SCOTCH PUM PU31 'C LIBRARY 1927BARYir-A:::JA.:JEE H.J. 07076 Scotch I'Liins ami Faiiwoud Since SCOTCH THE TIMES S( NUTWOOD >tch Plains - Fanwood i'.srs4iis2mi Published OUK JXth VICAR - ISSUt I'erifidirul - I'oslugv Puid at ScuUii I'luiits. Y.I. Thursday, February 6, 1997 Every Thursday 232-444)7 FIFTY CENTS INDIVIDUALS SOUGHT TO GATHER IHFJORMATION Fanwood Group Looking To Implement Assessment For Civic Infrastructure By A LEXANDKAJELKES town Revitalization Committee; Spec mlly Wnllen for The Time* The group also discussed the time Candy Santo of CONTACT We frame involved to push the project The Fanwood Community As- Care; Borough Councilmen Louis further along. The months of March sessment Committee held an open C. Jung, William E-. Populus, Jr., and April would be dedicated to meeting at the Fanwood Commu- and Dr. Chester R. Lindsey; Carol interviews and memberships, while nity House Monday night to discuss Wood, Carol Kraus, and Borough May would be the time to hire con- a pending evaluation of the Clerk Eleanor McGovern. sultants. municipality's strengths and weak- Mr. Pickering updated the group nesses designed to improve the on the proposed assessment and Between early summer and fall borough's civic infrastructure. gave background information on The meeting was attended by the assessment process would be- how this idea was developed. gin. Finally, in late fall, the commit- David B. Corbln for The Times Mayor Maryanne S. Connelly and A meeting was held in the sum- SEE YOU IN 2045...Joseph McCoiirt of the Scotch Plains World War II Commemorative Committee, left, places an item the Borough Council. The meeting tee will begin putting all the facts merof 1995, in Fanwood, to discuss together, and, by early December, into the marble time capsule. The capsule, which was placed in a glass case in the Municipal Duilding, will be taken out was conducted by David Pickering. the borough's interest in applying of the case in the year 2045 to mark the HHHh anniversary of the end of World War II. Pictured at the podium is Carl Other members who were present start analyzing them. Axt, Commander of American Legion Post No. 209. Papers detailing the committee's work the past three years in marking for an All-American Cities designa- Mayor Connelly asked the group the 50th anniversary of the end of the war, and a copy of The Times of Scotch Plains and Fanwood were among the items included Jack Molenaar, who serves tion. Twelve individuals expressed as Chairman of the Fanwood Down- how many people were being tar- included in the capsule. initial interest in the community as- geted for membership, to which Mr. sessment. Pickering replied, "10 to 12, plus Then in late 1995 Kathy Weiner additional people. Its quality versus Opening of Chelsea in Fanwood Spotlights and the group applied for a small quantity. grant from Rutgers University but "We're looking for a broad sec- were denied. tion of people, from commuters to "The negative response got them seniors," he added. Quality of Life for Residents in Facility in aquandary," stated Mr. Pickering. Mr. Pickering also explained the By SUZETTE STALKER reason why the group was going Specially Wnuenfni The Times The Chelsea, which has units apartments, priced between $2,400 be a sign that other changes are Last summer, the Kean College before the Mayor and the council by Administrators and staff at the available for 70 residents on its up- and $5,000 per month. Each unit, going on." Graduate School of Public Admin- stating, "This cause needs financial Chelsea in Fanwood offered VL warm per three floors, is designed for se- decorated with warm colors, fea- Mr. Hersh reported that the istration got involved. The adminis- support and viability." welcome January 28 to approxi- nior citizens age 55 and older who tures bedspreads and other furnish- Chelsea also provides a wellness tration joined a volunteer facilitator "We need a commitment from the mately 165 area residents who can no longer live independently ings done in cheerful patterns; a center, for which staff members un- and a devoted group of Fanwood Mayor and the Council," he said. turned out for a late afternoon re- but do not require nursing home kitchenette with cabinetry and a sink, dergo "an extensive screen process" volunteers to design a community Mr. Molenaar stated that the as- ception to celebrate the opening of care and who wish to maintain the a refrigerator and microwave, and a including not only drug use and assessment to improve Fanwood's sessment is like a business in that it the assisted living facility on South same quality of life which they have private bathroom. The basic pack- criminal background checks but also civic infrastructure. is for the long term. Avenue. Visitors were also given always enjoyed, according to age covers three meals per day, tests for mathematics and literacy This assessment, according to Mr. housekeeping and laundry services, guided tours of the building, for- Chelsea Executive Director Adam proficiency since these people will Pickering, includes citizens, busi- "The assessment looks at every- M. Hersh. and recreational and social pro- be involved in the supervision of nesses, government, and the non- thing including the volunteer as- merly the Mansion Hotel, which grams. was completely renovated over the Living quarters for residents range medications and assisting residents profit sector in identifying local pect, whereas a Master Plan ad- course of seven months last year. from efficiency units to two-room On each floor, a cozy living room with walking, bathing, dressing and strengths and weaknesses in the fol- dresses infrastructure, zoning and with sofas, chairs and an armoire in grooming needs. lowing areas: Citizen participation, city planning," he explained. which a television and a videocas- A Director of Health Services will government leadership, government Another issue was borough en- sette 'ecnrtlerare stored i.spDV'ded meet with all resident:- monthly for performance, voluntarism and phi • hancement. Committee representa- t'orquiet pastimes in addition to the general wellness checks, Mr. Hersh lanthropy, inter-group relations, tives said they felt certain that common areas on the ground floor. continued, and when appropriate, civic education, community infor- Fan wood's prestige would grow be- Mr. Hersh commented that each of will make recommendations con- mation sharing, capacity for coop- cause of the assessment. Mr. the living rooms overlook the cerning specialized care such as eration and consensus building, Pickering said he believed that if Chelsea's landscaped courtyard. physical therapy. Residents will still community vision and pride and this project continues to grow, it be under the care of their own fam- regional cooperation. On the ground floor are a spa- will generate more volunteers and ily physicians, but the Chelsea will "we'll also be able to help out the cious living room and an adjoining The purpose of the assessment as help coordinate the transportation non-profit groups." card room, with a combination tea explained in the handout given out of residents to any necessary health "The real estate value will in- room and library located across the care appointments. to those who attended the meeting, hall. Down the corridor are the main is to use the information gathered crease if Fan wood receives this des- dining room, with two seating times Mr. Hersh added that the facility from the community to target spe- ignation," he said. each for breakfast, lunch and din- will have a dietitian on consultation cific problems and develop collabo- Mayor Connelly also stated that, ner, plus a separate dining room who can advise chefs at the Chelsea rative solutions to them. although the municipal budget has where residents can enjoy a meal of any dietary problems that a resi- Members of the Assessment Com- yet to be finalized for introduction brought by visiting family mem- dent may be experiencing so that a mittee also explained how the as- by the council, a $5,000 grant i:i bers or have food specially pre- special menu may be prepared for sessment will not only benefit Fan- under consideration by officials. pared by the Chelsea chefs for a that person. He noted that the chefs wood but all of the communities in Several other issues pertinent to private gathering. are culinary institute graduates who Union County because it will be are trained to accommodate the nu- the assessment dealt with the sewer Along the same hallway is a shared with any group wishing to problem in Fanwood and how this "country" kitchen where residents tritional needs of senior citizens, conduct a similar project. including those whoarediabeticsor could be the model for the borough. can prepare their own meals, an Mayor Connelly addressed this is- activity which they can also share who may be on a low sodium diet. The report Kean College devel- oped is an analysis of the tools to sue and explained to the committee with family members, according to Residents will be allowed to bring how the borough was working with Sue Lobel, Director of Marketing, their own cars, but for those who do conduct an assessment. Last month Ms. Weiner and a student began other municipalities to solve this who led some of the tours during the not have transportation, a van will problem. opening reception last week. In ad- be provided for weekly shopping working free of charge on the LOW VISION TECHNOLOG Y...Jessica Mattfield is shown with herCCTV, at project. Bohdan Moczula is the re- Another issue discussed was se- the January meeting of the Springfield Lions Club, held at L'Affaire in dition, coffee, tea and pastries are trips, doctor's appointments, and for entertainment excursions.
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