OPERATING ENGi~EERS LOCAL 3 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA ~ 1 5 1 August,-1965 ._,•_ ()- .r nfr c-t- ' 0 r S· t ,.,,,: r ,, w ell~ (Assistant to Engineer R e- lVI ulti-E ng ine earth-moving e quipment ·Business Manager Al-Clem, re_c~ntly signed a two-year agreement with the Associe-t~d Gen­ . quired) , · (over 75 c.y.) eral Contractors of Northern Nevada after'a lop-sided and overwhelming vote of acceptance Elevating Grader Operator GR-OUP NO. llA (New) $3.10 $6.H by the membership. The contraCt, covering one of the nation's right ~to-work states, contains Locomotive Engineer (Asst. to Eng·.) Airborne Hoist Operator fo r H eli­ Mixermobile copter u sed on work co vered by this much of the provisions of the recently accepted and ·signe·d Northern: California agreement. Oshkosh, DW-10, 20 and 21 Tourna­ Agreement ' · Included in the master agreement ~mportant pull or similar equipment Operator GROUP NO. llB (New)' $fL22 $6.5(; is the change ·in .manning which provides (up to & including' ~ 5 Cy. "s truck", Co-Pilot of Helicopter u sed on .work ·for ·a "utility operator" as the ' . J • ' - m.r.c.) · · covered by this Ag reement 'eighth man" for every seven Matehal Loade·r . or Conveyor Oper- Curb-Cutter \Mechanical Finish ers) Loader (up to 2~':. yds.) GROUP NO . llC ,(New) $6.36 . $6.7() • · ator . · Mechamcal F1mshers (concrete) (Cia- GROUP NO. 9 . $5.30 · . $5 .58 Pi!Qt of H elicopter u sed on work pieces of earth-moving· equip- ·Pump-Operator (note 2 -& 3) • · ry,' Jol1nson, Bidwell Bridg.e Deck, · Universal Equipment Operator, Snov- . covered by this Agreeme'n t ; . · Scceed _Operator . or similar types·) · ·. el, · Dragline, Derrick Barge, Clam~ In each instance in .which one (1) ment. -T ar Pot ·Fireman (power agitated) GROUP NO. 7 . $5 .00 $5:26 shell, grad-ails, (up to and inc. 1 . or more Assistant to Engineer is r e- Clem· said the · ."J:ttilit_y op-' -GROUP NO. ·3 . _. $4:46 -$4.70 Road ·qil Mixing _Machine Operator yd.) . quired, subject to the provisions ol ' Engineer Generating._Plai)t _· or Pugmill , Operator . Crane (not over 25 tons) (As-s istant to this ·-- Agreement, an indentured Ap-­ .erato1:s" Will -prqvide _'a_ channel 'Asplfalt. P lai)t Fireman ·Surface H eater & Planer Operator Engineer required) prentice may be e mployed. · ' for · upgrading skills of Local 3 Mixer Box Operator ·Material Hoist, Double-Drum , · Euclid or Similar-T ype Loader NOTE: Motorman · · Boring Machine Operator (excluding Motor Patrol Operator A . Ass-istant to Engineer required .members alid -place them in a H ead Chainman. (not-e 4) pneumatic : or similar capacity)' Combination Backhoe and Loader (to on Universal Equipment Power Shov­ Grade Setter (note 4) 'Irenching Machine Operator· (Assist- & i'ncluding % yard) (oiler r equired els, etc. Two (2)- Assistants to Eng i­ . better position to compete for 'Rodman (note 4) · ant to Engineer R equired) when more than ·200 degree sw.ing') . neer r equired ·on 120-B . and similar h_ighly . technical J. obs . on auto· Concrete Curing· Machine (Streets, Concrete Mixer , Operator , Paving & GROUP NO. 10 . $5AO $5 .70 t ype equipment. · ·. Highways, · Airports; Canals)· ' Mobile Mix · Chief of Party- (note 4) B. Operators .- Assistants,· tb Engineer mated equipment." . - Lubrication · and . Service Engineer ·Chicago· Boom, Tower Mobile Tractor, Scraper or Drag-type Shovel, ·. and Indentured Apprentices on equip­ Tandem • ·Management is continually ·de- _ without me.nt with booms or eighty (80) feet G~8~~~~t~dlr eas€ ~-a$Ns 111 98 T';;~~fs earth-moving attaeh- Oshkosh, DW-10, -20 and 21. Tourna­ or· more, including jib, shall · receive . ·. db' tt · t h · · Boxman . (asphaH plant) Pumps (note 3) (2 to 6) · pull or similar equipment Operator additional premitim according to the Vlsmg new an e · er ec mque~ Grade Setter ' (Dams & Hig·hways) Compressors (note 3) (2 to 6) · (over 35 ·cy. "struck", m r.c.) · following s-chedule: ' . to move material and equipment (note 4) W elder -Gas or Diesel D riven (note c) Multi-en'gine earth-moving equipment· Per Concrete Mixer Operator, Skip Type (2 to 8i · , . (up to & i'ncluding 75 c. y.) , H our _is becoming more complex there- Concrete Puinp or Pumpcrete Gun Small. rubber-tired trenching machine Loader over 2% yds. up to and in- Booms of 80 feet up to·, but not by the demand is for a highly Operator' . · . .. & similar small equipment (any. as- clud 4 yds. in c ludin~:", 130 feet ....... .. .... $.15 Dinkey ·Operator (Assistant to E1i- sistance in the operation if needed Euclid- belt type L oader & similar Booms of 130 feet up to, but poli s h ~ d , skilled operator. ' · gineer: R equired) sh all be performed by an Employee) types (Assistant to Engineer re­ · -not· including, 180 feet ................... 3jl · Ross Carrier Driver Self-propelled boom type lifting de- quired) . Booms of 180 feet and over .............. 15 He believes the additian of tb,e ·Skip L oader Operator (under 1 yd.) · vice (Assis tant Engineer r equired, GROUP NO. 11 $5 .56 $5.84 C. An Operating Engineer shan­ · t · 'II 11 Fork Lift except on 10-.ton capacity or less) Universal Equipment Operator, Shov­ maintain and service gasoline o r • 011rneyman ramee Wl a ow GROUP NO. 5 $4 .86 $5.10 ·Instrument Man (note 4) el, Dragline, Derrick, Derrick diesel d riven welding machines when . another man to be trained under Elevator & Material Hoist Operator Pipe Cleaning Machine (tractor p ro- Barge, Clamshell, Grade-all , over 1 the welding is being performed b y . (1 drum ) pelled and supported) . y d. another craft. actual work conditions. .Pavement Breaker Operator Pipe Wrappin·g Machine (tractor pro- Crane over ·25 T (As-s istant to Engi- The straight time hourly wage rate ' · Roller Operator . pelled and supported) n ee r r equired) , \ of Indentured· Apprentic'es shall be The -- journeyman' ti':::inee · will Small Rubber Tired .Tractor w ;o 'Pipe. Bending Machine _(pipelines Highline Cableway Operator the following percentag-e .of the Group 1 DW-10, 20 , e_t_c., T <tJ! dem , . l:'fe. jl .. ~:rf · Section N.o. XV I Lwag ~ ra~-;: r eliev e ":pP,it;~toj's l or -p, l~e ~ks , , but- ., Gi'(W~~vi>~·g(; ll:,tta~!f m ~Sl'o · $5.16 ~~~ik J;'(~g' P lant <Engi.neer ·. · Automatic ·asphalt or ·concrete slip 1st Periotl Apprentice , 70% r 1 :, SUJJ.J.l not .take the job, 0~ ·,an np- A-Fxam~ . Bo.E>m .-'1' ruck • •'~·" i;' ..;.. ·· Asphalt P l !in ,t ~.EI,¥gi!Ui.e t;·, .. .' ~, ~ J:?l'l'l\ ... P\l'ler ..< ~ _ sQr~ .- dJu,e p ,. an~J, i 1· · ·2nd jp'-i:riod ·~ ~-.pp'J.'e nti:~'€ .,~ 7-:J~'%· ......._ · · , . Concrete Batch-P lant Operator , Kolman _.I!o1i':inl1'."'~ ··:-.· '-"· ·"' .. graaesetter reqmred) . -'· · · · · , . _3rd Per io<~,. A-JlJHeitt ice_ 80 % I ·era tor. · . ,. -;. ' ·. Concrete or .. Asph alt Sprea'ding-, _lVI e- 'NblitY Oj:Jerator · \ ·Slip .form paver, col1crete ur asphalt· • -'4th ;,Pedoil AJ!Jn:en£ice 85% -~ Ciein pointed-out tl~at 'the con- chanica! . GROW' NO. 7A - " . ·$5 .14 $5.46 (1 operator and 2 screedmen r e- . 5th'. Perio d App1·entiee .90%. Tamping and Finishing Machine Ov- Heavy Duty R epairma n or W elder quire d) '6th ·Period Apprentice 95% - summation of the contract was erator '· ·T ractor Operator: Bulldozer, Scraper Self-propelled compactor with mul­ WJ1ether an Indentured Apprenti c~ . de- w· ·-thout w' orl.{ stoppages by Stationary Pipe Wrapping, Cl eanin g- or Drag-type Shovel or Boom At- tiple propulsion power. units is a f irst- (1 ~ -t) period Apprentice rna 1 . & Bending Machine Operator: tachmenl: T ower · Crane Mobi le (Assistant t<> ' through· the sixth (6th) period ArJ­ Local 3 and a's s'u res Neva(ia Concrete Saws (Highways, streets, Self Propelled Compactor Dozer Engineer r equired) prentice shall be determined by th-e airports. canals) GROUP NO. 8 $5.18 $5AG Loader (over 4 yds. ) J oint Apprenticeshio Committee and .Brother Engineers and t li .e i'r Hi-gh line Cableway· Signalman Drilling Machine Operator, inc. W ater Tandem Cats its decis ion shall govern. families a· respectable income and sound working conditions. Here is a summary_o( the new There Were 124 Entries . • wage scales, effective Juty 6: ,- ' . RATES PER H OUR · · .., : · Effective· Dates . ' . 7-li-65 7-1-66 GROUP NO. 1 ' $4.18 $4.'40 Colle ··. e Scholar.shi p Assistant to Engineer, including Fire- man Oiler. Switchman, Brakeman, Deck, Hand, H eavy.- Duty Repairman H elper · After a ca1·eful screening of She would like to teach or do Student program interests her. the Grange and 4-H representa· T ar Pot Fire tnan over 124 entries in the Operating research work i ~ science, and She is an all around girl who has tive fi·om her area to Washing­ R e 'i- !' Chainman (note 4) Engineers' Local Partsmai) (Heavy Duty R epair Shop, 3 second ann!lal points out that the Peace C:orps also excelled as a marksman with ton, D.C., and has entered in Par ts Room. When Needed) · college scholarship awards, Miss state sewing and. cooking con­ GROUP NO. 2 $4.36 , $4.58 and Foteign Student Exchange the National Rifle Association; Air Compressor Operator (note 2 & 3) Cherri Lukasko,, of Rio Linda, tests. Calif., and Robert Vicks, , of Fal­ . She. graduated in Jurie number lon, Nev., were named-this year's one in a class of nearly 300 stu­ Reclamation :winners and received $5.0_0 scho~- ­ dents with "nearly a straight 'A' :arships. average."· (She received .one B· ·' Cherri, who became 18 years - plus ·in gym .
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