Table 14 | LYNX and SunRail Existing and Future Estimated Revenues, 2026-2045 Existing TIP: Plan Period I: Plan Period II: Plan Period III: MTP ID# Facility Name & Limits Project Description Fund Type 2020-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 2036-2045 YOE $'s YOE $'s YOE $'s YOE $'s Project Cost Inflation Factors 1.40 1.53 1.60 Federal $ 105.41 $ 132.91 $ 145.56 $ 303.25 State $ 74.31 $ 93.70 $ 102.61 $ 213.78 Other $ 253.47 $ 319.61 $ 350.01 $ 729.21 LYNX Operating Revenue Sub-Total $ 433.19 $ 546.22 $ 598.18 $ 1,246.24 Local Partner $ 396.81 $ 500.36 $ 547.95 $ 1,141.59 DDR PremiumTransit Policy $ - $ -$ -$ 144.00 #REF! LYNX - Central Florida Transportation Authorrity Transit Ops Revenue $ 830.00 $ 1,046.58 $ 1,146.13 $ 2,531.83 LYNX Fixed Route Operating Expense - Salaries, Wages, & Fringe Benefits,Fuel,Materials LYNX Operating Expense $ 830.00 $ 1,046.58 $ 1,146.13 $ 2,387.83 and supplies,Utilities,Casualty & Liability,Taxes and licenses,Purchased transportation $ - services Remaining Balance ( + / - ) $ - $ - $ - $ 144.00 Federal $ 10.90 $ - $ - $ - State $ 31.68 $ - $ - $ - Other $ 8.71 $ - $ - $ - SunRail Operating Revenue Sub-Total $ 51.29 $ - $ - $ - Local Government (May 2021) $ 179.46 $ 323.05 $ 353.05 $ 738.40 #REF! SunRail Operation, Maintinance & Capital $ - $ -$ -$ - Transit Ops Revenue $ 230.75 $ 323.05 $ 353.05 $ 738.40 SunRail Operating & Maintenance Expense - Salaries, Wages, & Fringe SunRail Operating Expense $ 230.75 $ 323.05 $ 353.05 $ 738.40 Benefits,Fuel,Materials and supplies,Utilities,Casualty & Liability,Taxes and licenses,Purchased transportation services Remaining Balance ( + / - ) $ - $ - $ - $ - Source: Annual Operating Budgets and FY 2020/21 - FY 2024/25 Work Program Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank Table 15 | Regional Transit – Cost Feasible Service and Infrastructure Projects Abbreviations: PLN/PD&E: Planning / Project Development & Engineering; PE: Preliminary Engineering; ENV: Environmental; CST: Construction; CEI: Construction Engineering Inspection Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) Plan Period I: Plan Period II: Plan Period III: Program Description Funding Program 2026-2030 2031-2035 2036-2045 YOE $'s YOE $'s YOE $'s TMA - Federal Funds (SU & TALU) $ 158.92 $ 158.92 $ 317.84 Annual O&M MetroPlan Orlando TMA policy allocates 30% of TMA Urbanized Area funds (SU & TALU) to Transit Capital Investments that expand the Public Transportation System. LYNX MPO Policy: 30% TMA for Regional Transit $ 47.68 $ 47.68 $ 95.35 $ 686.51 Capital for Regional Transit receives approximately $76 Million per year from Federal, State and local sources, Transit Capital (Federal / State / Local) $ 538.85 $ 590.11 $ 1,129.43 78% approximatly $15 Million per year is allocated to Transit Asset Managment for Total for Transit Program $ 586.53 $ 637.79 $ 1,224.78 additional transit capital infrastructure. Total Transit + Roll Forward $ 586.53 $ 652.61 $ 1,306.77 Unfunded Capital Total Project Cost (YOE) $ 571.70 $ 570.62 $ 1,287.70 $ 7,064.16 Remaining Balance ( + / - ) $ 14.83 $ 81.99 $ 19.08 74% Total Existing TIP: Plan Period I: Plan Period II: Plan Period III: Length Project Cost Unfunded Needs MTP ID# Project / Service Name & Limits Description Project Phase 2020-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 2036-2045 (miles) (2020 $'s) Shown in Millions Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s Project Cost Inflation Factors 1.40 1.53 1.60 $ 1.60 $ - $ - LYNX Capital Expenses & Vehicles,Facilities,Passenger Amenities,Support 5001 - $ - Transit Asset Management Equipment,Technology,Safety & Security,LYMMO SGR $ - Capital $ 61.54 $ 307.71 Capital$ 430.79 Capital$ 470.79 Capital$ 984.66 $ - O&M $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PLN / PD&E $ 5.00 $ - PLN / PD&E$ 7.00 $ - $ - $ - PE $ 5.00 $ - $ - PE$ 7.65 $ - $ - SunRail - Phase III - 5002 - ROW $ 10.00 $ - $ - ROW$ 15.30 $ - $ - - OIA to Meadow Woods Station ENV $ 5.00 $ - $ - $ - ENV$ 8.00 $ - CST $ 150.00 $ - $ - $ - CST$ 240.00 $ - O&M $ 15.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - O&M$ 24.00 PLN / PD&E $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PE $ 5.50 PE$ 5.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - LYNX - 5003 - ROW $ 10.00 ROW$ 10.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - - Southern Operations Base ENV $ 6.00 $ - ENV$ 8.40 $ - $ - $ - CST $ 60.00 $ - CST$ 84.00 $ - $ - $ - O&M $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PLN / PD&E $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PE $ 1.50 $ - PE$ 2.10 $ - $ - $ - LYNX - 5004 - ROW $ 10.00 $ - ROW$ 14.00 $ - $ - $ - - Northern Operations Base ENV $ 2.00 $ - ENV$ 2.80 $ - $ - $ - CST $ 15.00 $ - $ - CST$ 22.95 $ - $ - O&M $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PLN / PD&E $ 1.00 PLN / PD&E$ 1.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - PE $ 1.50 PE$ 1.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - SunRail - 5005 - ROW $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - - Meadow Woods Station Parking Expansion ENV $ 2.00 $ - ENV$ 2.80 $ - $ - $ - CST $ 14.00 $ - $ - CST$ 21.42 $ - $ - O&M $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Existing TIP: Plan Period I: Plan Period II: Plan Period III: Length Project Cost Unfunded Needs MTP ID# Project / Service Name & Limits Description Project Phase 2020-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 2036-2045 (miles) (2020 $'s) Shown in Millions Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s PLN / PD&E $ 0.15 PLN / PD&E$ 0.15 $ - $ - $ - $ - PE $ 1.50 PE$ 1.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - SunRail - 5006 - ROW $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - - Tupperware Station Parking Expansion ENV $ 2.00 $ - ENV$ 2.80 $ - $ - $ - CST $ 2.30 $ - CST$ 3.22 $ - $ - $ - O&M $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PLN / PD&E $ 0.15 PLN / PD&E$ 0.15 $ - $ - $ - $ - PE $ 1.50 PE$ 1.50 $ - $ - $ - $ - SunRail - 5007 - ROW $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - - Poinciana Station Parking Expansion ENV $ 1.00 $ - ENV$ 1.40 $ - $ - $ - CST $ 2.80 $ - CST$ 3.92 $ - $ - $ - O&M $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 300 - UCF - Downtown Regional Express; 302 - OIA - Disney Springs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Regional Express; 303 - OIA / Florida Mall / Universal Studios Regional Express; 306 - Downtown - Universal Studios Regional Express; 307 - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - LYNX - Downtown-S. I-Drive Regional Express; 308 - Downtown - Disney Springs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 5008 Regional Express; 311B - UCF - Medical City/Lake Nona - Meadow Woods Service Enhancements - Phase I Regional Express; 312 - Ocoee - Disney Regional Express; 313 - Pine Hills / $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Disney Regional Express; 314 - S.R. 436 / Disney Regional Express; 505A - Capital $ 2.33 $ - Capital$ 3.26 $ - $ - $ - John Young Parkway; 505B - John Young Parkway; 506 - Lake Underhill - UCF; 517 - S. I-Drive / Disney Springs; 518 - OIA-MDW SunRail O&M $ 49.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - O&M$ 78.39 100-A1 - AMS - MILLS AVE/U.S. 17-92; 102A - N. U.S. 441/Apopka; 102B - S. U.S. 441/Fla Mall; 103 - Silver Star Road; 105 - Pine Hills / Kirkman / Universal; 200- $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - A1 - AMS - N U.S. 17/92 Limited Stop; 202 - U.S. 441 Limited Stop; 205 - Pine $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - LYNX - Hills/Kirkman Rd./Universal Limited Stop; 400 - Lake County Commuter Express; 5009 401 - Waterford Lake Commuter Express; 500 - S.R. 434; 509 - Sand Lake $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Connector; 514 - Hiawassee Road / Turkey Lake Road; 519 - Winter Park - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Service Enhancements - Phase II Downtown; 521 - Rosemont / Pine Hills Circulator; 610 - Maitland Connector; 616 - Maitland Center / Eatonville; 700 - Lymmo Orange - Downtown; 702 - Capital $ 3.72 $ - Capital$ 5.21 $ - $ - $ - Lymmo Grapefruit; 701 - Lymmo Lime; 703 - Lymmo Tangerine Line; 703a - Lymmo Orange - N. Quarter - Fla Hosp; 821 - E. Colonial Drive/Bithlo Flex Flex O&M $ 73.70 $ - $ - $ - $ - O&M$ 117.92 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - LYNX - 5010 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Multiple Routes Service Enhancements - Phase III $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital $ 12.10 $ - $ - Capital$ 18.51 $ - $ - O&M $ 165.60 $ - $ - $ - $ - O&M$ 264.96 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - LYNX - LYNX Central Station (LCS) Modifications; Nemours 5011 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Children's Hospital (Lake Nona) Transit Facility; Disney Transit Facility Implementation - Phase I Springs Transit Center Improvements. $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Capital $ 9.15 $ - $ - Capital$ 14.00 $ - $ - O&M $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Valencia College West Transit Center; Maitland SunRail Station Bus Facility Enhancement; Florida Mall Transit Center Expansion; $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - LYNX - Universal Studios Transit Center Expansion; Pine Hills Transit Center 5012 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Expansion; Waterford Lakes/Avalon Town Center Transit Transit Facility Implementation - Phase II Center/Transfer Facility/Turnback; Orlando Packing District $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - development Transit Center; US 441 and Hunter's Creek Transit Capital $ 34.40 $ - $ - $ - Capital$ 55.04 $ - Turnback Facility; SR 436 and Curry Ford Rd Transit Center. O&M $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Existing TIP: Plan Period I: Plan Period II: Plan Period III: Length Project Cost Unfunded Needs MTP ID# Project / Service Name & Limits Description Project Phase 2020-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 2036-2045 (miles) (2020 $'s) Shown in Millions Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s Phase YOE $'s West Oaks Mall/Health Central Hospital and the adjacent Walmart $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - (general area) New Transit Center; SR 436 and SR 50 Transfer Center facilities; Fashion Square Mall - New Transfer Facilities; Grant $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - LYNX - National/Oak Ridge (I-Drive North) Transit Center; Meadow Woods 5013 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - SunRail Station Bus Facilities Expansion; Orlando International Airport Transit Facility Implementation - Phase III Expansion of LYNX transit access; Sand Lake Road SunRail Station
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