viewpoints VDOI:10.1145/3231587 Enrico Nardelli Viewpoint Do We Really Need Computational Thinking? Considering the expression “computational thinking” as an entry point to understand why the fundamental contribution of computing to science is the shift from solving problems to having problems solved. CONFESS UPFRONT, the title of this Viewpoint is meant to attract readers’ attention. As a com- puter scientist, I am convinced we need the concept of compu- Itational thinking, interpreted as “being able to think like a computer scientist and being able to apply this competence to every field of human endeavor.” The focus of this Viewpoint is to dis- cuss to what extent we need the expres- sion “computational thinking” (CT). The term was already known through the work of Seymour Papert,13 many com- putational scientists,5 and a recent pa- per15 clarifies both its historical devel- opment and intellectual roots. After the widely cited Communications Viewpoint by Jeannette Wing,19 and thanks to her role at NSF,6 an extensive discussion opened with hundreds of subsequent papers dissecting the expression. There is not yet a commonly agreed definition of CT—what I consider in this View- Wing discussed CT to argue it is im- Forsythe, a former ACM president and point is whether we really need a defini- portant every student is taught “how one of the founding fathers of computer tion and for which goal. a computer scientist thinks,”19 which science education in academia, in 1968 To anticipate the conclusion, we I interpret to mean it is important to wrote: “The most valuable acquisition probably need the expression as an in- teach computer science to every stu- in a scientific or technical education are strument, as a shorthand reference to dent. From this perspective, what is the general-purpose mental tools which a well-structured concept, but it might important is stressing the educational remain serviceable for a lifetime. I rate be dangerous to insist too much on it value of informatics for all students— natural language and mathematics as and to try to precisely characterize it. Wing was in line with what other well- the most important of these tools, and It should serve just as a brief explana- known scientists had said earlier; I computer science as a third.”9 Even if tion of why computer science (or infor- mention several here. both citations are not relative to a school matics, or computing: I will use these Donald Knuth, well known by math- education context, in my view they clearly terms interchangeably) is a novel and ematicians and computer scientists, in support the importance of teaching com- independent scientific subject and to 1974 wrote: “Actually, a person does not puter science in schools to all students. argue for the need of teaching infor- really understand something until he However, the wide popularity gained 10 matics in schools. can teach it to a computer.” George by CT after Wing’s Communications IMAGE BY VALLIA 32 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | FEBRUARY 2019 | VOL. 62 | NO. 2 viewpoints viewpoints Viewpoint risks spoiling the original jor countries. Here, I discuss the three a different way of thinking, called CT” aim. Increasingly, people are consider- most relevant ones. and “learning about programming is a ing CT a new subject, somehow different In England, the national computing way to discover the rudiments of CT.” or distinct from computer science. In programmes of study,a published by the It emerges, from these three ex- the quest to identify the definition that Department of Education in September amples, that CT is not a new subject Wing did not provide, people are stress- 2013 and mandatory since school year to teach and what should be taught in ing one or other aspect (abstraction, 2014–2015, uses CT in the presented school is informatics. recursivity, problem solving, …) and in sense of what one gets by the study and But on the other side, the high num- doing so they obscure its meaning. See practice of computing. In fact, it uses it ber of papers published with CT in their V 2 5 Armoni and Denning for clear and illu- in the opening statement “A high-qual- title or abstract (the ACM Digital Library minating discussions of this issue. ity computing education equips pupils alone contains more than 400) indi- This situation becomes even more to use CT and creativity to understand cates a lot of people seem to argue (and garbled when it comes to education. and change the world” and then just even Wing seemed to agree21) that CT Speaking about teaching CT is a very two more times, in goals for Key Stage is something new and different. Some risky attitude: philosophers, rightly, ask 3 “understand several key algorithms even say “coding” (which they consider what we mean by “teaching thinking”; that reflect CT” and KS4 “develop and different from “programming”) is all mathematicians appropriately observe apply their analytic, problem-solving, you need to learn it! A discussion of that many characteristics of CT (such as design, and CT skills.” The curricu- risks related to this approach and other abstraction, recursivity, problem solv- lum never defines the term. delicate issues regarding CT appeared ing, …) are also proper of mathematics In the U.S., the “Every Student Suc- in a recent Communications column.8 (which they do not call “mathematical ceeds Act” (ESSA), approved by Congress I am convinced that considering thinking”); pedagogues ask how we can in 2015 with bipartisan support, has in- CT as something new and different is be sure CT is really effective in educa- troduced computer science among the misleading: in the long run it will do tion; teachers want to know which are “well rounded educational subjects” more harm than benefit to informatics. the methods and the tools for teaching that needs to be taught in schools “with After all, they do not teach “linguistic this new discipline and how they can the purpose of providing all students thinking” or “mathematical thinking” learn to teach it; and parents are alter- access to an enriched curriculum and in schools and they do not have “body nately happy because it appears school educational experience,” and does not of knowledge” or “assessment meth- has finally started to align itself to the contain at all the term “computational ods” for these subjects. They just teach digital society while they are also con- thinking.” In January 2016, President (and assess competences in) “English”b cerned about what will happen to their Obama launched the initiative “CS and “Mathematics.” Subsequently, the children in the future if they just learn For All” whose goal is “to empower all various linguistic (resp. mathematical) to code with the language of today. American students from kindergarten competences gained by study of Eng- I think a large part of the commu- through high school to learn computer lish (resp. Mathematics), beyond be- nity of computing scientists and edu- science and be equipped with the CT ing used in themselves, find additional cators is convinced the original Com- skills they need …”. Once again, CT is uses in other disciplines. Between CT munications Viewpoint by Wing was what you get when you have learned and computing there exists the same aiming at “start rolling the ball” and computer science. relation. Therefore, we should discuss what needs to be done is teaching in- In France, the Académie des Scienc- what to teach and how to evaluate com- formatics in schools, possibly begin- es—the highest institution represent- petences regarding informatics in pri- ning at an early age. Moreover, I am ing French scientists—published in mary/middle/secondary schools, and convinced the same people are fully May 2013 the report “L’enseignement forget about teaching and evaluating able to understand the meaning of de l’informatique en France. Il est ur- competences in CT. Wing’s expression “to think like a com- gent de ne plus attendre,” (“Teaching In summary, speaking about CT puter scientist” without the need of ex- computer science in France. Tomorrow helps people understand that: we are actly explaining it. Or, if it is absolutely can’t wait.”) recommending—for what focusing on scientific and cultural as- needed, they might agree with the regard the teaching of computer science pects of computing; we are not dealing self-referential sentence “CT is the set (“informatique”)—“teaching should with system and tools, but with principles of mental and cognitive competences start at the primary level, through ex- and methods; we are focusing on the obtained by the study and practice of posure to the notions of computer sci- core scientific concepts of computing, computer science”: the “tacit knowl- ence and algorithms, … <and> should on its conceptual kernel.11 Different from edge” defined by Polanyi.14 be further developed in middle and sec- what happens with language and math, Already in 1974 Knuth warned, in ondary school.” Analyzing their use of we are forced to explicit this distinction discussing computer science, that CT (“pensée informatique”), it is clear since computers are what embodies “the underlying concepts are much that in their vision the term denotes the informatics for most of people. In addi- more important than the name.”10 It is specific habits of thinking developed by tion, we do not think the “computer sci- much more so, I think, for CT. What re- learning computer science. Just a cou- entists’ way of thinking” is better than ally counts is the fact that computing is ple of examples: “computing … leads to others, just that it offers a complemen- taught early in schools. This is actually the path being followed by some ma- a See https://bit.ly/1f7PIFU b Or the relevant native language.
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