Tyne Bridge Constituency Labour Party Parliamentary Report David Clelland MP www.david-clelland.org.uk 3 June 2005 General Election 2005 I joined fellow Labour prospective parlia- mentary candidates (left) at the launch of the Northern regional Manifesto, and (below right) the launch of the Party’s manifesto for the cities. But it was the workers who were key to the Tyne Bridge campaign. Without their sheer dedication and commitment, it would not have been possible to poll just over 61% of the votes cast. (left with some of the team) Geoff Hoon visits Rubb Buildings, Gateshead I joined Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon on his visit during the election cam- paign to Rubb’s on the Team Valley, an excellent firm that manufactures quickly erected, light- Redheugh Boys Club weight buildings. I met with Les Stokoe and Laur- ence Riley to talk about how best to develop the use of the Eslington Park sports facilities for use by the Redheugh club by some refurbishment and extend- Vaisakhi Celebration ing the facilities to also include social activities, open to both boys and girls, as well as the football. Bensham Sight Service I joined service users at the opening of the Gateshead Inte- grated Low Vision Service at Bensham Hospital. This is a pi- lot project between Gateshead Council, RNIB, the Gateshead I was delighted to join the Gates- Sight Service and Primary Care head Ethnic Minorities Group at Trust which aims not to cure this year’s Vaisakhi celebrations. poor vision but to find ways to As always, a colourful spectacle help improve the quality of life with delicious food - a treat dur- of those who suffer from vision ing the election campaign! defects 3 June 2005 Back comes the Incitement to Election 2005 Parliament Religious Hatred Bill and the In Newcastle in particular, the controversial Identity Cards general election campaign got off Bill. The Asylum and Immigra- to a very good start with all three tion Bill will aim to continue the wards delivering a local newslet- fight against asylum abuse. A ter just before the national cam- Corporate Manslaughter Bill paign officially started. Once the will create a new offence of general election campaign got go- homicide when a management ing we were able to field a can- failure relating to health and vassing team every night, work- safety causes death of an em- ing in every ward in the constitu- The central plank of our election ployee and the Consumer Credit ency at least twice. manifesto was to provide oppor- Bill will bring new protection tunity and security for all, break- against loan sharks. The decision to pay for the intro- ing down the barriers that stop ductory leaflet to be delivered people fulfilling their potential, I spoke in the Debate on the Ad- meant that members were freed extending opportunity to every dress, welcoming many of the up to canvass instead. We were corner of the UK, building strong measures, particularly the com- able to knock on over 4000 doors, and safe communities and doing mitment to build more afford- speaking directly to over 3000 more to combat poverty in the able homes but pointing out households, and we sent out more third world . some of the pitfalls of shared than 3000 letters to voters in tar- ownership housing, and welcom- geted mail-shots. Bills echoing that theme were an- ing the road safety measures but nounced in the Queen’s Speech at hoping for legislation to insist As the canvassing team will con- the opening of Parliament. that cars can only be sold with at firm, Iraq per se was not the main least a nine month minimum issue on the doorstep despite na- Picking out just a few, education MOT certificate. I also and asked tional media attempts to make it remains the number one priority the Transport Secretary about the so. Far more serious was the with the Education and Child- implications for Tyneside of the creeping cynicism about politics care Bill promising reforms to proposed free bus travel for pen- and politicians in general national improve school standards and in- sioners. and local alike, asylum and refu- crease choice, giving parents a gee issues, and law and order. bigger say in their child’s learn- ing and how underperformance In Tyne Bridge, the turnout was will be tackled. 49.3%, a 5% increase on 2001. Constituency The Labour vote represented 61% The Health Improvement and Since my last report, I have at- of the total cast compared to 36% Protection Bill will promote tended the Gateshead Council nationally and 51% in the North healthy lifestyles and help pre- Spring Flower Show - spectacu- East. vent ill-health at source. The lar as ever! Last month was NHS Redress Bill will help pa- mainly of course electioneering None of this could have been tients gain redress when they be- and I was involved in various achieved without the commitment lieve that mistakes have been events connected to the election and sheer dedication of our mem- made without recourse to costly campaign - the launch of the Re- bers, many of whom turned out legal actions. gional Manifesto, for instance, a night after night to knock on visit by Geoff Hoon to Rubb doors, despite other demands on The Work and Families Bill will Buildings and, two days later, to their time and for some, overcom- extend maternity leave and pay, St James’ Park for a Labour Party ing health problems too. I am and increase parental choice in rally with Patricia Hewitt. very grateful to all those mem- childcare provision. An Incapac- bers who helped. As a result of ity Benefit Reform Bill will sim- I was able to be in the chamber to their work, over the next few plify the benefit structure and of- support newly-elected local MPs weeks we will now be able to fer new support to people return- Dave Anderson (Blaydon) and write to those Labour voters iden- ing to work. Housing Benefit will Sharon Hodgson (Gateshead tified with a view to recruiting be reformed by the Housing East and Washington West) in new members to the Party. Benefit Bill. their maiden speeches..
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