ACTIVITY REPORT 2013 With the collaboration of: 03 New additions PEPA BUENO, NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 9th October 2013 Pepa Bueno takes over in ACME from Lucia Cordeiro. The new director of the Association is an Art Historian, specializing in History Design. She has developed her professional ca - reer in the field of women's and fashion maga - zines. After stages in media such as Woman, Elle and Vogue Brides, among others, she was part of the launch team of Yo Dona (Unidad Editorial), where she served as appointed As - sistant Director for eight years. MIGUEL MARINERO Miguel Marinero began his career in the de - sign world in the 70s. His forty years experience makes him one of the key figures of Spanish furriery. Miguel Marinero opened his first atelier in Madrid in 1982, after designing high-end fu - rriery collections for Irueste, El Corte In - glés and Cortefiel. ETXEBERRIA In his workshop in central Madrid he crea - Etxeberria creates his signature fashion tes exclusive garments and leather accesso - label in 2008. The Basque creator, speciali - ries in an artisan manner. His designs are zed in menswear, participates in 2011 in the showcased since 2007 on the runway Merce - platform for young designers EGO Merce - des-Benz Fashion Week Madrid. des-Benz Fashion Week Madrid achieving, two consecutive times, the award for best collection. After presenting his creations in global run - ways and trade shows; such as Pitti Uomo in Florence, since 2012 Etxeberria is part of the official calendar of Mercedes Benz Fas - hion Week Madrid. During the year 2013, the brand was selected to represent Spain in the second edition La Maison de la Création de Marseille. Associates Adolfo domínguez doloReS coRtéS lydiA delgAdo AgAthA Ruiz de lA PRAdA emilio de lA moRenA miguel PAlAcio AilAnto etXeBeRRiA miRiAm ocARiz AlmA AguilAR fRAnciS monteSinoS mARíA BARRoS AmAyA ARzuAgA hAnniBAl lAgunA mAyA hAnSen AnA locking helenA RohneR menchén tomÁS Ángel SchleSSeR ion fiz miguel mARineRo Antonio AlvARAdo JAvieR lARRAinzAR nicolÁS vAudelet AndRéS SARdÁ JoRge vÁzquez PedRo del hieRRo cARmen mARch JoSé cAStRo PuRificAción gARcíA cuSto BARcelonA JoSé miRó RABAnedA dAvidelfin JuAnA mARtín RoBeRto toRRettA delPozo JuAnJo olivA RoBeRto veRino devotA & lomBA kinA feRnÁndez teReSA helBig duyoS lemoniez victoRio & lucchino 05 Honorary Associates cRiStóBAl BAlenciAgA/enRique loewe/huBeRt de givenchy/PhiliPPe venet/ mAnolo BlAhnik/ óScAR de lA RentA/ cARolinA heRReRA/ olivieR StRelli/ elio BeRhAnyeR/ mARio BoSelli Honorary associates CRIsTóBAL BALENCIAGA honoRARy PReSident ENRIqUE LOEWE PhILIPPE VENET hUBERT DE GIVENChY MANOLO BLAhNIk CAROLINA hERRERA OsCAR DE LA RENTA OLIVIER sTRELLI ELIO BERhANYER MARIO BOsELLI 07 Institutional Relations AgReement with go coRPoRAte/ meSA de lA modA eSPAÑolA / meeting with the euRoPeAn commiSSion / encounteR with Antonio tAJAni And JoSe mAnuel SoRiA / luXuRy mAde in SPAin / woRk dAy of fAShion induStRieS / AgReement with ceRSA / cReAtion of the nAtionAl fAShion AwARdS / AgReement with the cSd. Institutional Relations COLLABORATION AGREEMENT WITh GO CORPORATE 3rd January 2013 ACME signs an agreement with the finan - cial consultancy company Go Corporate, with the aim to seek new funding streams for the sector and advise the new companies entering the industry of fashion. ENCOUNTER WITh ANTONIO CONsTITUTION OF ThE MEsA TAJANI AND JOsE MANUEL DE LA MODA EsPAÑOLA sORIA 23rd January 2013 13th May 2013 The Ministries of Industry, Energy and The Vice-President of the European Com - Tourism, of Economy and Competitiveness, mission, and Commissioner for Industry and of Education, Culture and Sports, to - and Entrepreneurship and the Minister of gether with key players in the design sector, Industry, Energy and Tourism meet with manufacturers and distributors of fashion, Spanish designers and the members of the constitute the Mesa de la Moda Española, Mesa de la Moda in an event organized by created to leverage the importance and po - ACME and the Museo del Traje that coun - tential of the sector and boost its image ted with the presence of: the creators Aga - abroad. tha Ruiz de la Prada, Modesto Lomba, David Delfin and Helena Rohner; the pro - fessional associations in the sector ACME MEETING OF ThE sECTOR IN and Fedecon; representatives of fashion companies such as Inditex, Cortefiel and ThE EUROPEAN COMMIssION DelPozo; as well as institutions working in 12th February 2013 the promotion and development of Spanish Agatha Ruiz de la Prada attended, repre - fashion, such as the Ministry of Education, senting ACME, the III encounter of the Culture and Sports, ICEX, and the Com - High Level Informal Group of the Euro - munity of Madrid. pean Commission, where the main actors of the European fashion industry debate re - garding the actions to be taken to boost and strengthen fashion in Europe. Among the attendees, underlined is the presence of Françoise Montenay, President of the moni - toring Council of Chanel; Giuseppe Pre - zioso, in representation of Altagamma; Paloma Castro, Global Director of Corpo - rate Affairs LVMH, and Michael Ward, Ma - naging Director of Harrods, among others. 09 Institutional Relations LUXURY “MADE IN sPAIN” WORkING DAY OF FAshION 5th June 2013 The Asociación de Creacores de Moda de INDUsTRIEs España organized, with the Chamber of 5th June 2013 Commerce Spain-USA, and with the colla - ACME collaborates with the Working Day boration of the Community Madrid the Fashion Industries: New legal challenges for roundtable Luxury "Made in Spain", a de - retailing organized by the Asociación Espa - bate on Spanish crafts, its positioning and ñola para la Calidad (AEC), with the colla - entry into the North American market. boration of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. The purpose of this The encounter, held at the centre Juan Car - meeting is to learn which are the new legal los I of Spain in New York, counted with challenges for retailing in this sector. the presence of Loewe, label founded in Ma - drid and emblem of Spanish luxury at a global level, represented on this occasion by Enrique Loewe. Luxury "Made in Spain” COLLABORATION AGREEMENT also included the participation of experts and professionals from the luxury industry WITh CERsA such as Scott Schramm, Vice-President of 14TH June 2013 GMM/Fashion Merchandise, Henri Bendel; The Compañía Española de Reafianza - Mortimer Singer, President and CEO of miento, S.A. (CERSA) attached to the Mi - Marvin Traub Associates; Daniel Saynt, nistry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, Creative Director of Socialyte; Andres Ro - through the Directorate General of In - driguez editor and founder of Spain Media; dustry and SMEs, signed a collaboration Carmen Malvar, architect and professor of agreement with Asociación de Creadores de FIT, and William D'Arienzo, CEO of WDA Moda de España (ACME) and the Federa - BrandMarketing Solutions. tion Española de Empresas de la Confección (FEDECON) to improve access to finance of small and medium enterprises from this sector. CREATION OF NATIONAL FAshION AWARDs November 2013 The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tou - rism created the National Fashion Awards to acknowledge yearly the work of the com - panies of the sector. This award arises as a proposal of the Asociación Creadores de Moda in the Mesa de la Moda. Institutional Relations sPANIsh AThLETEs WILL DREss FAshION FROM sPAIN 5th November 2013 The Asociación de Creadores de Moda de España (ACME) and the Higher Sports Council (CSD) reach an agreement whereby Spanish athletes dress fashion from Spain at events and public receptions where they represent their respective federations. the players of the Spanish basketball teams are the ones in the daily mARcA dedicated a lengthy report to the most relevant charge of launching the new agreement between Acme and the sportswomen of the year. water polo players Jennifer Pareja, cSd during the tribute they received in the ministry of culture. laura ester and Anni espar, and synchronized swimmer Paula in the image: Ángela Salvadores and Belén Arroyo, dressed by klamburg occupy the centre fold of the sports newspaper on custo Barcelona; Sara Rodríguez, with tailored suit by Purifica - christmas eve dressed in Spanish fashion. tion garcia and Amaya valdemoro with a black dress by Angel Schlesser. the players in the women's handball team promote their participation in the world cup sporting Spanish fashion. the "warriors" changed their sports equipment for designer dresses in a fun commercial that shows their more elegant side. the "warriors" also opted for Spanish fashion to collect the medals of the Royal order for Sporting merit, a date they attended wearing creations by desig - ners: Adolfo domínguez, Ana locking, Angel Schlesser, duyos, Jorge vázquez, Juanjo oliva for elogy, miguel marinero and Pedro del hierro. 11 Institutional Relations The agreement between Asociación de Crea - dores de Moda de España (ACME) and the Higher Sports Council (CSD) reaches one of its major milestones with the celebration of the National Sports Awards, a ceremony presided by Queen Sofia and the Princes of Asturias. The event accounted with the co - llaboration of the ACME designers who dressed the best athletes of the country for this special occasion. Laura López Patricia herrera waterpolo player waterpolo player look by Roberto torretta look by Jorge vázquez Jennifer Pareja Anni Espar Ana Copado Andrea Blas waterpolo player waterpolo player waterpolo player waterpolo player look by Ailanto look by Purificación garcía look by Roberto verino look
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