OFFICIAL PUBLI CATION OF THE FEATHER RIVER RAIL SOCIETY PORTOLA CALIFORNIA VOLUME No. 4 No. 6 NOVEMBER DECEMBER 1986 ISSUE No. 22 UNITED $TATES STEEL #1 2 A TWIN ENGINE GE 80 TON CENT ER CA B, NOW AT PORTOLA Ski PHOTO FEATHER RIVER RAIL SOCIETY'S ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING DEC 13th•••••••••• Please plan to attend this very important meeting and . vote on many changes that will deal with the up coming year. Also your ballots will be counted at this meeting •.•.••• THE WESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY SACRAMENTO NORTHERN RAILWAY TIDEWATER SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. Feather River Rail Society Preserving "The Feather River Route" l?WPLIVES The FRRS, a tax exempt public benefit California Corporation, is the HISTORICAL SOCIETY for member ~ the WESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD and operates the PORTOLA RAIL- ROAD MUSEUM in Portola, Calif. Formed in February, 1983 with the purpose of TRA N preserving railroad history in general and Western Pacific Railroad history in particular. The WP LIVES in Portola for the benefit of the friends of the late great FEATHER RIVER ROUTE. Iourist Railway Association INc. ************ Single membership dues are $15.00 per Calendar Year. Life memberships are $300.00. CALENDAR Our mailing address is ...... Dec 8 Special movie nite at the FRRS POST OFFICE BOX B PORTOLA, CALIF. 96122 United Methodist Church, 27555 E Baseline in Highland, Cal. Our information phone number is 916-832-4131 ************* Dec 13 Annual FRRS membership "THE TRAIN SHEET" is Edited and laid out by meeting John SKI Ryczkowski. Assisted by Mary Rycz­ Jan 3-4 Booth at Great American kowski with typesetting and proofreading. Train Show, Shrine Civic Auditorium in Los Angeles Articles/Info please write, THE TRAIN SHEET Post Office Box 1663, Sparks, Nevada 89432 Jan 10-11 Booth at Great American ************** Train Show, Oakland Coliseum ISSUE No. 22 with 800 PRINTED Feb 8 Booth at Great Western Train Show, Solano County Fairgrounds in Vallejo, California Feb 21 Members social meeting From the PRESIDENT'S Desk About the Feather River Short Line Feb 28 Booth at Winter Rail, Stockton Norman Holmes An Editorial Mar 8 Booth at Great Western Train What happened to our volunteers and Due to the sudden emergence Show Solano County Fairgrounds in visitors this year??? Did cheap gas of the Short Line at the museum Vallejo, California invite longer trips? Did EXPO 86 many questions have been raised. syphon off some? Did the Feather This is a brief explanation. River Highway closure discourage some from coming up? Who knows. The Feather River Short Line is a OCTOBER 19th MEETING We were hoping to get a lot accom­ group that has been around for some Some 20 members attended our plished this year-quite a bit was time with many members in the fall social meeting. A museum pro­ done, but not as much as we would Portola-Qunicy area, their equip­ gress report was presented by Dept have liked. Even on operating days ment, #8, sat in the fairgounds at heads, then Dale Sanders and Mark we barely had enough train crew Qunicy until the Feather River Rail Hemphill announced they formed a members to have a full crew. Where Society was formed and started the group to buy six of the seven F did everybody go??? museum as we know it in Portola. units from the Alaska Railroad. Our list of accomplishments are At that time the FRSL was invited They will be stored at our museum something to be proud of, however. to relocate their equipment in Port­ on a long term lease and will be A concrete walkway has been in­ ola for restoration and operation on available for operation and display. stalled, the exterior of the , Shop society trackage. The move and This will give our museum more F was painted, · the meeting room and the restoration has been funded by units than any other museum in the two other rooms painted, the east Short Line funds and their sudden country and more diesels than any side fence installed and 908 -2001 socialization for members, donations other museum in the west. were made operable. New equipment and letters proclaiming the Short John Walker reported that a coa­ arrivals included Business car 105 Line while on Feather River Rail lition _group of Northern Calif RR and GP-30, 849 both courtesy of Society grounds is in support of the Preservation groups has been formed the UP. Many smaller projects restoration of the # 8. Many members as a mutual aid organization and were finished also, but much more of the FRRS are assisting in the to foster cooperation among the 8 remains, with new ones everyday. restoration and we are happy to let or more groups in the area. Those of you who visit the museum, the FRSL use a section of our engine why not plan to spend a few days house, as their future participation helping to make it more attractive. will be of great benefit not only If you can't come, your donation to the Short Line but to the FRRS. of a few dollars will help all When operating the #8 will run projects and buy supplies, etc ........ under an operating agreement with the FRRS and under our rules ........ TijE TRAIN SHEET ISSUE No. 22 SHEET TWO TRACK ACTMTY We have many things planned for EARLY AMERICAN RAILROADING On 20th Sept, Dean Hill, Norm, 1987 and need your support. If you A new magazine is out for the Jim Ley, Mat Parker and Hap ripped can add a little "extra" to your railroad enthusiast who likes the up three rail lengths of track on dues, our preservation and restor- . 1830 to 1930 time period. This mag the ramp track in preparation for ation programs will appreciate it. put out by a non-profit group can the installation of a switch to our Remember dues and contributions be had by writing ..••. much needed rip track connecting are tax deductable. We now have EARLY AMERICAN RAILRO ADING link. Switch parts and ties were 674 paid up members. P.O. Box 101RP salvaged from an unused switch on Allegan, MI 49010 the balloon with points from an SENIOR DAY $7.50 per year or a sample will be unused switch in Reno. It has now sent for two 22¢ stamps ••••••. been installed, nearly 500 feet of Nearly two dozen senior citizens track laid and before long we will attended our senior appreciation day, Sat Oct 25th. The senior MAILING have another track in service. This Due to a lack of interest, 1st housing unit is located on a bluff track and the two tracks to the Class mailing will no longer be north are badly needed for storage overlooking our museum, here the available for the TRAIN SHEET. space for our ever growing collec­ residents not only have an unequalled tion. In addition to those listed view of museum activities, but they Thanks to Joe Way, our mailing list above, Rose Hersted, Steve Milward, also are subjected to the sounds the has been updated to include ZIP + Wayne Monger, Ski and Hank Stiles trains generate when we have oper­ 4. Joe supplies our mailing labels helped. A special thanks is due Ken ations. Some of the seniors have for the SHEET and keeps it up to Roller, who has almost single-hand­ been keeping watch over our facil- date. Please advise of any changes edly spiked down the rails. ity and report to Hap or the Sheriff's in your address •••••••• office any unusual activities. To show our appreciation for their FAIRMONT A-8 MOTOR CAR DEDUCTIONS •••••• Courtesy of the Union Pacific and your TAXES••••••• watchful eyes and patience with our sounds, Hap and Councilwoman Fran a A -8 arrived Sept 29th. This large A major change in IRS rules will for a motor car, track gang car has be in effect in 1987. Among the Roudebush suggested we give them a free train ride. So, we coupled a flat head Ford V-8 engine and a many changes Congress made is a four speed transmission. The engine limit on itemized deductions. Al­ 921 to the diner and a caboose, loaded the passengers aboard, includ­ is in need of major repair and may though the tax rate on income will need to be replaced. be less for most people, the number ing a great lady in a wheelchair and of items one can claim as itemized gave them a two-loop ride around the balloon. Aboard the diner, n MILEPOSTSn deductions are reduced, thus it will I have cataloged the society's coll­ not be advantageous to many to Barbra Holmes served hot-spiced cider and donuts to our friends. ection of Western Pacific Mileposts. itemize. A donation to a charitable We are missing the following ••••••• organiza tion this year will off -set The train crew consisted of Jim Ley, engineer, Steve Jackson, fireman, March 1956 higher 1986 tax rates instead of December 1958 lower taxed 1987 income. A do­ Matt Parker, conductor and Hap Manit, brakeman. Norm Holmes, April 1959 nation can also be made on a Visa December 1969 or M/C card even though it is not Virginia Larson and Bill Magazin helped in loading. The issues between••• paid until 1987. SPR SUMMER FALL 1978 Vol30 #1 The tax ID numbers of the FRRS to is ..•. 68-0002774 DONATIONS May/June 1980 Vol 32 #1 With an almost certain increase in New member Paul Bourget learned Missing are •• Vol 30 N02 Winter 1978? the cost of diesel fuel in the com­ of our need for an answering ma­ All Volumes 31 1979 up to issue ing year, we are going to purchase chine and helped out with a do- .· Vol 32 #1 May/June 1980.
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