Iowan forecast Seroing the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City 10 eeou per CGPY Eata blished In 18611 AlMciated PIWI Leaaed Wn and Wirephoto Iowa City, __Friday, November I, 1865 Johnson Asks Father Dies; Farmer's Role Snook Says De Gaulle Will Seek Be Appraised· He Will Play University of Iowl', outstand­ 'Penetrating' Analysis Ing quarterback: Gary Snook, In Requested By President V.C. Column Ambushed seclWlion because of the death Another 7 -year Term of his flther, said Thunday be At Signing Of Farm Bill U.S. CAVALRYMEN'S ambuah of a colwnn of Nortb Vietnamese would play against top-ranked regulars headed for the Cambodian frontier added fresh material WASHlNGTON c.tI - President Micbigan State here Saturday. JobIIIOII called Thursday for "a Thursday to Saigon's old charge that neutralist Cambodia iI a haven "I am sure my father would Reelection peDetratin, and Jong-range ap­ for Communist fighters. have wanted me to make this praisal" of the role of the farm­ The ambWlh was laid Wednesday nigbt on the fmal three-mile decision," the 22-year-Old senior er in the urban society and the stretcb of a jungle Lrail running from South Viet Nam's central said In a statement released Is 'Certain' foreign policy. bighlands into Cambodia. through a university press rep. resentati ve . '!be new study was announced • • • PARIS t.fI - Eighteen dlya he­ after Johnson signed a fouf-year Gary's father, C h a r I eli H. fore his 75th birthday Cbarles de omnibus farm blU in Johnson Communist Party Trial Stalls Snook. 65. died of cancer Wed· Gaulle announced T h u r a day City, rex. It comea at a time nesday at a hospital In California. night he was convinced be must THE TRIAL of the Communist Party stalled in a maze of legal He and his wife bad lived the continue to serve FrIDCI and wbea there are indications that detail Thursday and was recessed for the weekend. the Agriculture Department is last three years at Seal Beach, therefore would run for a new wbitlling away at farm sur­ The parLy is charged in 23 counts with failure to rellister 81 an Calif., upon bis retirement from seven-year term as president pluses held by the aovernment agent oC the Soviet Union as required by tbe 1950 Internal Security the Northwestern Bell Telepbone Dec. 5. Few doubt the people of - tbBDkJ to substantial help Act. It faces a maximum fine of $230,000 if convicted. Co. here. France will give him a vote of from be Food for Peace and • • • The elder Snook and another confidence. other foreign aid programs. son, George, of Los Angeles, had The United States thus faces ON LAST June 30 the govern­ 'Frisco Cheers Princess Margaret planned to see Gary play in the the prospect of a long period ment held agricultural products Dad's Day football game here. during which France will con­ BRITAIN'S PRINCESS MARGARET and ber buabaDd, the The father had been undergoing tinue as its most exacting ally. valued at $U blUlon. This com­ Earl of Snowdon, arrived in San Francisco Thursday nillbt for a THE PRESIDENT said his re­ pares with $7.1 blUlon on the treatment for cancer for some ;. three-day stay and quickly responded to a lively Western welcome. til'le and entered the bospltal .. electon would assure the future same date In 111M and a high of The pretty 35-year-old princess, who is making her fl1'llt trip of the French Republic. He $1.3 blUion June 30, 1981. only Tuesday. to tbe United States, was relaxed and smiling as she deplaned and warned that if be were defeated '!be DeW farm blU, signed Gary will fly to California aft­ GIRLS PHYSICAL EDUCATION c1.IHI In cnHl1I9 toke Mvant... of the I... pie...... fall greeted the cheering crowd of about 100 persons awaiting ber ar­ er tbr game Saturday. Services the nation could "fall Into a con­ Thursday night only a few min­ doys In the l&Joan north of the Art Bulldlll9. The sun soh off tho campu' skyline In the bock­ fWlion even more disastrous thID utes before midnight when it rival at San Francisco International Airport. and blD'ial will be at Westmin­ ster Memorial Park at West­ ground. - Photo by Mike T_ she has Irnown before." would have died by pocket veto, • • • De Gaulle declared that much Includes major lnnovations af­ minster at 11 a.m. Monday. progress has been made during fecting wheat, cotton and dairy Missing Frat Man Located The widow and two other sons, the past seven years wbile be products. Harold of Fullerton, CaUfornia, UNIVERSITY FRESHMAN Tbomas O. Carpenter, reported and Charles of Davenport, also Amish Hogs AHached Nuclear Ban bas been president, but much It carri. au estimated $4-bil­ misaing Monday, bas been found. But bls exact location is stili remains to be done. survive. Amona the unfinished business lion price ta, for the 1966 crop something of a mystery. UnUl Gary's decision to play, year, but may run as bigh as Iowa City police rcporLed the 16-year-old stUdent in Denver, he listed "recovery of our in­ Coach Jerry Burns said the loss Called For dependence without renouncing $20 billion for the four-year perl­ Colo. Another story said the boy called his father from Colorado of bis record·setting passer Over School Dispute od. our alliances." This was In ob­ Springs a few days ago. "would be tough, but the team vious reference to the North At­ In a 1,SOO-word statement, will be dedicated to winning for INDEPENDENCE (AP) - Sherifrs officers attached Johnson hailed the new farm During the alleged telephone call, Carpenter was said to have By 8 Nations lantic Treaty Organization. He asked his father's permission to continue to CaliIornia. HI, falber, Gary and his father." five hogs belonging to Amishman Christ Raber Thursday in to blU as I milestone establishina UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. t.fI - wants to see NATO reshaped a Fairfield resident, reportedly granted permiaaion. Iowa has lost ita last 10 Big the first move by the state to force payment of fines as­ his own ideas. "a farm policy geared to Ten Conference games and has Eight nat/ons thUrsday called arowtb" wbicb he sald would Carpenter had been living In the Della Chi fraternity houae. sessed against 16 Amish fathers in a school dispute. THE NATO organization now beaten only Oregon State in sev­ for speedy adoption of a treaty open a new chapter "in the • • • en games tbia season. Papers to attach the property calls for Integrated mil I tar y miraculous ,tory of American of the other 15 families in the to prevent spreading of nuclear forces. De Gaulle feels that Is fanning." Des Moines Finds Fund Shortage group were being prepared. Au­ Cuban Refugees w e a p 0 n s . Diplomatic sources an encroachment on French IOV­ THEN THE PRESIDENT an­ THE DES MOINES CITY COUNCIL was told at a special meet­ thorities said papers should be said the United States. the Sa­ ereignity. He haa warned he JIOWIced creation of tbe National Dissension ready for service on Aden Yut­ plans to end French participation ing Thursday afternoon tbaL an audit disciosed a shortage of about Drown on Coast viet Union and Britain had in tbis integration by 1969, when Advisory Commission on Food $14,000 in the city's urban rehewal funds. zey Friday. and Fibre beaded by Dean Sher­ agreed to the text of their ap­ the NATO treaty expires. The report was made to the council by Wolf & Co., a Des THE AMISH group has repeat­ Ending months of suspense 81 wood Berg of the University of About Fires: edly been lined since Sept. 9 for When Boat Sinks peal, but that France turned it Minnesota School of Agriculture. Moines firm which makes annual audits of city financial trans­ down. to his political intentions, De actions and has been conducting a special audit ordered by city failure to have their children KEY WEST, Fla. (.fI - The Gaulle made an eight-minute The new commisaion, Johnson taught in schools with state­ Communist China, not a U.N. officials. Mexican Marine Ministry oW­ speech carried throughout the laid, wlli carry out "the most Klan Witness certified teachers, .. required by member, was not asked for its Iborouah study ever conducted The council autborized the city legal department to start a full­ cially said Thursday that 39 Cu­ nation by radio and television. law. opinion . He appealed for a maasive en­ of the effects of our agricultural scale investigation. WASHING'l'ON t.fI - HQose The Amish bave been sendIng ban fugces drowned wben policies 01\ the performam:!! of . Investigators told Thursday about Acceptance of tbe resolution dorsement. • • • their children to two small their fishing boat broke up on Recalling briefly his wartime our economy and on our foreign a 1958 convention of the Ku Klux by the major nuclear powers schools they operate themselves reefs off the Yucatan. services as chieftain of the Free relations." Galbraith's Inflation Policy Klan where a proposal to bum with teachers educated only marked a giant step forward in schools drove some members out French movement, and his role "I am askina this commisaion AN ECONOMIC ADVISER to the late President Kennedy said through the eighth grade. It said six survivors were the search for ways to control in preventing civil conflict in to make a penetratina and long­ of the hooded order.
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