16—MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday, Dec. 18. 1989 APARTMENTS I I APARTMENTS FOR RENT HOMES ■^INDUSTRIAL MISCELLANEOUS CLYDE FDR RENT |£i|F0R RENT EiJPRDPERTY FOR SALE District CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. School m a n c h e s t e r - BOLTON-3 bedroom, 2'/j MANCHESTER-2 large ROUTE 83, ’VERNON Townhouse apartment Rental garage bays and office. 84 Unc. Continental $9,995 for rent. 3 bedrooms, bath. Contemporary. 2 END ROLLS Manchester, renovated acres. $1,400 per month 1,100 square feet. 647- 84 Buick Century Ybo $5,995 I'/s baths, full base­ 2 Family, appliances, 2 7 W width — 504 plus security. 644-6226. 9 9 7 6 . ________ 84 Bonneville 4 Or. $6,695 ment, kitchen applian­ busline, near center, 13" width — 2 tor 504 Saints victor^ Teachers plead eSEIeclra4Dr. $9,995 ces, parking for 2 cars. $S00 plus utilities. 12/1 Newiprint and rolli can ba $750 per month. Pay cwcupancy. Dale 529- a v a il a b l e ■ ^ C L E A N IN G 85 Caprice Wagon $C,695 expansl6n!0K ’d/3 Immedlatelv- plck^ up at tha Manchaatar helps the Giants/9 for smaller classes/4 your own utilities. Se­ 8276, Matt 653-6564 l 2 £ j SERVICES Harald ONLY bafora 11 a.m. 85 Buick Somerset 4 Dr $7,295 CARPENTRY/ curity deposit and 1 Remodelled 4 bedroom Monday through Thursday. ELECTRICAL Cape. Large family 85 Celebrity Wagon $6,695 year lease. Call Ri­ housecleaning - REMODELING room, fireplace, eat-ln 66 Honda Civic 2 Dr. $5,695 chard Paganl at 646- ICDNDDMINIUMS Good references. Free DUMAS ELECTRIC 4525 o r 643-2283 between kitchen, carpeted llvln- estim ates. 568-7426. WANTED TO 86 Delta 68 2 Dr $9,995^ HANDYMEN/CARPENTERS Service changes, 9:00 and 8:00. I FDR RENT groom, large laundry 66 Bonneville 4 Or $6,995 ’ Cleaning, Hauling. Caipentty, RemodeHng and bath. $995 per BUY/TRADE additional wiring and 86 CentU Wagon $7,495 Reasonably P rlc^ month plus utilities. I MISCELLANEOUS 7 Free Estimates repairs on existing MANCHESTER-5 room, 2 MANCHESTER-4'/2 WANTED-Anv pictures 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,195 bedroom apartment. 646-4144. I SERVICES A l Calls Answered homes. Quality work at room, 2 bedroom of blacksmith shop. 66 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr $6,395 Rick's Handyman & 1st floor. Appliances Highland Street. Man­ affordable prices. Townhouse. T/? baths, MANCHESTER-3 bed­ GSL Building Mainte­ 86 Chevrolet Spectrum $4,995 Carpantry Sarvics and heat Included. Leo- full basement, quiet chester. Ray. 568-6820.8 Entirely owner operated. se/securlty. $750 room, newly renovated nance Co. Commercl- 86 Chev Cavalier 4 Dr $6,895 646-1948 27 years exp. Call small complex. No ond painted, washer/d- al/ResIdentlal building m onthly. No pets. 643- pets. $725 plus utilities. 86 Pont Grand Am SE $8,495 Joseph Dumas 9885 or 646-2918. rver hookups. 643-6386, repairs and home Im­ ITRUCKS/VANS R. D. Murdock, 643- leave a messoge.______ provements. Interior PAINTING/PAPERING 6 4 6-52 53 2692. I FOR SALE 872-9111 MANCHESTER-3 bed­ and exterior painting, PLACING AN AD In clas­ room apartment. $645. ISTORE/OFFICE light carpentry. Com­ INILMNAIIUNAL-im LEGAL NOTICE No security. Available I FOR RENT plete lanitorlal ser­ 3i^ ton, good tor parts. HlattrhfHtpr Hrralfi sified Is a very easy, CARS OF McHugh Himself Im m ediately. 643-4421. vice. Experienced, rel­ 4 wheel drive, 7 toot THE TAX COLLECTOR simple process. Just dial FDR SALE 1 MANCHESTER la r g e iable, tree estimates. Fisher plow, make an EIGHTH UTIUTIES Painting & wallpapering at 643-2711. We’ll help you -2 643-0304.________________ word your ad for maxi­ DUPLEX-6 rooms, deck, garage bays and office. otter. 1 977 Ram DISTRICT Its best Free Estimates. Fully tenced-In yard. No util­ Charger. 643-2573. mum response. 1,100 square feet. 647- NURSE’S Aide-Years of All persons liable by law to Tuesday, Dec. 19, 1989 Insured. Establisheed 1974. ities, security. $650 9976._________________ ____ Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm experience. Hospital pay taxes In the Eighth Newsstand Price: 35 Cents monthly. Coll after OFFICE SPACE-Lease trained. Excellent ref­ 6 4 3 - 9 3 2 1 5om, 649-4992. 1990 VOLKSWAGEN Utilities District of Manchester MISCELLANEOUS v o u r office s p a c e erences. 742-6402. are hereby notified that on sjL J e h a g l NOW !! Convenient SERVICES 4 door, 5 speed JANUARY 1, 1990,1 will have M A N C H E S T E R -N e w e r 3 Main Street locotlons CARS a MOTOR VEHICLE SUP­ bedroom Duplex. I'/j Reports say available with oft FDR SALE PLEMENTAL rate bill for the Wall Papering and Painting baths, appliances, street parking.Sentry I FURNITURE collection of 7 mills on the 30 years Experience deck, basement, wa- SNOW PLOWING Real Estate, 643-4060.□ Grand List of 1988 due to the dozens killed sher/dryer hookup. FRENCH Provincial Din­ Axe, the mascot, is retiring \ iVcrKnOVCIl Insurance, References and Commercial and Residential collector JANUARY 1, 1990, Snow blower services available. $725 monthly + utili­ $ 1 0 , 2 4 4 ing Room Set-Includes Free Estimales ties. Security deposit MANCHESTER table, leaves, pads, 4 Taxes will be accepted at 18 Business Zone II Main St., Manchester, CT Cal Mike 649-4304 and references. No chairs, hutch, te a CARDINAL in Romania By Dianna M. Talbot MARTY MATTSSON [ i l Business residential 06040. OFFICE HOURS: 649-4431 Mon-Sat 9am-9pm pets. 649-7874 otter combination. 5 room office wagon, and two corner BUICK, INC. Manchester Herald 6 p m . cabinets. $1,500 or best MONDAY thru FRIDAY VIENNA, Austria (AP) — Gun­ or retail suite, plus 5 room 1989 Century Coupe $11,980 9:30A.M.-3:30P,M. EXCLUD­ LOW RATES 3 bedroom apt. offer. Call 649-8137. fire was reported early today in the ORDER YOURS TODAY 1988 Skylark Sedan $8,590 ING HOLIDAYS. All taxes un­ 4 ROOMS and both. Cen­ G. and S. Associates Axe, the mascot and live-in Need repairs around the paid by FEBRUARY 2, 1990, streets of a western Romanian city WEIGLE'S PAINTING CO. tral location. Heat and 1990 VOLKSWAGEN ____ 643-2121 1988ChevS-10P/U $7,495 canine companion for Eighth favors plan home? Coll on expert. where witnesses say security forces Quality work a t a electricity not in­ ^ FOX j^TV/STERED/ 1988 S-10 Ext P/U $10,980 will bo charged interest at the You'll find the help you rate of 18% (eighteen per Utilities District firefighters, is reasonable price! cluded. $675 monthly 2doorcc'ipe L 2 J APPLIANCES 1988 Buick Park Ave. $13,980 have shot and killed dozens of Interior & Exterior need In Classified. 643- ELLING TO N 1987 Oldsmobiie Firenza $6,490 cent) per year from JANUARY retiring at age 7, that’s 66 in 2711. plus security. 649-1240 people in anti-government rioting Free Estimates o tte r 5 p m . M EADO W VIEW CURTIS Mathis Solid 1987 Buick Regal $8,695 1, 1990, until paid, according that began over the weekend. human years, the fire department Call Brian Weigle State floor model TV. 1987 CMC S-15Spt P/U $6,380 to Public Act NO. 12-146 a has announced. PLAZA minimum penally of $2.00 Unconfirmed reports have put the 645-8912 LAWN CARE $500, negotiable. 646- 1987 Chev S-10 P/U $6,280 “We’re definitely going to miss $ 7 , 6 9 0 4265. 1987 Cadillac Brougham $13,980 must be charged on each bill death toll at up to 400 and one wit­ for housing delinquent FEBRUARY 2. him,” said district Fire Chief John I CARS 1986 Corvette Loaded $18,990 ness was quoted as saying he saw FOR SALE 1000 sq. ft. 1990. SUPPLEMENTAL G. Mace. “He was an excellent FORGET THE REST Busy Rte. 83, new 1000 sq. ft. 1986 Chev Monte Carlo $7,480 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX BILL helicopters fire on crowds in the city YARD MASTERS I r T I MUSICAL 1986 Merc. Grand Marquis $8,980 of Timisoara. mascot.” with a strategy of their own for af­ CALL THE BEST! LEAVES RAKED & REMOVED rental area. In attractive IS FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE By Rick Santos shopping pleiza. Ideal for re­ I S U ITEMS 1966 Dodge 600 Sed $5,895 REGISTERED BETWEEN A “resignation letter” from the fordable housing and not have a Interior/Exterior Painting. Trees cut, yards cleaned. ORDER YOURSTOnav Romania has virtually scaled its Manchester Herald Schaller's tail, office, professional, sen/- 1986 Pont Trans Am 26K $8,995 OCTOBER 2, 1988 and borders in an apparent attempt to canine, signed with a facsimile of strategy imposed on them,” Pel­ Free estimates. Insured. Lawns, B ru ^ removal, gut­ Ice. 1985 Buick Skylark LTD $5,395 AUGUST 1, 1989. PIANO-UprIght plono prevent details from emerging of the his paw print, was read at the legrini said Monday. David Kay ters cleaned. Snow Removal. Q u ality Call and bench. Good condi­ 81 Adams St., meeting of the district’s Board of Republican Mayor Theunis ERNEST R. MACHELL unrest, which a Hungarian He represented Manchester .as one Pre-owned Auto 9.9%* James J. Gessay tion. $150. 649-3200. Manchester TAX COLLECTOR Directors Monday. In it, Axe, who ‘Terry” Werkhoven said today he 646-0754 6 4 3 - 9 9 9 6 newspajxtr said had spread to two of the negotiators for the compact § 5 Value Priced 875-0134 649-4571 EIGHTH UILITIES DISTRICT served five years, says, “I ap­ favors the idea of joining an affor­ ON ANY other Transylvanian cities — Arad dable housing compact with other when it was hammered out between 039-12 preciate the opportunity you have and Brasov.
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