Foreign Fleet Seen Destroying Fishery SEBSTORVPAGE15 The Weather Mostly Cloudy and cooler today, tonight and tomorrow. FINAL EDITION i- Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 26 PACES VOL 96 NO. 117 RED BANK-MIDDLETOWN, N.J. MONDAY, DECEMBER 10,1973 TENCENTS < •••IHIIIHIIHHIIIIIIHIMIIIIIIIIUHII •liiiiiliiinHinHiiiMmMtHlli IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIHIHIIIIIMIIimiHIIUHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlin IIIIIHIIIIimilHHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIMIlim 2 Rescued in City Apartments Blaze LONG BRANCH - Two a smoky blaze in Louden Gar- homes of their neighbors as The woman and her daugh- women were snatched from den Apartments, North Bath smoke almost completely eng- ter were taken to Monmouth almost certain death early Ave. ulfed the several two-story Medical Center, where they today by the heroic action of Twenty-five to 30 residents buildings comprising the com- were treated for smoke in- three firemen, all of whom of the complex were evac- plex. halation. suffered injuries as a result of uated and taken into the Alarm for the blaze was Fireman Zambrano suffered sounded shortly after 4 second degree burns of the o'clock. Patrolmen Richard neck and hands. He was also SIONS OF THE TIMES — Families from the Cot- posed r signs yes- Huncke, Robert Gant and Al- treated (or smoke inhalation ton Ridge section of Mldd(etown display their op- terday. fred Dichlara, responding in as was Fireman Potter, who position to the township Planning Board's pro- Hiq.llrr llgtl PM!» patrol cars, arrived before the also suffered a burn on his left 6 fire fighting units. hand. The blaze began in the Fireman Hynds, who was ground floor apartment desig- not equipped*>ith an air pack nated 374 Lowden Gardens, during his heroic work, was Middletown Foes of Plan according to Patrolman Hun- treated for smoke Inhalation. cke. It rapidly climbed to the The flames were brought upper apartment, No. 376, under control shortly after 5 9 through the stairwell. o'clock. Fire officials were Two Trapped unable to determine the cuuse Display Tor Sale Signs The second floor apartment of the blaze or the extent of the damage. MIDDLETOWN - Despite that the signs would be used appropriate services." He housefronts throughout the is occupied by Mrs. Ruth Go- high winds and heavy rain, every Sunday until the master added that he hoped the Sun- township yesterday. But while maskovic, 50, who with her Police were unable as of hundreds of township citizens plan is "acceptably revised." day "opposition days" would some streets had almost total daughter, Mrs. Kalhryn Pan- press time to identify the oc- showed their opposition to the unite citizens opposed to the representation, others were doff, 20, of 72 Lantana Way, cupant of the apartment in Laurence Harbor, an over- which the fire started. Planning Board's proposed According to Jaycee Presi- plan. devoid of participants. night guest, was trapped by master plan yesterday by dis- dent Lewis Weilan, the Mr. Weilan reported that One well-represented devel- the mounting flames and playing "For Sale" signs at group's main dispute with the 1,000 signs had been dis- opment was Cotton Ridge, smoke. their homes. 'master plan Is that it "shows tributed by the Jaycees since which is adjacent to Nut- a doubling of the population in Friday, and that money is swamp road. The Nutswamp Firemen Ralph Zambrano The local Jaycees, orga- Middletown over a five-year being collected to print more. Civic Association has been and Wally Potter, among the nizer of the protest, promised period without planning for The signs dotted lawns and vocal in its opposition to the first on the scene, donned proposed master plan at the Scott Air Packs and climbed Planning Board's citizens' the burning staircase to reach hearings. the trapped women. Mean- "We're strongly opposed to while, Fireman George the plans for the land across Hynds, aided by the three po- Arabs Won't Free Oil licemen, placed a ladder Nutswamp Road," said Mrs. John Labarowski, of 30 Adele against the side of the flaming Court. The unused tract would building. Climbing it, he broke be zoned for office research, a window leading into Mrs. Until Israel Accedes commercial use and planned Gomaskovlc's apartment and residential development. carried the woman down the By The Associated Press the Press," he said the Arabs Kuwait said the January cut YMWer to safety. will remove the embargo would apply to them. The Jaycees, along with Firemen Zambrano and Arab oil ministers say they "when Israel agrees to with- Meanwhile, in Washington, other groups in the township, FLAMES FOILED — Two women escaped down .a Potter helped in getting the won't lift their embargo draw and the United States Israeli Defense Minister are also preparing to circulate ladder early today as flames mounted this women out the broken window against the United States until guarantees the withdrawal." Moshe Dayan said on CBS- a petition in opposition to the stairway to their apartment In Long Branch's and into Fireman Hynds' Israel agrees to withdraw I In an effort to force a favor- TV's "Face the Nation" that master plan. According to Mi- Lowden Gardens. Here a fire official examines care. By this time the stairs from all occupied territories able Middle East peace settle- despite the Arab oil squeeze, chael Leibowitz, Jaycees the damage. Twenty-five to 30 persons hod to be were Impassable and the fire- and sets a timetable for the ment, the Arabs initially cut the U.S. government had put state director, it is hoped that evacuated from ad|acent apartments during the men, too, had to retreat via pullout. total oil production by 25 per .15,000 signatures will be col- no pressure on him for con- height of the smoky blaze. the ladder. The pledge to continue the cent, promised to reduce pro- cessions at the peace confer- lected. boycott was issued over the duction by 5 per cent each ence expected to begin on weekend in Kuwait after a month and stopped all oil Dec. 18 in Geneva. HERO — Long Branch shipments to the United Fireman George Hynds meeting of the 10 members of Secretary of State Henry A. the Organization of Arab Pet- States and the Netherlands Nixon Awaits Ruling on Taxes leans against ladder Kissinger, who is at a meeting roleum Exporting Countries. because of their pro-Israeli down which he carried of NATO foreign ministers in WASHINGTON (AP) - that could cost him heavily if claimed San Oemcnte as his pocketing of a taxable $H!l,000 Resumption of Arab oil policy. two women to safety Brussels, is to visit the Middle President Nixon, after an un- it rules against him: principal residence in order to from his yearly expense al- shipments to America will The ministers meeting in early today. Two other East, including Saudi Arabia, precedented weekend dis- — Did he act legally in avoid payment of federal lowance of $50,000 come only after Israel estab- Kuwait also announced that firemen and three po- later in the week in an at- closure of his finances, awaits claiming almost $500,000 in de- taxes on the profit from his Other major disclosures lishes "a fixed timetable" for crude oil production in Ja- licemen helped In tht tempt to convince the Arabs the verdict of a congressional ductions for donation of his 1969 sale of a. New York City made by the President includ- withdrawal from all Arab nuary would be reduced by 5 rescue. that Washington is working committee on whether he vice presidential papers to the apartment. ed: lands captured since the 1967 per cent of the December pro- even-handedly to bring peace owes up |0 $300,000 in federal National Archives? Some ar- White House officials ac- war, including the Arab sector duction. - The President and Mrs. to the region. income taxes and interest gue he ailed too late to take knowledged Nixon would be Nixon, despite their si/cable of Jerusalem, the ministers A similar 5 per cent produc- advantage of a donations law liable for Sizeable payments income, were able through de- Workers OK said Sunday. tion cut was ordered for De- Japan's deputy prime minis- Baring his federal tax re- Congress voided in mid-IM to California should state offi- ductions for the vice presiden- The Israelis have vowed cember, but Japan and all ter, Takeo Miki, left yes- turns for his first four years in — Did he make a taxable cials decide he should have tial papers, business ex- Pad Ending never to give up East Jerusa- Common Market countries ex- terday to visit seven Arab na- the White House — and more capital gain of $117,000 on the filed tax returns there penses, interest and property lem, which they captured in cept the Netherlands were ex- tions in an attempt to con- than 50 other documents — 1970 sale of part of his San William M. Bennett, a taxes, to reduce federal tax the 1967 war and which con- empted because of pro-Arab vince them that the Tokyo Nixon acknowledged that ac- Gas Strike Clemente, Calif., estate? Nix- Democratic member of the payments to $72,682 for 1969, tains some of the holiest statements they issued. But government is sincere in its countants and lawyers dis- RED BANK - A seven- on's tax accountant claimed state's Franchise Tax Board $793 for 1970, $878 for 1971 and shrines of the Moslem, Chris- the Sunday announcement in recent pro-Arab stand. agree on the propriety of his week strike against the New at the time he had no gain, says he'll challenge Nixon's $4,298 for 1972. tian and Jewish religions. The 19691972 federal tax pay- Jersey Natural Gas Co.
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