I \', Rabbi Prinz Debates German Guilt With Ambassador Heinrich Knappslein WALTI-IAM, MASS. - West for while It was an agreement be­ Germany's progress as ·a democ­ tween two sovereign states, It also rocy will be judged by Its rel a­ Included the people of Israel. tionshlp with Israel. a rabbi who "Israel Is the land which ac­ was once exiled by the Hitler re­ cepted the survivors of the Hitler THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . gime asserted recently. regime by the tens of thousands The rabbi, Dr. Joachim Prinz, and gave them the human dignity of VOL. L,NO. l FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1966 15c PER COPY 16 PAGE& made his observation In an open­ which they had been robbed," said Ing statement of a public debate Dr. Prinz. with Heinrich Knappsteln, West Hence, Israel could not be German ambassador to the United merely another country wlthwhlch States, at Brandeis University. Germany had normal diplomatic Horn-Blowing Motorcade Escorts Israeli - Mr. Knappsteln, acknowledging relations, he went on, because , the sins of the German people dur­ "Israel Is the heart of the Jew­ ing the Hitler period, asserted that ish people In which are Invested the "accursed river of blood" that our hopes and dreams for a new Pilot Nathat1 On Return From Peace Try separated the two races must be chapter ln our history." TEL AVIV - A national hero the word "peace" In English, He­ Mr. Nathan said he had left bridged and removed. He asked In Israel this week Is Abraham S. brew and Arabic. his Bible with the Governor of that "the Whole truth" be reported Mr. Knappsteln said that he Nathan, who kept a campaign prom­ He rerurned Tuesday evening Port Said, where he had spent the about German efforts at expiation. did not feel "like a defendant ise and flew solo to Egypt in a to the tiny Israeli airfield from night In a cell. Dr. Prinz Is the president of before you, and I am sure you do daring bid for peace. which he left on his personal peace Mr. Nathan left for Tel Aviv the American Jewish Congress and not feel like a jury." He said that Mr. Nathan, a restaurant owner mission to the United Arab Repub­ in a horn-blowing motorcade. He chairman of the Conference of Germans had begun the task of from Tel Aviv, ran for the Knes­ llb. stopped at the new Hilton Hotel, Major American Jewish Organiza­ res toring relationships by cleaning set last November on a platform The Tel Aviv restauran t where he had been offered the tions. house of Nazism. which included a peace flight to owner and former commercial pi­ presidential suite. "Hilton Inter­ The setting was Schwartz Hall, In addi tion, Mr. Kn appsteln Egypt If elected. Although he lost lot brought hi s rented biplane na tional believes in peace," an one of the buildings that have been said, there had been an lntellec- . · the election. he decided to make through the gathering dusk into official said soberly. erected on the campus since 1948, rual house cleaning through a pro- the flight anyway. Herzliya Airport, where he was At a boisterous news confer­ the year that Israel became a na­ gram of information for more ma- He asked two Israeli newsmen cheered by a small crowd that ence, Mr. Nathan said that tion and Brandeis was founded. rure school children on the history to inform International news agen­ had waited most of the day. l'wo Egyptian officials at first could Brandeis ls a nonsectarian univer­ of the Nazis "and their misdeeds." cles of the purpose of hi s mis- young men had to be dragged not believe he had come from ' But even this was not enough, slon. They had accompanied him to from the wings of the 39- year­ Israel. sity started by the Jewish commu­ nity of metropolitan Boston. Mr . Knappstein said, "If we really the airfield In Herzl!ya, north of old plane by airport official s. • 'lney received me very nice­ want to further the reconciliation Tel Aviv, where hehadbeenlearn­ The 38-year-old Mr. Nathan ly, took me Inside, gave me a The debaters operated from between Germans and Jews we Ing to fl y the single-engined Ger­ also was met by the police, who glass of tea,'' he said. ''They familiar frameworks. Mr. Knapp­ have to Inform the new genera- man-built biplane. His final test charged him with leaving the coun­ saw I was cold and brought around stein asserted that while Germans tlon on the reality of Judaism and for a pilot's license wa s planned try Illegally. However, he was re­ an electric stove and put it next would never forget the six mil­ the Jew; we have to replace the for the morning when he flew In- leased on a bond of LIDO ($ 33). to me so I should get warm'." lion Jews who were slaughtered, • utterly wrong Image of the Jews stead to the United Arab Republic, Mr. Nathan told the crowd he would and were ready to bear "our share spr~ad by the Nazis." where he jumped from the plane do It again. _ (Continued on Page 15) of collective blame," the concept of collective gull t of all Germans Citing the example of reports ;;:\.::ci~ce petitions clutched in must be rejected. of anti-Semitic riots In Bamberg, "The voice of peace Is grow- Mr. Knappsteln said what really Ing stronger both In the Israel Pro-Nazi Anti-Semitic Incidents Dr. Prinz acknowledged that had happened was that a mentally- community and amongst our many Jews believed in the col­ unbalanced man had painted sw as- neighbors. --But words are not lective guilt of the Germans. While tlkas on gravestones In a Jewish enough; Initiative - even If only .Rise Slwply In West Germany young Germans were gull !less, he BONN - For the first time l'lazl or anti-Semitic Incidents In said, "·This ls not the real issue." cemetery. the Initiative of a single lndivld- since World War II, neo-Nazl, the Federal Republic during 1965, The problem lay with those Ger­ Whlle there had been many ual - Is required to get action. anti-Semitic and other extreme compared with 171 In the pre­ pictures and headlines In the United "This Is why I have decided mans who were silent between 1933 right-wing activity rose sharply In vlous year. and 1938, the rabbi said, when "so States press about the Incident, to take this Initiative . to West Germany last year, the Membership In the 113 organ­ much happened within the sight and he said, "I have never seen a suggest a face-to-face meeting Minister of the Interior, Paul lzatlons Identified as extreme hearing of the entire German single picture of the mass demon- with Israel representatives." Lucke, reported this week. right-wing increased by more than stratlons of thousands of citizens The Iranian-born pilot shouted people that none of them has the In a report on right-wing rad- 6,000 to 28,600. The membership of Bamberg who had assembled In In English, as he leaped from the right to say he did not know." lcallsm, Mr. Lucke noted that there rolls of II right-wing political pouring rain to protest the dese- plane . .,I want to see Nasser to were 521 confirmed cases of pro- parties rose from 9.700 to 16,300. The diplomatic r ecognition by cratlon." Nor, he added, had he offer peace with Egypt." He saw In addition. the circulation of West Germany of Israel In I 965 seen any plcrures of Bamberg Instead Ma j. Gen. Hassan Rushdy, extreme right-wing newspapers carried the possibility of becoming school children decorating grave who headed the Interrogation of Study Disputes and periodicals rose by 43 .000 the rurnlng point of the German- sites In the Jewish cemetery with Mr. Nathan and the search of his to 227,000. Jewish relationship said Dr. Prinz, flowers. plane, which was Inscribed with Mr. Lucke said that although ~==::=8aG22222222eeee2~ 222222222a2eea.22e2e22222222222222 Marriage 'Myth' only a small percentage of the West German people could be con­ WASHINGTON - The B'nal sidered right-wing radicals, the B'rlth Hillel Foundations, the Jew­ flare-up of neo-Nazl and anti­ Jewish leaders Ask For Viet Nam Peace ish campus movement, rejected Semitic activities last year had unpopular government we had fos­ local clergymen and teachers at thi s week the contention that a alarmed public authorities. NEW YORK - An all-day srudy college environment increases the 14 tered could not possibly win that the University of Missouri Issued The Interior Minister reported conference, entitled Judaism and rate of intermarriage between World Peace," heard pleas last election." a s tatement declaring that the war that much of the right-wing acti­ Rabbi Lelyveld called on the In Viet Nam was being waged at Jews and non-Jews. vity could be traced to apolitical week for a peace settlement in A study, prepared by Dr. Al­ United States to "desist," In Viet "an incredible price in hum an symptoms such as drunkenness Viet Nam, containment of aerial fred Jospe, Hillel's director of Nam, quoting Isaiah that "we must suffering, moral degradation, and Insanity. fighting there and a general de­ program and resources, disputed crease in the war effort. cease to do evll . before we can wasted resources and los t oppor­ "However, the fact must not learn to do good." tunities." some of the major concl us Ions con­ be Ignored that a small minority The conference, held at Ferris tained In recent publicized studies Booth Hall of Columbia University, Other speakers Included Dr.
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