M.Thorndyke & Sons

M.Thorndyke & Sons

88 PAP LEICESTER CLASSIFIED LEICESTER CLASSIFIED PHY 89 Bruce F. & D. & Gill ltd, 75 Paget rd Osborne & SOns ltd, 47 Dannett st lt3 LE3 5HN. Tel 57025 liRJ Paper Merchants Pension Scheme Consultants Oxford Service Station (leicester) ltd, Hunt Ronald AIBP, 99 london r<l LE2 Burrows W. 0. & Son, 16 King Edward rd Pa.lmer £. & Son ltd, M0tau1ay st tE2 6tG. 85/89 Oxford st LEI SAY OPF. Tel 21979 LE5 408. Tel 767165 ~el 838294 Baker CharJes (Paper M'akers) ltd, Clar!fl· Regent Se rvice Station, 308 Abbey Ia LE4 Jerome J..td, 18 Granby st t.£1 IDE .Metropolitan Pensions Association ltd, 5PH Chapman A. E. & Sons, 295 East Park rd .PMker T. R. H. 50 Safldringham av l£4 don lndustr\311 £state, Morris -rd lE2 Permanent ho, Horsefair st leicester Photo Co ltd LE5 5Hl 71lR. Tel 63918 6BR . Tel 7050111 Saffron lane Garage , 341 Saffron Ia LE2 Cherry P. 120 Wyngate drive l£3 OUT. Pa~7u~ia H. 384 Groby rd tEl 908. Tel Bradbury & Smith ltd, Chancery st LEI 6UF Tel 857460 6WO. Tel :!9028 Sandringham Service Station, Melton rd l£4 7AW Coleman H. I. & Son (Decorators) ltd, 1 tPany l. 48 Stafford st t£4 7AJ . Tel 62085 Perambulator Dealers Galby st LE5 OEO. Tel 767525 Br~~~r<f·x~f.' ~~u~~.fa ~~~24 Afthur See Baby Carriage Dealers South Knighton Garage ltd, Knighton p~~rr~· ~Js~n~:1'i~e:Jf::m ~ue~ Domtar-tloward Smith, 22 Prince-ss rd LEI Church rd LEI 3JN 6W. Tel 26472 Spencefleld Filling Station, Downing drive COLOURSTYLE, Peberdy W. R. 97 Hlghbury rd l£4 6FU . lE5 6PO ~el8:11535 Lepard & Smiths ltd, C·larendon Industrial Estate, Oak·land rd LE2 '6P.>N. Tel 705011 Periodicals Termini, 658 Aylestone rd LE2 8PR ~grhg~~~e~~~~=: re~~~~:~e 2n~e6et L£3 Plant & Widdowson, 22 King Richard's .rd Thurnby lodge Service Station, Thurn­ tE3 5QO Lord G. E. .& Co ltd, Kenilworth drive, See Newsp~pers & Periodicals Cooke C. P. & A. 14 lockerble av LE4 7NJ Oadby lndust,rlal Estate LE2 SLE. Tel court rd LE5 2NG Cooper J. W. 173 Uppingham rd LES 4BP 0 3296 Ti ger Service Station, Stonesby av lE2 Cundy T. E. & Son Ltd, 28 Belgrave rd Prt~~ ~PoJ .( T~ ~ 0~4~ ~a~~~o~~er ~~:~ 6TY Unipaper ltd, 46 Bath Ia 5BF. Tel LE4 5AS lE2 IFf. Tel 594~ l£3 56481 Pet Stores Westcotes Service Station, Narborough rd Davis Ernest E. 82 Wilberforce rd l£3 OGW Reid G. 62 Anstey Ia l£4 OFB. Tel 23704 lE3 OBU Draper Geo E. 91 Gainsborough rd l£2 Roe s. v. 19 Heyworth r<l l£3 WA. Tel Webster J. ·J. ltd, Cflancery st lEI swc. Westend Service Station, 49/51 Upperton 3DH. Tel 707706 824001 Tel 59375 ADAMS JOHN rd lE3 OBH 3 Woodgate Filling Station, Northgate st 3 lE3 58Y Oun~n &P.6~· M~rs~~~s;t '1 £~ ~~1~ \~~ :~~~~t~·n:· ~~ 4~,~~~<tb~i~i! ~~N lE4 7RG. (IRONMONGERS) LTD, leicester Photographic Services (Records) 59n6 Tel 63924 Paraffin Merchants­ 4I Humberstone gate LEI tWA (Tel ltd, Kenilworth drive, Oadby Industrial Fa~~r. ATe~· t ~2 · 31 Rosebery st LES Shepha.-d E. & Son, 3 COnway rd l£'2 11Pf. 22510); 180 Melton rd LE4 SEE (Tel Estate LE2 5lT. Tel 5041 7 7 :Tel 737546 Domestic 61688) & 241 Uppingham rd lES 4DG. Petroleum Bulk Storage Lorimer D. W. 38 Melton rd LE4 SEA Faulks S. & D. (Decorators) ltd, 25 SherTiff H. W. 39 Gipsy Ia l£4 6RO. rTel Tel 766475 Midland Press Agency, 117 london rd lE2 Clumber rd LES 4FH. Tel 767650 62198 See 011 Merchants-Domestic Installation Engineers oar. Tel 58855 Flavell P. 44 Bulwer rd 3BU. Tel Aylestone Pet Store s, 132 Cavendish rd l£2 Shrive F. w. & Son, 22 Saslow rd LES 5110. lE2 7PH Morris Terence Studio, 231 Belgrave gate 707724 Tel 736409 Bexley Seed & Pet Sto re, 48t Welford rd Pumps & Equipment ltd, Prebend st lE2 l£1 3HT. Tel 26535 OLA . Tel 59580 Freeman W. s. 103 South Knighton rd Smart H. S. 52 Evington Valley r<l l£5 SLJ. lE2 6Bl Muddimers Camera Centre, 224 Humber­ LE2 3lT. Tel 707669 Partition-Internal Dry 1 Caow~s Pet Store, 94 Narborough rd l£3 stone rd LES OAX . Tel 58257 Fuke l. 44 Hampden rd l£4 7EP. Tel Sp;l~ g~J.~~l40 Helper st l£4 6EA. Tel Construction Poxon A. W. 164/ 166 Fosse road north 766096 63184 Cohen H. M. 6a The Corridor, Market pi Petroleum Distributors LE3 SES. Tel 58509 Geary Bros, 20 Densingham rd l£4 OHT. lEI 5GG Stock l. R. I'2 West .av L£2" liTR EKpert Pet & Gardener, 23 Braunstone 1 6 swan G. & Son, 16 Upperton rd LE3 OSG. REGENT STUDIOS G l~~ n ~~og_ 68 Hartington rd l£2 OGN . gate LE3 SLH Hamblin's Petroleum Products ltd, fTel 3·465 Granby Pet Stores, 39/41/4:i/47 Aylestone t39 Abbey Ia LE4 50Z. (photographers to Industry & com. 5 47 rd LE2 7LH Tel 61829 merce), 27 Fosse road central LE3 SPU. Gr::~ L ~illward ltd, 288 Mi lligan rd sw;~fL~g j~f~ f~wg ~/6'7 St saviottr's Tel 25579 lE2 8FE. Tel 832817 96 K. & R. Canine Beauty Salon, 70 Queen's 8 1 0 rd l£2 lTU HERCOCK SIMPSON Scott & Co, 3 Waterloo st LEI 7AB. Tel Gregory M. K. 174 Milligan rd l£2 8FD Ta ~~rll:;~~a'J~e st ~G ·~cr·ie~ 8~3~~ton 57105 Hancock & l akin, 9 Batten st l£2 7PA Partition Manufrs­ Ken's Pet Stores, 225/227 Saffron Ia l£2 Thompson Edw<l Geo , 591 Aylestone rd 6UD PETROLEUM LTO, Stanton Edwd, 154 Narborough rd LE3 Hand Geo , 46 Tyrrell st LE3 5SA. Tel OBT. Tel 59680 l£2 ~TB lnternal Metal lords, 260 Narborough rr1 ll-3 2AP 154 Welford rd l£2 6BQ. Tel 56t01 57512 Stephens Photography, 45 King Richards Ttlompson & Gibson, Prestwold rd LES Millwards Seed & Pet Stores. t t.i Paigle {10 lines) Harding P. 118 Uppingham rd l£5 OQF .Sl rd l£2 8HP rd LE3 SQG Harris F. W. 39 Dennington st l£2 ODE. OEY. Tel 767002 Kenning Fuel Supplies, Wyvern Dldgs , Studio Cope, 272 Welford rd LE2 6BD. Pets & Supplies, Carlisle st ll:3 6AH london rd LEI tNT. Tel 25986 Tel 707325 0 0 Tho rn dyke M·. ·& Sons ltd Williams Mrs V. 2 Woodland rd LES 3PF E. 116 Davenport rd l£5 6SB. National Benzole Co ltd, Bonchurch st Ha~~ls:J ~. Wyvern Pet Food Sto res ltd, sa Barkby Thomas J. Gordon (specialist in weddings), Tel 44 2253 rd lE4 7HC lE3 5EG 192 Narborough rd LE3 DOl. Tele· Hart Arth & Son, 358 Hinckley rd l£3 phone 59906 OTN. Tel 858116 M.Thorndyke &Sons ltd Passenger Agents Town & County Photographers, 148 Eving­ Henderson & Voyle , 2 Hereford rd l£2 ESTABUSHED 18~0 Photo-Copying ton rd lE2 1Hl. Tel 739768 8HG Petrol Filling Stations United Film Services, 13 King st lEt Hodgetts H. 4 Denton st l£3 600. Tel HIGHFI£LDS TRAVEL 6RN. Tel 20708 Wells & Blackwell ltd, 2 Ellis av LE4 857123 Avenue Servi.:e Station, Abbe'<~ IJ l£4 4BG 5lA. Tel 62298 Zarb Photographers, 98 St Saviours rd Howes A. E. 26 Dorset st l£4 6BE. Tel BUREAU UD, Ba~~or~~g~~:~f lt~e~{Gve ) ltd, 12I Lough. l£5 3HW. Tel 58807 61193 Hannam Court buildings, Charles st l 1E1 lies T. W. 82 Duxbury rd l£5 3LQ 3FQ. Tell26184 •& 59389 Blackbird Service Station, Blackbird rd James F. W. G. 17 The Greenway l£4 5JW. lE4 ODF Photo-Engravers .Millbanke Travel ltd, Blue Boar Service Station , Fosse road Photographic Dealers Tel 62512 · 3 Charle-s st l£1 GFA. Telephone 27'168 south l£3 OFW James P. 100 Welford rd l£2 7AB. Tel Townsend A. E. 4.8 Hart .rd l'£5 3FW See Process Engravers 26555 'Tozer F.• W . 98 Copda·le rd Lf:S 4FF Brookside Garage, HumberstonE' rd l£5 Jessop Frank Edgar, 4 Oxford st LEI 5XZ. 30F Tel 22556 James & Son, 417 Hinckley rd W. E. Ty·~%n~r~~~ ~~~~~3~~ .ns)Seletd.AdJir~ ~~~~~ Chamberlain T. J. & So n, 265/269 Hum­ l£3 OWB . Tel 858245 Pastrycooks berstone rd lE5 300 Photo-Lithographers John C. 67 Checketts rd l£4 SER. Tel walden A. E. & Son, 42 'Main st, Evington Poxon A. W. 164 & t66 Fosse road U:5 ~. Tel 7>7848 See Bakers Clarendon Park Service Station ltd, 240 north LE3 SES . Tel 58509 62587 Welford r:f LE2 6BD Duplitype (Offset) ltd, 8a Millstone Ia. Johnson J. E. 271 Catherine st l£4 6GG. Walton D. 8. 39 Flax rd LE4 6QE Eastway Filling Station, Uppingham rd Tel 28395 Tel 62664 WeUs D. ·72 Copda-\e 'rii L£5 4~F lE5 OQF Thomas J. Gordon, t92 Narborough rd l£3 Wilfo-rd f. W. 3I.2 Milligan rd lE2 8fE. Helione ltd, Coniston av l£2 7FJ. Tel ODL Johnson l. G. 31 Wood hill l£5 3SP. Tel Empire Service Station, 22':. Fosse road 59995 20630 iTe'l '83-2647 Patent Agents north lE3 SEX Turner E. J. & Co, 97a london rd LE2 OPF. Tel 58356 Johnson W. 14 Barclay st l£3 OJA Willson Mo. 289 Avenue Road extension Ford Bros (leicester) l~r' , Pingle st LE3 LEICESTER PHOTO-LITHO Johnsons, Decorators ltd, 55 london rd 2 580 l£2 OPE.

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