AA66MI.ClILL MEMORIAL LIBRA .. , "IOI!" COLLE~E. TRENTON. N. J. ' SADIE HAWKINS REXMEN. BEAT IDANCE TONIGHT ST. FRANCIS "-436 Vol. Jl TRENTON. N. J.. JANUARY 17. 1941 No. 13 Examination Schedule Is Changed Benefit Dance T yran Elected Freshman Leader; From Three to Two-Hour Period Being Planned Rockoff, Danto, and Allen Vast Number of ConfUcts For Fiorito Are Chosen for Other Offices Influenced This Action in an attempt on the part of the Exam schedules have been -c hanged Debating Tearn Goldfaden and Scudder student body to help dcfrny hospital from a three to a two-hour period Are Voted to COUDell bills, a sport dance wil l be held for as a result of a ruling- made at a To Broadcast Independents Run In a weakly-contested Freshman Peter Fiorito on Valentine's Day, faculty m«ting held Tllnda),. clection at Stewart Hall, Friday, The reason for the change. as stated OnWNYCT oday Friday. February 14. Sadie Hawkins Benny Tyran was chosen president. by Dr. HOW3rd ' I. Dillingh3m, is to As we all know. 'Fiorito has had Other class officers elected are: Rider's debating team will face Co­ mo;-e than his share of tough luck. Goldie Rockoff, vice-president; Fran­ 3\'oid conflicts as much a~ possiblt:. lumbia in a radio debate this after­ Dance Tonight Ruth K. Peters, in making He broke his leg in an intramural ces Danto. secretary. and Charles noon at one o'clock o\'cr station Tonight a "Daisy Mae" and "Little out the new t..'(am schedule. estimates football game around Thanksgiving Allen, treasurer. Fred Goldfaden and WNYC. Columbia will uphold the Abner" witt be chosen to preside O\'cr th.ll tht: numbt-r of con Aiels will Ix time and was confined 10 Mercer Joseph Scudder were sd«ted to rep­ nffirmati,'e, wh ile a Rider team. con­ Hospital for about a month. Just be­ the Sadie Hawkins dance, sponso,cd r~uttd by t\\'~thirds. resent the Freshmen on the Student sisting Slf Ruth Shiller and Ernest by the Independents and held in Stew­ "There should Ix a great impro\'c­ fore Christmas. Fiorito was taken Council. Curtin, will defend thc negative, The art Hall, menl over the old 5}'stcm under which home, where. after some three weeks, Tyran, teacher training student and subject is: "Resolved: That the "Daisies" wilt pursue their "Litlle many students had to take conflict it was found that the leg was not Phi Sigma N u pledgee, more than United States Go\'ernment Should Abners." and "swing yo ur partner" exams," 51at6 Dr. Dillingham. "This mending properly. This made it nec­ doubled the vOle of his opponent, Conscript Industry for the Duration wi ll be echoed from the far corners brought about considerable grumbling essary to break his leg again, with John Carter, of the National Defense Program." the hope that it would heal in the of the dance fl oor. Arrangements arc among the students as to the r~gular Miss Rockoff, secretarial science In the evening, Fordham's nega­ proper manner this time. being made to obtain an entertainer examinations being easier than the student and Pi Eta Sigma m~mber, ti"e team will OpJl{lse the Rider af­ Under the direction of Prof. Alex to call square dances. so that the c"nflict or vic~ - versa ." was victorious with a plurality of 47 firmative team of Frank Watts and R. Poyda, a conimlttee has been aff'air will be in trlle "hill-billy" "Under the new ruling" says Pr. ~'otes over her closest competitor, Ernest Curtin. The topic for this dis­ fo rmed to make plans for the dance. f:a shion. Dillingham. "exams will be: held Fred Langenohl. Other candidates for cussion 'iIi be: "Re;l\,ed: That the Arrangements are not complete as There will be a stag line for girls thr« periods a day, these being from this offiee were Betty Phillips and Nations \ the \Vestern Hemispher~ ye t, but it is known that music will only, and the damsels may cut in on .... :t»-!J :OO. 11:15-1:15, and 2:00- • Louis Mattioli. 4 :00. Through cOOperation of Mrs. Should Form ::In Alliance Against be ~. Leon Lconard, who was a tre­ any fellows they choose 10 dance Miss Danto. secretarial science slu­ James c. Wright, dean oi women, Foreign Aggression." mendous success at the varsity daru:e. with. As a Sadie Hawkins feature. of the Sigma Tau luncheon periods in dormitories will Th~ debating team is planning a Tickets will be firiy cents per person. no men will be allowed on the dance elected by a ma- be adjusted during the examination trip - which starts on )'{arch 5 at with dancing from nine to twclv~. floor unless asked to dance. This will period in accordance with lh~ new Bucknell. Other debates pending on Mrs. James c. Wright, dean of worn: continue from 10 to II . At cleven schedule." this trip are with Franklin & Mar­ en, has granted special late permis­ o'dock the vote wi ll be I'aken for a shall, Elizabethtown College. Bloom- sion for ladies. Daisy Mac: and Little Abner. ingdale State Teachers. Lafayette and No person wearing a tic will be allowed to c:nter Stewart Hall, The Lehigh. entirc affair will be promoted in the Sigma Joseph Dreyfuss, manager of de­ Skull arid Sabres spirit of good fun, and any person eagled hi s rar/:. bate, announced early this week that not having a good time witt ha ,·c his pronounced Thomas McMann, I f/:w exceptions, will be six home debates and nine out-of­ He~ded by Miller mo1lt'y returned, the promotors say. ill content than usual. The cut. Seymour Smith "also ran. town affairs h;we bcen arranged for The co mmittee~ working on the 1-«,pI",,";on for this is that lIlost ex- Ted Miller wa~ elected presidcllt In the contest for representatives tht' remainder oi the season. uf thc Skntt and Sabres Honorary dance arc as follow s : Gilda Cam­ ams have been of a length which arda, 30cial chairman: Bryan Do­ to the Student Council, Scudder would permit students to complete The schedule is as follows : Jammry Society for the ensuing year at are­ polled the greatest number of votes. rent meeting, Other officers arc: Lee herty, financial chairman: Donald them in two hours, 24, Fordham, home: january 24. His co-winner, Goldfaden, outdis­ Szetda, vice-presidelll: Russell Colc· Endebroc k, publicity; ~fario Funari. A survey made by the faculty 1'e­ University of P(,lIllSyh·ania. away: elcctions, and Martin Olinsky, tickets. tanced John Carter by 16 ballots, "caled that a great majority of the man, secrdarY:- and Carl Bradbury, Other candidates were: Sylvia Frank. February -I, Rutgers, away: February treasurer. If.Jis), ~ra c candidates are: Shirley students completeu exallls in a IWO­ Cot1rd, Shirley Sehast, Rose Zazzara. Fr.:d l.angcl1 ohl, jam.:s Rerta and hour period. This further influenced 7, Paterson State Teacher ... aW::lY: At a prc\'iolls meeting, new mem­ I.ollis BOI!aulIi. Thelma l~\· il\k , Dot Vanderveer, Ruth February 1-1. Swarthmore College. ben were inducted into th.:: organi­ the re"ision. Shiller. Doris Eil e rman, EthcJ As in the ruling. Student Council hom(': February 15. Shippellsburg zation which fosters and promotes - -- Smickle. :'>{ a r j II Fraser. Louise members with Prof. Aaron Eb,', ad­ tournament. away: February 26. wortl!while acti~· itics . Didsc!.;;- . Virginia Russo, j ean Wind­ viser, conducted the claH c1 eciiolls. Print :tOIl , home; February 27, Up­ Senior Pictures In the near futurc, IWO more un­ sor, Cla ra \Vright, Aurora Sa,·oy, sala. awa\'; ~fareh 5, Bucknell. Will Be Snappr.d dergraduafes will be sel... 'C tcd to com­ Betty Weiss, Edith Zeigler. Elsie a\~1.y :"a~ch 16. SciOli Hall, away ; plete the membership for the year. A j ohnsoll. Bertie Paine, Ella Rost :md Program Presented Mard'p-4, Bucknell, h'''l'e : ~Iarch "Most Rcpresentath'e Stl!dcnt" and a Ruth ~ix o n. Beginning Monday 12, Upsala, home: AprilS, Ma ssa­ "Basketball Player" are vet to be By 'La Sociedad chusetts State, hUIII\!. chosen. Little :\Imer aspirants are : Carl Ernest A, Curtin, editor-in-chief of Gragg. Bill Schmidt. Jack Read. Bud Lati noamericana' the Shadou', announced ye s t erda~' that Claff<' y, WallN Boyd, Pete Fedor· individual sen'ior pictures would' be ochko, Vaughn Ackman, john Bahrel, .·\t a well -attcnded m('etinl: oi " L:l taken beginning next ~ { o nday mom­ 'Bundles for Britain' Campaign Don johnson. Lewis McLauA:hlin, Soc i.:!!ad Latino:ullcricana." \\'ednes­ ing. William Doyle, Bill Sncdeker, King day, an all-Spanish pro,::ram was A schedule has been posted on the Tuthill, john H ... her, Clayton John­ presented. President Julio Santos main bulletin board, and Curi tn urges Is Given Impetus by Enthusiasts son, H:l.rold Longyear, Jack Magcn­ conducted proc('edings. that all seniors be prompt in report­ B}' Cad p, Brodbllr'Y nc~, J llhn l~y;tr1, Pall l K(llba, and Tho.' highlight of the initial presen­ ing for their photographs at the time Fred White, tation of the rccently-reorganiud ' designated. Sponsored by the Women's Athletic of Carol Larios, the following 'are to club was the rell(lition by )'frs. The staff is at present busily en­ Association, Rider College opened its sen 'e on the respective conlmiUees: George H. McKec of "Estrelita" and gaged in planning the design and "Bundles for Britain" campaign yes­ publicit)· - Edith Johnson, Ronnie: Dramatic Guild Drops "Amapola." Prof.
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