
INDEX Page Pife BREAD. Blaokherry Jam Oaka as Baking Powder Bleoalts • Blaak OkeeeUte Oaks 11 IwUi Brown BrMd S Black Pratt Oaka U Bread 1, • Boiled Icing 1* Brewa Bread 4 Breaddoagk Oaka 16 Baas • Oaka 14 Olaaamoa Baa* T Oaka FUlIng 16 OOTB Bnad 4, §, • Caramel Oaka It •raham Bleoolts wttk Yeaet.. I Ohooolete Oaka 10, tl, tt wraaaa Breed t Cheat Cake M •raham Loaf t Cocoa Cake IS Jehnny Oak* 6 Coffee Oaka 11, M Parker Beat* Bolls ( Oornetarek Cake 16 Bella 4 Oream Icing 17 Bataad Bloonlte « Cream Psffe II •alt BUtar Bread S Oream Cake 10 •on Milk Biscuits * Devils Cake 14, 10 Bert Singer Bread f Derili Food «t •teamed Corn Bread 7 Economical Oake M •teased Boetea Brown Bread. 8 Eggless Fralt Cake It Wkela Wheat Bread 6 Every Day Fralt Cake It BREAKFAST AND TEA Favorite Black Oake 10 DISHES. Feather Oake It A Vies Breakfast Dlah 116 Filling for Oake 14 Baaaaa Trlttert 114 Filling with Klokorynuts for— Baklag Powder Pancakes 116 Layer Cake 16 Blaae-Maage US Fralt Oake 14 Baakwkeat Oakee 118 Ginger Cake tO Okeeee Toads lie Gravel Oake t4 Ohesss Btrawa US Hlekorynat Oake It, li Oklakea Oatelet US Hlekorynat Loaf Oake 14 Olaaaaon XelU 116 Iolng 18 Cora Fritter! 116 Jam Oaka t4 Oream Faffs 117 Ladles' Cake tl Oretaettea of Oddi and Znda..ll7 Layer Cake 10, 11 Fraaak Toaat 118 Lemon Jelly tl Fritter* 114 Lemon Sponge Oaka 16 Soma 114 Loaf Cake It Graham Came lit, 118 Marble Oake 17, tl Graham Griddle Cake* 118 Marriage Oaka 0 Griddle Oakee 114 ktarshamallow Filling U Hlekorynat Macaroons 116 Metropolitan Oake It Hot Tamale* 11* Mixed Layer Oake tt Lsttaoe Ham Sandwiches 116 Molaaeea Oake 11, It, 18 tittle Figs la Blaaketa 119 Matioaal Oake SO Mamas lit Hat Oaka 1* Xaah 116 Old Fashioned Tea Oaka IS Faaaakaa 114 Oraage Oake SO Faaaat laadwlohes 118 Flak and White Oaka 14 Fotato Faa Oakea IIS Poor Man's Oaka It Potato BmmsUngs US Pork Oaka It Potato •satis 116 4aera Cap Oaka 11 mtos Oresasttss Hi Xallroad Sponge Oaka IT Staffed OUroe 116 Xocky Mosntaln Oaks U WaaUa 114 AagtCAKESAsajcol OakBaa. * IUt •no•pleBaBcrlptarnw a JellBaOaken y sOakOak Oaksa s IS, I1•TS1* IKDBX 157 p*e* Pace it Salt** P**ant* us Vatfal Oak* so S*a Toam MS Watarmal** Cako 1» SofSMtleas id Wklta Oak* It, 17 Taffy ltl Wklt* Ftmlt Oak* U Taffy Oaady 14* Wklt* Lajar Oak* 18, 14 COOKIES AND DOUGH-' Walt* Keantala Oak* M NUTS. Wklt* P*rf*etloa Oak* 14 Aont >ets*y'a Cookie* *7 Yaait Oak* It BUI Cooklee 81 CANNING AND SPICED Bo*ton Cookie* «7 FRUITS. Brown Sag-ar Oooklat tt Oaaaed Beet* 1S4 Cookie* Wltkoat Ztt* SO Oaaaed Ohorrle* 1M Okrlatmaa Cooklee tt Oaaaed Corn Ml Cream Cooklee M Oaaaed Flo Plant ltl Craller* *•, M Canned Plaeapple It* Doatknata 17, M Canned StrawberrUa 0*ld ltt Drop Cookie* It Oaaa*< ltrawb*rrlM ltl Pried Cake* W, SI Oaaaad Strlnt Buna ltt Prait Cookie* tt Qrape* ltt Otafer Cookie* *7, tt Ploklod Peaebe* ltl, lt4 Slater Bnave SO Pickled Artichoke* IM Good Slater Cooklee tt Rhubarb ltt Hermit or Prnlt Cooklee M Salmi Applee ltt /amble Cookie* II talced •earn ltt Lemon Cracker* tt Spiced Cheniee ltl jtoKlsley Cookie* St Spiced Oarraate 1*4 Kola**** Cookie* tt Spiced Huokleberrlee Its Nat Cooklee II Sploed Peaehe* Its Spoon Oraller* tt CHAFFING DISH DEPABT. Soger Cookiei tt, M MENT. Wklt* Cooklee S7 Oodaih aad Ztt* ltt EGGS. Creamed Oklcken 1S8 DOTlled Ztt* SS Creamed Dried Beef Its Ett Omelet M Creamed Salmon 189 Ett Bint* M Glorl&ed Baretlt 187 Eft*, B«l*« Ityl* II Oyeter Err Omlet 189 Pickled Ztt* I* Poaohed Ztt* wit* Tomato Poached En • II Saae* 187 Scrambled Ztt* M Sweetbread! wltk Peae 187 FANCY DESSERTS. .. aldorf Oyster* 188 An After Dinner Sweat 1SS CONFECTIONERY. Ambroif* 114 Almoad Oaady 14* Appetlxlnt Flrit Ooar** ltt Batter Scotoh 141, 142 A Hovel Deeiert 1SS Centennial Drop* 141 Apple loe lit Coooaant Candy 14i Bararlan Cream Ill Cream Oaady 141 Cherry Tarte IM Cracker Jack 148, 144 Chocolate Ice Cream IIS Ttaffy Xaflei 14* Currant, Xanberrr or Straw­ Fraaek Cream Candy 144 berry Wklp 18* IMf* 14* Proton Tattl Fruttl lit Honey Oaady 144 Pratt loe Ill Baal* Oaady 14* Pralt Blanc Xante ltl KankjaaUcw Fadf e 145 Fruit Deiaert Ill aUaU radf, 14* Prolt Panob ISt SoTVsSs* 148 Pralt Salad ltt, Ml Orap* Jnlc* Frapp* MS P*aaa* Oaady 1" P**•»••t «*«* BOMa Baip U 14US* IHearealM Oraay a Xaak 1ST, MS, MMSl 158 INDEX Paee Pane Italian Orang* loo Oream 117 Oar* for Foloa 188 load Ohooolat* 1*7 Cold Sorea 18* Lemon loo 1*5 Oar* for Tonallltla 18* Lemon Cream 1*8 Care for Snake Bite 168 L*mon Sherbet 1*7 Caring Fork or Other Meat a.. 168 Lemon lee Oream ISO Chicken Lloe 188 Milk Sherbet 1*5 DlalnfMtant 151 Marehmallow* US Syeentary 146 Maple Ioa 1*4 E(( Note 160 Vat Sherbet 1*8 Ear Ache 159 Nut Salad 1*9 For Oroap 147, 161 Orang* Ioe 181 For Cong-h 160 Orange Float 1*8 For Tooth Ache 161 Orange Sherbet 1*6 For Maehlng Potatoei 163 Pineapple lee 1*5 For Spralna 168 Pineapple lee Cream 184 For Inflamed Eyea 149 Pineapple Sherbet 1*7 For Oollo 149 Pmnoh IS* For Cracked Llpa 149 Prane Compo 181 For Xrytlpelaa 149 Prue Whip 1*6, 1*7 For Eoup In Chlokena 147 Raliln Sandwich 1*6 Furniture Pollah 165 Raapberry Cream 183 Grail Stain* 161 8now Bourne 181 Home Made Vinegar 164 Strawberry Foam 184 Ink Stalna 160 Strawberry toe Cream 180 luflamatlon of Stomach and Taploea Cream 18S Bowel* 168 Tyfoea Seaaert 1*6 Lime Water and Milk 160 Whipped Cream 13* Llnament for Rhenmatlim 160 FISH AND OYSTERS. Muatard Flatter 161 Baked Baaa 79 Poultice for Boll 161 Baked White Flah 80 Preoerrlng Zgga 163, 166 Boiled Bui 80 Pn*umonla 146 Oodflah Ball* 78 Qalnay 148 Creamed Oodnah SO Recipe for a Happy Day 147 Creamed Orator* 8* Recipe for Quarreling 149 Eeealloned Ovatera 81 Kemedy for Spralna 149 Fried Oyatara 8* Rice Water 149 Orator Omelet 8* Rheumatlam Cure 168 OratorHOME PIREMEDIES* . 8* Mint Worm 16* OyiteBotla r anRoaad Felont * ...U8S* Rule for Stalna 16* PickleBan* d Oyetera ...18881 Sugar Cored Meata 163 ...149 Sure Our* for Ague 16* SalmoBaffalno LoaBoff* ...1479, 870 OroaSalmop n Paffa 81 SaWe 147 _ 147 Tar Smoke for Diphtheria 161 CleaialnScallopeOoBTalaloadg aSoSalmo lna ThroaChildren t n 1488 To Fry Zel* 81 Tooth Powder 148 Oar* for Alooholltm ISO To Stop Noae Bleeding 148 Cholera Mixture ISO To Mend China 1*8 Oamaat for Karkl* 1M To Beautify the Hair .149 Ooaga R*etp* 181 To Waah Windowa 14* •*» f*t •mtB* ui To Clean Tinware 148 To Remove Raat 147, 149 Take Fire oat of Burnt 160 To Preaerre Effge 161, 165 To Stop Hiccough! 151, 153 To Keep Fllea from Hor***...16* To RemoTO Keroaane 8pota...l6* To*Staia PeaCleaRemov*l n OnioneFurnitur Milde* we and Trait16 1M8* INDEX 159 Pae* Page MEATS. Pieplant Pi* W BMf iMf n Plum Cobbler ti Brain Outlet* 73 Pumpkin Pi* 88, 89 Chicken Loaf 78 Ealsln Pie 38 Chicken Fie 70 Blpe Currant Pie 37 Creamed Ohloken 72 Bhubarb Pie S3 Delicious Fried Ham 76 Shoo Fly Pie 39 Dried Beef with Cream 74 Short Cake 40 Rank Steak 74 Southern Tomato Pi* 38 Fried Liver 77 Strawberry Short Cake ....34, 41 Frog*, Fried 71 Transparent Pie S3 Head Cheese 74 Vinegar Mince Pie 40 Jellied Meat* 77 PICKLES, CHILI SAUCE Meat* and Suitable Sances 68 AND CATSUP. Meat Balle 70 Chill Saue* 100 Meat Cakes 69 Chowder 108 Pita Feet, Pickled 76 Chow Chow 100 Pot Boast of Beef 78 Cucumber Mangoes 100 Pressed Beef 71 Cuoumber Plokles ..101, 108, 103 Boast Hare or Babbit 76 Dili Pickles 104 Koait Pigeon 78 Frenoh Mustard 108 Boait Turkey with Oyster Frenoh Plokles 101 Dressing 78 Orape Catnip 101 Smothered Beef 8teak 70 Oreen Tomato Sauoe 99 Squab Pot Pie 78 Mixed Mustard Plokles 103 Stuffed Heart 75 Mixed Pickles 99, 108 Sweet Bread* 70 Mustard Plokles 99 Toad In the Hole 71 Pickles In Orape Leave* 108 To Fry Steak 69 Pickled Onions 109 To Fry Fresh Ham 71 Blpe Cucumber Pickle*... 100, 104 Tongue with Tomato Sauce.... 71 Sweet Bellsh 101 To Cook Toncue 71 Tomato Catsup 100 To Boast Beef 79 PRESERVES AND JELLIES Teal Croquettes 70 Cherry Sunshine 118 Veal Loaf 78 Cherry Preserves 109 Veal Cutlets 75 Currant Jam 109 Veal with Oysters 76 Cranberry Jelly 110 PASTRY. Frost Jelly 110 Banana Pie 89, 41 General Kales for Making Buttermilk Pie 88 Jelly 107 Cherry Whang 88 Orape Jelly 107 Cherry Pie 86 How to Preserve a Husband.. 108 Chocolate Pie 89 Pineapple Preserves Ill Ooeoanut Pie 88 Lemon Jelly 109, 110 Cream Pie 84 Orange Jam 108 Crumb Pie 84 Orange Marmalade 109 Custard Pie 86 Preserved Pear* 110 Dried Peach Pie 83 Preserved Watermelon or Elderberry Pie 40 Citron 110 Good Plo Crust 87 Plum Butter 113 Lemon Pie 87, 88, 41 ftulnoe Honey 108 Mince Meat 89, 40 Xaspberry Jelly 107 Mock Cream Pie 40 Strawberry Son Preserves 109 Mock Minoe Meat Pie 36, 40 Transcendent Crab Apple Jelly 107 Orange Cream Pie 34 Tomato Jelly 109 Orange Short Cake 37 Tomato Preserves Ill Peaek Pie 36 Strawberry and Bhubarb Jam.Ill PiPtaear*!e Oras1**11*t * Me W4«10 PUDDINGSApple Pudding.
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