THE 0r - .-' l\t- ,I --- - - -- - - ---- - - vol. 13 No' I 1959 4E- P;: =.-.- -ea.- <<L'€, ;-wewa,tktn/AW Wc salutc thc wine pressers of France. It's a noble oocupation biri a thirsty one, and desen'es no less a toasl than Warneys Brown Ale-on* of the most refreshing long drini's in the w,.rrld. What you want is WATSEYS BROWN ALE VHEN YOU NEXT CALL AT MALTA ] visit"' Chez Veney BAR.RESTAURANTOGRILL The lVell-known Bar in Mdta for Genuine Drinks and Good Food English and Continental Kitchen specializing in "T" Bone Sirloin Steak and Chicken i la MarYland Ample rooms .fm Families attd Parties My Motto: Full Satkfaction Phone: C 4816 42 St. Anrae Square' ' FLOR'IANA THE COMMUNICATOR dressed overall For a complete, high quality tailoring service-uniforms with that extra touch of smartness, and shore-going rig made to measure or ready to wear-you can't do better than visit Willerbys. You'll find a splendid variety of cloths to choose from . helpful service such reasonable prices, and an allotment scheme to enable you to wear while you pay. See Mr. Brian Guttridge, our naztal representatiz;e, when he aisits your establishment, or-r/)rite, or call in when you're next on shore, for the leaflet destibing Willerbys special seroice for men in the Naay- BETTER TAILORING AT WTLTERBYS (By allolment it you wish) 28.30 OXFORD STRDET, LONDON, 1V.I AND AT ]I1 OOMI1URCIAL ROAD, PORTSIIOUTE. 5 LONDOI{ ROAD, NOIITE DND, PORTSMOIITE' 3: I'OYAL I)ARADU, PLYMOUTE. 2.]3 HIGE STREET, CHATH.{NI. :O ABOVE BAR, SOIiTHAMPTON, AND BRANCHES TEROUGSOUT BRITdN THE COMMUNICATOR A colourful yarn There's more to a colourful yarn than the spinning ol it at least. there is with Cieves' Uniforn-r Cloth. For every particle of wool we use is first boiled in dye before it is spun into yarn. As a result, the colour of our cloth is the same right through and can always be matched for replacement. ln short, it is'dyed in the wool' and it is all wool 'ffiEGiefresffiLirw rTeO .}^";,t"1:?J,'.H- Tailors and Outfitters to the Royal Navy there is no better. 27 OLD BOND ST., LONDON W.l Telephone: HYDePork22f6 22 THE HARD, PORTSMOUTH Telephone: 21351 ,t213 PLYMOUTH DARTMOUTH GAMBERLEY FARNBOROUCH BROCKENHURST.WEYMOUTH LIVERPOOL BOURNEMOUTH . SOUTHAMPTON .CTTA-IHIM . EDINBURGH . WINCHESTER.LONDONDERRY . CIBRALTAR . MALTA VACANCIES IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE A number of vacancies, offering good career prospects, exist for: RADIO OPERATORS-Male CYPHER OPERATORSI TELEPRINTER OPERATORSi Male and Female Apply,giving details of Education, Qualifications and Experience, to: Personnel Oficer, G.C.H.Q. (4 R.C.O.) (Foreign Office) 53 CLARENCE STREET CHELTENHAM THE COMMUNICATOR The Mogozine of the Communicotions Bronch,Royol Novy EASTER 1959 VOL. 13. No. I CONIENIS pcge page Cnprmu J. A. C. HsNley, D.s.c.. R.N. 4 Youn Olo SHrp 28 Eor.rontll ... 5 Mruonrrs ev H.M.S. "ErrrNcnnu" 28 Trcnrqcu Nores 5 Cenntrns 3l Cnrnn oE rnr Drr,..u Sror. ::. ::: 6 R.N.R. JJ Hour SrnrroN 7 Tpr.rpnlNrsn CH,q.rreR 35 Holrolvs wrrs Pny l7 Durr Cnrrs 37 Lrrrrns ro rHE Eolron l8 Sur'lrr.rrn Derrs 39 "To Tnost ENrrnro" l9 NuNasrn Fen Elsr ... 20 A Nrcsr oN rss Moons 4t REeuleu ron ,q Tnocc 23 GorNc rus RouNos rN "Mrncunv" 43 S.A,S,A. SrrrroN ... 25 Corr,rnuNrclrroNs GlzettE 47 MpotrpnnaNnnr ... 26 Suvurn Couprrrrrols 48 Editor: Lieutenant Commander W. F. PnrensoN, R.N. Art Editor: Sub-Lieutenant A. H. Ponren, n.u. Treasurer: Lieutenant C. H. Cox, n.u. Editorial Staf: Instructor Lt. Commander J. PAvNE, R.N. Secretary: L/Wren M. V. Mrr.rrr Business, Production and Advertise menl Manager : MR. EDcAR Srncounr, 2 Station Hill, Farnham, Surrey. CONTRIBUT'IONS All MSS., photographs and cartoons should be sent to the Editor at H.M.S. "Mercury", as below. These will be returned to the senders only if asked for, and responsibility for them cannot be accepted by the Editor. Contributions for the Summer 1959 edition must be in the Editor's hands by July 6th. Subscription Rates .lbr 1959 are as .follows: For the whole year 7/6 post free For each issue 213 or 218 post free BULK ORDERS from commands, ships or establishrnents,216 per copy, post free, The Magazine is published at Easter, Summer and Christmas. Some back numbers are available and those more than 2 years old can be obtained for l/- post free. **** Cheques and/or postal orders should be made payable and sent to: The Editor, Tse CovpruNrcAToR, H.M.S. "Mrnctrnv", East Meon, near Petersfield, Hampshire. PUBLISHED AT H.M.S. "MERCURY" THE COMMUNICATOR CAPTAIN J. A. C. HENLEY, D.S.C.' R.N. s*s;:;lB ...'": $'{ ;.l 1937 Qualified in Signals. 1947 Pronroted Commander. 193{l H.M.S. Duntan. 1948 Staff Course. I940 Staff of V.A.C.O.S. 1950 H.M.S. Chariry in command. l94l H.M.S. King George /. Fleet Wireless 1952 Joint Services Staff College. Directing Staff. Assistant. 1954 Promoted to Captain. 1942 Staff of B.A.D. Washington. 1955 St. Angelo, Captain (Q) on staff ol C-in-C 1944 Signal Division, Admiralty. Mediterra nean. 1945 Fleet Communications Officer. East Indies 1957 H.M.S. Diantond in command. Station. 1959 Captain, H.M.S. Mercury. THE COMMUNICATOR EDITORIAL Your Magazine certainly has its ups and downs. now being planted with flowering sl.rrubs and roses With the very short Easter Term it has been difficult and, given a few years to develop, it should provide to assemble sufficient material to nrake up this issue. tr very pleasant spot to sit around in the sunrnrer. There have been very few drawings or cartoons for Meon Maid ll some time, so if anyone has any ideas in this field, The new yircht, whose details have already such efforts would be particularly welconre. appeared in these pages, after arousing considerable Boat Show. is now in the water and Signal School March interest in the preparirrg the sunrnrer racing season. We hope In the last issue, suggestions for a suitable march for be to report many successes in the next issue. were sought and a few ideas have conre to hand. to able These vary from an original conrposition, which is Lost and Found now having expert investigation, to Musical Con-redy A letter from tlre Joint Services Air Trooping and the Gilbert and Sullivan Operas. Anrong the Centre, Hendon, has been received enclosing two ideas is the Song of the Vagabonds from The copies of tlre group photograph shown on page 21. Vagabond King, where a parodied line . 'To hell They were left there when a draft frot.r.t Singapore with Mercr"rry' might appeal to sonre. The entry of passed through, so if the owner will state his clainr. the Peers from 'lolanthe' might go something like: the Editor will be pleased to send the pictures on 'Bow, bow New Entry Training Classes . .' to hint. Then there is the Tarantara Chorr"rs from the Pirates Weather of Penzance and also the Pirates' Chorus from the How r.r-ruch the weather lrad to do with the 'llLr Last Act. "With Cat Like Tread". No decision has epidenric in Mercur.t' is uncertain, but the Medical been reached yet, so the conlpetition is still open to Department has certainly been kept busy with a anyone who has a suggestion to offer. large number of cases, with some of the accor.t.rmoda- having to be turrrecl into tenlporary Sick Signal Books tion Old fronr very cold spell which Fronr the depths of some nlusty store, Adrliralty Quarters. Apart a started at tlre end of January. there has beerr little has brought to light a number of old Signal Books. to cor-nplain about, except for tnany days of persis- which are being inspected aud catalogued. It is tant fog. All that is over and forgotten now ancl we hoped to find some extracts which will amuse the Iook forward to a bright and cheerful Sunrnrer. modern Conrmunicator and if so. they will be ltrst year, w1c:rla11lV1leserve oy published in these pages. After In this conncction sonre old files, dating back to 1895 rvere'discovered' by the Pack C)ffice in Merturl. TECHNICAL NOTES The trials of Masthead Senraphore in the Mediter- Ir seerns a very short time since the last edition of ranean Fleet certainly achieved sonte remarkable Tse CovrnruNrcAToR cante out, but one ctrnnot help results as did the method of lroisting flirgs by means Easter being so early. I hope that by now you will of kites so that they could be rend tit greater distances. have seen A.F.O. I l/59 and A.F'.O. 'S' 27 159, the It would appear that a large part of the ship's advent of rvlriclr was forecast in the last Technical conrpany was needed to get a flag airborne with Notes. The first zrmendment to B. R. 222 is now being the wire being payed out from the fo'c'sle while the prepared and will include fuller articles on the new kite was launched fronr aft. This, no doubt, gave the UHF eqr.ripment. br"rntings a good laugh in those days. A new portable lifeboat set, Type 629, will be reaching sl-rips very soon. It replaces Type 6l l. With Pigs the new set, no1 only can you send the distress signal Very little has been written in these pages about tlre either automatically or by hand, but yoLl carr reccive Pig Farm.
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