1 PLACE A WANT-AD THE BIGGES-T- THE INDEPENDENT- SUBURBAN PHONE AD-TAKER— NEWSPAPER WOGBBRIDGE 8-1710 IN THE COUNTY VOL. XIX, No. 30 WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1937 PRICE THREE CENTS GAS CO. RATE JUMP LEADERS PROMISE Man Who Settled In Avenel Because Town, Police, Red Cross Were Nice To HimDRENNAN PLEADING FROM OUR •JBoy. Meets Girl Gets Jailed For 10 Months After Selling Stove, Heater Belonging To Landlord DUE FOR HEARING € ACTIVE CAMPAIGN; AVENEL—John shuitz, chipped in, too. The kindness of started to collapse around his TODAY PAVES WAK Tween Classes; very recently of Prospect Street, local officials touched him so ears. He was arrested and given is in, jail. deeply he decided to stay here. 10 months in the workhouse. FRONT BY BOARDTUESDAY WORKERSjWUBT IT But that really isn't surpris- Chapter II Foreword FOR 'EARLY' TRIAt ing. So the Schultz's settled on Listen to his history: Primary Past, Talk Turns Prospect Street. Date Undecided, Although' Utility Commissioners Ex- Chapter I He was sent to reform, school WINDOW Marry In January While Schultz was picked up by They lived there five months pected To Continue To November But Plans without paying rent, although at 12, was subsequently jailed State Is Ready Ta J/ State Police six months ago af- for two robberies in Pennsyl- Harold G. Hoffman, Esq., Probe In Newark 'Groom Is A Senior Are Very Hazy ter his automobile appeared to the head of the house worked Proceed Now ' Governor of New Jersey for the WPA. During that vania. He joined the army and In High School have fictitious license plates. deserted. He jilted a girl at State House McELROY WILL ATTEND While he was explaining every- period Schultz sold the gas-stove Trenton, New Jersey. GREINER VOTE HEAVY that went with the house and the altar. He has lived with ADVANCE NEW ^ WOODBRIDGE — Miss Jane thing he told what is known in two women, neither of whom he My Dear Governor: WOODBRIDGE — Resumption Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WOODBRIDGE—,The primary police circles as a 'hard luck' also the hot-air furnace. Then WOODBRIDGE — Mar-' ; he moved tto Perth Amboy and, married. He has obtained sev- Since I assume from the is scheduled Tuesday of the hear- Wayne T. Cox of Grove Avneue over, leaders of both major parties story. The police, notoriously garet Drennan, 20-year-old •" \ sympathetic, went to his rescue believe it or not, rented the eral loans from small loan om- newspapers that you are yet ings on the application of the and Andrew Menko of Port .are setting about organizing a panies, using- furniture he didn't undecided on the means of Perth Amboy Gas Light Company Reading are the champion .whirlwind six-weeks' campaign and obtained succor for Sehultz Prospect Street dwelling to an Iselin secretarial student livelihood you will pursue af- for permission to alter its rates secret-keepers of the century. ." until election, November 2. At and the woman he introduced as unsuspecting soul who appar- own as collateral. who submitted to the ad-- ently thought Shuitz owned it. ter you relinquish the Gold to impose higher charges on Miss Cox, a graduate with the least, that's their story. his wife. Relief Director John In extenuation of all this he vances of a married maji Room in the capitol next Omenhiser supplied cash and Chapter HI says he is afflicted with kidney small consumers' in favor of larg- Class of 1936 of Woodbridge Results of Tuesday's balloting and then shot two bullets /. January I would like to make er users. Township High Shool and Men- were not especially significant be- the" Red Cross representative His depredations by now trouble. a proposition for you to con- into him, is scheduled to , This date was set several ko, a graduate with the Class of yond proving the dominance of sider along with the many months ago after one session of 1937, were married in January the Sewaren Republican Club, Inc. plead today- to an indictf _ others you have under ad- and not untilthis week did word over the Sewaren Independent visement. the Board of Public Utility Com- Captain Raskin Has Five Months ment charging- her witfi ' missioners devoted to hearing the of their nuptials leak out. Mrs. Club and the tremendous popu- GREEN ST. OPENING first-degree murder. After going over your man- company's claim for a right to Menko herself confirmed.the ru- larity of Mayor August F. Greiner . agement of the people's busi- change its schedule. Since that mors at the home of her parents who, unopposed, received a purely To Spend Despising Landlubbers SCHEDULED OCT. 1 The date of her trial has ness during the last couple time no official notification has yesterday. complimentary vote of over 1,100. not been- decided although Herbert R. Rankin, organiza- of years I have decided you been received by Township Attor- The bride would not reveal Barge Skipper Never Liked the State is ready now to lay are practically a miracle man ney Leon E. McElroy the hearing tion candidate for Township Com- Road Under New R. R. where the ceremony had been mitteeman in the Third Ward won the evidence against the girl • . and I would like to become will continue as scheduled, but performed. MISSIONARY UNIT Them Anyway And Now Bridge In Iselin To Be your partner in some kind of lacking any word to the contrary the nomination from Charles Klein before a Middlesex County " - Menko certainly is entitled to business enterprise. I would he expected to go to Trenton by better than 2 to 1. Klein was It's Worse! Completed Next Week jury. some kind of distinction for hay- never a serious contender but promise, of course, to be a Tuesday to continue his opposition CONVENESJJESDAY It is understood that addi- _ silent partner and let you ing completed his high school hoped to capitalize on resentment PORT READING—John Rus- ISELIN—Bark! ye long-suffer- to the move. Mr. McElroy has ing Iselinites! tional tfme will be asked by " make all the speeches, tell all been joined in protesting the pro- course, a benedict. So far as is within a small faction of the Presbyterians To Be Hosts kin, ann unemployed barge eap- known no under-graduate at party over the manner in which After a long summer of dust, defense counsel to map out the jokes and issue all the gram by both Carteret and Perth tain, never liked landlubbers, statements to show our finan- Amboy. the local high school has accom- Mr. Rankin was selected. Com- At 16th Semi-Anniial bumps and general inconvenience a strong case of justification - cial status. - plished a similar feat^ even mitteeman Ernest W. Nier, who is anyway. caused t>y the elimination of the for the slaying which took After the company filed its though Dominick Aquila and not seeking re-election, threw his Session Here In the first place, one of them— grade-crossing on Oak Tree Road original intention of boosting the the life of Paul Reeves, Always In The Money Charlotte Boivin, both of Ise- {Continued on Page 6) a policeman-—arrested him for and the resultant vehicular de- father of two children, "a -/ rates the Board suspended the lin and both graduated this WOODBRIDGE—The sixteenth driving an automobile while un- tours, the prospects are bright for I'm surprised no-one has plan for three months. Since year/eloped a couple days after semi-annual meeting of the Eliza- opening the road under the rail- few minutes — the State beth Presbyterial Missionary So- der the influence of liquor and he claims^—.after he .and the made this suggestion before. hearings were not completed in commencement for what was at FORDS MAN ATTEMPTS was fined. $200 in addition to be-road bridge by October 1. State You see, my idea is that in that period an additional suspen- first believed an all-time record ciety will be held Tuesday morn- Highway officials in 'town yester- girl had been intimate in his ing at the First Presbyterian ing deprived of his license. Short- our establishment it wouldn't sion of three months was directed for culminating a school ro- SUICIDE, _POUCE SAY ly after he suffered this penalty day gave this assurance to Chief home on Sonora A venae, make any difference whether on July 30. mance. Church at 10 o'clock. • of Police George E. Keating-. Iselin. Although- officials we made any money because An organ prelude will be fol- he was seen driving around Port State Investigates Mr. and Mrs. Menko are liv- Peterson Found In Serious The Lincoln Highway opening, have been reluctant to dis- - you could always find ways of lowed by the worship service which Reading; and was apprehended It is understood the delay in ing with Mr. and Mrs. Cox. Mr. will probably not be achieved for close the report of Dr. Wil-: -• supplying enough to keep us Condition From Wound; will be led by Mrs. A. A. Gillis. again. adjudicating the case is to per- Cox is State Director of Leisure at least fifteen days, it was said, liam C. Wilentz, county in the style—any style—to The worship service will, consist This time he had, in addition to and in the meantime state and mit the Board to complete an in- Time activities. 'Accident,' He Says complete lack of driving* privil- physician who examined the which we might become ac- dependent survey it has started to of a responsive reading of Psalm local officials will confer on the customed.
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