repub- The Senator-designate, escorted by known and worked with both Senators lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. COCHRAN, advanced to the desk of COCHRAN and Lott for many years. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the Vice President, the oath prescribed In fact, he and Senator COCHRAN were f by law was administered to him by the both born in the Mississippi town CERTIFICATE OF APPOINTMENT Vice President, and he subscribed to of—— the oath in the Official Oath Book. Mr. COCHRAN. Pontotoc. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair The VICE PRESIDENT. Congratula- Mr. MCCONNELL. Pontotoc. I want- lays before the Senate the certificate tions. ed to make sure I got that right. I am of appointment to fill the vacancy cre- (Applause, Senators rising.) sure Senator WICKER’s friendship with ated by the resignation of former Sen- f both of these men will only benefit him ator Trent Lott of Mississippi. The cer- as he takes up his new office. tificate, the Chair is advised, is in the RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY In 1987, at age 36, Senator WICKER form suggested by the Senate and con- LEADER was the first Republican ever elected to tains all the essential requirements The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. the Mississippi State senate from suggested by the Senate. If there be no TESTER). The Republican leader is rec- northern Mississippi since Reconstruc- objection, the reading of the above- ognized. tion. In 1994, he was elected to the U.S. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S13 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:12 Mar 19, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2008SENATE\S22JA8.REC S22JA8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S14 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 22, 2008 House to succeed Jamie Whitten, end- amendments offered today. We are not passing. Diane Wolf was a unique and ing over 53 years of Democratic posses- going to vote until 5:30. We hope to remarkable individual. Diane Wolf was sion of that seat. Senator WICKER have a number of votes at that time. very inspired by our democratic insti- quickly became one of the stars of the On Wednesday, the Republicans will tutions and, with an abundance of en- House freshman class of 1994. He was conduct a 1-day retreat or meeting. ergy and goodwill, she inspired others elected the president of that class. He They are going to be at the Library of to share her appreciation for the bless- won a seat on the powerful Appropria- Congress. The Senate will be in session, ings of our liberties and the institu- tions Committee, and he served on the and hopefully any amendments from tions that protect them. She was an leadership team as a deputy whip. the Democratic side will be offered and enthusiastic student of the form and Around this time, Senator WICKER debated at that time. process of our representative democ- also gained a keen understanding of Another issue which the Senate will racy and she greatly admired the struc- how to handle the press attention that be considering—and I will talk about tures that house our government, espe- goes with being a Member of Congress. that in a little bit—is the FISA legisla- cially the ‘‘Shrine of Democracy’’—the Allow me to share with my colleagues tion. That matter is going to expire on U.S. Capitol. a brief story to illustrate. February 1. It was her appreciation of the art, ar- It was 3 days after the historic elec- f chitecture, and history of the Capitol tion of 1994 which gave the Republicans that initially brought Ms. Wolf to my HONORING THE LIFE AND EX- control of the House of Representatives attention. At that time, Ms. Wolf TRAORDINARY CONTRIBUTIONS for the first time in 40 years. Natu- served as a member of the U.S. Com- OF DIANE WOLF rally, the 73 Members of the 1994 fresh- mission of Fine Art, which oversees the man class—one of the largest ever— Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- design of U.S. coins. During my second were getting a lot of media attention. imous consent that the Senate proceed tenure as majority leader of the Senate So early that morning, ROGER to the consideration of S. Res. 419. in 1988, I sponsored and achieved pas- WICKER, the newly elected Congress- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sage of a bill establishing the Capitol man, was shaving. Suddenly his daugh- clerk will report the resolution by Preservation Commission and a bill au- ter burst in and breathlessly yelled, title. thorizing the Congressional Bicenten- ‘‘Dad, it’s Time magazine on the The assistant legislative clerk read nial Coin Program. As these legislative phone.’’ as follows: items were developed, considered, and This was an important moment. So A resolution (S. Res. 419) honoring the life passed, Diane Wolf provided a wealth of Congressman WICKER calmly wiped the and extraordinary contributions of Diane ideas, expertise, and counsel, and the shaving cream off his face and gathered Wolf. results of her efforts will prove bene- his thoughts. Then he strode purpose- There being no objection, the Senate ficial to Americans and their Capitol fully into the den and picked up the proceeded to consider the resolution. for perhaps as long as this building phone. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- shall stand. ‘‘Hello, this is ROGER WICKER,’’ he imous consent that the resolution be As stated in the Capitol Preservation said, in his most congressional voice. agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, Commission law, the purpose of that The voice at the other end of the line the motions to reconsider be laid upon Commission is to provide for ‘‘improve- responded, ‘‘Mr.
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