Vertebrate Zoology 61 (1) 2011 3 3 – 23 © Museum für Tierkunde Dresden, ISSN 1864-5755, 15.04.2011 Apistogramma cinilabra sp. n.: Description of a potentially endangered endemic cichlid species (Teleostei: Perciformes: Cichlidae) from the Departamento Loreto, Peru * Uwe RömeR 1, FabRice DUponchelle 2, 3, antonia Vela Diaz 4, caRmen GaRcia DaVilla 4, SUSana SirvaS 3, catalina Diaz catchay 3 & Jean-FRançoiS Renno 2, 4 1 Laboratoire Mixte International – Evolution et Domestication de l’Ichtyofaune Amazonienne (LMI – EDIA), University of Trier, Inst. Biogeography, Dep. Geo-Sciences, Am Wissenschaftspark 25 – 27, D-54296 Trier; and: Linteler Straße 19, 33334 Gütersloh, Germany. eu.roemer(at)t-online.de (corresponding author) 2 Laboratoire Mixte International – Evolution et Domestication de l’Ichtyofaune Amazonienne (LMI – EDIA), Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), Le Sextant, 44 Bd. De Dunkerque, CS90009, 13572 Marseille cedex 2, France. 3 Laboratoire Mixte International – Evolution et Domestication de l’Ichtyofaune Amazonienne (LMI – EDIA), Instituto de Investigationes de la Amazonia Peruana (IIAP), km 2.5, Avenida Quiñones, Iquitos, Peru. 4 Laboratoire Mixte International – Evolution et Domestication de l’Ichtyofaune Amazonienne (LMI – EDIA), Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal, Facultad de Oceanografia y Ciencias Alimentarias, 350 calle Roma, Miraflores, Lima, Peru. Received on March 28, 2011, accepted on April 8, 2011. Published online at www.vertebrate-zoology.de on April 15, 2011. > Abstract A new species of Apistogramma is described from Peru, based on a total of 35 specimens collected in a small forest lake in the wider catchment of the Rio Itaya about 80 kilometres south of Iquitos, Departamento Loreto (approximately 73°35′W / 04°24′S). Apistogramma cinilabra sp. n. is separated from all other Apistogramma species by the combination of (in adult males) strikingly red base of pectoral, red spots on chest, (in aggression and display) light ash-grey lips, exceptionally short caudal peduncle, and disproportionately deep body. Apistogramma cinilabra sp. n. is thought to be a representative of the Apistogramma eunotus complex within the Apistogramma regani lineage. > Resumen Una nueva especie de Apistogramma esta descrita del Perú, sobre la base de un total de 35 muestras colectadas en una pequeña cocha en la cuenca del Rio Itaya, a unos 80 kilómetros al Sur de Iquitos, Departamento de Loreto (aproximada- mente 73°35′W / 04°24′S) . Apistogramma cinilabra sp. n. está diferenciada de todas las otras especies de Apistogramma por la combinación -en los machos adultos- de aletas pectorales con borde rojo vivo y puntos rojos en el pecho, de los labios brillantes grises ceniza en postura agresiva en y cortejo, de un pedúnculo caudal excepcionalmente corto y de un cuerpo exageradamente alto. Se piensa que Apistogramma cinilabra sp. n. es un representante del complejo Apistogramma-eunotus a dentro del la linea systematico del Apistogramma regani. > Kurzfassung Eine neue Apistogramma-Art wird auf Basis von 35 Exemplaren beschrieben, die aus einem kleinen Urwaldsee im weiteren Einzugsgebiet des Rio Itaya etwa 80 Kilometer südlich von Iquitos, Departamento Loreto, Peru (nahe 73°35′W / 04°24′S) stam- men. Apistogramma cinilabra sp. n. ist von allen anderen Apistogramma-Arten durch die Kombination von bei adulten Män- nchen auffälliger tiefroter Basis der Pectorale, roter Fleckenzeichnung auf der Brustregion, in Aggression und Balz­­stimmung hell aschgrauen Lippen, ungewöhnlich kurzer Schwanzwurzel und überproportional hohem Körper unterschieden. Apisto- * This is publication number 1 from the Apistogramma Project within the Laboratoire Mixte International. 4 RömeR et al.: Apistogramma cinilabra n. sp. from Peru gramma cinilabra sp. n. ist ein Vertreter des Apistogramma-eunotus-Komplexes innerhalb der Apistogramma-regani-Linie. > Key words Endangered species, endemism, ecology, freshwater, Neotropics, Rio Itaya System, new taxa, systematics Introduction sons see discussion). The description of preserved specimens is based on the holotype, supplemented by observations on all paratypes. Frequent problems In recent years numerous new Apistogramma species occurred during examination of the black colour pat- have been discovered from Peru, mostly taxa from the terns of preserved specimens, as the abdomens of Apistogramma cacatuoides and Apistogramma nijs- specimens preserved in the field were in most cases seni phylogenetic groups. Species related to Apisto- covered with a more or less intense white layer of pre- gramma eunotus have also become known to aquarists served mucus. In such cases the black pattern may be as well as scientists, but gained far less attention than masked and only partially visible during inspection. other phylogenetic groups within the genus from this To solve this problem we modified a cleaning proce- region. dure for preserved fish originally described in detail During 2010 members of the Laboratoire Mixte by Piechocki (1986), to get a better impression of the International (LMI), headed by IRD (Institut coloration of the abdominal and head regions. During de recherche pour le développement), and IIAP “brushing” (as we term this process) the left side of all (Instituto de Investigationes de la Amazonia fish preserved in Peru was cleaned by carefully rub- Peruana), had the opportunity to visit several Apisto- bing off the whitish layer of mucus with a soft (tooth) gramma habitats in Peru and collect several species brush a few days after final preservation in 75 % etha- of these small neotropical cichlids there. During these nol. The right side of the body remained untreated, as activities Edgard Panduro Noronha (Ornamental examination of the mucus layer might prove necessary Amazon Fish Aquarium, Iquitos) indicated that a later on. Brushing made the black and brownish pat- new species of Apistogramma, provisionally called tern clearly visible in all specimens treated (fig.1). The Apistogramma sp. Roterpunkt by local fishermen, had procedure is time-consuming, but is not usually neces- been found in a small lake in the rainforest south of sary in specimens that have been cooled down slowly Iquitos. During two visits to this “cocha” we were in the laboratory following the LTPP. The “mucus ef- able to collect sufficient material for ichthyological, fect” usually appears only if the temperature drops too behavioural, and genetic studies of this species. In this fast during LTPP. paper, one of the first results of our studies, we present As we are basically following the morphological- the formal description of the 70th valid species of the genetic cluster concept (M/GC) for species delimita- genus Apistogramma. tion (cf. Sites & Marshall, 2004; also Davis & Nix­ on, 1992; Wiens & Servedio, 2000), comparative statistical analysis of all data was performed using the PC program Statistica 6.0 for Windows (StatSoft Methods Inc., Tulsa, USA). DNA samples were taken imme- diately after preserving the specimens by clipping the complete right pectoral fin, which is therefore miss- Methods for counts and measurements are as de- ing in all voucher specimens. DNA samples were pre- tailed in Römer (2006), Römer & Hahn (2008), and served and stored as described in Römer et al. (2010). Römer et al. (2003, 2004, 2006) except where oth- Photographs of all specimens have been taken under erwise stated. GPS locality data were taken using a standardised conditions: digital camera (Nikon D300; GPSmap 76 CSx (Garmin Int. Inc., Lenexa, USA). AF MicroNikkor, 60 mm, 1:2.8, stative), integrated Preservation of all specimens followed the “low tem- flash, TTL mode, 1/60 sec., f.18, ISO 100; data stor- perature preservation protocol” (LTPP) described in age: RAW file, maximum resolution. Specimens were detail by Römer & Hahn (2008). Fish were preserved placed in a small tank with a blue bottom covered in the laboratory after observing behaviour and colour by a 6 mm glass pane. Photos were taken of voucher patterns of specimens collected. Observations were specimens completely immersed in 95 % ethanol. Gill made to ensure to the best possible standard that the rakers and pharyngeal elements have been excluded sample used in this study is monospecific (for rea- from this study, as these form part of further investiga- Vertebrate Zoology n 61 (1) 2011 5 tions in progress. The description of live coloration of longitudinal lateral band occupying intervals between this species is based on observation and photographs vertical bars when latter completely faded (reverse of the type material taken in aquaria at the IIAP in Iq- pattern), and upright oval spot covering almost com- uitos shortly before preservation, as well as of some plete height of caudal peduncle. specimens collected together with the type specimens Apistogramma cinilabra sp. n. is a moderately large and exported alive to Germany. Römer (2000, 2006) (males up to 54 mm, females to 40 mm SL), high- and Römer et al. (2003, 2004, 2006) have explained backed, laterally compressed, only slightly elongate at length the reasons for giving precise descriptions of Apistogramma species with a rather robust body, ex- live coloration in Apistogramma species. hibiting pronounced sexual size dimorphism and sex- ual dichromatism. This new species exhibits no reduc- tion in the number of head pores. Caudal fin rounded (even in largest males), immaculate in females and Apistogramma cinilabra sp. n. most smaller males, with two to three central verti- cal lines of faint, inconspicuous,
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