E1262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks July 11, 1996 Luke's Hospital, Marquette, MI. After 31¤2 torn population. He has championed the bene- As a 1965 graduate of the Chicago Police years he was promoted to assistant adminis- fits of prosthetic care throughout the country of Academy, and a Chicago police officer ever trator for administrative affairs. After guiding India, in Uruguay and Colombia, and has spo- since, Roger had a keen interest in preventing Marquette and the medical community through ken before The Royal Society of Medicine in crime and protecting the public safety. In 1981 the successful merger of St. Luke's and St. London. Roger was a cosponsor of legislation to tough- Mary's Hospitals, Mr. Neldberg was promoted Dr. Balshi is a pioneer in the field of implant en Illinois' drunk-driving laws. The legislation, to his current position of chief executive offi- prosthetics. His work has renewed the health which became State law, ended the practice cer/administrator at the newly created Mar- and self-confidence of his patients. Dr. Balshi of allowing drunk driving suspects a 90-minute quette General Hospital. Mr. Neldberg's drive commits himself clinically and personally to waiting period before deciding whether to take and dedication nurtured Marquette General the careful renewal of every patient's smile, a breathalyzer test. from a $6 million revenue operation to a re- whether the patient be indigent or celebrity. Roger was a 1956 graduate of my own gional medical center with a yearly revenue of Through his years of professional practice, he alma mater, Lane Technical High School. He $205 million with 2,350 employees and 250 has earned the reputation of being a dental began his public service career path when he physicians on staff. court of last resort. By engineering innovative served in the U.S. Army from 1961 to 1963. Mr. Neldberg is leaving a distinguished solutions, he has specialized in saving diag- Affectionately known as the Monsignor, Roger medical and civil career. He is responsible for nosed hopeless dental cases. was well respected and well liked by Repub- sheparding the 14 Upper Peninsula hospitals Dr. Balshi is a recent recipient of the pres- licans and Democrats alike. I knew Roger both together to form a medical networking partner- tigious George Washington Medal of Honor professionally and personally and I am proud ship led by Marquette General. In 1983, he re- from the National Freedoms Foundation at to have had him as a friend. He was always ceived the prestigious Homminga Award, pre- Valley Forge, PA. He was honored for his con- there to help whenever he could be of assist- sented by the Michigan Hospital Association, tributions to dental science through education. ance. Roger was something of an informal ad- signifying the most outstanding hospital ad- The Freedoms Foundation honors Americans visor and often guided me, and other Mem- ministrator in Michigan. In 1991, Mr. Neldberg whose lives reinforce and exhibit the patriotic bers as well, on legislation that had an impact was named Northern Michigan University's values of our country's Founding Fathers. on the Chicago area. Citizen of the Year. Included in his community A former captain in the United States Army I extend my deepest sympathy to Roger's service are his positions as a former board (1972±1974), Dr. Balshi was Chief, Depart- family. Roger was a truly great public servant member of the Michigan Hospital Association, ment of Fixed Prosthetics, Mills Army Dental and a truly great person. His loss has cast has and former chairman of the United Funds Clinic, Fort Dix, NJ. He received the Army a long, sad shadow over the city of Chicago Drive of Iron Mountain/Kingsford and Mar- Commendation Medal for Extraordinary Serv- and the State of Illinois. Roger McAuliffe, you quette. ice. are deeply missed. Despite his retirement, Mr. Neldberg will re- He became a Fellow of The American Col- f main active in Michigan's medical arena. Gov- lege of Prosthodontists in 1976, following ernor John Engler named him to the Board of NEW ZEALAND ECONOMIC graduation from Temple University School of REFORMS Medicine for the term that began on March 1, Dentistry in 1972. He is a 1968 graduate of 1996 and continues through 1999. Robert Villanova University. HON. SCOTT L. KLUG Neldberg is currently president of the Upper He served as editor of the International Col- OF WISCONSIN Peninsula Health Care Network and the Upper lege of Prosthodontists Newsletter for its inau- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Peninsula Health Education Corporation. gural 10 years. In this role, he actively partici- Mr. Neldberg and his wife, Monica Ann pated in establishing worldwide communica- Thursday, July 11, 1996 Gunville-Neldberg, have four children and tion among practitioners of his specialty. Mr. KLUG. Mr. Speaker, I led a congres- eight grandchildren and belong to St. Peter's Dr. Thomas J. Balshi is commended for his sional delegation which visited New Zealand Cathedral in Marquette. He is also a member masterful way of blending heart, art, and to study their economic reforms. We met with of Marquette's Rotary Club and a past presi- science to serve those in need. many people ranging from the privatization dent of the Jaycees Organization. Mr. f policymakers to sheep farmers and walked Neldberg has been politically active as chair- away with an insightful approach to rescuing man of the Marquette County Republican TRIBUTE TO ILLINOIS STATE REP- an enormous Federal debt in a relatively short Party and vice chairman of the District Repub- RESENTATIVE ROGER P. amount of time. Eliminating the deficit is cru- lican Party. McAULIFFE cial for the United States fiscal survival and Although his career with Marquette General the New Zealand model provides us with Hospital is coming to a close, I know Mr. HON. MICHAEL PATRICK FLANAGAN some options to explore. For the benefit of my Neldberg will continue to be a great asset both OF ILLINOIS colleagues, I would like to have printed in the to his own community and Michigan's medical RECORD the preface and executive summary community. Through his dedication to his pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, July 11, 1996 of the United States-New Zealand Council re- fession and through his volunteer efforts, Mr. port on the delegation's trip to New Zealand. Neldberg represents the very best of our free Mr. FLANAGAN. Mr. Speaker, it is with For those who desire the complete report, society. He has made his life his work, and his great sadness and regret that I note the pass- please contact my office. community is better for the effort. Mr. Speaker, ing on July 5, 1996, of my constituent, Illinois REPORT ON CONGRESSIONAL STUDY TOUR TO on behalf of the Upper Peninsula and the en- State Representative Roger P. McAuliffe. NEW ZEALAND tire State of Michigan, I would like to congratu- Roger represented the 14th state house dis- PREFACE late Mr. Robert Neldberg on his retirement. trict on Chicago's northwest side as well as A bipartisan Congressional study group f several suburbs including Park Ridge, Rose- visited New Zealand from April 8 to 13, 1996 HONORING THOMAS J. BALSHI, mont, Norridge and Schiller Park. He was also to examine the causes and effects of New Zealand's remarkable economic reform that DDS the 38th ward Republican committeeman. Roger was the dean of the Illinois State has brought New Zealand from the bottom to House Republicans, having served in the Illi- the top of various OECD lists in terms of HON. JON D. FOX economic performance. The group was com- nois General Assembly from 1973 until the prised of Congressmen Scott Klug (R-Wiscon- OF PENNSYLVANIA day of his tragic death. Roger was also an as- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sin), William Orton, (D-Utah), and Dana sistant majority leader of the Illinois House. Rohrabacher (R-California), plus four senior Thursday, July 11, 1996 Roger was particularly know for his constituent House staffers: Scott Palmer, Deputy Chief Mr. FOX of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, for services and his efforts on behalf of senior citi- of Staff, Office of the Majority Whip; John almost a quarter of a century, Thomas J. zens, fighting crime and for tax caps. Known Feehery, Communications Director, Office of Balshi, A Fellow of The American College of as an innovator, Roger started having senior the Majority Whip; Paul Behrends, Legisla- Prosthodontists, has impacted the health of citizens driving seminars as far back as 1981, tive Assistant for Congressman Rohrabacher; and Joyce Yamat, Legislative Assistant for thousands of individuals worldwide by con- which have been attended by as many as Congressman Klug. The group was accom- tributions to research, education, and the clini- 1,000 people at a time. As those who lived in panied by Ambassador (ret.) Paul Cleveland, cal practice of prosthetic dentistry. his district knew, Roger always took care of President of the United States-New Zealand He trained others from Bosnia-Herzegovina those he represented and he always rep- Council, the organization which funded and to bring healing and restoration to that war- resented them well. arranged the trip..
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