"4k THE DAILY CAMPUS Tuesday, March 23, 1993 The independent newspaper serving the SMU community since 1915* Dallas, TX Vol. 78 No. 95 Cordobes wins Thatcher to give speech SBA presidency at invite-onlyreception By JODY SOWELL "The SBA needs to be a little Staff Writer of The Daily Campus more high profile within the law school," Cordobes said. Event to focus on new political science department Elected in a runoff election March Cordobes said he also wants more By MANDI MATZ 11, Sean Cordobes, the new Student sponsorship from law firms and office t6 organize the event the way specialize in international studies and Bar Association president, said he has corporations for activities like the Staff Writer of The Daily Campus he would have liked. will be part of the political science "We are lucky to have her here department in Dedman College. The several new goals for his position. Law School Follies. Former British Prime Minister and we are going to do everything center will be housed in Lawyers' "My number one goal is to get the He said he looks forward to work­ Margaret Thatcher is scheduled to we am to bring her back," he sail}. Inn and will open once renovations SBA more active with the Dallas ing with the other newly elected CORDOBES speak tonight at an invitation-only "The next event we sponsor witjb to the building are complete. Association of Young Lawyers," officers. dinner and reception. Thatcher's visit Lady Thatcher will be open to the Lively said Thatcher will speak on Cordobes said. "I think everyone who was elected because he worked harder than the is in conjunction with the John public." the role of Tower in the Senate and He said through this organization, is of high caliber," Cordobes said. other candidates and because he Tower Center for Political Studies Lively said members of the SMU her perception of world affairs, Debra McPipkin, candidate for kept his campaign clean. students would get an opportunity which is scheduled to open at SMU Board of Trustees, Tower Center including the current situation in lie said he hopes everyone who to make connections with people in president, agreed all those elected in 1994. board of directors, the deans and Bosnia. the law profession. to SBA offices are qualified for took part in the election process, Bill Lively, vice president for vice presidents of Dedman College, "It is always exciting and impor­ Cordobes said he was concerned their positions. even those candidates who did not development, alumni relations and members of the Tower family and tant when heads of state come to with getting a place in Storey Hall "1 think they will all do an excel­ win, will get involved in the SBA public affairs, said the event is families of volunteers who are help­ SMU because they are in (ouch for students to eat, while renova­ lent job," she said. next year. closed to students because of time ing widi the fundraising efforts for with history," he said. "It is also tions are being made on the As far as the kind of job Cordobes Others elected to the SBA in the and space constraints. the Tower Center are all scheduled important because it is an early p Lawyers Inn. will do, Mc ipkin said, "1 think general election were Kristi Baltes, Lively said he realized Thatcher to attend. event of the Tower Center and is a He said he wants to strengthen we'll have t< vyait and see." vice president; Ashley Weaver, sec­ was available two weeks ago and The center, named for former U.S. prelude to the other events we hope participation in the law school. Cordobes said he thought he won retary and Robert Colwell, treasurer. there was not enough time for his Sen. John Tower from Texas, will to bring." Students LEFT HANGING resigns volunteer on break post as dean By PATRICK BARRETT Staff Writer of The Daily Campus Building houses for hurricane vic­ tims, working with the Head Start of theology program and feeding cows were among the activities students par­ ticipated in during the Mobilization Replacement to be named of Volunteer Efforts' Alternative Spring Break trips. Nibal Petro, Alternative Spring by next University Provost Break chairwoman, said this year's programs went very well. By KYLE ROSE This year MOVE sent a total of Contributor to Hie Daily Campus 66 students to Miami; Chicago; Tahlequah, Oklahoma and the James E. Kirby, dean of Perkins Frakes, Kentucky. School of Theology, announced Petro was the student leader for March 12 he plans to resign his the Miami trip where students position after 12 years. Kirby's res­ helped victims of Hurricane ignation is effective at the end of Andrew which struck last August. spring semester, but he will remain Petro said her group's activities in'the position until a successor has included building houses and set­ ting up the tent city which had been U been selected. knocked down during last week's "It is time for me and time for the storms. institution to have a change," Kirby She said she did not fully under­ said. stand the situation of the people in Kirby said he decided to retire last the camps until they approached summer to spend time on two writ­ her about their tents. ing projects and to prepare to teach "You didn't put a lot of it into church history. perspective, until people came up Kirby said he plans to finish a to you and said, 'Are you going to book on the history of Methodism put my home up? I want to move in America and would also like to back in my home,'" Petro said. KIRBY write a biography of Methodist Petro said her group consisted of 29 students and two staff advisers Bishop William C. Martin, former "Deans are very important in (the) from SMU. They were joined by president of the National Council of recruiting and nurturing of out­ students from other universities. Churchcs. standing faculty. Perkins nas a long "You could definitely tell that you Kirby said he was happy with his tradition of outstanding faculty were helping," she said. "There time at SMU and had originally under Dean Kirby." was so much to be done there, I only planned on staying for 10 President A. Kenneth Pye said, believe we put a big dent in it." years. "(Kirby) has fulfilled extremely Jennifer Yelton, a junior interna­ "There are a number of things that important roles including chairman tional studies and English major, I am pleased that have happened went on the Kentucky trip in the during my time here," Kirby said. of the committee that resulted in the Appalachian Mountains and said During his deanship, Kirby over­ nomination of Provost Morgan. she had a great time. saw renovations of Bridwell He's been a superb dean." Her group worked for the United Kirby graduated with honors from Methodist-Mission Community Library, named 16 of 28 new facul­ Perkins in 1957 with a bachelor of Outreach Center. She said the DC photo by Daniel LoHin ty members, dramatically increased divinity degree. He was the first group's activities included shovel­ Senior forward Mike Wilson puts up a Season Classic. The Mustangs were oust- the school's endowment and helped ing coal, unloading potatoes, doing diversify the school. SMU alumnus to serve as dean. shot over TCU's Allien Tolley in the first ed by the Horned Frogs, 73-72, in the first Please see MOVE Members of the university com­ Kirby said his replacement will page 3. round of the Southwest Conference Post- round. munity said Kirby will be missed. probably not be appointed until the Provost Ruth Morgan said. new university provost is named. International Week I INSIDE Awards ceremony given set to begin today experts look at options for next Suoreme Court for outstanding alumni By MOLLY NOBLE "People can expect to see some­ Contributor to The Daily Campus thing that is representative of some By MICHAEL J. HARRITY astronomy at Clemson University, ever developed. In 1988 he received aspect of a certain culture," he said. Contributor to The Daily Campus graduated summa cum laude from the National Medal of Technology The Organization of International Desai said the food festival, SMU in 1956. Clayton was elected presented by President Reagan. Students will take students "Around including snack foods from Turkey, The 1993 recipients of the SMU to Phi Beta Kappa during his junior Doug Harris, assistant dean of the the World in Seven Days" with El Salvador, Lebanon and Mexico, Distinguished Alumni Awards were year and later received NASA's school of engineering and applied their annual International Week. will take place after the variety honored at an awards ceremony Exceptional Scientific Achievement sciences, said people like Dennar Daily exhibits from foreign coun­ show in the Umphrey Lee Center Saturday March 13 in the Hughes- Medal. have the ability to persevere in a tries will be on display through Ballroom. Trigg Student Center. Vigdor Teplitz, chairman of the field of study or research. Thursday, and the week will end International senator Koduri Carol Lorton, assistant vice presi­ physics department, said Clayton "This is a great honor for the with International Night on Saturday. Sreenivasan said this year, the week dent and director of alumni relations, spoke to members of the depart­ school of engineering and SMU, to Ketan Desai, president of OIS, is being done totally by students said the awards are given to alumni ment on the supernova 1987 A. have someone like Bob Dennard said the exhibits will include cloth­ adding that in the past, professional or alumnae who have distinguished "One of the exciting things for me named to be a distinguished alum­ ing, maps, handicrafts and other groups often participated.
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