w.c.Ruth~rfurd I..F~~~~~:pAaS::~:~~rd's father,! "'.utherfurd. all of the Naval Reserye. Lewis Morris Rutherfurd, was orig-i Also surviving is one daughter by bis second marriage, Miss Barbara ·esAt Age Of 8'1 , inally a law partner of Wiliam H.' DI ~ Seward, Secretary of State in Abra- Mercer Rutherfurd. i,1 : ham Lincoln's cabinet .. 'the senior Noted Terriel' Breeder II Ruthel'furd abandoned law in l849,i In his elfly manhood Mr. Ruth- Committal Service Y(lsterday •however, to devote his life to astro-'j .~furd was reg:uded as an excel- . \' rj nomical photography, a science in:! '~J1t golfer and polo player, but he At TranqUIlIty,Cemetery :;1, which he became noted. ,I was best known as a jUdge, breeder i, 'l Born in his father's mansion on;! '!ind exhibitor of fox teri'iers. His For Noted Sportsman : ~Tenth Street and Second Avenue in' 'Warren Kennels were at his Alla- j --- i :~the days when that was the fash- muchy Farms, Private committal services were! ~jionable section of New York, Wino': Regarded as an authority partic- conducted yesterday afternoon at the; if; thrpp Rutherfurd was graduated: ularly on the smooth-coated variety family plot in Tranquility Cemetery \:I,frol11Columbia College in 1884. In' 0f fox terriers, Mr. Rutherfurd en- for Winthrop C. Rutherfurd, 82- \";1902 he married Miss Alice Morton, tered one of these dogs in the first year-old master of Allamuchy Farms, ,~the youngest daughter of Levi P. 'ihow held by the Westminster Ken- who died at 11 o'clock Sunday night, ffiMorton, former vice president of the nel Club in 1876, when he was only March 19 1944 at his winter home rjUnited States who was then serving 14, A governor of this club at the in Aiken,' South Carolina. The fun- ~as governor of New York. This Mrs. time of his death, he was its old- eral was held the previous day at IRutherfurd died ih 1917, and in 1920 est member, having joined on June Aiken. i,~Mr. Ruth~rfurd ~arried Miss Lucy ')2, 1880. He helped found the Amer- From his boyhood Mr. Rutherfurd I~P, MerceI, who IS among his sur- ican Fox Terrier Club in 1886 and had been aassociated with the Alla- Ivivors. • served for the past 39 years as its muchy Township estates which were :;~ He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Arturo' president. developed from lands held in the 'flPeralta Ramos, the former Miss In 1907 Mr. Rutherfurd's smooth- family for many years. He custo- ~Alice. R.utherfur~, and four sons haired fox terrier, Ch. Warren Rem- tnarilY spent t~e summer at Ala::...SbY hIS fIrst marnage. The sons are edv, won the best-in-show at the muehy Farms, making his last visit :~Capt. VV:inthrop Rutherfurd, Jr., of Westminister Club's. show in Mad- fr0111May to October of 1943./ . I ~he Manne Corps R:eserve, Lt. John ison Square Garden and repeated !,His property in Allamilehy ad-: r· Rutherfmd, Lt .. (J.g.) Hugo Ruth- the performance in 1908 and 1909, joins Tranquility Farms, the country! gfurd, .and Lt. (J.g.) Guy Gerard setting a record which has never I.seat of an older brother, Rutherford been equalled. Stuyvesant, who died in 1909. This brother legaly reversed his name to carryon the Stuyvesant family line I which was a heritage thm their mother, Mrs. Margaret Stuyvesant! Rutherfurd, a direct descendant or: Peter Stuyvesant, Colonial governor' of New York. The sons also were di-; reet descendants of John Winthrop,; first governor of Massachusetts..
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