Palacký University in Olomouc Faculty of Science Department of zoology Phylogenomic analysis of the family Lycidae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) Master thesis Dominik Kusý Study programme: Biology Combination: Zoology Form of study: Full time Supervisor: Prof. Ing. Ladislav Bocák, Ph.D. Olomouc 2019 Declaration I declare that I worked on this master thesis entitled „Phylogenomic analysis of the family Lycidae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea)” on my own under supervision of Prof. Ing. Ladislav Bocák, Ph.D. and that I used only sources mentioned in the Bibliography section. Olomouc, 24. 4. 2019 ……………………. Acknowledgments. This project was funded by the Czech Science Foundation (18-14942S) and by the Faculty of Science UP (IGA Prf-2019). I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. Ing. Ladislav Bocak, for the patient guidance, encouragement and advice he has provided throughout my time as his student. I have been extremely lucky to have a supervisor who cared so much about my work, and who responded to my questions and queries so promptly. I would also like to thank to R. Bilkova for invaluable technical assistance; Michal Motyka, Matej Bocek and to all other members of the Laboratory of Molecular Systematics for positive work environment and all various suggestions they gave to me during my study. I thank to.Ph.D. M. Fikacek (Prague), M. Geiser (London), E. Ruzzier (London), and T. Sota (Kyoto) for providing specimens. Sabah National Parks and the Government of Sabah are acknowledged for the research permit. BIBLIOGRAPHIC IDENTIFICATION First name and surname of the author: Bc. Dominik Kusý Name of the thesis: Phylogenomic analysis of the family Lycidae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) Type of thesis: Master thesis Workplace: Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Palacký University Olomouc Thesis supervisor: Prof. Ing. Ladislav Bocák, Ph.D. Year of defence: 2019 ABSTRACT Net-winged beetles (Coleoptera: Lycidae) are a diverse group of elateroids known for the aposematism and neoteny. Phylogenetic analyses of morphological and molecular data have revealed different topologies with respect to within-group relationships. In this study, a highly supported phylogenomic phylogeny is recovered and seven subfamilies are identified: Dexorinae stat. nov., Calochrominae stat. nov., Erotinae, Ateliinae, Lycinae, Lyropaeinae stat. nov., and Metriorrhynchinae stat. nov. The results suggest that female neoteny evolved multiple times. Therefore, the evolution of similar morphological modifications in neotenics may be linked and may have produced characteristics such as male body miniaturization, structural simplification, i.e., reduction of mouthparts, fewer antennomeres and palpomeres, uniquely shaped terminal palpomeres, shortened elytra, the loss of coadaptation between the elytra and pronotum, and others. Additional traits evolved in parallel due to similarities in biology, function, and sexual selection. These characteristics include mimetic similarities, the presence of the rostrum, pronotal carinae, and elytral costae, and the structure of male genitalia. By comparing the phylogenomic topology with the evolution of morphological characters, it was possible to identify evolutionary trends in lycids and compare them with similar traits in other neotenic elateroids. These traits have not been accepted as homoplasies due to the ambiguous phylogenetic signal from Sanger markers. Key words: Coleoptera, Lycidae, phylogeny, transcriptome, genome, orthology, neoteny Number of pages: 105 including supplements Number of supplements: 24 Language: English BIBLIOGRAFICKÁ IDENTIFIKACE Jméno a příjmení autora: Bc. Dominik Kusý Název práce: Fylogenomická analýza čeledi Lycidae (Coleoptera: Elateroidea) Typ práce: Magisterská práce Pracoviště: Katedra zoologie, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci Vedoucí práce: Prof. Ing. Ladislav Bocák, Ph.D. Rok obhajoby práce: 2019 ABSTRAKT Čeled Lycidae (Coleoptera: Lycidae) je diverzifikovanou skupinou elateroidních brouků známých především pro jejich aposematické zbarvení a neotenii. Fylogenetické analýzy morfologických znaků a molekulárních dat odhalily různé topologie uvnitř skupiny. V této práci byla vyprodukována vysoce podpořená fylogenomická hypotéza a je popsáno sedm podčeledí: Dexorinae stat. nov., Calochrominae stat. nov., Erotinae, Ateliinae, Lycinae, Lyropaeinae stat. nov., and Metriorrhynchinae stat. nov. Výsledky potvrzují mnohonásobný vznik samičí neotenie. Výsledky ukazují, že vývoj podobných morfologických struktur neoteních linií je konvergentní a může mít za následek miniaturizaci samčího těla, zjednodušení tělní stavby, redukci čelistí, snižování počtu antennomer a palpomer, jedinečně tvarované terminální palpomery, zkrácené krovky, ztrátu koadaptace mezi krovkou a štítem atp. Další znaky se vyvíjely souběžně kvůli podobnostem v biologii, funkci a působením sexuálního výběru. Tyto znaky zahrnují mimetické podobnosti, výskyt rostra, areoly na štítu, žebra krovky a struktury samičích genitálií. Porovnáním fylogenomické topologie s evolucí morfologických znaků bylo možné identifikovat evoluční trendy v čeledi Lycidae a srovnat je s podobnými znaky v jiných liniích neotenických brouků. Tyto znaky nebyly klasifikovány jako homoplasie kvůli nejednoznačnému fylogenetickému signálu ze sekvencí vyprodukovaných Sangerovým sekvenováním. Klíčová slova: Coleoptera, Lycidae, fylogeneze, genom, transkriptom, orthology, neotenie Počet stran: 105 včetně příloh Počet příloh: 24 Jazyk: Anglický List of Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Sequencing Strategies and Techniques .................................................................................. 1 1.2 Homology, orthology, paralogy .............................................................................................. 1 1.3 Transcriptome and other genomic partitioning strategies ..................................................... 2 1.4 Whole genome sequencing for phylogenomics...................................................................... 3 1.5 Advantage of phylogenomics .................................................................................................. 4 1.6 Pitfalls of phylogenomics ........................................................................................................ 5 1.7 Group of study: Lycidae .......................................................................................................... 6 2. Aims of the work ............................................................................................................................. 9 3. Methods and material .................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Material collection .................................................................................................................. 9 3.2 Transcriptomes sequencing, assembly and quality control .................................................. 11 3.3 Genomes sequencing, assembly, quality control and genes prediction .............................. 11 3.4 Assembly completeness and Orthology prediction .............................................................. 12 3.5 Multiple sequences alignment and masking ........................................................................ 12 3.6 Concatenation and Phylogenetic analysis ............................................................................ 13 3.7 Morphological analysis ......................................................................................................... 15 4. Results ........................................................................................................................................... 15 4.1 Phylogenomics ...................................................................................................................... 15 4.2 Morphology ........................................................................................................................... 17 5. Discussion ...................................................................................................................................... 17 5.1 Classification of net-winged beetles ..................................................................................... 18 5.2 Morphological characters affected by neoteny .................................................................... 19 5.3 Morphological characters affected by biology and function ................................................ 21 6. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 28 6.1 Highlights: ............................................................................................................................. 28 7. References .................................................................................................................................... 29 8. Supplements………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……… 37 1. Introduction 1.1 Sequencing Strategies and Techniques New possibilities come with new technologies. Recent progress in the development of next- generation sequencing technologies and its huge cost reduction create the possibility to produce a huge amount of genome-scale data even for non-model organisms (Bleidorn, 2015; Da Fonseca et al., 2016; Mardis, 2011). For example, the latest Illumina short read sequencer
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