ATTORNEY GENERAL’s DEPARTMENT 2020 www.attorneygeneralchambers.com | [email protected] | [email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS 02 13 - 23 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING UNIT 03 - 04 26 - 38 MESSAGE FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ADVICE AND LITIGATION UNIT 05 39 - 41 MISSION STATEMENT REGISTRY OF COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY UNIT 06 ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ARTICLE 07 - 08 MANAGEMENT TEAM 43 - 47 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY – A CROSS-CUTTING ECONOMIC YEAR IN REVIEW POWER TOOL 09 - 11 48 - 56 ADMINISTRATION UNIT APPENDIX I 12 ACCOUNTS UNIT Annual Report 2020 Attornery General’s Chambers [email protected] [email protected] www.attorneygeneralchambers.com Attornery General’s ChambersANNUAL Annual REPORT Report 2019 2020 | 1| 1 The Saint Lucia www.attorneygeneralchambers.com | [email protected] | [email protected] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are extended to the management team at Chambers for the consistency of this annual production. Permanent Secretary Juliana Alfred is applauded for her leadership on this project. I also wish to commend Mr. Viannie Aimable from the National Printery Corporation for the graphics support. S.C.J. Julien 30.6.2021 2 2| Attornery| ANNUAL REPORTGeneral’s 2019 Chambers Annual Report 2020 The Saint Lucia www.attorneygeneralchambers.com | [email protected] | [email protected] MESSAGE FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL There has been continued investment in capacity building of the staff of the Attorney General’s Chambers and many have been presented with training opportunities. Through the efforts of Chambers, the Legal Secretaries are currently enrolled in a Legal Paralegal Course with the University of the West Indies, whereas Counsel have been given the opportunity to study for an LLM in Legislative Drafting. Human capacity of our staff was also augmented by on- the-job training, in which our more experienced staff members all adopt a hands-on approach. Persons who may have been stationed at Chambers for a temporary period, left with valuable experience and knowledge. This publication of our Annual Report for the period 2020 The adverse effects of the pandemic resulted in an overall – 2021 is truly an indication of the commitment of the decrease in the revenue collected for the period 2020 Attorney General’s Chambers to fulfilling its mandate to – 2021. This was as a direct result of reduced economic the Government and People of Saint Lucia of remaining activity in particular, the marked decrease in tourism accountable to our stakeholders and ensuring transparency arrivals on the island. For Chambers, this translated to of our operations. less persons requiring marriage licences. The period 2020 – 2021 was not without its many As Saint Lucia successfully implemented strategies to challenges, most of which can be attributed to the various manage COVID –19, there was a positive effect on adjustments Chambers, like many other Ministries were revenue collection, with revenue collected by the Marriage compelled to implement in order to effectively manage Licence department improving during the months July the COVID – 19 pandemic. Of paramount importance 2020 – December 2020. was the safety and security of our staff whilst ensuring that The Legislative Drafting Unit has performed and continues Chambers remained efficient in the delivery of our services to perform a critical role during this period, having the and proactive in the management of our operations. responsibility of drafting legislation necessary to implement The staff of the Attorney General’s Chambers, despite the various protocols adopted by the Government to having to manage and adapt to changes in their own safeguard the country during the pandemic. For insight, personal lives brought on by the pandemic, understood for the period 2020 – 2021, through the work of the that Chambers played a critical role in the Government’s legislative Drafting Unit, Parliament passed 15 Acts, and response to the pandemic and enthusiastically implemented 326 Statutory Instruments were passed. the measures which allowed Chambers to continue being Whilst the COVID-19 (Prevention and Control) Act, fully operational throughout the period. No.9 of 2020 dealt specifically with the control and This report is also testament to our efficiency at recording, management of the virus, other legislation addressed storing and analyzing information which were transmitted socio–economic matters which arose, for example, the through the units of the Attorney General’s Chambers. We National Insurance Corporation (Amendment) Act, No. 2 have successfully analyzed information collected to produce of 2020 empowered the Board of the National Insurance accurate data which reflects the workflow of the Registry Corporation to establish an economic relief program, of Companies and Intellectual Property, Legislative Drafting which provided many Saint Lucians whose income was Unit, Advice and Litigation Unit and the National Anti- severely impacted or became non–existent with economic Money Laundering Oversight Committee (NAMLOC). support in the midst of the pandemic. Attornery General’s ChambersANNUAL Annual REPORT Report 2019 2020 | 3| 3 www.attorneygeneralchambers.com | [email protected] | [email protected] MESSAGE FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL The Advice and Litigation Unit continues to defend and Saint Lucia, through the National Anti - Money Laundering represent the Government of Saint Lucia in matters Oversight Committee (NAMLOC) was the first country before the Courts and provide advice and opinions to to conduct a virtual CFATF plenary in 2019. NAMLOC, the Ministries of Government. For the period 2021–2021, under the Chairmanship of our Permanent Secretary Ms. there was an increase in civil suits filed against the Crown Julianna Alfred, continues to address deficiencies highlighted and an increase in the number of opinions requested from in the Mutual Evaluation report as we prepare for follow- Chambers. Notwithstanding, the Advice and Litigation Unit up in November 2021. has maintained the standard of representation expected The period 2020 - 2021, has brought to the fore the and continues to effectively and knowledgeably, advise dedication of the staff of the Attorney General’s Chambers the Government. to providing an efficient and effective service to the The Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property Government and people of Saint Lucia. remains steadfast in its commitment to providing a seamless During the period under review, we bade farewell to Solicitor service to the public. For the period 2020–2021, there General, Mrs. Brender Portland-Reynolds. I thank her for her was a slight decrease in the incorporation of companies service and wish her the very best in her future endeavours. compared to previous years, however, the registration of business names increased. The Registry of Companies and I wish to thank you for engaging Chambers as we look Intellectual Property is resolute in its objective of ensuring forward to continue serving you. Your feedback, comments that the services it provides, creates an encouraging and suggestions are always welcome, do not hesitate to environment for entrepreneurs and investors to conduct contact us via the various communication channels which their business in compliance with the law. are provided. Yours sincerely, 4 4| Attornery| ANNUAL REPORTGeneral’s 2019 Chambers Annual Report 2020 www.attorneygeneralchambers.com | [email protected] | [email protected] MISSION STATEMENT ATTORNEY GENERAL’S CHAMBERS Our mission is to deliver to the Government quality legal service with integrity and professionalism in a timely manner. Focusing primarily in facilitating an enabling environment, creating value and effective advice through the Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property, the Legislative Drafting Unit and the Advice and Litigation Unit. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES OF CHAMBERS 1. Adhering to professional best practices in the public service. 2. Enhancing staff capacity by sourcing training opportunities nationally, regionally and internationally and offering internship. 3. Creating operational tools for all work undertaken and all types of services rendered. 4. Allowing for greater synergy with other Government Departments and Ministries. 5. Analyzing data qualitatively and quantitatively thereby providing valued information to Government with a view to effective allocation of resources. 6. Increasing the level of legal services provided to the general public. 7. Continuing to examine and develop legal services to address new and emerging areas of law. 8. Improving legal services through the use of technology. Attornery General’s ChambersANNUAL Annual REPORT Report 2019 2020 | 5| 5 www.attorneygeneralchambers.com | [email protected] | [email protected] ATTORNEY F I N A N C I A L GENERAL I N T E L L I G E N C E A U T H O R I T Y ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY PERMANENT SECRETARY SECRETARY A D M I N I S T R A T I O N L E G A L S E R V I C E S L E G I S L A T I V E R E G I S T R Y O F D R A F T I N G C O M P A N I E S A N D I N T E L L E C T U A L P R O P E R T Y HUMAN DIRECTOR OF SOLICITOR RESOURCE ACCOUNTANT LEGISLATIVE REGISTRAR GENERAL OFFICER DRAFTING SENIOR ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATIVE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY SECRETARY ACCOUNTANT SECRETARY OFFICER SENIOR DEPUTY DEPUTY RECEPTIONST CROWN DIRECTOR OF REGISTRAR COUNSELS LEGISLATIVE DRAFTING NATIONAL
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