
• • • • • • • • I • • • S I t:· . ~ • • ~ "¥ ... • • . , . • • • • • • • • • • • • Re~tcrcd in U.S. Patent Olfice • Volume XLVI, Issue No.9 Published by the boys of Father Flanagan's======================= B01JS' Hotne, Boys Town, Nebr. • Septetnbcr 13, 1963 - - -____ ..... - - - ···--· . • Roger Ghezem Is High S.chool Has • ___ New.~ Eresidenf ___ , e~ All-Time-Record----. • Of Alumni Group Enrollment Of 585 Mr. Roger · Chc~m. Omaha. Classes !or the 1963-64 session Nebr.. was elected national of school opened last week. president o! the Boys Town Sept, 3, with an enrollment of Alumni Association for n two­ 585 students In the hlgh school. year term at the 8th national nn nll-Ume hlgh. convention o! the associnllon One new teacher has becn"ndd­ held recently at Boys Town. ed to the his.:h school !nculty this Mr. Chezcm. who was s.:radu­ yc·nr. He is· Mr. "\Valter Hlte o! ated !rom the Boys Town his.:h Johnstown. ·Pa .• who will teach school In 1952. succeeds Mr. Latin :md world History. Thomas \Vhltc o£ Omaha. • Mr. Hlte comes to Boys Town Elected vice president was Mr. with long experience in tcacli­ 'Vllliam Maddux. Chica):o. IJJ .• lng. For more than ·30 years he a 1053 s:raduatc. and Mr. Patrick has taught at Franklln Hi~h Fitzl!crald. Grand Island. N~br.• School nt ConcJlUlugh. Pa. He a 1956 graduate. was elected received his A. B. nnd M. A. de­ secretary. grees !rom ·st. Francis College. l\'lr. Edwin Novotny, Ralston. 1 Loretto. Pn.. nnd has taken ad­ • Nebr., a 1943 s.:raduate, was re- · ditional graduate study at the eJected as treasurer. ! University of Pittsburgh nnd at Msgr. Francis P. Schmitt, head 1 Penn State. · oC U1c music department at Boys I ' · · Most freshmen wlll be enroll­ Town and director o! the Boys 1 New o!!icc·rs· o! the Boys Town Alunuii Assoc Ia lion arc shown above. From le!t to right. Edwin ed in a course consisting of Eng­ Thown Choir, was named :,~!Novotny, treasurer; Roger Chczcm. president, and Pat Fitzgerald. secretary. \VUJiam Maddux. Chi- lish. math. general science. onorary president o£ the alumn1 . cago, Ill., who was elected vice president. was unable to attend the convention world history. me<:hnnlcnl draw­ association. - · ing. moral guldnncc, .nnd physi­ 1 • • cal education or music. In some At .the convention banquet.' Former CI.il·zen VI.Sl•ts M . w k h cases, Jnnguage or band may be held in the s.:radc school dinin$! I USIC s Alumni SchQlarship hall, the association · presented or op substituted !or one or two oC the above subjects. plaques to eis.:ht men who have Home After 44 Years · Fund Keeps Growing Basic requirements !or sopho­ served Boys '£own !or 20 years I . Has Regi· stran· ts mores include mnth. English. or more·. · ; A Boys To\~n citizen !rom the . The Boys Town Alumni As· moral guldnn~. and physical They were :Mr. Patrick ,T, very early days of Father Flan­ soclation Scholarship Fund, es- education or music. For juniors. • Norton. Boys Town business agan's Boys• Home was a recent frOID 22 Sfate··s· tnbllshed severn! years ago, con- the basic requirements ure Eng- manager. who has been on the visitor. · tinucs to grow: llsh. American government. cco- sta(f of Father Flan~gan's Boys' He was Kenneth Du!!. who • "'V Beck nomlcs. moral guldnnce. and Home !or 43 years. l\Ir. Join~ was taken by Father Flanagan The 11 U1 annual Boys Town Mr. , nyne cr. president nhysieal education or music· !or o! the Kansac; City Chapter. pre· ., u lt d stat hi .1 Thomas of the maintenance de- on Dec 11 1918 just a year and liturgical music workshop at­ sented a check in the nmount of sen1 ors. n c es s~ory • partmcnt; Father Schmau, ~vho a day· after ti1e Boys Town tracted church musicians !rom · bch th v_ science (biology, physics or hns been nt Boys '£own s1nce ·F d d 1 1 h S250 on n_lf of e. ~nsns chcmlsley) nnd moral· guidance. 1041; Mr. l\·lnurice H. ..Skip'' . oun er opcnc 1 s omc. 22 states. the ·District o£ Colum­ bln and Canada. City grou~· · :- . ·. · . physlcal•cducation or. music. nnd • Palrang, Boys Town athletic di- 1 · · wer~ Mrs: .Evelyn··licbbs• .widow ·of EnnUsh" .:·for ·those not taking a ·· rcetor ;and conch !or t.hc n:•sl wns a Boys Town' clt11.en !rom Nenrly 15.0 regi:!;tnints Jn Cnpt;···wnnan{' Lcbbs; · ·n- ·1951 ·trade. ' · - ·· · - . .!! •• 21 years: Mr. Peter Mulreacly. \ 1928 to 1930: secretary, l\1:-s. attendance. ~· the largest rel-!b;­ 1:radunte, gnve '$100 to the The ! o J 1 ow 1 n g vocational director o£ the Boys 'l'own tr:ade Wayne Becker, Knmms City, Mo .. trntion since the workshop be­ came a two-week a!!nir in 1955. scholarship fund in memory of courses nrc nvaUnble !or upper­ school whose husband was graduated her late husband, ·-~·~So thnt 1t may clnssmcn· auto mcchnnlcs. bar· l\fr. ·Ed Henkel. woodwol·king I i~ 1952, and treasurer. Mrs. Jim The !lrst two years the work­ help !ul!lll the .~r.cams of some bering• . h3kinsc. cooking, healing instructor in the trade school: • Newberger. Omaha. whos~ hus­ shop extended only over the period o! one week. · boY.,~he way B<?~~ Town dld !or and air conditioning. machine Mr. \Vllliam Grodinsky, oC lhl! I band was s:raduntcd in 19;,5. Bill. t':J shop, pottery. prlnUng. radio lnw firm o! Monsky, Grodinsky. l Several hundred !ormer cUi­ Origlnnlly, the workshop wns J\lr. Mntt Rodak· presented a nnd electronics. shoe rebuilding, Good and Cohen. and Dr. Hus::h Izcns !rom every part of the started !or the benefit or organ­ check !or $15 tO ":"the fund on be- tallorlng. vocatlonnl agriculture 1-fcDonncll. who organized the • country were in attendance at Ists and choir directors from the hnU of Mr. Stanley ?.to·nokoskl and woodworking. · Boys Town dental clinic and who Jthe convention, renewing friend­ Archdiocese of 0J1Ulhn. but it of Chicago·, Ill ~ . · , · • · Those who do not tnke vo- has been on the clinic sta!£ since ships covering the nearly 46 has grown steadily. due to the . ') . cntlonal training may elect to it..c; ln~ptlon. r years since Boys Town· was outstanding guest faculty. the in­ under the dtrCcUon of Dr. \Vag- fill thcir·schedule from such sub­ Members o! the Alumni As- founded. tensive course of study, and the ncr. with Prof;f i..nnglals nt the jccts as .lnnguagcs. world gco- rociaUon Au::<lllary nlso elected One reunion o! particular facllltics offered at' Bo)'S Town. or,.nn.n ;;... • ~rnphy. "biology. physics.d U 1 chem-d new officers for the comins.: twd I sis.:nl!icnnce was that o£ Mr. Al States represented nt the 1~63 A spcclnl feature of the Moss stry. algebm Inn • P nne an years. • Castiglia, Lons.: ·· Bench. Cali!., workshop were Cnll!ornln, Colo­ solid geometry. trigonometry Named president was Mrs. and l\'lr. Sudyka. Omaha. who rado. Connecticut. Illinois. Iown. c1 os in g th e wors...ook h was tlle and typing, In addition to those Ronald ·Chezcm. Omaha. whose were among the first five boys Indiana, Kansas. Louisiana. Ne­ presentation of the ?rlednl of St. listed above. husband was graduated in l!J;j5: taken· by Father Flnnas.:an when Caecllin by Archbishop Bergan. Incoming freshmen who hnve 1 braska, Masachusetts. Michignn. A story on the presentation np· vice president. Mrs. \\'alter 1he opened the doors o£ his Home 1\·linnesota. Missouri. New York. pears elsewhere in 'this issue of been at Boys Town prior to the Mcrt.z. Omnhn. whose husbnnd on December 10. 1917; North Dnkotn. Ohio, Pennsyl­ vania. South Dakota. Tennessee. The Times. (Continued on page four) Texas. Utah and \VIsconsln. in • addition to the District o£ Co­ lumbia and Cnnada; The faculty of the workshop was composed o! Prof. J enn Langlais, orl!nnist at the Bnslllcn of Stc. Clotile, Paris; Dr. Cor­ nelius Bouman. University o! Nijmcgen, the Netherlnnds: Dr. Ro~er \Vngner, director o£ the Roger \Vns.:ncr Chorale. and his assistant. Mr. Paul Snlamuno­ vlch: The Rev. Francis A. Brunner, C.Ss.R.. Chlcas.:o. Ill.; the Rev. Rlchnrd Schuler, Col­ lege of St. Thomns. St. Paul. Minn.. and l\fsgr. Francis P. • Schmitt. head o! the Boys Town music department. who was the workshop director. · · Staf£ members of the· Boys Town music department faculty also nssistcd. During U1e workshop. the American Society of St. Cnccllla held nis:htly conferences on the ... - . reported ch:ms:es ln the llturs.:y as they might a!!ect the music o! worship. Among the highlights of the workshop. open to the public as well as to the workshop regis­ trants. were ors:nn recitals by • Paul Manz, Concordln College • St. Paul. Mlnn., and by ,Prof. -t· Langlais. · The role of teacher nnd student was reversed nftcr seven years l , , . A concert nt the Boys Town when Sister Mary Mercedes, of Xavier University, New Orleans. This is the jacket of n new album recently recorded by the Music Hall was presented by n lc!t, was reunited with n former student. Mr. Malcolm Breda. at Boys Town Concert Choir, under the direction of Mss:r. Francis P. workshop chorale. under the di· right. The ·reunion took place nt the recent Boys Town llturglcal Schmitt. The new album. which is avallnble both. in stereo and rectlon of Dr. 'Vagner. · music workshop: Sister Mercedes and Sister Mndellne Marie. who :ponaurnl at most record shops throughout the country. wns record­ The workshop closed with a wns n classmute·of Mr.
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