Herman Guenther's 1978-1979 Scrapbook

Herman Guenther's 1978-1979 Scrapbook

^^NYS.Spoi^writera 'i Mat Ratuigs!. !|Pibneer Seventh -'; ; ; _wrestling^ |ln Mat Tourney . ;^ >.:sfearn8 [y-j .TiPortjervIs-V £ -• " Special To Times Herald ' j ''v ■ NORMAN, Okla., Keith i <. ZOlean ^ - . - t E SPENCERPORT, N.Y. t- ' ('• a. Bald'vIlle-3 , • - ^ .5. ,Steans,theformerPioneerCen-. r 4. Canadalgua-S ' 3-< rScoring 119 points, Pioneer Cen- tr^ wrestling star and New , S. East Roche'sfr-S . 5., I tral Schooi finished seventh in , York State champion in 1975 has I, : A. Sherburne-Earl-4. , 2-( ^ the 16-school Spencerport Cen r . 7. BayShore-n ... r- ~ quit the University of OtUaboma f. 1 8. Honfington-ll ~ O-i tral wrestling tournament that wrestling team, citing "pe^ 'r fr Sachem'-Tl.r anded a two-day stand Saturday - 10. Hflton-5 -. I' ■ • ' . - dj sonal reasons." A senior,' ! 11. Suffern-9 ^ . I.'', " aj ^Qiglit. Huntington, Long Island,. Steams was the defending na- -;1 .. 12.Peru-7 ■•''■ - ■■r.U-: ^ • waa the.winner with 221 points ')3.Massapequa-8 • am tional champion at 167-pouods. ■:] , . 14. Locust val.-8 ■ w . - w |:an|ffiye individual champions.' in high school, he was also as ;-'t I l»iCIarks,South-9 ' •'m f;.-,Pibneer's best showing was ' all-star football player and par- ^ 16. South Jeff.-s ., • 4^) (Marvin Wilson's second place In I 17. Nlskay'ona-2- ' tlc^ated In Big 30 Game II. ;.{ , 18.TaopanZee-9 ' • m I.the ^6 pound class. He is 5-3 for 19. Brenfwood'Ross-M ' m i^e season: Missing, because of 20. Tonawanda-6 -4^) the ^u, was. Pioneer's Lee i dicafes section.) »«••• name in. .Friend'.wh'o woul^.have been k f ■ . ■ 'ihe 105 pound class. , ' BASKETBALL I-3-7J Small Schools V The team scoring: W L « Huntingfan, L.l., 2n; Spencerport lilchabodCrane-2 7.0 |'M2; Hfltoif ies; Athens (Pa.) 176; 2.M8ttltuck-n 6^ I Rochester McQiwtO 156; Connef- 3. Peeksklll-I 5.0 Squot, L.t., 139; Pioneer 119; Sweet 6.Saratooa-2 ' '5.2' VHome 118; Lancaster 99; Maryvale S. Brldg'ton-ll „ 3.1 |.99.; Rochester Wadison 84; 4.SprIngv'(e-6 I Caledonla-Mumford 74; Rochester ' 7.HastIngs-1 5.0 f*earney 66> Ogden 62'/i Cortland 46; 8.Mlddletown-9 4.7 fc(»«nev«29'Av ' 9. Eastchester-1 4.] 10. Geneva-5 5.0 11.Sldney-4 4.n 12. Greenwlch-2 yjy. 13. Sodus '5 . 7.0 U. Beaver Rlver-3 7J) 15. Newark-5 4.j 16. Cohoes-2 , yjj . 17. GouverneuMO * 7.0.. 18.Mexlco-3 ' 4.7 19. Hudson Falls-2 7.1- M.Cub8-5 5.0 HONORABLE WENTION: (Are® /-Y'77 I 5 f r- TT' /^r^L tf: c fi u)] yt S 0 >LL ^ [Out ■■•l.yiTtM: rnerged ^ons 1 nlFiril 1 ling Leagu' TOf. : in High Sc:hooj S pnt,' frorn lef ler (MaplejjG'rove),„pav€0P Botifhwestern ).r Clar LndersoD.Jra tean('(."''Xndv ■ ineni 'fit scfto two- class the i ing High uiean 216'/} (.ass. va nament will be at Syracuse, Falconer 159 Sala. Mar. 10-11. Map. Gr. |]0S'/2 Dunkirk aturday's championship Southw'rn 89>/} Fredonk ts (records of winners, rs included: , It's comparable to' a b Ken Keller (M.G., U-5> pf«'3:»4 record — this victory i uy Cornell (Cass. Val.. 8-S} .Olean High School's big wi Proctor (South., 18 ?) dec. t4-2 are . having in tourna ark Baglla (Fak.. n-tO) Clar Anderson (Olean, 24-0) pin wrestling action and i 31 Kevin Wellfer (C.V., 14-31 . Mike Foster is keepin; Andy Taylor (Olean, 17-4) dec. ■6JoeSantfill<M.G., 18-41 . fingers criissed that It wil Eric Simpson (Olean, 19-0-1) pin tlnue through the next 33 Bob Betts(Falc., 15-4) Kevin Forrest (Olean.23-0) dec. weekends. - " -5 Dick Betts (Faic., 13-5) Saturday, Olean collect' Steve Pancio (Olean, 1^1) del. In Dale Rahr (Falc., 13-5)- ' Bill Thomas (Olean, 18-4-1) dec; 3DanOry($ala.,17-5) Steve Swan (Sooth., 20-2) dec. 8-, ?ob1»arks(0lean,16-e) Chris Leichtweis (Olean, 240^ n l;4UOave Bou9tttoir(m.GX'i;- II- pmitliern^Tier Ton "f•ftAts'A Ki ■^i- •' s fwioe^'f pouH* M... iwundfc , . .".V "Xr,-;C''" ','• S, Forlullivkn^, Brian SuBlvan Looking towards the New Wrestling championships in the OHS coad^i^^^ter piad 14 asslste and Chuck York State championships will OHS gym Saturday. • ■ / saying, talkin^W^ pollit'& f Stabler added 15 rebounds. Ron be s^e half dozen grapplers- "We're now at- the point of the mat seksoffwlere ooe-^\ ^.WUson notched: a. dozen assists atJir iMstiMcl threethnw fromfrnm OleanniAon HighHioh whereurKora ouriMtr boysknuc are looking for couldu say./- L and Gene Daniels 21 rounds |forHplidayInn. / ^Southem^School — Tier.,Highin the ei^t-school School,,;,.ning.n.uw< themselves, .team^.championshi^^^^^^ insteaduuicau ofU1 justjUdb win-^wui- himself,nimseil..VOf coui;5e,tbe^a^ n<WnumP^" Ww to \ CTZ 17T^to A T "t ' Leagues, ^,^e°«Kch^^kidfiw? -OALL Weekend Schedule .'T ALL6GANYCLASSC'' , CHAUT.-CATT.LEAGUg A EXP ' pionships," Foster added.yi* : m- :• ■;.'VWL' • WL"L - WL WL . expresswayconfer.^ Saturday's champion^ips, g^ftolivar ■- 3 I Alf. AlmoiKi 3 2-2 fedonla 7 2 Olean '•• 3 5 Wellsvllle W L - k-Cuba - -a TFillmore - 0 3 Southwern 6 3 Salamanca 3 S Allegany 4 0 Sala'nca 13 incidentally, do not mean -? •?T' Tonl«tfiGam» Dunkirk 6 3 Falconer 18 "eoany . 2 0 Olean ,04 anything, except the^hoiwr 0?:;: ^V-CiibaahBoiivV .. 1-- : T^igftrsGimes , . Ofean at Dunkirk #! NORTH TIER LEAGUE Winning aod, for Clean High's -V^ ALLEGAHY CLASS 0 Falconer at Salamanta - . W L W l.j^orth Olv. W L South-Ofv. W L Fredonfa at Southwerem . EmporiummporiLm ' "13 !-N.P.„er1 N.Potter ?7 7 grappjers, cxtentfng unbeaten :: ' Angelica 6 0 Scio - 4a 1 , . »' Smettiportmettiport lo 4 coud'oortCoud'oort 7 7 recoros — and sharpening the . .Wyoming 5 1 Belmonf 4S 1,.. : AL-KIN (PA.) LEAGUE Otto-Eldred 8 6Qsw.Vaf. I1 ]l1 mental edge, that they'll need, - i^Roshford- SWhltesvUICi 3 4 - W L . ' W L PortAlleg. 8 6 Austin 11 r Belfastelfast 2 S Andover 2 S Sheffield s 3 Ridgway , 5 4 ^hut^ay'sThursday's RMuifiResults fw the sectionals that will be ay- t^iendshipflendswp • IJ: 5.Ricm>wro-j i.g 5 Kane . - 43 Eisenh'er -MS Austin 53; Ofto-EidredOho-Eldred 48 !^week from Saturday. --.J.oV ToftlghfaGames -- .. Johnstj'g . 4 3 Yodngsv'le ' 0 8 Norttiem Potter67,Potter 67, Smethport57 ,A • . Wyoming at Friendship " - TonigfirsGamea Coudersport67,OswavoValleySOCoudersport 67, Oswayo Valley SO ' TOmOITOW'S actioh Starts at Rwshford at Angelica -JoftnsonbgrgafStjeffield Emporium 70, Port Allegany 49- Andover at Belmont -ir. RldgwayatYoungsvilla Tonight's Games ^ 11 a.m. and continues through^, RichburgatWhitesvlNe '• KaneatElsenhower coudersport at otto-Eidred -44^ the finals Scheduled at approx- - A ' D1STRICT9LEAGUE Nrur„?,u!rafprAnWFma^^^^ 0'™ "f four, t: ; .CATTARAUGUS CLASS C Austin at oswayoOswayo Valley . 4 who -Will carry unbeaten V ■ W L , »*Wuf ^LI Ponxsot'ey« .. y"-8 2 Br«kway - *4 L7 Tonight's Games t-ffani^linVIe llOHInsdalc *<7 7 Bradford , 8 3'Sf.M.Pub. 4 4 Randolph at Silver Creek >* " • records. l (Clarr> • Anderson,n, Kevinj ," ei»cotrie 8 3 Lit. Valley 2 9 CleartieW 4 3St.M.Elk 5 7 PortviiieatcatfaroaugsPortvllle at Cattaruaugs Forrest, Enc SimpsoD and »1 n- OuBols 7 4 Brookvllle 0 12 Cubaat Bolivar I- West. Val. 7' 4* Cattara'gusl n cubaaf Bolivar ChrisLcichtweis). AUbut^mp- Tonlgtirs Games ' Belfast at FNImore ' X Toolgtr^PGames Punxsotawnev at St. Marys Public ScVa^tAlfreSd'-AfmondScloatAlfred-Almond -t-.v ^ - SOH competed in the State Cham- Hlnsdale at West Valley St. Marys Elk at Brookville Saturday's Gamifo-.Gam^-. • pionships last year. .. a: i . EIIIcoftvllle at Little Valley Brxkway at OuBols ■ Elmira Christian at H^htont^gghton _ . „ ^ .franklinvIHe at Limestone Cl^rfleld at Bradford High. Sunday's Gai^GarQe Besides Glean, other schools DunkirkounkirK MlndszentyMindszenfy it Olean in the Bvent Will be Salamanca Walsh i (9-5 record), Falconer (12-2), Bradford High To Host/ -Maple Grove ,(13-2), Dunkirk, VT ' i 1 • Fr^onia, Southwestern and m-T ' ■ 11 111 0 Casadaga Valley: In all, there '' * 0 will be six grapplers with. \ perfect records. : :New Mat Event TRI-COUNTY LEAGUE ^ ^ '^The top Seed (with Glean OF ^ W L Portvllleortvfiie 5 0 Frank'ile 2 3 Salamanca second, third seed Wellsvllle 4 1 Clean Wal. Allegany 3i 21 Cattar'gus 15 and records): Co. (League Season Ended) 91; 1. Ken Keller (Map. Gr„ 15-4);3; .J Bruce Taylor (Olean, 9-8). • - --.l A BRADFORD — The*- new the field are Bradford's Jeff allegany^county _ 96: 1, Dave Proctor (Soutti, ' Bill HetrlcklMG, 15-3). " ^-.^4 ^ event on the Big 30 sports'kene Bean and RftMls-RichR&Kls.Rich Kams.Rams. aetmont 6 2 Cuba 3 5 105: 1. CJar Anderson (Olean, 2t-0); '■ E;will be unveiled In the Bradford The action wfe«fts at noon andand. Si'.'.'"®''® 5 2Aif.Aim. 17 2. VInce Nalbone (MG, 15-3). •- • - I^.Hi^ School gym Saturday — tMflnds will fe at 4:30 p.m. 112: 1. Alex Co^.(Fred., IVI),-: tWflnds will fe at 4:30 p.m. (League season Ended) Andy TaylorWWan, 13-4). J the four-school McKeanGounty TheThe top two seeds ' wUhwith (Note: League tournament at 119: 1. Eric Simpson'(Olean, 14-0-1);-^ t Hi^ School Wrestling Touma- records:p^rrfo. )\ Bolivar,Safurday.sfartlng11a.m.) 2. Bob BeHs(Falc., 13-3). , ■Ji ^-ment. 124: 1. Kevin Forrest (Clean, 20-0); •' 7; 1. Larry Blankenship (Ka-ta, 13« T aL-kinleague 2. Dick 8etTS(Falc.. 10-6) 2); 2.

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