University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Grizzly Football Yearbook, 1939-2018 Intercollegiate Athletics 9-1-1952 1952 Grizzly Football Yearbook University of Montana—Missoula. Athletics Department Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/grizzlyfootball_yearbooks Recommended Citation University of Montana—Missoula. Athletics Department, "1952 Grizzly Football Yearbook" (1952). Grizzly Football Yearbook, 1939-2018. 6. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/grizzlyfootball_yearbooks/6 This Yearbook is brought to you for free and open access by the Intercollegiate Athletics at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Grizzly Football Yearbook, 1939-2018 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Montana University 1952 GRIZZLIES MISSOULA, MONTANA PRESS-RADIO TELEVISION INFORMATION BOOKLET TABLE OF CONTENTS Press and Radio Information ................................................................ 1 Mountain States Conference Schedule .............................................. 2 1952 Schedule, 1951 Results, All-Time Record...............................3 General Information on Montana U niversity ................................... U The 1952 Grizzly Coaching S ta ff ..........................................................5 1952 Outlook . ..........................................................................................8 1952 Football Roster .............................................................................. 9 Thumbnail Sketches of P layers ............................................................11 Experience Breakdown .............................................................................. 17 Mi scellaneous ................................................................................................18 Derivation of Grizzlies and Traditions ........ .1 9 Montana All-Time Football R ecord ...................................................20 R esu lts fo r Past Ten Y e a r s .................................................................22 1951 Game S ta tistic s .............................................................................. 23 1951 Individual Statistics .....................................................................2k Montanafs All-Time A ll-Star Teams ...................................................25 Grizzlies 1952 Opponents ..................................................................... 26 Memorandum .....................................................................................................33 Cover: Harold Maus, 1952 Captain. A 6fV , 200 pound End from Hamilton, Montana. MONTANA UNIVERSITY RADIO AND PRESS BOOKIET FOOTBALL 1952 This brochure is prepared for tne convenience of Sportwriters and Sportcasters in following Montana University's Grizzlies durihg the 1952 Footba.ll campaign. For additional information, special stories, photo­ graphs or Press Tickets, please address; Fred C. Cunningham Athletic Publicity Director Montana U niversity M issoula, Montana Press and Radio Information Members of the Working Press of a ll Legitimate Newspapers or wire ser­ vices desiring to cover Grizzly games are entitled to one seat in Mm tana's Press Box. Please write for tickets well in advance of game to be covered. The tickets w ill be held in the Athletic FOblifeity Director's Office and can be picked up any time before the starting of the game. Radio Booth facilities are available to broadcasting companies. No charge is made for broadcasting rights. Write the Publicity Director for permission so provisions can be arranged for your broadcast. Competent Spotters w ill be supplied if you so desire. Telephone facilities are available and direct Western Union wires may be ordered in. Western Union boys w ill be on hand to carry all dispatches to the downtown Western Union office at the end of each period. An official statistician w ill suoply press and radio information including half-tiie and final statistics, lineup and substitution summaries. Transportation w ill be available for visiting writers to down-town hotels (WOMEN OR CIIILDfiEI' HOT ALLOWED IN PRESS BOX) Publicity Directors Flease send your brochure and future Press releases to the following M issoula, Montana addresses: Fred C. Cunningham, A th le tic P u b lic ity D irecto r, Montana I h iv e r s ity Ray T. Rocene, Sports Editor, Daily MLssoulian John T. Campbell, Radio Station KXLL Cy Noe, Radio Station KGVO Frank Norberg, Sports E d itor, Kaimin, Montana Ih iv e r sity - 1 - 1952 mointa in States Conference football-------------------------- Schecule WYOMING j B . Y . U . DENVER CCLO. A&M DATE Montana UTAH STATE 1 Ne w Me x ic o UTAH I N . 1 S E P T . 2 0 UTAH STATE MONTANA Cclo. college COLO. MINES Or e g o n s t a t e (N lT E ) 9 /1 9 WISSOILA MISSOULA CENVER GCLCEN Sa l t La k e c i t y S E P T . 2 7 WYOMING CCL. OF PACIFIC Mo n t a n a Ne w ‘/e x ic o Lowry Field ARIZONA STATE B . Y , U . I caho 9 /2 6 La r a m ie OGDEN La r a m ie Pro v o D e n v e r Tem^ e P ro v o Bo i s e C O T . 4 B . Y . U* WYOMING U t a h S t a t e MONTANA CCLOc DENVER N. fctX. AGGo ARIZONA u . _______ . - MISSOULA Lo g a n Logan MISSOULA De n v e r DENVER Albuquerque salt Lake City O C T. | | DENVER I caho COLOo A*M UTAH U0 JvONTANA WYOMING B . Y . Up Cp e n De n v e r Lo g a n La r a m ie salt Lake City Ce n v e r LARAMIE Sa l t La k e C it y Oc t . 18 COLO. A&M Fr e s n o s t a t e New NEx i c o U tah Up Mo n t a n a Wy o m in g CENVER Cp e n f o r t Co l l i n s F r e sn o La r a m ie De n v e r Fo r t Cc l l i n s La r a m ie CENVER O c t . ¥ 5 Or e g o n U c Co l o. a &M U tah u . tENVER B . Y . U . UTAH STATE TEXAS WESTERN WYOMING Eu g e n e Logan La r a m ie Ftaovo Provo Logan EL PASO La p a m ie o v . t tioNJ. S t a t e U . OF W i c h i t a B . V . U. lA'OMING CRAKE U* ARIZONA U, Co lo r a d o u. Nov : . Op e n V .I3S0U .A WICHITA Provo Provo c e s ;^o i n e s ALBUQUERQUE Sa l t La k e c i t y NOV 0 ICAHO * KANSAS STATE 3AN JOSE STATE new Me x ic o UTAH U . CENVER CCLO. Akli OPEN MDSCOW Ma n h a t ta n SAN JOSE De n v e r Fo r t Cc l l i n s De n v e r Fort Collins ' Nov. 15 B . Y . U , A r iz o n a s t a t e UTAH STATE New fc e x jc o CCLO. A U I SANTA CLARA Op e n Cp e n Logan Te :.p e Logan ALBUQUERQUE Al BUQUERQUE Sa c r a m en t o NOV. 22 New Me x ic o De n v e r CCLOo A4M UTAH STATE B . Y . U . Mo n t a n a 11/21 Cp e n 11/21 Cp e n A l b u q u e r q u e LOG*N Fo r t Cc l l i n s Lo g a n Fo r t Cc l l i n s ALBUQUERQUE NOV, 29 UTAH Up OENVER ARIZONA STATE WYOMING COLO. U . - Utah state 11/27 n / 2 7 N /2 7 Cp e n M /2 7 Salt Lake City De n v e r Te v p e Ce n v e r 0 0 ULCER salt Lake City Dec. 6 NEW MEXICO UTAH STATE ALBUQUERQUE ALBUQUERQUE 1952 Schedule 1211 Mont. Date P lace Oooonents Score 0 p p 2 D 3 ? ts Sept. 20 “MIS3GUU Utah State College 7 Washington University 58 Sept. 27 *laram ie Wyoming U n iversity 25 New Mexico University 7 Oct. 4 # “MISSOULA Brigham Young U. 0 Denver University 55 Oct. 11 “Denver Denver University 9 Idaho University 12 Oct. 18 “Fort Collins Colorado A3M 38 Montana S tate C ollege 0 Oct. 25 Eugene Oregon University 6 Utah State College 19 Nov. 1 MISSOULA Montana S ta te C ollege 7 Syoming University 34 Nov. 8 Moscow Idaho University 6 Colorado A&M 34 Nov, 22 “Albuquerque New Mexico University 1 0 Wash. S ta te C ollege 47 “ Conference Won 2 — Lost 7 — Tied 0 # Homecoming Montana University was admitted in July 1950 as a member of the fountain States Athletic Conference. The Grizzlies started their first new Conference affiliation competition with swimming, winter quarter 1951, and have competed in the fu ll conference sports program since that time. In Football each member institution must play at least five Conference games to qualify for the Championship, MDNTAKA UNIVERSITY ALL-TIME RECORD 52 years of Football Won 159 Lost 184 Tied 24 Pet. .470 Montana's Total Points - 4,838 Opponents Total Points - 5,202 - 3 - Information on Montana University L ocation: M issoula, Montana Chartered: February 17, 1893 P resid en t : Dr. Carl McFarland Faculty Athletic Representative: Dr. Earl Lory Enrollment: More than 2,000 men and women. Colors: Copper, Silver, Gold. Team Nicknames: Grizzlies, Silvertips. Home Stadium: Dornblaser Field, Capacity 10,000. Named after Paul Dorn- blaser, Grizzly hero of a great 1914 team, who was killed in action during World1.iVar I. Conference: Mountain States (Members are: Denver U., Wyoming U., New Mexico U., Utah U., Brigham Young U., Utah State, Colorado A&M, Montana U .) GRIZZLY ATHLETIC STAFF Director of ..Athletics: Clyde W. "Cac" Hubbard Oregon State 1921 520 Daly Ave. Phone 4729 Head Football Coach: Eddie Chinske Montana 1930 233 K eith . Phone 9-1725 Line Coach: Jo John Zeger U n iv ersity o f Wash. 1949 105 Mary Assistant Coach, Baseball Coach: Frank Milburn West Point 1914 204 B everly. Phone 8118 Assistant Coach, Track Coach, Head Scout: Harry Adams Montana 1921 204 Beverly.
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