BEAT BEAT CAROLINA THE DUKE CHRONICLE CAROLINA PRICK FIVE CI-.NTS VOLUME XXX: DUKE UNIVERSITY, DURHAM, N. C, FRID DUKE SET TO HALT CAROLINA VICTORIES Southern Methodist And Tar Heels Eyed By Coast Carolina's Chances THEY'RE UNDERDOGS—BUT THEY WILL BEAR WATCHING Tar Heels Favored For Rose Bowl Bid To Whip Blue Devils Decided Tomorrow Before Huge Crowd Tisi.liiiojial Battle of South Defeat of Duke Will Assure Scheduled For Duke Bowl, Tar Heels of Participation Giving Blue Devils Chance in '36 Bosses Tourney To liMsf™?™^' To Avenge Previous Defeat Realize Decade-Old Dream TAR HEELS TOP GATE OF 40,000 IS RANKING TEAMS fe^irfe ^iil%^fe^l%^!fe*^^ r^^s^l^; ^ and. Immediately fol EXPECTED HERE Seven Duke Men Will Play a Heads List of Ten Untied, itudent body will fc- Quadrangle Picture Tar Heel Eleven For Last Undefeated Teams Eligible sible by game time which is set at 2 o'clock. nation of "The Score Time; Snavely'aS Line-up To To Receive Bid From Team ah sa3arbara Stanwycl Owing to thc huge sire of the a William. Other fea Include Jackson and Buck Representing West Coast crowd, which is expected to ex­ been planned for this ceed 40,000, it is hoped to have The outcome ot the Dukc-Ciia-ollim the students and their friends fracas tomorrow afternoon In the seated in order to havt space Association books wil llaas-ss- ..asnliiiii, le-sll decide whether the fast-traveling Tus- Heels of Carolina many outsiders who will attend will be assured of thc hid for the THREE CAPTAINS CLOSE GRIDIRON WEST DECIDES 13 FEUD TOMORROW CLEAVELAND AND Wade's Blue Devils Enter O.D.K. TO SURVEY ROLES FOR CAST ;rshak Taliaferro defeated arid untied teams eligible Jim Johnston, Devil Leader, IN 'CEILING ZERO' r the Rose Boivl hid. This list In- RICHEY ADVANCE Carolina Game Underdogs STUDENT GRADES Montgomery and Snyder, Runner, McCallister, Walter, lyder (Co-C) Parker of Tar Heels, End Rivalry qb WMoftbeM^'*C^f^M's^Ua^ For First Time in Five Years. Duke Eleven Is Not Favored McMartin, Opper, To bin To IN TOURNAMENT TO NOTE CHANGE Montgomery (Co-C) Mci.sie.kil I cthodist, Dartmouth, Syracuse, N. Head Cast of Airport Play All three aiming for berths ou To Win; Tables Turned Over 1933, Year of Great Ih mythical all-Southern elevens, Cap- S.A.E. and Y.M.C.A. Speak­ Methodist Team Whieh Downed Carolina raternities To Cooperate in Jackson Ward Is,iaa.a lisas Jobniton, ot Duke, and ers in Columbia Finals; Tabulating Pledges and rh B Dnke Play. Harry Montagomcry and Herman Sny­ Join Satteriield, Frampton Initiates During 3 Years Hutehins Alexander California on Coast der, who haafd a duatl eaplalney of fb a, "Ceiling Officials: W. E, (Ted) Arnold ™ Ihe West coast and the Unlvcr- (Auburn), referee; Walter Powell onsin), umpire; S. D. Jackson (Emory anil Henry), head linesman; which may well be the! lie-e-.-a-.i. eae tlae Wilson Collins (Vanderbilt), field long string of contests between the Fhlte in the Duke stadiun Judge. lity men, non-fraternity men, an lu-ea.'i ward, Vale, and Prince- llversity could produce. Th' thc entire student body since the b Trinity backers placed large sums be of the war flyin )aniels. Shortly before the garni ej- ore practically "in" the Rose owl. While they will be battling the omely young lady, are in the hands According to Charlie Knnkle, O. <f Earle Runner and Charles McCal- K. president, Omicron Delta Kap- the year, Syracuse will be carry .me, Daniels played one of the 1 Ister, respectively. tilt upon the out< isa not conducting this investigation Other featured roles are to be play- tla the attitude that all branches of Igate; Dartmouth will he stacking lefc that found Trinity mi the 1, -as.-ly depend. - university should he subject to d bye Clark Walter, as Tex Clark, a interests that are seemingly beast another war pilot and pal of Jake; Carl Clover, as the radio ope Cole IfcMaiitln, as Ealdy V, ve that the- fraternities should wlastlc side of the university, :a:e. 1',-le- C.elliillil,,, as Tny l.s Is, duplet! with thc fact that E Ul fraternities are being asked to arquette takes the field against Pop I Chapel Hill are traditional ri ape rate by tabulating the decrease arner's Temple On-Is. Southern i-i listed increase in the number of pledges if the na- •n of this .survey, llae leee Jake's Hfe; if O. D. K. will hold .. i.ai Tommy Thomas, i bles." Salem, N. C PARKER HANGS IN ALUMNI COUNCIL EFFIGY AS DUKE TO HOLD SESSION Myers, of the School of Religion: EXPRESSES VIEW TOMORROW NOON d Professor Mitchell, of the h department. The judges last gressmen, and other dignitaries will be In the vast crowd watching the Wallace Wade Blue Devils battle the Tar Heel. last year and this, 1 The invading Tar Heels are top nine Devils. Dnke students nnd loyal Editors Favor Roosevelt Ai pesrlis.iaas aire hoping against hope President Again, Poll Showt that Ilia- Blot any, now Intensely t: on the Aeeal eaiiie-li .el era tie Head ttet? 108 Votes tion represented Dan Parker, lone; the vicissitudes of fa y thc mighty giant time sportsa columnist for thc Mirro whose article entitled, "North Car. ie flyers flghtlngagal Una Hums tip Duke," was reprint! sfully planned hy tins clia-ertc Last Time Against N. C. ntly conducted by Pufats of the Wo­ , High I'eei I'.iaslsiaii .Uu, J,.Im,ton and six of Dean Herring Explains Cut he freshmen will „<-<-,is..a- the his mates will he playing their last nted hy Albert J. Ik-v.srislg o, N. C, vi. owsei E through CC, inclusive game a« at a Carolina team. These boys, I'M Wceat, Gus Durner, Jack eee-le ! vn ell hies; 'eels Ilcniiemicr, Ssun McCaakill, Julc Rev. C. K, Proctor, '08, Oxfnrd, N. Los Angeles Now In Alaska M'serel, eeeiil .leie-k .\1,-Maaider, alelaag C.j A.B. Brewer, 12, Ilnleigh, U.C, Hi fa .New the .lia-a-e- >. 1 with 'the remaining members of thc a clash, conclud- B. Everett Jordan, '18, Saxapahaw, asked tn sit directly behind the Reading, squad, have determined that the Tar N, C; J. A. Sharpe, '08, Lumberion, < Angel* City l.i,,, lleaels shall asa.l trod on the Blue and •ee-ie-1 kilUl S N. C; J. Glenn Pennington, '33, White of Duke university. Tumor- s sm, Republicans 1 Thomaavlllc, N. C, NOME, Alaska, Nov. IB—(UP)- Independents '20, a Apparently thc city of Los Angel- Sets Own Broken Arm 0. The Democratic p is expanding, as a sign found on beach here rends, "L. A. City Limits Miami Expects Mail Boom Nome is tht second city far di Many Stars Town's Widows Thrifty tont from California that has report­ e- Cssraelisass lineup will bid i, while craukin] MIAMI, Pla., N07. IB— (UP)- ed it lies been included in the city >'""<"•'• players as Don Je et the bone ana Postmaster William C. Hill plans * <--lli(- MeClesse, -lis.', Iti,heigh, limits of Los Angeles. During th a-iii-i.le-e he outstanding pa r. The phystciai enlist approximately 140 additioua ifra, Holland Holton, '0!, Di Elks' convention at Columbus, Ohh id sent Meredith N. C.i Miriam Con, '24, Durha last summer, a civie-iaainela.-il Haider d not have di ; Mrs. Ralph* Chesson, '21, Rla of Lns Angeles placed a similar sig THE DUKE CHRONICLE Friday, Novrmher IS. 108G No or.t can deny tliat the foremost rause: for i The Duke Chronicle allure mis apolitical machinery lei.and unqnaliric Uufee'S jfltxture .. -.:- - . h *;i not ba • i IaM again. and .lie.ri.-., thc duration ol Germany taught hi I., fairness to tbe Trident clob and it* actlv An almost otricieel i. • I • I I...—-. f Ihis being that while thc t admit il.a; financial instability •reelly lieaaia-innr i a siaa llae l-'ssst. Thc cngh aeill iijaiel nd fraternal tnisciolcta ol club member* played •3 big hand fair ll.e highly .e.r rolea an in.- collapw oi tl, dub. This a„ I.e..III.,11 wl liable job Ihcy have bec bos playing wilh flint chips er* ilnly. however, can never e<i... the gross - irrow hi the beau- is ,,„• a,-])- dlewtnks. A„,1 IIII . iliUcal offcebolders. nt Dnke. This, tbe other day frightened their Go —B. V. S. erness by playing e belligerent lill YOUK ADVANTAGE It is with intentions ot good will (aeaeeie- lleev a -al "Wop-!Popplnf (he last of parker. thai Japan is appropriating China in slary Elliott Henderson little slices, realising thai the grllbh William G. Crawford . A. Lyman Wright •I, "Ma-thinks PRITCHARD-BRIGHT & CO. FEATURING ARROW SHIRTS ,, as you sill know Colle6iate Di6est WASHINGTON DUKE HOTEL BUILDING ;-.,-.-.a-:-;,-ei: --'•••-•• •fZJSJS", a';;-„r.—•' PARAGRAPHICS ietors of College Inn, New London, Con !• Connecticut College for having plac siirant "out of hounds" for students. ALL IT'S WORTH Eastern Portals CAPITOL HILL it has been given, on article uf a eertain Dana Par­ COMMENTARY ker, sports writer of the New York Daily Mirror, proved to us how foolish snul iaisiguificeiiit people show themselves lo lie when they write such bally­ place n college life, and to make one's under sr held glittering hoo as was reprinted in this column Tuesday. 0 education as complete ns possible. ever, with thc United Slates and Such misrepresentation as Is evidenced in the eurfoSje of the successful to any degree at all.
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