The Inventory of the Edward Wagenknecht Collection #217 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center / EDWARD WAGENKNECHT PA.PERS i?o)l r 1. Chicago Ms. of book. Typescript, 217..J). 2. Seven Daughters Qf the Theatre Ms. of book. Typescript with holograph corrections and annotations, 3601. J. Harriet Beecher .§towe "{3:o;._ a. 11 Rough Drafts", typescript and typescript carbon with holograph corrections and annotations, c.Joo.J. ------b. 11 1st revises", typescript with holograph corrections, c .Joo.J. £'ox Cf c. Final draft, Typescript with holograph corrections and printer's marks, c .JooJ. 80,,,1,.;_ /b d. Final draft, typescript carbon with holograph corrections, c.Joo../. Bok '1 e. Galleys - two sets, one dated December 2, 1964; second dated December 29, 1964. Some holograph notations. '£.ex I o4• Reviews Clippings of reviews of various of E. W. 1 s books. One envelope. c.200 items. 8oi 1-Y I. LDAl& l=E LLOl>J M, ~ ~ G-A-LL £''I S e,o-,_ 15" J. Me..~. LCtu6-F£lL0 W M .~. Wagenl,;:necht, Edward adc1endum Aug/1966 Box ff 1 :folder: notes for CHICAGO 770_/. t.c., 9J+,f. halo, most notes on smaibl slips of paper Sermons by EW: "A Ivan Lifted Up" t.c. with halo. corr. 15/. "A Ivan Lifted Up" t.c. with a few halo. corr. "A Beautiful Adventure" t,c. with halo. corr. "The Living Present" t. c . with holo . corr. 16 //. I "The Courage of the Commonplace II t. c. with holo. corr. 10 .f 11A ThiTteenth Century Pilgrimage II t. c. with holo. corr. 15 (. 11Theodore Roosevelt II t. c. with holo. corr. 5 f. "The Great Refusal II t. c. with holo. corr. 7 /• 11An Ancient Answer to a Modern Quest:bn" t.c. with halo. corr. 13 ,/. 11 The Saving Power o:f the Righteous r-1:m II t. c. with holo. corr. 11When a t~n Comes to Himself 11 t. c. with halo. corr. 13/. 11 The Last Days of Jesus Christ 11 t.c. with halo. corr. "The Last Days of Jesus Ch±ist 11 t. c. with halo. corr. 11 The Cleansing of the Tenrple 11 t.c. with halo, corr. 12/. 11 Conf'lict and Controversy" t.c. with halo. corr. 11/ "The Lull Before the Storm11 t.c. with halo. corr. 13/{. 11 The Sacrifice'1 t.c. with halo. corr. 11~J. "The Abiding Significance of the Empty Tomb" t.c. with halo. corr. 11The Poet I s Tribute to Motherhood II t. c. with holo. corr. 12 f. 11Some Troublesome Religious 0uestions 11 t.c. with halo. cor:r. 111. f. "The Temptation of Christ!' A Stup.y 11 t.c. with halo. corr. 13 / "The Child Element in Religion" t .c. with halo. corr. 10 f. 11 The Place of the Church 11 t.c. with halo. corr. 11/ "The Evolution of Satan11 t.c. with halo. corr. 16 f 111rhe Necessity of Faith" t.c. with holo. corr. 10J. Box 2 Sermons by EW "The New Patriotism" t.c. with holo. corr. 19 f. "Murder by Words II t. c. with holo. corr. 11 f . "Sunday .!Vbrning" t.c. with holo. corr. sf . "lessons from the Garden" t,c. with holo, corr. p/. 11Wells in the Valley of Baca II t. c . with holo. corr. 5 f "The Call of the Deep" t.c. with bolo. corr. 11~. "By the Shores of Gallilee" t.c. with bolo. corr. 10 f. "The M:)n Who Do Things" t. c. with holo. corr. 11 ,f. "A Composite Review of the Year's Sermons" t.c. with holo. corr. 1L1-~-· Collected Sermons ( in folder) by EW Volume I t.c. 360 J. with bolo. note to Dr. Gotlieb attached addena_um Aug/66 Box fl 3 HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW 1, t.c. with some holo. corr. 308 /. 2. galleys 2 copies 1 with holo. notes Box# l.1. DICKENS AND THE SCANDAL1'!.0NGER'3 1, t,c. with holo. corr. 151/. 2. galley bolo. notes and ed. corr. Wagenlmecht, Edward Addenda 1966 Box 5 MERELY PLAYERS University of Oklahoma Press 1966 1. Typescript with holograph corrections and printer's marks. 330 ~. 2. Typescripto Footnotes with holograP.h corrections and printer's marks. 49.). Galleyso Box 6 I Collected Sermons. Volume II. Typescript o II Sermons!. (Original typescripts of those in Vol. II~ l. "The Old Testament: A General View.~ Typescript with holograph correctionso 19--fo 20 ttJob: k Drama of Doubt and Faith0 " T~escript with holograph corrections. 15..r. 3. "Ruthi An Idyll of Bethle~m." Typescript with holo. corrections. 6 .,(. 4. "Queen Esther:· An Historical Romance." Typescript with holograph corrections. 7 o // Note. l.,r. 11 50 An Ancient Drama of Rome" Typescript with holograph 0 corrections 0 6~. 6. nEcclesiastes1' An Essay in Labor and Life. 11 Typescript with holograph corr. 15f. $"' 11A Romance of Enternal Love•" Typescript with holograph correct ions • 15 :,e • 8 0 11 Danielt A Book of Hope O " .:1 Typez:cript with holograph corrections. 15--c • 9. 11The Man and the Machine" •. 1ypescript with holograph Corrections. 14,(. 10. 11Fhe Higher Pity11 Typescript with golograph corrections. l:j. .I. 11. "The Law of Excluded MiddlW" Typescript with holograph corrections. 12-f o 12."The Gitt of Life" Typescript with holo. corrections 12/ • 13. "The Losing and Finding of Life"n Typescript with holograph corrections 0 10~. 14. "The Old Order and the New." Typescript with holo. corr. 12 J 1.5 11The Defense]of the Sacrifice" Typescript with holo. corr. ]O o 11 l6 0 ttPower Typescripto 9/. Holograph corrections. 17. 11Vicarious Suffering and Vicarious Enjo¥1'1ent" Typescript with holograph corrections. 11..f. 18.11A Highwa_;y in the Desert" Typescript with holograph corr. lLV. 19. 11 I Believe in the Holy catholic Church." Typescript with 11 • holograph corrections. 11..v o 20. tts:wallowed Up in Victor1tt Typescript with holograph corrections. 9,f. 21 "Thomas: The Loyal Skepxictr Typescript with holograph corrections. 13-f o 22. 11 Judas Iscariot" Typescript with holograph corrections. 6 ,f 0 23. "The Waveringflock" Typescript with holograph corrections. 12.,f • 240 11The Greatness of Insignificanoet (The Great Little Men•" Typescript with holograph corrections. 13 J. 25. "The Gentle Son of Thunder" Typescript with holograph corrections. 9). 26. 11The Poor in Spirit" Typescript with holograph corrections. 12.R, 27. "The Heart of the Easter Message" a. Typescript with holograph corrections. 8 J b. Typescript with holograph correctionso 6/. ttAspects of the Judgement}" Typescript with holograph corrections. 13 • 29. 11 How Shall We Keep the Sabbath?" Typescript with holograph corrections. 13 J. JO "Theodore Roos,tvelt's Religion" Typescript with holo. corr. 17 .f 0 31. 11Providence11 Typescript with holograph corrections. 11} Wagenknecht, Edward Addenda 1967 1) JOHN GREENIEAF WHITTIER. Biography. Wk NJ a) Typescript with profuse holo, corrections. 285 pp. \Sol<_ I I b) Galleys ( 2 sets) with holo. corrections and printer's marks . I ( 2) MERELY PIAYERS. Biography. a) Typescript with profuse holo. corrections. 299 pp. b) Notes on Edmund Kean. holo, 156 pieces. c) Notes on David Garrick, holo. 213 pieces. d) Notes on Sir He1u~y Irving. holo. and typescript. 201 pieces. J'z,.3 ) Sermons . a) Collected Sermons, Vol. 111.,1920-1921). 3lsermons. ty-_pescript. 35lpp. b) Individual sermon.s. fy_pescripts with holo. corr. Signed. Dates delivered. ''The :rvtrstery of Evil" 111. pp. "Crosses and Mothers 11 9 pp. 11 The Heart of The Prayer Life 11 10 pp. 11 The Lord' s Prayer" 13 pp. 11 The Lord's Supper" 8 pp. "Jesus ana. the Child" 10 pp. "Irreconcilables" 11 pp. "The Ideal and Today" 15 pp. 11 What I Believe About The Second Corning of Christ 11 13 PP· 11What Does Democracy Jv.ean? 11 10 pp. "A Little Looh: Backward and A Long Look Ahead" 12 pp. 11 Patriotism and Peace 11 11 pp. "The Curse of JY.eroz 11 10 pp. 11Regeneration11 12 pp. 11 The Continual Progress of Christian Life 11 8 pp. Wagenlrnecht, Edward Addenda 1967 Page 2 "Religion and Humor" 11 pp. "Removing Stones 11 10 pp. "Servants and Friends 11 9 pp. "What Does Christianity Iv:ean? 11 5 sermons: 11 pp, 10 PP, 9 PP, 11 PP, 10 pp. "Things ff 12 pp. "Ivzy- Friend, The Enemy 11 11 pp. 11 Nothing Else Matters ft 12 pp. 11 Christian Stewardship 11 9 pp. 11 The Parable of the Elder Brother ft 11 pp. 11 The Divine Hazard 11 9 pp. "Some Extra-Biblical Sayings of Jesus ft 10 pp. Wagenknecht, Edward Addenda, September, 1967 ~ COLLECTED SER1'f.ONS Volume Dl ( 1921-1922) In blah:k folder. Typescript. 30 sermons. 356 pp. Contents lists date and place written and dates and places preached. \)OX I) Individual Sermons: Original versions of Collected Sermons Volume IF Typescript with holograph corrections and dates preached. Each with author's signature. 1. "Aspects of Christ:I The Christ of the Synoptic Gospels" 1!1.pp. 2. II 11 The Christ of Paul 11 11 pp. 3. III "The Christ of the Fourth Gospel" 11 pp Lj .• Dl 11 The Christ of the Apocalypse 11 12 pp. 5. 11 The Liberty of Prophesying 11 12 pp. 6. 11A Labor Day Sermon" 12 pp. 7. 1'The Creative Word" 12 pp. 8. 11Faith Day by Day 11 12 pp. 9. 11 The Romance of Christmas 11 10 pp. 10. "The Renewing Power of Religion" 7 pp. 11. "Conduct and Spirit in Church Worship" llpp. 12. "Everybody's Abraham Lincoln" 7 pp. 13. "The Divine Commission'' 11 pp. 14. "Wrestlers of God" 15 pp.
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