FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 35 • NUMBER 166 Wednesday, August 26,1970 • Washington, D.C. Pages 13563-13634 Agencies in this issue— The President Agricultural Research Service > Agriculture Department Civil Aeronautics Board Consumer and Marketing Service Customs Bureau Farmers Home Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Insurance Administration Federal Power Commission Fish and Wildlife Service Food and Drug Administration General Services Administration Internal Revenue Service Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau Maritime Administration Mines Bureau National Highway Safety Bureau National Transportation Safety Board Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration Tariff Commission Wage and Hour Division Detailed list of Contents appears inside. Announcing First 10-Year Cumulation TABLES OF LAWS AFFECTED in Volumes 70-79 of the UNITED STATES STATUTES AT LARGE Lists all prior laws and other Federal in­ public laws enacted during the years 1956- struments which were amended, repealed, 1965. Includes index of popular name or otherwise affected by the provisions of acts affected in Volumes 70-79. Price: $2.50 Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 1 1 aHf» D IT f’IC T rO Published dally, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or ■ ■ H r iir^ l I t i l on toe day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, National $ Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, Area Code 202 Phone 962-8626 pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch, 15), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, ap­ proved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month dr $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code op F ederal Regulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuan to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510). The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of new books are listed in the first F ederal R egister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on *the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister or the Code op F ederal regulations. Contents FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Notices THE PRESIDENT 0,0-Diethyl 0-3,5,6-trichloro-2- COMMISSION pyridyl phosphorothioate; ex­ PROCLAMATION Proposed Rule Making . tension of temporary toler­ National Hispanic Heritage Week, ances _____________________ 13612 1970 --- ------ ----------------- ----- 13567 Inclusion of coded information in Drugs for human or veterinary aural transmissions of radio and use; efficacy study implementa­ EXECUTIVE ORDER TV stations for purposes of pro­ tion (24 documents),___ 13589-13611 Providing for details and trans­ gram identification; extension LeGear Laboratories, me.; neo­ fers of Federal employees to in­ of time --------------------- 13585 mycin in animal feed™ ____ 13611 ternational organizations-------- 13569 Notices Shell Chemical Co.; pesticide chemical petition____ _______13612 Hearings, etc.: EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Dowdy, Charles W. (WROA), GENERAL SERVICES and Sumter Broadcasting Co., AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH me. (WISK)_____________ 13614 ADMINISTRATION SERVICE Stanley, Al G. (KATO), and Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Tri-County Broadcasting Co_ 13614 Contract cost principles and pro­ Hog cholera and other communi­ cedures; miscellaneous amend­ cable swine diseases; areas quar­ FEDERAL INSURANCE ments _____________________ 13579 antined ____________________ 13572 ADMINISTRATION HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations WELFARE DEPARTMENT See also Agricultural Research Identification of flood - prone See Food and Drug Administra­ Service; Consumer and Market­ tion. ing Service; Farmers Home Ad­ areas; list of flood hazard areas; ministration. correction _______________ — 13579 HOUSING AND URBAN Notices DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Texas; designation of areas for See Federal Insurance Adminis­ emergency loans------------------- 13589 Proposed Rule Making tration. CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Initial rates for future sales of nat­ INTERIOR DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations ural gas for all areas; extension of time___ _____ _—---------------13585 See Fish and Wildlife Service; Responsibility of air carriers for Land Management Bureau; amounts collected by travel Notices Mines Bureau. agents in payment for charter Hearings, etc.: flights; limitation of rule to Atapaz Petroleum, me., et al— 13621 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE U.S.-originated charters (5 doc­ Cities Service Oil Co. et al—__ 13623 Notices uments) _____________ 13572-13574 Continental Oil Co. et al--------- 13624 Grants of relief regarding fire­ Notices Ginther, Warren & Co. et al----- 13625 Kerr-McGee Corp. et al_---- 1— 13626 arms acquisition, shipment, Hearings, etc.: etc.: East African Airways Corp--------13612 Eaton, Clarence_____________ 13586 International Air Transport As­ FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Newman, Dewey Pleasant_____ 13586 sociation _________________ J3612 Villa, Michael C____________ 13587 Lineas Aereas Costarricenses, Proposed Rule Making S.A. (LACSA) __________— 13612 Use of certain national wildlife INTERSTATE COM M ERCE- Ross Aviation, me. (2 docu­ refuges: COMMISSION ments) __________________ 13613 Hunting: United Air Lines, m e_________ 13614 Florida; St. Vincent------------ 13582 Notices New Mexico; Bosque del Fourth section application for COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Apache ----------------------- 13582 relief______________________ 13628 See Maritime Administration. North Carolina; Pungo__ — 13582 Motor carriers: Hunting and sport fishing^ In­ Alternate route deviation notices CONSUMER AND MARKETING diana; Muscatatuck------------ 13582 (2 documents) _____________ 13628 SERVICE Applications and certain other FOOD AND DRUG proceedings_______ 13629 Rules and Regulations Intrastate applications_______ 13630 Fresh fruits, vegetables, and other ADMINISTRATION Transfer proceedings_________ 13631 products; issuance of inspection Rules and Regulations United Services & Projects, Inc.; certificates____ _____________ 13571 Food additives; cyclized rubber in filing of petition for declaratory CUSTOMS BUREAU paper and paperboard compo­ order______________________ 13632 nents ___________________ 13576 Notices New animal drugs for implanta­ LABOR DEPARTMENT Tomato products from Greece;, tion or injection; methocar­ See Wage and Hour Division. countervailing duty proceed-. bamol; correction---------- 13576 ings---------------- 13586 Pickles and pickle products; con­ LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU firmation of effective date of farm ers h o m e order regarding standardizing Notices administration quantity of contents declara­ Nevada; offering of land for sale__ 13587 tion ___ 13575 New Mexico; classification of pub­ Rules and Regulations lic lands for multiple use Public information, availability of Proposed Rule Making management_______________ 13587 materials and records; miscel­ Insecticide mixture; clarification laneous amendments_________ 13571 of pesticide tolerances--------— 13583 (Continued on next page) - 13565 13566 CONTENTS MARITIME ADMINISTRATION SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE TARIFF COMMISSION Notices COMMISSION Notices American President Lines, Ltd.; Notices Electrolytic capacitors; report to application ________________ 13621 Hearings, etc.: the President___ ____________ 13627 Columbia Gas System, Inc___ 13616 MINES BUREAU Ohio Power Co. and Cambridge TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations Housing, Inc___ __________13617 See, National Highway Safety Grants for advancement of health Bureau; National Transporta­ and safety in coal mines-------- 13576 SMALL BÜSINESS tion Safety Board. ADMINISTRATION TREASURY DEPARTMENT NATIONAL HIGHWAY SAFETY Notices See Customs Bureau; Internal BUREAU Declaration of disaster loan areas: Revenue Service. Proposed Rule Making Georgia ------------- ------------- - 13618 Puerto Rico________________ 13618 Motor vehicle safety regulations; WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION consumer information; acceler­ Notices ation and passing ability-------- 13583 Certificates authorizing employ­ ment at special minimum NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION wages: Full-time students working out­ SAFETY BOARD side of school hours in retail Rules and Regulations or service establishments or Surface transportation accident in agriculture __________ 13618 hearings; rules of practice------ 13574 Learners _________ ________ 13620 List of CFR Parts Affected The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month.
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