HECSVEft LOCAL NEWSBRIEFS Time for pride By Ann BurUngham Break out your birkcnstocks, high heeis, hightops, and comfortable shoes — whatever you consider stylish walking gear. The Fourth Annual Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Pride Parade is set for June 27. Thc route is down Park Ave. to Cobbs Hill Park. Line-up is at 2 p.m. on Berkeley St., between Park and East Ave., and step-off will be at 3 p.m. Thc Maypole will be making a colorful return this year, other participants expected include Dykes on Bikes, Women's Percus­ sion, People with AIDS and their friends, Rev. Janie Spalrr iretps to carry a cross during a demortstration at the Presbyterian Church's people with disabilities, rcligious groups, General Assembly in Baltimore last June, In front of ber is Virginia Uavidson of DUPC. elected officials, political groups, social photo by Ron Rice organizations, and (whew) solidarity groups. Any group that can't find a category is in­ vited to crcate one. Anyone wishing to be involved in a mar­ Spahr opponents reveal homophobia ching band, please call Wild Seeds, at 244-9310. Those planning floats should call Leigh at 271-1467. Prizes will again be award­ By Susan Jordan predates most deeply about her church is served as advocate for thc Presbytery of the ed for best floats. Thc Permanent Judicial Commission of that it is continuously fomiing, and asked Gcncscc V^dlcy, by contrast witii Poppinga Blue Moon Screen Printing will sell t-shirts thc Synod of thc Northeast, Prcsbyterian whether Poppinga was implying that thc did not dwell on thc issue of homosexuali­ for the event. Mafge Kellar and Bobbi Sher­ Church (U.S.A.), met to hear thc case of the church was "in line." Perhi^M, she suggested, ty, pro or con. Instead, he focused on what wood's Slice of Life Cafe will sell Ibod at thc Rev. Jane Adams Spahr on May 19, at thc thc Presbytery felt that thc church was out he called tfae only issue before thc Commis­ rally following the parade. Other vendors Stouffer Plaza Hotel. The Commission had of line on the question of accepting gay and sion: whether or not thc Presbytery acted should call Wild Seeds for permit not handed down its decision when thc lesbian people, and that their afiftrmation of within constitutional limits in apptovtog and information. Empty Closet went to prcss, but thc ruling the call to Janie Spahr might be seen as an re-afftrming thc DUPC call to Spatu: Mooce is expected shordy, and in either case will attempt to bring the church back into line. said that Spahr was otdalned in a "lawfiil The planning committee will be meeting prolx^ly be appealed. on June 16 at 7 p.m. at Wild Seeds, 704 Poppinga disagreed. manner consistem with tfae then-policy of The Commission's task was not to dcncr- Poppinga's statement included numerous the Church." Univeraity Ave. (244-9310). ^ekx^ parties for mine whether self-affirming lesbians or gay maldng signs and banners will be held every stereotypes about gay people, as wrhen he He dsed Church law stating that the deci­ men should be ordained as Presbyterian said emphaticaUy, "We're tallcing at>out sions of a Presbytery in respect to a call, if Saturday afternoon in June. Call Rosemary ministcfs, that having been decided in thc at 454-6277. Groups planning to march erotic stimulation of the genitals by people within constitutioi>al limitations, shall not negative by thc General Assembly of the ofthe same sex," as if love between lesbians be set aside by reviewing authority. "Thc should call Wild Seeds. Groups and in­ Church in 1978, which at thc same titne in­ dividuals interested in marshalling, having and gays consisted of genital sexuality and Church is governed by Presbyters, who, ac­ stituted Paragraph 14, stating that thc ruling noching more. He said that "homosexuality ting together, will find the will of Jesus a.float, making signs, or otherwise working might not be used against those ordained on the parade should also call. is not God's wish for humanity," linked the Christ and tnake decisions on that basis,'' he before 1978. ' 'sin' * of being gay with sins including child said. Every person and group is invited to the molestation, and claimed that homosexuali­ parade. Those noc marching: come watch. Rather, their job was to decide whether Moore's azgument centered on thc con­ the Presbytery of the Genesee Waiiey had ex­ ty destroys fomilies and society. He was not troversial Paragraph 14, which states that the Those marching: invite your family and able to respond to a question from a Com- frieiMls to march or be spectators. This year's ceeded its constitutional limit in twicc af­ 1978 ruling against gays and lesbians as firming thc call of Downtown United mission member who asked him to cite one ministcxs shall noc be used against those who two themes are A SIBfPLE MATTER OF specific precedent in church law in which JUSTICE, and PRIDE » POWER. Let's (oin Prcsbyterian Church (DUPC) to Janie Spahr, were ordained before 1978. He said that this who, in the homophobic language of the a higher authority had overruled a decision prtMcction catmot simply be removed, and together to show our pride and strength to by a congrcgation and Presbytery. thc whole community. church's rcgulations, is a "practising, self- asked, ' Are gays and lesbians to be forever admitted, unrepentant homosexual." Instead, Poppinga teiteratcd his claim that locked in place unless they repress and deny The Commission had decided not to call "homosexuality is noc compatible with thc . their sexuality — an aspect of life which the witnesses. Instead, advocates for Spahr and Christian way of life," and said that the Com­ last General Assembly decided was God- ... & a picnic for her opponents (a minority of local con­ mission has the authority to overrule given?" gregations whose spokesperson is the Rev. Presbytery decisions. At otte point he stated In closing, he reminded the Commission The Gay Alliance annual picfiic fundraiser Ronald Sallade) gave 30-minutc statements, that to accept an openly lesbian minister that "Jesus Christ's mission was founded on will take place from 1 to 6 p.m. on June 28, followed by responses ftotn each advocate would be "confusing to ethnic gimops wichin principles of love of God, love of fellow at a site in Getiesee V^ey Park between (although Jatnes Moorc, advocate fbr the che diuich," who mi|^ noc understand such hutnan beings, and forbearatice," and said Elmwood Ave. and che New \brk State Baxge Presbytery, declined to make a response). a "sophisticated" view. chat Chrisc had never mentioned, lee alone Canal. Julius B. Poppinga, a Newark, NJ. at­ Rev. Janie Spahr told che Entpty Closet, fotfoidden, homosexuality; tieither docs the Food, including hots, hamburgers, torney, advocate for the complaitiants, was when asked about her reaction to Foppinga's Presbyterian Book of Order prohibit or con* vegetable and fruit salads, baked beans, the ftrst to speak. His statement frequentiy stateinents, "How paifilul to hear this done the calling of a gay petson. He asked vegetarian dishes and soda, will be available mentkxied **lordship "authority," and '*obe- tremendous racism, which is connected to that che Commission diuiiiss che objection, at the River Bend pavilion. Beer will be serv­ dience,'* and he stated thac churdi leadens heterosexism — and to hear it right from his and lift che stay which prevents Spahr from ed at thc Canal Side pavilion, and the Rouikl must lead "exemplary lives,*' and are ''noc tnouth! Why I am a Christian lcrt>ian has to enterltig itito her ministry. House will be the disco for the afternoon, free CO adopc a lifestyle of conscious, con* do with loving people fkyr who and what with music selected by d.j.s Hector and tinuous, unresisted sin in any areas of life." they are. Atid this is an irtctusive church." Henry. Clubs and Oiganizations will have He made a cross out of yellow circles on In response to FOpfringa's definition of gay display tables in thc Genesee Junction a blackboard, which he said illusctaied the rclatkmsh^ as sexual only. Spahr said, pavilion. iittcrsccting lines of rule and order within "Hotnosexuality is a way of beitig and lov­ See page tOfcfr commentary on the Tickets will be $15 at the gate, and 112 hi che church. Conimission tnember Alison ing anotber hutnan penon." Spahr trial by Scott Milter of Dotvrttotvn advance. Picnic co-ocganizer Larry Gamey Halaey aald chat one of the things she ap- James Mootc, a Bocheatier attorney who Vnited Presbyterian Ctmrch. said, ''People need to realiac thac the pict&ic is one of only two fundraisen held by the AlUance during che yeac; the ocher being the anctlon in February. All of our pcogcams and Figlhting racism pra^eccs, and thc community centet; depend on the money raised here. Thc admission price hardy covets the cose of the evem. This is a chance for everyone to come together and party; where cbe can you dance' and have fim all afternoon with 3*000 gays and leibians?'* RACISM^ Gamey said that parking wiU be in the SCiong Metnorial parking Iocs along Lat- timofe Road. 'Please don*c pork on che gcats, and please obey all thc park rules;' he said. **Kfe don'c wane anybody gecthig any parfc- itf^ tictets." Gamey said thac voinnteets see (till need­ ed, and tfionid call che GAGV ac 244.«640 tetmsvm add leave tteelr namea and phone numben. Cmrtoe Csseume, p. 6 local Newa continued on page 5 wtm Martin Btrmg^ p.
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